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Marie Sklodowska-Curie Post-Doctoral Positions - Expression of Interest for hosting Fellows

1. Interested host institution:

Universitat de Girona
Institute of Historical Research
Research Group in Prehistory, Archaeological Heritage and Antiquity
(Roman Republican History)
Facultat de Lletres, Plaça Ferrater Mora 1, 17004 Girona
E-mail: /
Tel: +34 972 41.89.45
Web address:

2. Brief Description of the Institution

The University of Girona (UdG) is located in Girona (100 kms. North of Barcelona) and has been part
of the Catalan public university system since 1992. The UdG, which is deeply rooted in Catalonia and
Catalan culture, is one of the primary economic and cultural engines of the region. The University
embraces a universality and openness towards all traditions and cultures. UdG is devoted to
implementing excellence. This can be seen in all its institutions through its teaching and research and
social development including the creation, transmission, dissemination and analysis of knowledge in
relation to the sciences, technology, humanities, social sciences and art. In the least 10 years, UdG
has participated in more than 160 European Projects including 5 ERC projects and several annual
MSC Fellowships.

Research Group:

Prof. Toni Ñaco del Hoyo, a Research Professor of ICREA (Catalan Institution for Research and
Advanced Studies) working at UdG and currently coordinates a large fully funded research group of
25 members and several collaborators all devoted to the history, archaeology and heritage
preservation of Prehistory, Classical Antiquity and the Late Antiquity (2017SGR-1688). In December
2018, for example, a ‘Beatriu de Pinós’ Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Ancient Greek History -Dr
Daniel Gómez-Castro who was a JSPS Research Fellow in Japan- joined this Group for 2 years.

In conjunction with his colleagues, Prof. Ñaco del Hoyo has an excellent record of successful
postgraduate supervision. This includes four PhDs examined and passed at the UAB in 2015 and 2016
and similarly two MA in 2017 at UdG. He is currently supervising five PhD students at UdG four of
whom are working on topics related to the Middle Roman Republic. Prof. Ñaco del Hoyo also renews
his ‘Academic Visitor’ status with the Classics Faculty in Oxford allowing him short-term periods of
study and access to the facilities.

Prof. Ñaco del Hoyo's own research interests lie predominantly with the history and archaeology of
the Roman Republic. He is currently a member of Libera Res Publica, a Network of Spanish Roman
Republican Historians, led by Dr Cristina Rosillo-López and Prof. Francisco Pina Polo. Together with
Dr Jordi Principal (Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya-Barcelona), Prof. Ñaco del Hoyo has worked on
Roman intervention in the ‘Far West’ and its ‘connectivity’ to the Northern Mediterranean. Generally,
Prof. Ñaco del Hoyo has conducted research on Republican taxation, collateral damage, garrisoning
strategies, asymmetrical warfare, military intelligence and logistics, crisis management, international
relations and peacebuilding studies in the Classical World.

3. Please tick the areas of research (as established in Marie Sklodowska Curie
☐ Chemistry (CHE) ☐ Environmental Sciences and Geology (ENV)
☒ Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC) ☐ Life Sciences (LIF)
☐ Economic Sciences (ECO) ☐ Mathematics (MAT)
☐ Information Science and Engineering (ENG) ☐ Physics (PHY)

4. Main areas of interest and research

1.- Roman Republican warfare, particularly in the ‘Far West’.

My intention, over the next few years, is to delve deeper into the connectivity between NE Hispania Citerior
and the Northern Mediterranean both by land and sea (this will be a collaborative work with Dr J. Principal
from the Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya-Barcelona). Our aim is to continue the research already
conducted thanks to a 2015-18 research grant (funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science) which explored the
impact of Roman Republican warfare on NE Iberia in 133-72 BCE. Additionally, with a three-year extension,
we have been allowed to expand the projects’ horizons to new regions outside Roman Spain. Furthermore,
thanks to a recently granted four-year archaeological research project examining the Iberian Ausetanian
region (Osona, Barcelona), we will be able to focus our attention on the hybridization between local Iberians
and external individuals (Romans and Italians), e.g. in sites such as ‘El Camp de les LLoses’ (Tona, Barcelona).
Our main goal is to connect such hybrid sites from the NE with similar ones located Northern the Pyrenees.

2.- Politics, finances, empire building and its collateral damage in the classical world.

In this line of research, focus was placed on the expansion of political and military hegemonies and its huge
costs. This covered the Graeco-Roman Mediterranean with particular emphasis in the Republican and
Hellenistic periods. This resulted in the positively received publication of War, Warlords and Interstate
relations in the Ancient Mediterranean (Leiden-Boston 2018, eds. T. Ñaco del Hoyo & F. López Sánchez) which
attracted a number of high profile multidisciplinary academics from around the world. In this volume, we
attempted to expand our interests in the ancient world adopting new scientific approaches which were
provided by the social sciences. Furthermore, very recently Prof. Ñaco del Hoyo and one of his PhD students
have participated in a workshop (2017) and a conference (2018) on the project ‘Spoils in the Roman Republic’,
organized by the Ancient History Section of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum whose proceedings will be published
this year.

3.- Fostering new research on the Middle Roman Republic.

From 2018, Prof. Ñaco del Hoyo and his current four PhD students based at UdG, will focus their attention on
a specific period of research which will promote a Group of Studies in the Middle Roman Republic. This
informal team will encourage work-in-progress discussions on social, political, and financial institutions,
mentality, and interstate relations of Rome’s history between the third and second centuries BCE. Having
devoted some of our own research efforts to the Late Republic, here we aim to attract new researchers –from
postgraduate to postdoctoral levels- to join us in order to foster new research (and particularly new
approaches) in this period of Roman Republican History.

5. Who can apply?

The deadline for the submission of proposals is 11/09/2019) (*):

• shall be in possession of a doctoral degree in Classics, Ancient History, or Classical
Archaeology, or have at least four years of full-time equivalent research experience;
• must not have resided or carried out their main activities in the country of Spain for more
than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the aforementioned deadline;
• must possess a particular research interest in the Middle Roman Republic, together with a
competitive portfolio of publications such as one monograph, several articles in refereed
scholarly journals, and chapters in distinguished collective volumes);
• must demonstrate leadership skills (organization of events, fundraising)

6. Contact person

- Prof. Toni Ñaco del Hoyo, ICREA Research Professor at Universitat de Girona.

E-mail: /

7. Applications: documents to be submitted and deadlines

- CV
- Letter of interest
- The names and emails of two referees willing to back the application.
- Deadline: June, 25 2019

Please note that:

• Deadline of the next call for proposals for Marie Sklodowska – Curie Individual Fellowships
is September, 11th 2019.

(*) Further details on the Call and additional eligibility criteria can be found on the Participants´Portal

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