Notification of Record - Lawful Notice and Demand For Nin: Aset-Seshat-Maat-Re: EL©™

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Cover letter

(Let right be done, though the heavens should fall)

To: A11 State, Federal and Intemational Public Offrcials,

Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal. Notice to Principal is notice to Agent.


Nin: Aset-seshat-Maat-Re of the famity of EL O
r, Authorized
Representative2 lAttorney-In-Fact3) (Managing Directora) ("Trustees")
(Secured Pa.ry1 (Aggrieved Third Parry,7) (Bailor/Bailees) For and on
ENS LEGIS@, privately owned foreign Estate/Trust out of necessrty, from
'ab inito' to, 'ad infinitum' May Twentieth Nineteen Ninety Six C.E' (AD
INFINITUM), Nun Pro Tunc
c/o P.O. Box 463 Elizabethtown, North Carolina Republic rcar 1283371
qnited States of
America Republic, Non-DomesticA'{on-Assumpsit
Priority-Exempt from Levy, Zip code exempt (DMM 122.32), As Amended
Without reservation of all unalienable rights, none

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rct@sl1r.rur! lsofl^ BhrLdUN'@sl^B

P.O. BOX 2619
Phone: 910.872.7200


uay 15 , zotg

Notification of Record
RE: Accounts/Trusts under account or sub-account No. or EIN No. with all
collateraUproperty Lawfully part of the TRUST held as a foreign Trust Estate 28 U.S.C. 1603(b)(3); 8 U.S.C.
1101(a)(la); 26 U.S.C. 7701(a)(3 J).

DearNiki S. Dennis,

This notice and documents included for your record in the interest of clean hands and good faith.
please file these documents for the record for citation #90G4992, and please provide certified copies to the
Judge, Prosecutor, Bladen County Sheriff and to the rest of the parties involved as listed above.
Until recently I was unaware that there were affairs being managed on my behalf without my
knowledge or consent thaihave been left improperly tended. Now that it has come to my attention that
l) matters are not being handled equitably
2) matters are not being handled with efficiency
3) in many respects matters are not being taken care of at all
4) usurpation of funds is occurring
5) there is rampant fraud and deceit
6) position oftrustee has been left vacant or improperly attenuated
I have waived beneficial position and interest to take a position of trustee to manage the affairs of the
identified by the account numbers
SERINA MAy IIERSEY@ and full control forth hence as indicated and
please return all information to the address above if you have any on hand or is in your care to the
Trustee. All others are now bared from handling affairs in re SERINA MAY HERSEY@.
All contracts
for management or shall
that are in existence for Trust are to be returned io trustee within 14 Business Days
hence. Your prompt cooperation is
be considered vitiated nunc pro tunc, void from inception by the trust forth
greatly appreciated.
notice is in any way in error
This is notice and acceptance via your receipt of this mailing. If you feel this
your concems within 14
or disagree with the cnange in posiion pleasi feel free to rebut this notice with
businesi days or it will stand as fact prima facie'
Furthermore, as Trusteee of MAYNARD MOSES RAYO TRUST
MIINIRO TRUST, our documents will be sent together in one package.

Please find the below following documents attached herein:


1. Aflidavit of Indigenous Status and Nationality

2. Afidrvlt of Fect: Ancwer to the Compleint
3. tr'eeSchedule
1. Entry of PIee
5. Demend For Dismirsd
5. Affidrvit of Revocation of Signeture
7. Publlc Servrnt Questlonndre

ACUAL & CONSTRUCTIVE LEGAL NOTICE [U.c.C. Sg t-201(2t(2fle7)lz

Notice to agent is notice to principle rnd notice to principle is notice to rgent.

"Without l-207, l-309,1-103.6, 3402

qv va
Beneficiary, Secured Party
Creditor In-Fact Holder-ln-Due
LEGIS TRUST & ESTATE@@TM All Rights Reservd
waiving none
vC y/rLv6y avu,r'Vl,y/hv Fro tf?'C ,ovvqlr'r\
Atlan A-Sahurlen A'm of the U.N.N.M. an "Indigenous Peoples", Yamassee Tribe of Native Americans,
Seminole, Muscogee,
Creelg Shushuni, Washita Mound Builders

/rR/r ,/uj[uvx w\/?/>, )or'r'\ qv vc

Nin: Aset Seshat Maat Re of the family of EI BLADEN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT

) CaseNo.:9O 64 qol'7/


The affiant, ,/lJlruvx u\/f /r1 pr'l\ rlv VC, Nin: Aset-seshat-Maat-Re: El,
^R^(my own proper self), d/b/a Serina May Herseyil, and the executive director/trustee
in Propria Persona
of Serina May Hersey Trustil, is a Grand Matron of Mahalaws Lehumaat Atlan A-sahurlen Arm, a
nation-state within the indigenous peoples of the Yamassee Native American Moors of the Creek
Nation, the Mound Builders, better known as 66El Yamesi Asaluy Amrekee Muuraat Shit El
Muscogee A'm El Mund Mustebaneeyaat'; the affiant is a Noble of the Washitaw Nation of Muurs
(Moors), better known as, "Llaxashektun de Dugdahmoundyah," also known as, "Amurru de
Dugdahmoundyahr' which is an off branch of the Kushite Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the
Songhai Empire, which later became the Al-Moroccan Empire; to wit: North, South, Cental America,
and the including the adjoining Islands; upon her inherited Nobility, and upon her private
origine/Indigenous, "In Full Life," status and commercial liability, r, /1?/r ,r'uuJvx uvyr'r\
)or'/,\ qv VC, Nin: Aset-seshat-Meat-Re: El, being duly aflirmed under Consanguine Unity;
pledge my national, political, and spiritual allegiance to my Nuwbun/Iluwaubayne/lVloabite/Moorish
Nation; being the archaic Origines/Indigenes of Amexem/Ameru/Amurru/Al-Moroco/Amaru-
Ka/Amen-Ra-Ka (the Americas), standing squarely affirmed upon my Oath to the 'Five Points of Light'
- Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice and the first nine statues/principles of the U.N.N.M.
Constitution: The Yemassee Moors of the Creek Na6on - Truth, Justice, Peace, Freedom, Love, Joy,
Unity, Success, and Law; deposes as follows:

The affiant is not a lawyer and her pleadings cannot be treated as such. In fact, according to Haines v.
Kenter, 404 U.S. 519 (1972), a complaint, "however inartfully pleaded," must be held to "less stringent
standards than formal pleadings drafted by lawyers" and can only be dismissed for failure to state a claim
if it appears "beyond doubt thet the plaintilf cen prove no set of fects in support of his claim which
would entitle him to relief." Id., at 520-521, quoting Conley v. Gibson, 355 U.S. 41,45-46 (1957).

"Indeed, no more that alfidavits is necessary to make a prima facie case." (See United States v. Kis,
658 F. Znd,526,536 (7th Cir. l98l): Cert Denied, 50 U.S.L.W.21691' S. Ct. March 22, tgBZ.)

l. The affrant attests her nationality is Nuwaubayne wa Amumr Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah. The
affiant is a Tribal Moor and her tribe is the Yamassee Tribe of Native Americans, Seminole, Muscogee,
Creek, Shushuni, Amumr Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah.
vc Y,zfLrOY AVgr'V /,Y r'AY EF tf'P'C )oUV r,,/t r'\,
Atlan A-Sahurleo A'm ofthe U.N.N.M. an "IndiSeDous Peoples", Yamassee Tribe ofNative Artrericatrs, Seminole, Muscogee, Creek,
Shushuni, Washita MouDd Builders

2. According to the Black's Law Dictionary,4th edition, deluxe, the word Moor is specifically designated in the
definition of Land

3. According to the Webster 1936 Universal Dictionary, the word America is defined as an Origine or one of the
various copper color natives found on the American Continents by the Europeans. The original application of
tlle name was Amumr.

4. The book, "Africans and Native Americans," by Dr. Jack Forbes, states, "The slave trade started in
Americr rnd the slaves were trken mostly to Sprin rnd Europe. When the Spanish came to America they
found the Indios flndians), the black people who are with God."

5. Empress Verdiacee Tiacee Tiari Washitaw (Washington) - Turner (Tunica) Goston El Bey (the curent
heiress, by and through blood, and Supreme Sovereign ofthe de Bourbon Estate, also known as The Emperial
Intemational Estate of the Bourbon Hapsburg Empire, later as a whole called The Empire of Amurru
Wrshitrw de Dedugdahmoundyah), wrote in her book, "The Return of the Ancient Ones," "That 85% of the
melinated, 9 ether woolly-hated beings in America were already here before the slave trade. Only 15% of
melinated, 9 ether woolly-haired beings come from Africa." We all come from Africa but there is a suppressed
history of melinated, 9 ether woolly-haired beings being a global people. Pangaea proves that all of the
continents were connected, so migration to and from Africa and to other places was simple and easy. Here is a
picture of Pangaea from an ancient map, please scroll down to page l0: (See (I gave a website link
because there are pictures on the site that are worth a thousand words. Pictures are evidence according to the
evidence code.) The evidence in the above link is scientifically tested evidence of an ancient and advanced
Nubian (misnomer: Black) Civilization interacting with dinosaurs, conducting brain surgery, and even watching
the stars with a telescope. The dinosaurs lived during the Jurassic Era, which was millions of years ago. The
evidence proves that Moors have been here for millions ofyears.

6. Furthermore, the Ra Expeditions: (See*ryandp/RAX.htrnl). The Ra Expeditions proves

that the ancient Tamr-reyeaat (misnomer: Egyptian) Sun-boats were capable of crossing the Atlantic Ocean;
therefore, travel from Ganawa (misnomer: Africa) and to the Americas and other places would have been easy.

7. Additionally, temples have been built and named after Trma-reyeart Neteru (misnomer: Egyptian Gods),
and Nuwaupik (misnomer: hieroglyphics) have been found in the Grand Canyon: (See ).

8. In Oklahoma in the 1800's, a stele of Aaferti Ankhaton (misnomer: Pharaoh Akhenaton) (Amenhotep or
Amenophis IV, falsely known as Moses of the Bible who was in actuality Thufinose IV) was found (See "Ice:
the Ultimate Disaster," by Richard Noone).

9. In the book, "America BC," there is an alabaster egg of a cartouche of Khg Tut found in Idaho: (See
http://wE" I 029-002A.pdf ).

10. The Nuwaubeyne Lehumaat wa Amurru Washitaw Dedugdahmoundyah Muurs (Moors) were
originally a group of Waab (misnomer: priests) from Tama-Ra (Misnomer: Eg)?t), also known as the
Nuwbuns/lVlaurs/Dogon/Olmecs,Mayansflca. The term Washitaw is a comrption of Ursahtaw, the father and
mothers of the mystics. In Egyptian, Ursahtaw is Urrashet, the winged sun disk, which symbolizes the highest
knowledge, the pineal gland being open.

11. Amumr is actually a corruption of Amaru, which is the root Ameri-ca. America is actually a corruption of
Amen-Ra-Ka. It is strange how everything comes fiom Tama-Ra,/Egypt. Well, Tama-Ra,/Egypt was once the
capitol of the world; this was the First World Order. The Aaferti,?haraohs once ruled the world. In fact, the
Aaferti/Pharaoh gave the ancient Moabites (Moors) permission to settle Morrocco, which is now North Afiica.

vC Y,/f LrOY /tVY,r'V,LY/,h.v E)o fRC UVV\,/r,.r\
AtlaD A-Sahurlen A'm ofthe U.N.N.M. an "lodigetrous Peoples", Yamassee Tribe ofNative Arrlericatrs, Seminole, Muscogee, Creek,
Shushuni, Washita Mound Builders

The Moabites migrated to modem-day America, and called her Al-morrocco, which is another root for the word,
America. Their Dominion and Inhabitation extended from North-East and South-West Africa, across the great
Atlantis even unto the prcsent North, South and Central America and also Mexico and the Atlantis Islands;
before the great earthquake, which separated Pangaea, causing the continents to drift apart in their present
location and formed the great Atlantic Ocean.

12. 'El A'zum Danun Mir'aka The 'Great Seal Pyramid'on the back of the dollar is the 'National Emblem
and Insignia' ofThe Moorish Nation/Empire of North America (geographical location). The Great Pyramid is
also the archaic symbol for Civilization on the planet Earth. The honorable Moors' acknowledgement of our
'Great Seal' indicates those Heirs who owr up to, who support, and who proclaim, our 'Free National
Govemment.' Moors who are 'Active' and not 'Passive' in the Social, Civilization, Culture and Custom matters,
involving Law, Order and Govemmental Principles, are hereby entreated to support this aflirmation.

13. Two seals for one government is strong evidence that there were once two govemments. In fact, the two
govemments were formed under The Trerty ofPerce rnd Friendship between the United States and Morocco
-Seventeen Eighty-Seven (1787) - superseded by the Treaty of Eighteen Thirty-Six (1836). This said treaty was
signed by Moors and Europeans to form a two system government for the purpose of free trade, commerce, and
stopping wars over land. The seal ofthe Eagle holding the olive branch and 13 arrows is the Great Seal for the
Europeans. The Great Pyramid Seal ofthe eye above it is the Seal for the Moors. (Refer to Let's Set The Record.
Straightby Dr. Malachi Z. York-El p.155)

14. The Noble Nuwaubayne Moors/lvluurs (Heirs Apparent) are the Natural MembersA.{ationals of the ancient
Olmecian/Nuwbur,/Atlantean/Al-Moroccan Empire (North, South, Central America and adjoining islands) and
are duty-bound to recognize and to support our 'Great Sea[ Sovereign Moorish Govemment and Nation of the
Natural People, and command the enforcement of our Constitution (Refer to U.N.N.M. Constitution p.l I l).
Thus, such organized communication Orders are referred to as "The Great Seal National Association of Moorish
Affairs". The Free Moorish Nation - inclusive ofall the Origine / Indigene Tribes and Provinces of the Nahral
People, etc., are the rightful bearers of the Names and Titles, Ali, El, Bey, Dey, and Al (Refer to U.N.N.M.
Constitution p.l0l, p.113). The Free Indigenous Nuwaubayne Moors/Muurs, by Freehold Inheritance, retain all
Substantive Rights and Immunities; enjoy the exercising of Substantive Rights, and operate upon consummated,
Right-Law, Isonomi - Principles; having vested Constitution - secured Rights and Immunities from taxation, and
ftom Criminal and Civil Jurisdiction by, and of, the Union States Rights Republic (U.S.A.) and its occupying
territories, pursuant to, but not limited to, the United States Republic Supreme Court, and the 'Acts of State' to
wit: "Every Sovereign State (People) is bound to respect the independence of every other Sovereign State
(People) and the couts of one country @eople) will not sit in judgment on the acts of the govemment of
another, done within (the same or) its own territory . . . "

15. The present Union States Municipal and Civil Laws and Codes ofthe Land are an 'incorporated unit ofself-
govemment' established by the political powers of the 'General Assembly' of each State of the Union, and
initiated at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, North America, in the year Eighteen fifty-four (1854). It governs only
the rights and conduct of Tamahuu/pale people (misnomer: white people), Christians and Jews, of the Eighteen
sixty-three (1863) Union States Rights Republic, under the Magna Charta (Charter), the Knights of Columbus
Code, and the Ku Klux Klan Oath. Forever said Union States Rights Republic denies citizenship in the United
States Republic (U.S.A.) to the descendants of the Moorish Nation in the Westem Hemisphere, erroneously
referred to, and 'branded' and mislabeled as, Negroes, Blacks, Coloreds, and African-Americans, etc., etc. In
addition, the Supreme Court ofthe United States (in the landmark case) of"Dred Scott v. Sandford" 60 US (19
Howard) 393 (1857) held that Negroes-whether held to slavery or free- were not included and were not
intended to be included in the 'category' of'citizen' (subjects) of the Union States Rights Republic. Resultantly,
the True Indigene Nobles of the Al-Moroccan Empire (Free Moors), bearers of the Names / Titles, Ali, El, Bey,
Dey and Al, are excluded flom the Union States Rights Republic (U.S.A.) jurisdiction. The True Nobles of the
Al-Moroccan Empire are Sovereign, Private, and Self-Govemed, by 'Right-Law' Principles and customs; and

vc y,/lrJoy Avx/.r'v r.a,"hv Ei, fRc pvvq,/r/.,
Atlaa A-Sahurlen A'm of the U.N.N.M. an "Indigenous Peoples", Yamassee Tribe of Native Americans, Seminole, Muscogee, Cree!
Shushuni, Washita Mound Builders

only obligated to the 'Constitution of the United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors,' our Holy scriptures, namely,
'vc qlr'avua cvy,a,.r,/r\.,' 'vc ,1r'avua flr'qvh,, ,vc qlr'ovua
Ovqr'T,' 'vC flr'AVwa R ,]uJ*,r' ha.,/ r'C,' 'vC \r'*.V,c faF.C vC
,or' V*.,' 'VC ql /" OVlUJa etc. as well as acknowledging the 'Free Moorilh Zodilc
Constitution' - Circle 7 -archaically established by our Ancient Fore-Mothers and Fore-Fathers. Such extended
allegiance and'Obligation' includes'The Great Seal' and the High Principles and Moor-al (Moral) Standards,
embodied in the U.N.N.M. National Fleg and Seal (refer to U.N.N.M. Constitution p.88 and Let's Set The
Record Straight by Al Mufti "Divan" Imperial Grand Potentate Noble Rev: Dr. Malachi Z. York-El 33" 720"
p.139), Moorish National Flag (Standard) - Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice. The True Al-Moroccan
Noble Indigenes of the Land maintain a constitutional and lawful, non-obligatory tax 'Status' and position,
relative to 'Foreign Entity Taxation' (Indigenes Not Taxed) and maintain a non- obligatory respect for the
Union States Rights Republic (U.S.A.), its members, its laws; its ordinances; its codes; it customs and its
traditions, pursuant to: The Free Moorish American Zodiac Constitution - Articles IV and VI; The Treaty of
Peace and Friendship Between the United States a.nd Morocco -Seventeen Eighty-Seven (1787) - superseded by
the Treaty of Eighteen Thirty-Six (1836) (refer to U.N.N.M. Constitution p.67); Resolution 75: Journals of The
House of Representatives; United States - April 17,1933 A. D. - Moorish American Society ofPhiladelphia and
the Use of Their Names; The United Nations "Declaration of the Rights of the Child" General Assembly
Resolution 1386 (XIV), 14 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No, 16) at 19, U.N. Doc. N4354 (1959); The United Nations
"Universal Declarations on Human Rights" Article XV, General Assembly Resolution 217 A (III) of 10,
December 1948 A.D.; "Executive Order 13l07"-United States Republic, North America -The Implementation
of Human Rights Treaties; The National Constitution for the Continental United States, Article III, Section 2;
Amendment V - Liberty Clause; Amendment Ix-Reservation of the Rights of the People; The United States
Deparhnent of Justice Moorish Credentials; Free Moorish Zodiac Constitution, Truth A-l Classified; The
United States Copyright Certificate Number 4A222141 Clock of Destiny; The Moorish Nationality and
Identification Card, Moorish Holy Temple of Science/.1r,(oorish Science Temple Identification Card, Washitaw
Nationality Identification card, and etc.

16. Furthermore, I assert my full birthrights - sovereignty and substantive rights and claim to hereditaments -
being a Sundry Free Moor,Muur and a (Natural Being) pursuant to: Nuwbun-/Moabit€/Moorish Pedigree; The
Constitution of the United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors, an Indigenous Peoples, The Free Moorish Zodiac
Constitution; The Great Seal ofthe Moorish Nation (Ab Antiquo); The Treaty ofPeace and Friendship - 1787 /
1836; The Sundry Free Moors Act of 1790; The 1781 Organic United States Constitution; The Moorish Federal
Financiers Act (Union States Army: 1861 -1863); The 1854 Roman Catholic Magna Charta; the K::ights of
Columbus Code; The Ku Klux Klan Oath; The United Nations Charter, Article 55 (c); The Righs oflndigenous
People: Part I, Articles 1,2,3,4,5; Part II, Article 6; The United States Supreme Cout -'Acts of State'; The
foreign Sovereign Immunities Act 28 USC 1601; et Sequa., The Convention on International Road Traffic -Day
19, September 1949, The World Court Decision, The Hague, Netherlands - Day 21, January 1958 A.D : 1378
M.C. In reference to the Rights of the Natural People and Substantive Rights, etc., the following are pertinent
Supreme Court Decisions, (Stare Decisis) to wit:

17. Under the United States Republic's Constitutional system of Government and upon the individuality and
intelligence of the citizen, the State does not claim to conhol one's conduct to others, leaving one the sole judge
as to all that affects oneself. (See Mugler v. Kansas I 2 I 3 US 623 , 659-40 .)

18. Where Rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule - making or legislation, which
would abrogate them. (See Miranda v. Arizona 384 US 436, 125.)

19. The claim and exercise of Constitutional Rights cannot be converted into a crime. (See Miller v. Kansas 230
F 2nd 486, 489.)

20. For a crime to exist ttrere must be an injured party (Corpus Delicti). There can be no sanction or penalty
imposed on one because of this Constitutional Right. (See Sherer v. Cullen 48'l F. 945.)

vc Y,zllJoY hVXr'V/,Y/hY E)o fRc )oVV\//\
Atlar A-Sahurled A'Br oflhe U.N.N.M. an "Indigeuous Peoples", Yamassee Tribe ofNative Americans, Semiiole, Muscogee, Creek,
Shushuni, Washita Mound Builders

2l. "Lzck of Federal Jurisdiction cannot be waived or overcome by agreement of parties." (See Griffrn v
Matthews, 310 F Supra 341, 342 (1969): and "Want of Jurisdiction may not be cured by consent of parties"
(See Industrial Addition Association v. C.I,R., 323 US 310, 313. )

22.lf any Tribunal (court) finds absence of proof ofjurisdiction over a person and subject matter, the case must
be dismissed. (See Louisville v. Motley 2l l1 US 149, 295. CT 42. "The Accuser Bears the Burden of Proof
Beyond a Reasonable Doubt".)

23. There is documentation in The National Archives in Washington, D.C. and elsewhere that confirm the
Nuwaubayne/Washitaw Moor presence right here in North American lands, thousands of years before the arrival
of the first European(s), and their advanced civilization identified them as The Ancient Ones, geophysical
mound builders (Uaxashaktun de Dugdahmoundyah), and their prior claim to the land was never disputed, evil
deeds stole away their possession of and their control of their Ancient lands, partially identified in the record as
(l) 1848 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the case of the "U.S. Government vs. The Heirs of Henry Turner"
(Tunica), in which the High Court found that "The Neutral Strip" (2,961,983.5 acres of land) was definitely not
a part of the territory ceded to the United States" (Louisiana Dept. of Transportation, 1940), (2) the 1992 retum
of68,883 acres of land by the State of Louisiana (Land Grant #92311991\, designated "Washitaw Proper;" and
(3) "Washitaw Tena" including the Floridas.

24. The United Nations High Commission for Human Rights recognizes the self-declarations of indigenous
peoples, and acknowledges Uaxashaktun (Empire Washitaw) as "The oldest indigenous people on Earth," and
assigned [.lN Grant Applicrtion #215 (1993) to the Washitaw Moors.

25. The United States has recognized Amumr Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah as an indigenous people of North
America and had under consideration in the l05th Congress (H.R. #260), The Guadalupe-Hidalgo Treaty Land
Claims Act of January, 1997.

26.A series of Congressional Bills/Acts and US Supreme Court cases reaffirm national sovereignty for the heirs
of Henry Turner de Bourbon (1848, Case #191: United States v. Henry Tumer's Heirs); and the claim has
been recorded before the World Court at The Hrgue (f996), that since the Treaties of Utrecht (1713) in which
the Spanish de Bourbon had established themselves as the Protectorate of laods known as the Floridas, on behalf
of Amumr Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah.

27. According to The Declaretion of Indigenous Rights, indigenous people are those who embody historical
continuity v/it} societies which existed prior to the conquest and settlement of their teritories by Euopeans. As
well as people kidnapped/sold/bought involuntary to the new World (See The Declaration of Indigenous

28. According to The Declaration of Indigenous Rights, all Nuwaubayne Moors (misnomer: black people) are
indigenous. This means that the affiant is a natural person only subject to natural law and Human Rights.
Colorable Law - De Facto Law (Government/Democracy), which is legal but unlawful, does not apply to the
affrant. De facto Law falls under Colorable Law, which is rules, regulations, statutes, codes, policies, and
ordinances. All natural persons are human beings and sovereigns of the land, because they rightfully own the
land. According to the Black's Law Dictionary,4th Edition, "A natural person is Indigenous or native, the
original or national inhabitant." Furthermore, Statue 12 Section I of 'The Constitution" of an Indigenous
Peoples, the United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors states: "For Al[ Legal Matters, A Member Of The Yrmrssee
Tribe Of Native Americans, The United Nuwaubirn Nrtion of Moors Cannot Be Accused Or Held For A
Violation Of A Political Code Such As The Uniform Commercial Codes, Or Any Other Codes Of Another
Nation. The Yamassee Tribe Of Native Americans, The United Nuwaubian Nation Of Moors And Other
Nations And Peoples Should Take Effective Legislative, Administrative, Judicial, Tribal Or Other Measures To
Prevent Acts Of Tortwe In Any Territory Under Our Jurisdiction."

YC Yr'LVAY AVY,r'V.1,Yr'AV E,O flf;C TOVVq/r'*,
Atlan A-Sahurlen A'm of the U.N.N.M. an "Indigenous Peoples", Yamassee Tribe of Native Americens, Seminole, Muscogee, Creek,
Shushuni, Washita Mound Builders

29. What makes The Declaration of Indigenous Rights so powerfhl? Well, it is a treaty and according to Article
VI of the United States Constitution, "Treaties are the Supreme law of the land." The United States of America
is a part of the United Nations, so the Government is bound by it.

30. Sovereignty resides in your nationality. Your Nationality ties you back to the land. The affiant's nationality
is the Ya:nassee Tribe of Native Americans of the Creek Nation which includes and is not limited to the original
Seminole, Creek, Shushuni, Amurru Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah - El Nuwaubayne A'm.

31. According to lntemational Law, the Washitaw has established itself as a Sovereign lndependent Nation
(United Nations, NIS-21/593) apart from corporate union of 1781 and the corporate United States of 7787 . T\e
land claim of the Washitaw has been affirmed by the Spanish and French, as well as British, pursuant to Spanish
LandGrants of 1762 and 1795.

32. John Jay, the lst chiefjustice of the US Supreme Court once said, "Those who own the country ought to
govern it." The said chief Justice of the US Supreme Court asserted the highest right reasoning possible when he
stated, "Those who own the counbry ought to govern it."

33. The Washitaw Tribal Moors are listed at the United Nations under ttre Indigenous People Organization
Number 21593. This became effective in 1993. The seat number for the Washitaw at the United Nations is 215.

34. According to Federal Law, tle land of the Washitaw has been defined as "Indian Counft5r," and the people
regarded as Indians. Both the people and their land have been placed under the authority of the United States
govemment via the Bureau of Indian Affairs within the Department of Interior, which is governed by both
Executive and Congressional Plenary powers. As a result, the United States has assumed the "Trust
responsibility" for the Washitaw Nation of Muurs (Moors) via Spanish Land Grant of Henry Tumer.

35. The Washitaw Moors enjoy Diversity of Citizenship Jurisdiction, because they are a nation within a nation.
All Washitaw Moors enjoy dual citizenship status. The Washitaw Moors are Nationals of the United States of
America, also known as The Republic, and Nationals of their tribe, which is Washitaw.

36. Moors/Ivloorish-Americansfi\duurs have and possess the unalienable, substantive rights and birthright -
inheritance to our Al-Moroccan names and nationality by Nature's Laws, Divine Law, primogeniture, and by the
recognized Laws of the Nations of the Earth (Intemational). Being the true, ancient, Origine/Indigenes of the
Land (America) -North, being the heart-land of the Moroccan Empire. Moors/Jvluurs are the 'De jure'
Freeholders by birthright, Inheritance and Primogeniture Status; and have, claim and possess the secured Rights
to Travel upon the public roadways, byways and highways of our Continental United States (the Organic Land)
absent of foreign 'colored' or imposed excise taxation constructs invented, by the racketeering States'
Legislators, to abridge and steal Rights belonging to the Natural Peoples. These substantive rights are supported
by, and asserted by, Royal Law; Moorish Law; Moslem/Ivluslim Law; The Law of the Great Peace; The Laws of
Nature; Divine Law; Nature's God; The Laws of Nations; The U.N.N.M. Constitution of the Yamassee Tribe of
Native Americans of the Creek Nation; The Laws of our Holy Scripture VC '11/0trulT C9\NA//1;
The Free Moorish Great Seal Zodiac Constitution; and affirmed by Articles [V and VI of the Constitution
Covenant of 1774 - 1781 A.D. : 1201 M. C., as lawfully adopted for The United States Republic, establishing
its Republican Form of Govemment. Said Constitution established the Peoples' 'Supreme Law of the Land' to
secure the Rights of the People, and to keep govemment bound and in check by Oflicial Oath, and by Official
Bond. Down from the Ancients Ones, our Primogenitors, comes the Supreme Law of the Land.

37. That the Organic United States Republic Constitution (derived from Ancient Moabite/ Moorish Law)
remains 'The Supreme Law of the Land,' and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of
The United States Flag of Peace, pursuant to United States Code, Title 4, Chapter 1; and any law that is
repugnant to the Constitution, shall remain forever 'colorable' and is null and void. (See U.N.N.M. Constitution
p.24-25 and Marbury v. Madison 5 U.S. 137 , 174, 176 (1 803)

VC Y./ll.rOY ,.VV,r'V 1Y r'A\, Ei, f?C Fvvqlr'*,
AtlaB A-Sahr.flen A'El ofthe U.N.N.M. "Indigetrous Peoples", Yabassee Tribe ofNative Americans, Semhole, Muscogee, Creek,
Shushuni, Washita Mound Builders

38. Any Municipal Offrcer, Person, Personnel, Employee or Contractor who violate the Rights of the People or
Nationals are subject to suit in their personal and / or official capacity, to wit: Title 18, Part l, Chapter 13 $241
of United States Codes of Law, "If two or more percons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any
person in any State, Territory, commonwealth, Possession, or district in the free exercise or enjoyment of any
right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or Laws of the United States, or because of his having so
exercised the same; or... If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another,
with the intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjo)rment of any right or privilege so secured - They
shall be frned under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if deattr results from the acts
committed in violation of this section, or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated
sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under
this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death."

39. According to, Title 18, Part l, Chapter 13 $242 of United States Codes of Law: "Wloever, under'color'of
any law, statute, ordinanc€, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory,
Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or
protected by the Constitution or Laws of the United States, or to different punisbments, pains, or penalties, on
account ofsuch person being an alien, or by reason ofher color, or race, that are prescribed for the citizens, shall
be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and ifbodily injury resuls fiom the acts
committed in violation of this section, or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a
dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years or for
life, or both, or may be sentenced to death."

40. Therefore, in preservarion of 'The Rights of Indigenous Peoples' and the Preservation of the Rights of the
People, in accord and defense of the Constitution for the United States Republic of North America and its
Republican Form of Govemment - being the 'supreme Law of the Land'; and primal to the contractual
liabilities, Oath - bound Obligations, and Fiduciary Duties of the Offrcers of the Courts - Federal, State, City,
Municipal, and etc., I respectfully request the enforcement of the De jure Laws of the United States, and all
Treaties made under the Authority of The United States, in accord with Article VI ofthe Constitution; The Bill
of Rigbts; The Declaration of the Rights of the Child; The Rights of Indigenous Peoples; The Universal
Declaration of Human Rights; The United Nations Charter, Article 55(c); The United States Supreme Court -
'Acts of State'; The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act 28 USC 160l; et Sequa., The Convention on
'Intemational Road Traffic'-Day 19, September 1949; The World Court Decisions, The Hague, Netherlands,
Day 21, January 1958 A.D : 1378 M.C.; "Executive Order 13107" - United Staies Republic, Nortb America:
the Implementation of Human Rights Treaties; The National Constitution for the Continental United States,
Article III, Section 2; Amendment V - Liberty Clause; Amendment IX; and etc.

41. Additionally, I respectfully request dismissal of any and all unconstitutional sanctions, claims, or other
warrants or charges made or issued, which are devoid of true identity personages; a denial of 'Due Process' of a
'Trial' by a Jury of my own National Peers; or absent of a verified and lawful Indictrnent, sanctioned by an
assembled Grand Jury; and that I be availed all lawful Constitutional - s€cured safeguards, established by the
Supreme Law; with documented properjurisdiction and venue confirmed and in place.

42. Whereas, there is no question that a 'Bench Appearance Summons', detention, arrest and ticket or citation
issued by a Police Officer or others for traveling with no driver's license, foreign driver's license, not having
current registration, or mandatory insurance, etc., which carries a fine orjail time, is a penalty or sanctioD and is
indeed "converting a right into a crime"; thus violating Substantive Rights. Furthermore, it is reasonable to
assume that these Supreme Courtjudicial decisions and other authority are straight and to the point, that there is
no lawful method for government to put restrictions or limitations on Rights belonging to the People; therefore,
affiant is absolutely immune from such colorable actions and taxation (Refer to U.N.N.M. Constitution Statue
l3 Section l).

vC Y,r'lUOY /IVY./V,LY," h\v E)o fRC FVVqll\
Atlatr A-Sahurletr A'm of the U.N.N.M. an "Indigenous Peoples", Yamassee Tribe ofNative AlrericaDs, SeEioote, Muscogee, Cr€ek
Shushuni, Washita Mound BuildeG

43. Whereas, In light ofthe foregoing Jurisprudence 'Stare Decisis' Supreme Court Decisions, Facts, and Law;
and counter to the negative and 'colorable' social conditions instituted by State Persons of the Union States
Society, there exists a blatarlt 'Want ofJurisdiction' on the part ofthe Union States Rights Republic (U.S.A.), its
agents, personnel, contractors, aJxd assigns. Axioms are legally in force under National and Intemational Law
attending these issues, and this affiant (Natural Person - In Propria Persona) does not waive any rights; does not
tansfer power of attorney; and does not willingly consent to any public trial or hearing in any 'colorable'
tribunal venue or non-Article III, unconstitutional jurisdiction. The Offrcial Oaths, the Obligations, and the
Fiduciary duties ofall accusers and bound 'claimants' to National Law and Order; Civilization Principles fixed
in Constitution Law, still stands. Definition and Truth still Rules. Non-compliance is a Federal and Intemational
Law offence.

44. Therefore, all parties of interest are authorized by this Writ, pursuant to National and Intemational Law, to
honor all substantive rights and constitutional immunities reserved for, and to, this Origine/Indigenous free and
sovereign Nuwaubalme Moor/I,Iuur. All oflicials are to €nlist all available and appropriate measures to ensure,
and assure, that all my substantive rights and constitutionally - secured rights and immunities are not violated,
not breached, nor abridged. The Sovereign, Natural Being, named herein, is not to be arrested nor held for
detention under any 'colorable' circumstances. You are to notiff the active Ministers ofthe Origine/ Indigenous
Moorish Nationals ofthe Territory (Organic Land). The Natural Person named herein is non-obligatory and thus
exempt from Customs, Tariffs, Taxation, 'Owner in Fee' permit-deception Constucts, and from any other
hindrance or restriction of her freedoms, Allodial hoperties, Compensations, Rights of Travel, or Freedom of
Movement on, in, or within, any member or non-member Stat€s of the United States Uuion, etc. The Moor/]vluur
@earer of this Indigenous Peoples' Document) is to be teated with all due respect and 'Due Process'Rights
under the Law. All available and appropriate measures are to be taken to prevent injustice, harm, false arrest,
trumped -up charges, or attack on the Natural Being's Person, Property, Personalty, Conveyances, Freedoms,
and,/or Dignity @efer to U.N.N.M. Constitution Statue I I Section 1).

45. The afliant claims and possesses, by said inleritance and primogeniture, the Freehold Status thereto; all
unalienable and substantive rights, to be, to enjoy, and to act, distinct in my origine customs and cultue; and
determining my own political, social, and economic status of the State. Tuming my heart and mind back to my
ancient mothers and fathers - Moors/1r,Iuurs, by divine and nahlral right. The affiant as a Moorish Americar has
and possesses the intemationally recognized rights to determine her own 'Status of the State' absent of threat,
coercion, or acquiescence to a Color-of-Law, a Color-of-OfEce, nor to be subjected to an impos€d Color-of-

46. By leaming all ofthis information, the afliant is not a subhuman Negro, black, colored, African-American,
nor 3/5's of a human being, because all of the said tides or names deal with artificial persons and are not her
said name and nationality; therefore, affiant cannot be classified as such. The affiant has clearly proven that he is
an Origine Indigenous Sovereign of the American Continents; therefore, he is a Natural Person, a Naoral Being,
enjoying, "In Full Life," status. This fact makes all contracts entered by the artificial person, formerly known as,
Serina May Hersey, null and void, because sovereigns have unalienable nah.ral rights under Natural Law. Un-a-
lien-able means that no liens can be placed against the affiant. It is common law that sovereigns are absolute
immune from actions and that Natives ofthe land cannot be taxed, because they rightfirlly own the land.

47. The affiant, as an indigenous Washitaw Moor, has the unalienable right of self-determination and autonomy.
As stated in the "Independence For Coloniel Countries And People", a declaration that has been adopted by
the General Assembly ofthe United Nations on December 14, 1968 states, "The subjection of p€opl€s to ali€n
subjugrtion domination and exploitstion constitutes a deniol of fundrmentrl humrn rights, rs contrary to
the chrrt€r of the Unit€d Nation and is an impediment of th€ promotion of world peace and co'
op€rrtion.', Also, the United Nrtions Declantion of Indigenous Peoples states, "Acknowledsing thrt the
charter of the United Nations, the international covenant on civil and political rights aflirm the
fundemental importrnce of the right of self-d€termination of dl peoples, by yirtue of which they freely

VC Yr'*t,oY AVXr'Vl,Yr'AY E)O flRC PVVq/r'*.
Atlan A-Sahurlen A'm of the U.N.N.M. an "Indigenous Peoples", Yamassee Tribe of Native fi6srisans, Seminole, Muscogee, Creek,
Shushuni, Washita Mound Builders

determine their political stafus and freely pursue their economic, social snd cultural development" and
Article III of this document repeats this right. This right is also backed by Article 31, which also gives
indigenous people their independence under "Autonomy or Self Government." So as indigenous people we
have the inalienable rights that a foreigner could not take away, and in that, no foreign govemment can impose
their laws or practices on indigenous people without their agreements @efer to Let's Set The Record Straightby
Al Mufti "Divan" Imperial Grand Potentate Noble Rev: Dr. Malachi Z. York-El 33" 720" p.390).

48. Explicit Reservation and use of 'All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice' U.C.C. l- 2071308, U.C.C. 1-103,
is noted to all Federal, State, City, and Municipal Peace Offrcers; in harmony with State's Statutes, and indicates
the Reservation of My Rights. Whereby, I may reserve my substantive rights and constitutional - secured rights
and immunities to not be compelled to perform under any contracts or agreements that I have not entered into
knowingly, voluntarily, willingly, or unintentionally. I do not accept any actual or implied 'Liabilities'
associated with any 'Compelled - Benefits' of any 'unrevealed' or deceptively-imposed commercial contracts. I,
furthermore, do not sanction any 'unconstitutional' rules or policies, nor acts of Misprision committed by any
U.S. Govemment or State Officials, at any level, claimed by any of them, in the name of the United States
Republic, nor do I assent to any implied colorable policies made by alleged representatives, as being sanctioned
by the People and Citizens. Consider any formerly-assumed constructs alleged to be related to me as being
misrepresentations and thusly 'Cured' forthwith. Let it be known...WHEREFORE, based upon the foregoing
evidence and the authority cited therein, the affiant respectfully requests this Honorable Court to enter an
order(s) recognizing her said nationality and her unalienable rights as an Origine Indigenous Sovereign ofthe
Americas, because affiant originates from the land; therefore, he rightfully owns the land.

l. Additionally, as a natural person, a native, natural being, and human being, the affiant cannot be taxed,
arrested, detained, or prosecuted civilly or criminally in any colorable court of law for the expressed exercise of
any Human andNatural Rights bestowed upon us by ANU ALYIIN ALYUN EL, The Most Iligh, the Highest
(misnomer God, Thehos, Jehovah, Yahweh, Allah), because affiant doesn't belong to the Jurisdiction of the

2. Please enter an order declaring that jurisdiction over the affiant belongs to herself and her sovereign nation,
The Yamassee Native American Moors of the Creek nation (BIA #208/1999): an "indigenous peoples", the
original Yamassee Tribe of Native Americans, Seminole Muscogee, Creek, Shushuni, Washita Mound Builders;
her sovereign tribe, Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah, Muur (Moor), which is a native ftibe of the Republic of the
United States of America; in which, the Washitaw enjoy Diversity of Citizenship Jurisdiction, because they are a
nation within a nation. All NuwaubyaneAilashitaw Moors enjoy dual citizenship status. The Washitaw Moors
are Nationals of the United States of America, also known as The Republic, and Nationals of their tribe, which
is Washitaw.

3. Please enter any and all orders necessary to achieve all of the above, "In The Interest of Justice." The
Respondents have 14 days to rebut this affrdavit point for point. Failure to do so will result in it being deemed
true and correct.

\v vc,
I, being fnst duly swom, under oath, says: that he is the afflrant in this
Affidavit the content of its body; that it is true of her own knowledge, except as to those matters

': .'
VC Y/LVAY AVH,r'VlGYr'AV E,O ff,C FVVqlr'\
Atlan A-Sahurlen A'm of the U.N.N.M. an'lndigenous Peqrles", Yamassee Tribe of Native Americaos, Seminole, Muscogee, Creek,
Shushuni, Washita Mound Builders

that are stated in information and belief, and as to those matters he believes to be tnre (A1l Rights
/ 308. U.C.C. 1-103.).
, €,(-
: El, aka Asset Seshat Maat Re, DBA SERINA MAY HERSEY)
All Rights Prejudice;
u.c.c. t-207 t308, . l-103
P.O. Box 463
Elizabethtown, North Carolina Republic 1283371

to oo ai7
fr day llfiy 2019
4t Notary Public At Large - State of North Carolina.
My Commission expires:

,!! I


Bladen County District Court

) CtretroN No: 90G4992

) frtJ Go"e
Respondent )
/}f,a/l y'ulVX lu.J\'/Yr'r\ P//r\ 9v VC

Nin: Aset Seshat Maat Re of the family

Petitioner ) THE COMPLAINT


Theaffiant, ,,.a/I luvx wvf r'\ 7or',/u, qv VC, Nin:Aset-Seshat-Maat-Re:ElinPropria

Persona (my own proper self), dlbla Serina May HerseyrM, ffid the executive director/trustee of Serina May
Hersey TrustrM, is a Grand Matron of Mahalaws Lehumaat Atlan A-Sahurlen A'm, a nation-state within the
indigenous peoples of the Yamassee Native American Moors of the Creek Nation, the Mound Builders,
better known as "El Yamasi Asaluy Amrekee Muureat Shil El Muscogee A'm El Mund Mustabaneeyaat";
the affrant is a Noble of the Washitaw Nation of Muurs (Moors), better known as, "IJaxashaktun de
Dugdahmoundyah," also known as, "Amurru de Dugdahmoundyahr" which is an off branch of the Kushite
Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Songhai Empire, which later became the Al-Moroccan Empire; to
wit: North, South, Central America, and the including the adjoining Islands; upon her inherited Nobility, and
upon her private Aboriginal/Indigenous, "In Full Life," status and commercial liability, l, n.Ra^ ./llJV4
wvf r'r\ )or'r'r\ tlv VC, Nin: Aset-Seshat-Maat-Re: El being duly affirmed under Consanguine
Uoity; pledge my national, political, and spiritual allegiance to my Nuwbun/lluwaubayne/lVloabite/IVloorish
Nation; being the archaic Aboriginals/Indigenes of Amexem/Ameru/Amurru/Al-Moroco/Amaru-Ka/Amen-
Ra-Ka (the Americas), standing squarely aflirmed upon my Oath to ttre 'Five Points of Light' - Love, Truth,
Peace, Freedom, and Justice and the first nine statues/principles of the U.N.N.M. Constitution: The Yamassee
Moors of the Creek Nation - Truth, Justice, Peace, Freedom, Love, Joy, Unity, Success, and Law; deposes as

The afliant is not a lawyer and her pleadings cannot be treated as such. In fact, according to Haines v. Kemer,
404 U.S. 519 (1972\, a complaint, "however inartfully pleaded," must be held to "less stringent standards than
fomral pleadings drafted by lawyers" and can only be dismissed for failure to state a claim if it appears "beyond
doubt that the plaintiff can proye no set of facts in support of her claim which would entitle him to relief."
Id., at 520-521, quoting Conley v. Gibson, 355 U.S. 41,45-46 (1957).

"Indeed, no more thet affidavits is necessary to make a prima facie case." (See United States v. Kis, 658 F.
2nd,,526,536 (7thCir. l98l):CertDenied,50U.S.L.W.2169; S. Ct. March 22,1982.)

The state has no authority to act on behalf of the people, only a jury can so act, under the pretence of law - Fourteenth Amendment

Section 1. - All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States
and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges ...
l, /rR/l. ,r'wY\. wvf r'r< Pr'r'r\ q v VC,
Nin: Aset-seshat-Maat-Re: El DBA SERINA
MAY HERSEY, one of the people2 of Wahanee, indigenous land of the Yamassee Tribe of the Muscogee/Creek
Nation (falsely known as North Carolina), hereinafter Petitioner accepts the oaths3, and bonds of all the officers
of this court, and moves this Honorable Court to quash for lack of authoritya of personam jurisdiction5 given that
this courts'jurisdiction is barred5 because this is a nisi priusT court, and not a court of record8.


l. Petitioner moves the court to take "Judicial notice, or knowledge upon which a judge is bound to act without
having it proved in evidence". lBlack's Law 4th edition. 19611


'PEOPLE. People are supreme, not the state. [Warint vs. the Mayor of Savanah, 60 Georglaat 931; The state cannot diminish rights of
the people. [Hertado v. California, 10O US 516]; Preamble to the US and NY Constitutions - We the people ... do ordain and establish
this Constitution...; the Revolution, the sovereignty devolved on the people; and they are truly the sovereigns of the country, but
they are sovereigns without subjects...with none to govern but themselves... [CHISHOIM y. GEORGIA (US) 2 Dall 4L9, 4*,1 I Ed 440,
455, 2 DALL (1793) pp471-4721: The people of this State, as the successors of its former sovereign, are entitled to all the rights which
formerly belonged to the King by his prerogative. [lansint v. Smith, 4 Wend. 9 (N.Y.) (1829), 21 Am. Dec. 89 10C Const. law Sec. 298;
18 C Em.Dom. Sec. 3, 228; 37 C Nav.Wat. Sec. 219; l{uls Sec. 167;8 C Wharues Sec. 3, ZJ ' CONSTITUTION FOR THE UTUTED STATES
OF AMERICA: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility,
provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do
ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. ' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COI{STITUTIOI{: We, the
people of the State of North Carolina, grateful to Almighty God, the Sovereign Ruler of Nations, for the preservation of the
American Union and the existence of our civil, political and religious liberties, and acknowledging our dependence upon
Him for the continuance of those blessings to us and our posterity, do, for the more certain security thereof and for the
better government of this State, ordain and establish this Constitution.
Both constitutions (and the constitution of any real republic) the operative word is "establish." The People existed in their own
individual sovereignty before the constitution was enabled. When the People "establish" a constitution, there is nothing in the word
"establish" that signifies that they have yielded any of their sovereignty to the agency they have created. To interpret othenivise would
convert the republic into a democracy (Republic vs. Democracy;),
Oaths: Article Vl: "This Constitution, and the laws of the United States... shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every
State shall be bound thereby; anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding... All executive and
judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by oath or affirmation to support this Constitution."
euTxoRlff. [Black's Law 4th edition, 1891] Permission. lPeopte v. Howard, 31 Gl.App. 35S, 160 P. 697,701t. Control over,
jurisdiction. [State v. Home Brewing Co. of lndian-apolis, 182 lnd. 75, 105 tt.E. 909, 916].
JUnISDlcflON. [Bouvier's Law, 1855 Edition] A power constitutionally conferred upon a judge or magistrate, to take cognizance of,
and decide causes according to law, and to carry his sentence into execution. [6 Pet. 591: 9John. 2391.
BARRED. Obstructed by a bar; subject to hindrance or obstruction by a bar or barrier which, if interposed, will prevent legal redress or
recovery; as, when it is said that a claim or cause of action is "barred by the statute of limitations." Wilson v. Knox County, 132 Mo. 387,
34 S.W. 45,477.
' NlSl PRIUS. (Bouvier's Law, 1855 Edition) Where courts bearing this name exist in the United States, they are instituted by statutory
t Count Of RECORD proceeds according to the course of common law
Uones v. Jones, 188 Mo.App. 22O, L7S S.w. 227,229; Ex parte
Gladhill, 8 Metc. Mass., 171, per Shaw, C.J. See, also, Ledwith v. Rosalsky, 2/14 N.Y. 405, 155 N.E. 688, 5891[Black's Law Dictionary 4th
t StaRg oEClStS. [Black's Law 4th edition, 1961] To abide by, or adhere to, decided cases. Policy of courts to stand by precedent and
not to disturb settled point. Neff v. George, 354 lll. 306,4 N.E.2d 338, 390, 391.
STARE DECISIS tt tlott QUIEil iilOVERE. To adhere to precedents, and not to unsettle things which are established. [8? Pa. 2E6;
Ballard County v. Kentucky County Debt Commission, 290 l(y. 77O,1625.W.2d771,77?.1
2. This court "must" adhere to authority, "The doctrine of stare decisis is but an application of the doctrine of
estoppel." lBrown v. Rosenbaum. 175 Misc. 295. 23 N.Y.S.2d l6l. 171;].
3. "Jurisdiction must be documented, shown, and proven, to lawfully exist before a cause may lawfully
proceed in the courts" lStuck v. Medical Examiners. 94 Ca2d 751.211 P2s 389: Maine v. Thiboutot. 100 S.
Ct. 250: Stanard v. Olesen. 74 S. Ct.768: Hasans v. Lavine. 415 U.S. 528; McNutt v. G.M.. 56 S. Ct. 789.80
L. Ed. 1135: Griffrnv. Mathews.3l0 Suoo. 341-423 .2d,272: Basso v. U.P.L.. 495F 2d.906: Thomson v
Gaskiel.62 S. Ct.673.83 L. Ed. 111: andAlbrechtvU.S..2T3 U.S. 1..|


4. This nisi prius court relies on statutes, which is not law, that seeks to controlll the behavior of the
sovereignl2 peoplel3 of North Carolina, who are under common law, not statutes, and who ordained and
establishedla the law.
5. "All codes, rules, and regulations are for govemment authorities only, not human/Creators in accordance
with God's laws. All codes, rules, and regulations are unconstitutional and lacking due process..."
[Rodriques v. Ray Donavan]
6. "The common law is the real law, the Supreme Law of the land, the code, rules, regulations, policy and
statutes are not the law", [Self v. Rhay. 6l Wn (2d) 261]
7. "All laws, rules and practices which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void" Marburv v.
Madison, 5th US (2 Cranch) 137, 180]


8. "The law requires proof of jurisdiction to appear on the record of the administative agency and all
administrative proceedings" [Hasans v. Lavine. 415 U.S. 528.|

9. "No sanction can be imposed absent proof ofjurisdiction" lStanard v. Olesen. 74 S. Ct.768l
10. "Court must prove on the record, all jurisdiction facts related to the jurisdiction asserted." llantanav.
Hopper, l02F2d 188; Chicagov. New York, 37 F Supp 1501.
ll. "Once challenged, jurisdiction caonot be'assumed', it must be proved to exist." [Stuck v. Medical
Examiners. 94 Ca2d 751.21I P2s 389: Maine v. Thiboutot. 100 S. Ct. 250.|
12. "No sanction can be imposed absent proof ofjurisdiction" [Stanard v. Olesen. 74 S. Ct.768l


Rom 9:21 Hath not the potter power over the clay,
" The very meaning of 'sovereignty' is that the decree of the sovereign makes law. [American Banana Co. v. United Fruit Co., 29 S.Ct.
511,513,213 U.S.347,53 t.Ed.826 19 Ann.Cas. 1047.1 A consequence ofthis prerogative is the legal ubiquity ofthe king. His majesty
in the eye of the law is always present in all his courts, though he cannot personally distribute justice. (Fortesc.c.8. 2lnst.185l His judges
are the mirror by which the king's image is reflected. [1 Blackstone's Commentarles, 27O Chapter 7, Section 379.]
" PEOPLE. People are supreme, not the state. [Waring vs. the Mayor of Savanah, 60 Georgiaat 93]; The state cannot diminish rights of
the people. [Hertado v. California, 100 US 516]; Preamble to the US and NY Constitutions - We the people ... do ordain and establish
this Constitution...; the Revolution, the sovereignty devolved on the people; and they are truly the sovereigns of the country, but
they are sovereigns without subjects...with none to govern but themselves... [CHISHOLM v. GEORGIA (US) 2 Dall 479,454, 1 L Ed /f40,
455, 2 DALL (1793) ppa71-a721: The people of this State, as the successors of its former sovereiSn, are entitled to all the rights which
formerly belonged to the King by his prerogative. [Lansing v. Smith, 4 Wend. 9 (N.Y.) (1829), 21 Am. Dec. 89 10C Const. Law Sec. 298; 18
C Em.Dom. Sec. 3, 228; 37 C Nav.Wat. Sec. 219; Nuls Sec. L57;48 C Wharves Sec. 3, 7.1
US Constitution - We the people ... do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
13. "Service of an not confer personal jurisdiction upon a criminal court. Only
appearance ticketrs does
Congress can make an act a crime, affrx punishment to it, and declare court that shall have jurisdiction."
.S. v. B 966 F.Su .1415 l9

t4. "Appearance ticket is not accusatory instument and its filing does not confer jurisdiction over defendant."
[People v. Gabbay]
15. "Service ofan appearance ticket on an accused does not confer personal or subject matter jurisdiction upon
criminal court." [People v. Giusti]
16. "Trial court acts without jurisdiction when it acts without inherent or common law authority, ..." [State v.
17. "Criminal law magistrates have no power of their own and are unable to enforce any ruling." [Davis v.
18. This court does not have jurisdiction or common law authority.
19. "..., every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any
institutions formed by his fellowman without his consent." [Cruden v. Neale]


20. The US Constitution under Article I Section 8 Clause 17 grants court's Jurisdiction under Common Lawr5
or Admiralty or Military tribunal venue.

21. Common law is preserved under the Supreme Courts, and other courts of record, as defined in our US and
State Constitutions.
22. Legislators are authorized under the Constitution, ordained by the people, to write statutes and codes,
enforced as law, to control bueaucrats, municipalities, govemment agencies, elected offrcials, interstate
commerce, but not people, who's rights are unalienablerT and cannot be legislated.
23. "Sovereignty itself [the people] is, of course, not subject to law, for it is the author and sowce of law; but in
our system, while sovereign powers are delegated to the agencies of govemment, sovereignty itself remains
with the people, by whom and for whom all govemment exists and acts Ar:d the law is the definition and
limitation of power." ... "For, the very idea that man may be compelled to hold his life, or the means of
living, or any material right essential to the enjoyment of life, at the mere will of another, seems to be
intolerable in any counky where freedom prevails, as being the essence of slavery itself." lYick Wo v.
Hopkins. I l8 US 356.370]
24. Let the record show this court can only be an Admiralty CourtrE, acting under color of lawre, alleging
jurisdiction over a people, fraudulently applying statutes as laws upon the people.

"Appearance ticket is not accusatory instrument and its filint does not confer jurisdiciion over defendant." [PeoDle v. Gabbay, 670
N.Y.5.2d 962, 17S Mlsc.2d 421 578 N.Y.S.2d 2692 l{.Y.2d 879, 700 .E.2d 56it (1997}l
' "Service of an appearance ticket on an accused does not confer personal or subject matter jurisdiction upon a criminal aoun."
IPeool. v. Giusti.673 t{.Y.S.2d 824. 176 Mis..2d 37711998}l
"Trial court acts without jurisdiction when it acts without inherent or common law authority, Statc v. Rod 72S A.2d 633
125 Md.ADD 42t, ccn dcn 731 A.2d 971,354 Md. 573 (199911
lEouvier's Law, 1856 Editionl lnalienable; incapable of being aliened, that is, sold and transferredj The state of a thing
or right which cannot be sold; Things which are not in commer.e, as public roads, are in their nature unalienable. Some things are
unalienable, in consequence of particular provisions in the law forbidding their sale ortransfer, as pensions granted by the government.
The natural rights of life and liberty are unalienable.
49g134ry. A court which has a very extensive jurisdiction of maritime causes, civil and criminal, controversies arising out of acts
dohe upon or relating to the sea, and questions of prize. lt is properly the successor ofthe consular courts, which were emphatically the
courts of merchants and sea-going persons, established in the principal maritime cities on the revival of commerce after the fall of the
25. Petitioner has not pleaded, and therefore has not yielded jurisdiction to this court, nor can this court force its
jurisdiction upon the people without their consenfo.

26. T\ere exists no sworn affidavit by an injured party, as is required in a common law court, therefore the
Petitioner demands this court dismiss all charges for lack of personam jurisdiction.


27. "When challenged, jurisdiction must be documented, shown, and proven, to lawfully exist before a cause
may lawfully proceed in the courts. lHasans v. Lavine. 415 U.S. 528.| Other cases also such as McNuu v.
G.M.- 56 S. Ct. 789.80 L. Ed. 1135^ Griffin v. 310 Suoo. 341.423F.2d,272. Basso v. U.P.L..495
Thomson v 62 S. Ct. 83 L. Ed. lll
28. "However late this objection has been made, or may be made in any case, in an inferior or appellate court of
the United States, it must be considered and decided, before any court can move one further step in the
cause; as any movement is necessarily the exercise of jurisdiction." [Rhode Island v. Massachussetts. 37
u.s.657. 718.9L.8d. 1233 (1838)1.
29. "Where the court is without jurisdiction, it has no authority to do anything other than to dismiss the case."
v 932 S.w.2d 185 "Judicial action
30. To proceed, in any way without jurisdiction, would be an act of defiance to Supreme Court rulings and
would cause the Petitioner to file for a judicial review and a civil action.


31. "Any judge who does not comply with his oath to the Constitution of the United States wars against that
Constitution and engages in acts in violation of the supreme law of the land. The judge is engaged in acts of
treason". lCooper v. Aaron. 358 U.S. l. 78 S. Ct. 1401 (1958)l
32. "There is a general rule that a ministerial officer who acts wrongfully, although in good faith, is nevertheless
liable in a civil action and cannot claim the immunity of the sovereign". lCooper v. O'Conner. 99 F.2d 133.|
33. "The courts are not bound by an officer's interpretation of the law under which he presumes to act".
[Hoffsomer v. Hayes, 92 OHa32,227 F. 4171
34. "When a judge knows that he lacks jurisdiction, or acts in the face of clearly valid statutes expressly
depriving him ofjurisdiction, judicial immunity is lost." [Rankin v. Howard, (1980) 633F.2d 844, cert. den.
Zeller v. Rankin. 101 S.Ct. 2020. 451 U.S. 939. 68 L.Ed 2d 3261
35. "A judge must be acting within his jurisdiction as to subject matter and person, to be entitled to immunity
from civil action for his acts." [Davis v. Burris, 51 Ariz. 220,75 P.2d 689 (1938)]
36. "When a judicial officer acts entirely without jurisdiction or without compliance with jurisdiction requisites
he may be held civilly liable for abuse of process even though his act involved a decision made in good
faith, that he had jurisdiction." [ittle v. U.S. Fidelity & GuaranW Co.. 217 Miss. 576. 64 So. 2d 697]
37. "No judicial process, whatever form it may assume, can have any lawful authority outside of the limits of
the jurisdiction of the court or judge by whom it is issued; and an attempt to enforce it beyond these
boundaries is nothing less than lawless violence." lAbleman v. Booth. 21 Howard 506 (1859)]

Western Empire, to supply the want of tribunals that might decide causes arising out of maritime commerce. Also, the system of
jurisprudence relating to and growing out of the jurisdiction and practice of the admiralty courts.
" COLOR OF LAW. [Black's Law 4th edition, 1891] -- The appearance or semblance, without the substance, of legal right. [State v.
Brechler, 185 Wis, 599, 2O2 N.W. 1/t4, 148] Misuse of power, possessed by virtue of state law and made possible only because
wrongdoer is clothed with authority of state, is action taken under "color of state law." (Atkins v, Lanning, 415 F. Supp. 186, 188)
Declaration of lndependence - We hold these truths to be self-evident ... Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just

powers from the consent of the governed.

38. "We (udges) have no more right to decline the exercise of jurisdiction which is given, than to usurp that
which is not given. The one or the other would be treason to the Constitution." [Cohen v. Virginia. (1821).
6 Wheat. 264 and U.S. v. Will. 449 U.S. 200.|


39. It is a common "unlawful practice" for town court magishates and prosecutors to meet privately to plofr'n
an answer to a Petitioner, in an attempt to unlawfully maintain jurisdictiona, under color of lawu, in
opposed to studying its contents.

40. Therefore the court should proceed with prudence, forewamed of the following:

4l . It is not up to tle prosecutor to prove jurisdiction, but the magistrate.

42. T\e prosecutor is not to write court rulings.

43. The magistrate is not to meet ex parte with the prosecutor "for any reason".

44. For the magistate to discuss this case with the prosecutor without the Petitioner present would be nothing
short of an entangling alliance, criminal, conspiracy against Petitioner's unalienable rights, causing the
Petitioner to file an action for conspiracy to commit malicious prosecution2s.

45. Ifthe magistrate is not experienced in common law it would be wise to seek counsel from the appellate
court; lawyers and trial court judges generally know statutes and not law.

46. In conclusion, this court is a nisi prius court, created by statutes, sanctioned by statutes, ruled by statutes and
not constitutions. I am one of the people under the law of the land, aka common law, statutes are not law.
This court has no jurisdiction over the Petitioner nor can this court prove otherwise therefore; this court is
barred from jurisdiction in this case.
47.For the officers of this courfu, who's constables are sent out on the highways2T disguised under color of
law28 to kidnap2e people, conspiring to maintain constructive custody3o, and thereby preventing Petitioners'

" usc tg Szct: cottsPIRAcY AeAlusT RIGHts: lf two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person
in any State in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or
" usc c2 t98sr CONSptnACY tO TNTERFERE wlTH Clvll RIGHTS: lf two or more persons in any state or Territory conspire for the
purpose of depriving either directly or indirectly any persons rights the party so injured or deprived may have an action for the
recovery of damages against any one or more of the conspirators.
" USC 42 1983; CIVIL aC'rtON fOR OepRtVlttof Of RtGXtS: Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation,
custom, or usage, of any State subjects, or causes to be subjected, any person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any
rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law.
'o Usc 18
gz4z; ogpRtvATlou or Rrcxrs uuogn coton or uw: Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or
custom, willfully subjects any person in any State the deprivation of any rights shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more
than one year, or both;
" MALICIOUS pRoseculott. One begun in malice without probable cause to believe the charges can be sustained. Eustace v. Dechter,
28 Cal.App. 2d706,83 P.2d 523, 525. lnstituted with intention of injuring defendant and without probable cause, and which terminates
in favor of the person prosecuted. For this injury an action on the case lies, called the "action of malicious prosecution." Hicks v.
Brantley, 29 S.E. 459, 102 Ga. 264; Eggett v. Allen, 95 N.W. 803, 11e Wis.625.
" oFrrcERs oF THE couRt - judge, prosecutor, sheriff, constables (police), or bailiff.
" Hl6HwAY. An easement acquired by the public in the use of a road or way for thoroughfare. Bolender v. Southern Michigan
Telephone Co., 182 Mich. 646, 148 N.W. 697,7O0.; lt includes roads, streets, alleys, lanes, courts, places, trails, and bridges, laid out or
free exercise of her unalienable rights, carries serious consequences. Should this court illegally proceed,
such consequences shall be applied against all officers of this court, in a court of law.

WHEREFORE Petitioner moves this Court to enter an Order discharging tlis case, and retuming all
property, for lack of personam jurisdiction, as is this courts constitutional duty.

Please enter any and all orders necessary to achieve all ofthe above, "In The Interest ofJustice." The
Respondents have 14 days to rebut this affidavit point for point. Failure to do so will result in it being deemed
true and correct.

,')s/L r) N lQv

I, being first duly sworr, under oath, says: that she is the affiant in this
Affrdavit the content of its body; that it is true of her own knowledge, except as to those matters
that are her information and belief, and as to those matters he believes to be true (All Rights
Reserved U -207 / 308, U.C.C. 1-103.).
ot*ru( A. ,v qY tUn

(Affiant, Nin: AsetrstehttiMeat-R€: El aka Asset Seshat Maat Re El DBA SERINA MAY IIERSEY)
A11 Rights Reserved iyitlbrit-P.rejudice;
u.c.c. t-207 / 308, u.c.c.,1.103.
P.O. Box 463 "' :": '
Elizabethtown, North Carolina Republic 1283371

Swom to me on day ,, ltlftf 2019.

Notary Fublic At Large - State of North

My Commission expires 3 ?dZL

erected as such by the public, or, if laid out and erected by others, dedicated or abandoned to the public, or made such in actions for
the partition of real property. Patterson v. Munyan, 93 Cal. 128, 29 P.250.; "Street," "avenue," "road," "public road," "county road,"
and "public highway" are used indiscriminately in legislation and judicial decisions. "Street" or "avenue" commonly applies to a public
highway in a village, town, or city and "road" to a suburban highway, but there may be "roads" in a city or town and "streets" and
"avenues" in the country. City of Spokane v. Spokane County, 179 Wash. 130, 36 P.2d 311, 313.
Color of law - The appearance or semblance, without the substance, of legal right. Misuse of power, possessed by virtue of state law
and made possible only because wrongdoer is clothed with authority of state, is action taken under "color of state law." (Atkins v.
Lanning,415 F. Supp. 186, 188)
" KloNApPlNG. the unlawful seizure and removal of person from own country or state against his will, State v. Olsen, 76 Utah 181, 289
P. 92, 93. ln American law, the intent to send the victim out of the country does not constitute a necessary part of the offense. The
term includes false imprisonment plus the removal of the person to some other place. 2 Bish. Crim. Law, 5 571. See State v. Rollins, 8
N.H. 557; State v. Sutton, 116 lnd. 527, 19 N.E. 602; Samson v. State, 37 Ohio App. 79, 174 N.E. 762, 163; People v. Fick, 89 Cal- :^4/,,26
P. 759; Furlong v. German-American Press Ass'n, Mo.Sup., 189 S.W. 385, 389.

'o CUSTODY. - Detention; charge; control; possession. The term is very elastic and may mean actual imprisonment or physical detention
or mere power, legal or physical, of imprisoning or of taking manual possession. Jones v. State, 25 Ga.App. 635, 107 S.E. 165; J. 0.
Nessen Lumber Co. v. Ray H. Bennett Lumber Co.,223 Mich. 349, 193 N.W. 789,79O; State ex rel. Bricker v. Griffith, Ohio App., 35
N.E.2d 489,491; Willoughbyv. State,87Tex.Cr.R.40,2l9 S.W.468,470; Carpenterv. Lord,88 Or. 128, L7LP.577,579, l.R.A.1918D,
574; Little v. State, 100 Tex.Cr.R. t67,272 S.W. 456, 457; Randazzo v. U. S., C.C.A.Mo., 3OO F.794,797.
Fee Schedule Notice
Oime Definition Act: R.S..469. s. 1.)
Nunc Pro Tunc (Now For Then)

Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent - Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal

An Act Respecting the Legal Meaning of Expressions Relating to Time

Application of Time Act;

nwhere an exptession of time occuts in any statute, Act, enactmen\ law, order, order in council,
rule of courg orde4 by low, rule, regubtion, deed or other instrumeng heretofore or hereafier
enacted uecuted or made, or where any hour or other period of fime is either stated oral$t or in
writing, or any question as lo the period of time arises, the time refened to or intendcd shall, unless
it is otherwise specifically stated, be held to the time reckoned as prescribed by or under this AcL'

Per Application of the expressed time verbatim, such fee schedule for each of expressed time
stipulated in the above-paragraph will be in the amount of $10,000,000.00 U.S. Dollars Ten (Troy)
ounces of .999 pure silver/gold or its equivalent per obstruction of Justice, per partaker of the
obstruction of Justice no matter the party acting in defacto authority; Quoting :Executive order
11110. Fufua Moreno Allodial Nation fee schedule. and 12 USC 411 . Such time will also include
any detainment(s) lawful, unlawful, or otherwise, false arrests, unlawful arests, the hindering of my
freedom of movement, time procured for abuse of due process, errors in the process of service, any
court order or instrument or rule of court from the court that impedes and/or impairs my unalienable
and inalienable rights, fraudulent claims, unsubstantiated claims, and any tavel to or from any court
hearing/venue, time spent in any court proceeding, any law, regulation, deed or any question where any
hour or other period oftime arises, referred to or intended or reckoned as prescribed by or under this
Act under any circumstances will be required for the full emount as recompense hereof assumpsit.
Upon Notice Knowledge and receipt of this contract you have direct and full disclosure to the nature,
intent and cause with knowledge of the facts for the purpose of this Writ and you have willingly,
knowingly, intentionally and voluntarily binded yourself (individually) and/or (collectively) to the
terms and conditions to the liability and obligations of such without being under tlreat, duress or
coercion to bind yourself (individually) or (collectively) to the terrns and conditions hereof. The only
response that will be accepted is a rebuttal in form of a swom Writ affirmed and attested to under oath
and under PENALry OF PERJURY 28 USC 1746. under the laws of the United States"Additional:
'ttowtett v. nose. lq6 U.S. from the person directly affected by this Writ within ten (10)
days after receipt. Yow silence or acquiescence will be deemed as assent and consent to the terms


I certi$ under PENALTY OF PERIIIRY under the laws of the United States that the statements herein
are Eue, correct, complete and certain to the best of my knowledge and not meant to deceive, defraud
or mislead any person, individual, corporation, company and./or business.

If executed without the United States: "I declare, (or certiff, veriff, or state) under the penalty of
perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed this lfdzv ot ll4a{,zots.
"Without Prejudice" U.C.C. -103.6, 3-402 (b) (1) Prejudice/Without Recource

qr*t Ah61 ?,as qv ve

Authorized Representative, Secured Party Creditor Principal,
Attomey-ln-Fact, Holder-In-Due Course,

Under:HJR 75 &HJR 194


h t*rQvW 0&0t" AtfiL 7 Arr/ry,-l ,W

qwrl.tu ttx
Nin: Aset-Seshat-Maat-Re: El
I c/o P.O. Box 463
2 Elizabethtown, North Carolina Republic



7 ) Citation No.: 90G4992
Respondent, ) Entry of Plea.
9 )
vs. )
l0 Date: May l7n 2019
il Nin: Aset Seshat Maat Re of the family ) Time:9:00
t2 )
l3 of El (Affiant, Secured Party) )
t4 )

l8 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on May 17,2019 of the above-entitled court at the
t9 hour of 9:00 AM or as soon thereafter as the petitioner can be heard, while
20 preserving all rights and waiving no rights in the above-tifled action enters the
2t following plea:
22 a

Respectfully submitted,

25 SERINA MAY IIERSEY Dated: 1 , zotl

In Pro Per,
28 By: !t: r'P
30 (Affrant Beneficiary, Nin: Aset-Seshat-Maat-Re: El)
All Rights Reserved u.c.c. t-207 1308, u.c.c. 1-103
3l P.O. Box 463
Elizabethtown, North Carolina Republic 1283371
32 Page 1----
I Nin: Aset-Seshat-Maat-Re: El
c/o P.O. BOX 463
2 Elizabethtown, North Carolina Republic


8 STATE OF North Carolina )

) Citation No.: 90G4992
l0 Respondent, ) Demand for Dismissal for Lack of
) Standing.
ll vs. )
t2 ) Date: May lTth
Nin Aset Seshat Maat Re of the family of ) Time: 9:00 am
l3 )
t4 )
E1 )
t5 )
t7 Petitioner,

NOW COMES the PETITIONER Nin: Aset-Seshat-Maat-Re: El, formerly known
as CORPORATE FICTION, SERINA MAY IIERSEY, by special appearance without
submitting to the Court's jurisdiction and hereby moves this Court to dismiss / strike
the citation(s) frled by OFFICER L A PIPKIN for lack of ratification of
corrmencement, no corpus delecti, no plaintifl and, thereby, a lack of subject matter
jurisdiction. The grounds for dismissal are set forth below.
Respectfully submiued,

Page I
0wrx ,Lf.a& A.z-a-;L clt acv

1. Objection for Lack of Ratification of Commencement. There is no claim.
RULE l7(a) - Real Parties in Interest:
"(l) Designation in General - An action must be prosecuted in the
name of the real party in interest. The following may sue in their
l0 own names without joining the person for whose benefit the
action is brought: An (a) executor, (b) an administrator, (c) a
t2 guardian, (d) a bailee, (e) a tnrstee of an express trust, (D a paty
with whom or in whose name a contact has been made for the
benefit of anottrer, or (g) a parlry authorized by stature.
(2) Action in the Narne of the United States for Another's Use or
Benefit -When a federal statute so provides, an action for
another's use or benefit must be brought in the name of the
United States.
t9 (3) Joinder of the Reat Party in Interest - The court may not
dismiss an action for failure to prosecute in the name of the real
party in interest until. after an objection- a reasonable time has
been allowed for the real party in interest to ratifu- ioin. or be
substituted into the action. After ratification. joinder. or
substitution. the action proceeds aS if it had been originally
commenced b), the real party in interest." (emphasis added)
"There is one form of action - the civil action."
There is neither an injured party nor trespass in the above-mentioned matter,
and unless verifiable evidence to the contary can be presented by the
prosecution, none such exists, and, therefore, the matter must be dismissed.
As all crimes are coulmercial Q7 CFR $ 72.11), and every alleged crime has
2 to have "nature and cause" and must be prosecuted in the name ofthe people
J of the state.
2. There is no corpus delecti.

While this alleged offense or infraction may constitute a violation of state
statute, it was not a crime. As my limited understanding permits, this is a
criminal matter. Notwithstanding, proof of the corpus delecti is required in
all criminal matters as shown in the following case law:

"Proof of the corpus delecti is required in f criminal cases...There
t2 (l) of
are three basic elements in the proof of a crime: the occurrence
loss or injury, (2) criminal causation of that loss or injury and (3) the
identity of the Petitioner as the perpetrator of the crime. However, it is
firmly established in this State that the term corpus delecti embraces
only the first two of these elements-loss or injury and criminal
causation." State v. Hill,221 A.2d725,728. (emphasis added)
"It is true that the above are all cases of felonious homicide, but the
doctrine lof corpus delecti) is in nowise peculiar to such cases; it is
equally applicable to all criminal cases." Srare v. Gelzeiler, 128 A.
240 (emphasis added)

3. There is no plaintiff.

26 This is an adversarial proceeding, and as it is to the PETITIONER's limited

27 understanding, adversarial proceedings require real adversaries as supported

28 by the following case law:

30 "Properly understood the general principle is sound, for courts only
31 adjudicate justiciable controversies... courts must look behind names

32 that symbolize the parties to determine whether a justiciable case or

JJ controversy is presented." United States v. Interstate Commerce

34 Commission,337 U.S. 426 (1949). (emphasis added)

Page 3

4 4. Lack of evidence that the PETITIONER was operating a "vessel" in commerce.


6 It has not been established that the alleged Petitioner is subject to this private
7 law by way of explicit or implied contract. Alleged Petitioner's signature on
8 said alleged citation was made under duress for fear of arrest and was not

9 meant to be a contract with the STATE. The following is yet more case law
l0 to support this assertion:
t2 "The right of the citizen to tavel upon public highways and to
l3 transport his/trer property thereon, either by carriage or automobile, is
t4 not a mere privilege which a City/State may prohibit at will, but a
l5 common right which he/she has rurder the right to Life, Liberty, and the
l6 Pursuit of Happiness." Thompsonv. Smith, 154 SE 579.
l8 "The use of the highway for the purpose of travel and transportation is
t9 not a mere privilege, but a corlmon and fundamental right which the
20 public and individuals cannot be rightfully deprived." Chicago Motor
2t Coach v. Chicago,337 IIL200, 169 NE 22, 66 ALR 834. Ligare v.

22 Chicago,139 III. 46,28 NE 934. Booney v. Dark,214 SW 607;25 A

23 M JUR ('l) Highways, Sec. 163.

25 "For a crime to exist, there must be an injured pafty. There can be no
26 sanction or penalty imposed on one because of this exercise of
27 Constitutional rights." Sheer v. Cullen,48l F. 945.

29 "The right to travel is part of the Liberty of which the citizen cannot be
30 deprived without due process of law under the Fifth Amendment." Kent

3l v. Dulles,357 U.S. 116,125.

33 "Where rights are secured by the Constitution are involved, there can
34 be no rule-making or legislation which would abrogate them." Miranda

Page 4
2 v. Arizona,384 U.S. 436,125
"The claim and exercise of a Constitutional right cannot be converted
into a crime." Miller v. U.5.,230F 2rd 486,489.

"Under our system of govemment upon the individuality and
intelligence of tlte citizen, the state" does not claim to control him/trer,
except as his/her conduct to others, leaving him/trer the sole judge as to
all that affects himselflherself." Mugler v. Kansas, 123 U.S. 623, 659-
OF Nin: Aset-Seshat-Maat-Re: EI
Please be advised that My use of the phrase, "All Rights Reserved without Prejudice",
below My autograph on this document means the following:

(1) THAT I explicitly reject any and all benefits of the Uniform Commercial Code
absent a valid commercial agreement which is in force and to which I am a party, and
citing its provisions herein is only to serve notice upon ALL agencies of govemment,
whether intemational, national, state or local, that they (and not I) are subject to, and
bound by, all of its provisions whether cited herein or not;
(2) THAT My explicit reservation of Rights has served notice upon ALL agencies
of govemment of the remedy which they must provide for Me under Article 1, Section
308 (formerly $ 1- 207) of the Uniform Commercial Code whereby I have explicitly
reserved My Common Law Right not to be compelled to perform under any contract or
commercial agreement that I have not entered into knowingly, voluntarily, and
(3) THAT My explicit reservation of Righs has served notice upon ALL agencies
of govemment that they are ALL limited to proceedings against Me only in harmony
with the Common Law and that I do not (and will not) accept the liability
associated with the compelled benefits of any unrevealed commercial agreements; and
(4) TT{AT My valid reservation of Rights has preserved all of My Rights and
prevented the loss of any such Rights by application of the concepts of waiver or
Page 5


6 It is reasonable to assume that these judicial decisions are straight and to ttre
7 point that there is no lawful method for government to put restrictions or limitations on
8 rights belonging to the people. There is no question that a citation issued by a police
9 officer for no driver's license, current vehicle registration, or mandatory insurance, etc.
l0 which carries a fine or jail time as a penalty. The act is, indeed, converting a right into
ll a crime.

t2 A corporate entity, whether it be a city, state, or of the U.S. Government,

l3 cannot testifu as an injured party and, thus, cannot be cross-examined as an individual
t4 one can speak for a corporation but cannot be an injured party.

l5 If the PETITIONER is to be subject to the alleged "criminal acts", it is

l6 concluded that no act was, in fact, broken.

t7 Because there is no ratification of commencement and no plaintifl the Court
18 lacks personam jttisdiction. Further, without a verifiable corpus delecti, there is no
t9 justiciable controversy or cause of action before the Court. For these reasons, the Court

20 is instructed to strike or to dismiss this case that was filed against the PETITIONER
2t with prejudice.
23 Respectfully submitted,
Y HERSEY Dated: P r'-, .J i r.' 4
26 In Pro Per,
28 By:
(,tn, (t .L'/ zr:, l it )i.'t .t t-' 4:. I c/
lt /
30 L i1 .((,
f-( :L
(authorized sut JurN
Withoutthe STATES
32 North Carolina Republic, the Land, uSA (not a domicile)

34 Page

Page 6

RE:Matter# qP6rlleL
BEFORE ME, the undersigned Notary
qlldutu) a ,nl^B"l on this Y
day of MO* , 2019, personally appeared Nin: Aset-seshat-Maat-Re: El, known to me to be a credible
being and of la*firl age, who being by me first duly swom on his oath, deposes and says:

I hereby rescind, revoke, and/or cancel all signatures attached to the account and./or PERSON with the
name SERINA MAY HERSEY, a social security number, and/or a date of birth on it for anyone who
construes that to be a contract. This includes any driver's licenses. There are no contract terms agreed
upon unless the Court provides any evidence ofa contract with a wet ink signature or the record shall
show there is nothing available to the contrary. Any appearance made is under threat, duress, and
coercion without my consent and by special appearance only.

I explicitly reserve all my natural rights as a natural, free human being under contract law of the Divine
Creator without prejudice and without recourse to me. I do not consent to compelled performance under
any contract that I did not enter knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally. I do not accept the liability of
the benefrts or privileges of any unrevealed contract or commercial agreement.


Respectfu lly submitted,

(ff"(,{ 1/1
.t 'r^'b Qt vv
x frzl -t1

N in : As etse shatMaat - Re : E rsev

qYY (!,,
L4*act lhEb
* a Se d-J ke
(written nae of ffiant)
c/o P.O. Box 436
Elizabethtown. North Caro State Reoublic^ near [28337]
(address of ffiant)

on this 7 day of {!ft'l 2019, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in
and for personally appeared the above-signed, known to me to
co) ttrl T?,+^ts /fr^) 'A

5r*rL AJc O rlCAfu't'nlfi Pg ofl


bc ttc one whoac neme is signcd on this insturunt, end has aoknowledgod to mo thrt hc/she has
ccrcqsed thc samc.


A/tW@,i D- ,^J" ee J
(vri.katqf olNdty)
--l r -'



Itty ommissio apiros:

[Anl,l*oy 3 2oZz-

Pg of2
llnternal use Only)
Did Public
Servant provlde proof
Public Servant Questionnaire Of ldentity?
Yes No

This questionnaire must be filled-out by any public servant before s/he can ask any question of Nin: Aset-Seshst-M&st-Re! El@,Beneficiary. This
Questionnaire is not specific to you, this is the general policy and procedure of the aforementioned private man with all public Servants in any q?e of
public relations. This Questionnaire is provided authorized under federal law, including the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. 552a, tt Stat. 1895, et seq., 1974, as
well as applicable state laws. This is not a failure to cooperate but rather provision to establish the capacity in which we are contracting as well as open
and fair dealing under the Good Faith Oxford, Clean Hands, and Fair Dealings Doctrine. A blank copy of this documont is also on record with the
secretary of State as a matter of public record under Necessity as a matt€r of established policy and procedure.

l. Public servants full legal

2. Public servant's residence:
3. Name ofagency:
4. ID number:
5. Badge and agency Number:
6. Bonding agency and
7. Full legal name ofsupervisor and oflice address:
8. Will you as a public servant uphold the constitution of the United States? _ Yes _ No
9. Will you as a public as a public servant fumish a copy of the law or
regulation that authorizes the action being taken or information requested
in this case? Yes
10. Will you as a public sewant provide in writing, that portion of law -No
authorizing the questions ask6d? _ Yes _ No
ll. Are answers to your questions voluntary or mandatory? Voluntary _ _ Mandatory
12. What will be the effect upon me if I should not choose to answer any or
all ofthese questions?
13. Are the questions being asked being asked based upon a specific law or
regulation, or are they a discovery process? LaVRegulation_ Discovery Process_
14. Ifbased on a specific law or regulation, please state:
15. What other uses may be made of this infonnation?
16. What other agencies may have access to this information?
17. Name of person in govemment requesting this information?
18. Is this investigation general or special? _ General _ Special
Note: by'general,' it means any kind ofblalket investigation in which a number ofpersons are involved because ofgeogaDhy. tvpe ofbushess
income. etc. Bv 'special.' it means anv investigatiou of an individual nature in which others are not involved.

19. Have you consulted, questioned, interviewe4 or received information

from any third party relating to this matter ? Yes No
20. Ifyes, give identity of all such third parties: l.)
(Use back of sheet ifmore area is needed.) 2.)
21. Do reasonably anticipate either a civil or criminal action to be initiated
or pursued based upon any of the information, which you seek? Yes No
22. Is there a file of records, information, or correspondence relating to me
being maintained by this agency? Yes No
23. Is this agency using information on me, which was supplied by another
agency or govetnment source? Yes
24. Will the public servant guarantee that no departnent [other than the one -No
by which he is employedl will use the inforrration in these files? _ Yes
I hereby sign and affirm under penalty ofperjury tlat the answers supplied herein are true and correct in every particular.

Would you like a copy of this completed Questionnaire to be provide to the

Signanre of Public Servant address you listed above? _ Yes _ No

Notice: lf any person or agency receives any request for information relating to the aforesaid, the aforesaid must be advised in writing
before releasing such information. Failure to do so may subject you to possible civil or criminal action as provided by this act and/o other
applicable law.

Public Servents Questionneire Pege I of 1 Form No.: 0

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