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Executive Summary

The Integrated Marketing Communication Campaign was conducted to

identify the effectiveness of the students in AB Communication in terms of

communication skills to be able to choose an institution that will be their training

ground to apply all the aspects of being a Communication student. The goal is

to make the school an infomercial and brochure. The study specifically aimed to

let the students experience the true application of communication in an Institution

and tasked to do the advertising part. From choosing the right institution for

better performance and application of creative ideas and communication, this

includes the parts of the documents for this venture to be able to become

successful. First part is the Review of marketing plan. Under this part is Industry

Review which tells the scope of Holy Child Jesus Montessori School, history of

the institution and its size, current trends and developments. Another thing

under the marketing plan is the Holy Child Jesus Montessori School profile that

includes the name of the Institution, its Mission and Vision and services which

can help audiences to provide a clear representation of the status of the school.

The service profile of the company which tells the different kinds of services

offered, enrollment history, SWOT analysis and key benefits is determined for the

target audiences to be able to catch their interest. Next is client analysis of Holy

Child Jesus Montessori School. According to the school, their consumer or

target audience are parents and children who are seeking for a school that offers

quality education and excellence in upholding the core values of a responsible

individual. The age bracket is from 3-15 years old. Market competitions vary

with rating of tuition fees, offered subject curriculum, services and facilities and

the consistency of quality education.

Second part is Situational Analysis. Under this analysis, identification of

the competitive review of Holy Child Jesus Montessori School among their

competitors, their advantage from their competitors, communication strategies,

strength and weaknesses are involved. Also, situational analysis explains how

the Holy Child Jesus Montessori School do the STP (Segmentation, Targeting

and Positioning) of their services in the market and the communication objectives

of Holy Child Jesus Montessori School like the goals of the researchers for the

campaign and breakdown of the budget. Last part is the creative strategy by the

students who have conducted this IMC Campaign. This includes the target

audience, key product benefits, reason to believe, promise message, tone and

manner plus the IMC Mix. The preferred medium of the students for execution

of the advertisement and presentation is through video and print.

II. Review of Marketing Plan

1. Industry Review

Education in the Philippines has undergone several stages of

development from the pre-Spanish times to the present. In meeting the needs of

the society, education serves as focus of emphases or priorities of the leadership

at certain periods or epochs in our national struggle as a race. Philippine

education industry has showcased a significant growth in the past decade owing

the adoption of the enhanced basic education model. Several programs and

initiatives have been taken by the Philippine government to improve the quality of

education in the country. The Basic Literacy Program (BLP) is a program aimed

to eradicating illiteracy among out-of-schools youth and adults (in extreme cases

school-aged children) by developing basic literacy skills of reading, writing and

numeracy. The Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) Program is a program

aimed in providing an alternative pathway of learning for out-of-school children,

youth and adults who are basically literate but who have not completed the 10

years of basic education mandated by the Philippine Constitution. Through this

program, school drop outs are able to complete elementary and high school

education outside the formal school system. The increasing investments by the

government and other local and foreign agencies for the provision of universal

access to quality education at all levels to the Filipinos are likely to boost the total

number of enrollments and establishments in the education industry in the

Philippines. The Department of Education (DepEd) regulates and mandates the

education system in the Philippines including the curriculum, allocation of funds,

construction of schools, teaching materials or equipment and recruitment of


The former system of basic education in the Philippines consists of one-

year preschool education, six-year elementary education and four-year high

school education. Although public preschool, elementary and high school

education are provided free, only primary education is stipulated as compulsory

according to the 1987 Philippine Constitution. Pre-primary education caters to

children aged five. A child aged six may enter elementary schools with, or

without pre-primary education. Following on from primary education is four-

years of secondary education, which can theoretically be further divided into

three years of lower secondary and one year of upper secondary education.

Ideally, a child enters secondary education at the age of 12. After completing

their secondary education, students may progress to a technical education and

skills development to earn a certificate or a diploma within one to three years,

depending on the skill. Students also have the option to enroll in higher

education programs to earn a baccalaureate degree. The school year usually

runs from June to March, although it may also end in April, depending on when

the Holy Week is. Republic Act 7797 states that a school year may not exceed

two hundred and twenty school days, and that it may only start classes between

the first Monday of June and last day of August. While K–12 private schools are

free to assign the date of opening of classes anytime they want as long as it is

within the prescribed period, K–12 public schools have to follow a stringent

school calendar crafted by DepEd regardless of circumstances.

Figure 2.1
2012 Philippine Education System

The graph above shows the 12 year compulsory new education system in the

Philippines that is divided into Kindergarten, Primary Education, Junior High

School, and Senior High School.

After further consultations and studies, the government under President

Aquino formally adopted the K–6–4–2 basic education system—one year of

kindergarten, six years of elementary education, four years of junior high school

education and two years of senior high school education. Kindergarten was

formally made compulsory by virtue of the Kindergarten Education Act of 2012,

while the further twelve years were officially put into law by virtue of the

Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013. Although DepEd has already

implemented the K–12 Program since SY 2011–2012, it was still enacted into law

to guarantee its continuity in the succeeding years.

As the new system of education implemented in the Philippines, public

sees many flaws, is Philippines ready for this advancement? Other data revealed

a direct relationship between literacy levels, educational attainment and

incidence of poverty. As a rule, families with incomes below the poverty line

could not afford to educate their children beyond elementary school. Programs

aimed at improving work productivity and family income could alleviate some of

the problems in education, such as the high dropout rates that reflected, at least

in part, family and work needs. Other problems, such as poor teacher

performance, reflected overcrowded classrooms, lack of particular language

skills, and low wages. Filipinos have a deep regard for education, which they

view as a primary avenue for upward social and economic mobility. It has

always been strongly viewed as a pillar of national development. A clear

evidence of the value placed on education is the proportion of the national

government budget going to the sector. The Department of Education (DepEd),

the country’s biggest bureaucracy, is given the highest budget allocation among

government agencies each year as required by the 1987 Philippine Constitution.

The 1987 Constitution likewise guarantees the right to education of every

Filipino. It provided that, “The State shall protect and promote the right of all

citizens to quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make

education accessible to all.” Restructuring the Philippines’ basic educational

system through the K to 12 Program is a tough but strategic move by the

government to ensure that it produces competent graduates who can serve as

the backbone for a highly skilled and employable work force.

2. Company Profile


What started out as a joke today turns out to be the formidable

educational Institution of Holy Child Jesus Montessori School of Dasmariñas


The idea of putting up a school is the least of priorities of Mrs. Adoracion

S. Ulan, then a simple housewife who was busy tending on the needs of her

children. Together with some common friends and parents from the school of

her child, they joked on how it is to be going to be like if she herself puts up a

school that was July of 1998.

Incidentally, Mrs. Ulan’s brother-in-law offered her an opportunity to put up

a restaurant with his help on the capital. However, saying that she has no

background in cooking, she declined and offered the idea of why not a school

instead. Thus, the initial stages of planning for this school began.

After a few months of looking for a suitable location to put up the school, it

was decided to be in the lot owned by Mrs. Teresita Camaganacan located in

Brgy. San Agustin III. Construction began in October of 1998 and the school’s

operation started June of 1999. The people whom she planned the school with,

one of which is Ms. Daisy Dejelo, were all very supportive of her to the extent

that they volunteered to take charge of the school’s marketing campaign for the

starting year.

June 1999 saw the start of Holy Child Jesus Montessori. It opened with

157 students varying from kinder to grade six levels. They were guided by 10

school personnel who already included Mrs. Ulan as the school administrator.

After only three years, Holy Child Jesus Montessori opened its doors for

secondary education. School year 2002-2003 marked the beginning of HCJM‘s

High School Department. Likewise, it also marked a milestone in the school

history for it was in the year that the construction of the HCJM Annex Building


With the welfare of students in mind and in heart, Mrs. Ulan solicited the

help of highly experienced educators to help her in molding the principles and

guiding philosophies of the school. Mrs. Josephine Santander joined the school

as Academic Coordinator when the High School Department opened in 2002.

Dr. Fernando Elesterio introduced much innovation in student affairs as the

School Principal. Mrs. Rowena R. Palay further strengthened the academics

and extra-curricular facets of the school as its Vice-Principal.

Currently, at its 18th year of operations, Holy Child Jesus Montessori is

now home for the enrichment of knowledge, skill and talent of 1,104 students and

50 school personnel. From, its humble beginnings, HCJM has indeed come a

long way and is still looking ahead for the years to come.


Holy Child Jesus Montessori is a community of:

PERSONS who try to live truly Catholic values, genuinely concerned with each

other’s needs and those of the larger community, and upholding the Filipino

identity and cultural heritage.

STUDENTS who apply themselves to the study and learning of the truths about

the physical universe, mankind and God.

TEACHERS who are committed to the discovery and transmission of all that is

true, beautiful and good to children and adolescents.

CITIZENS who know their duties to their country and to the world to which they

owe temporal allegiance.

In being such a community, HCJM becomes a center for the training and

education of the youth to become intellectually competent, morally upright,

spiritually vibrant, socially responsible, psychologically secure, living the Filipino

Culture(s), industrious and actively involved in the care of Planet Earth.



is a non–stock, non-sectarian, Christian Catholic-oriented institution founded in

1999 to provide a holistic quality education in the Pre-elementary, Elementary

and Secondary levels for the Filipino Youth in general, and for those in

Dasmariñas in particular. HCJM is also committed to produce students who are

God-loving, God-fearing, pro-people and pro-nature.

Figure 2.2
Organizational Chart

The chart above shows the hierarchy in the management of school headed by

the owner of Holy Child Jesus Montessori School Dasmariñas Inc. Mrs. Ulan.

3. Service Profile

Holy Child Jesus Montessori School is following the curriculum of

Department of Education:


In kindergarten, the pupils are mandated to learn the alphabet, numbers,

shapes and colours through games, songs, pictures and dances, but in

their native language; thus after Grade 1, every student can read on his or her

native tongue.

Primary Education

Paaralang Elementarya or elementary education is the first part of the

educational system, and it includes the first six years of compulsory education

from grade 1 to 6. Major subjects includes Mathematics, Science, English,

Filipino and Social Sciences. Optional subjects include music, arts, physical

education, and health. Private school students may select subjects from a wider

curriculum including religious instruction in the dogma of their choice.

Secondary Education

Secondary education known as Paaralang Sekundarya. The curriculum

is prescribed for both private and state schools. Core subjects are as follows:

Year 1 - Filipino 1, Algebra 1, Integrated Science, English 1, Phillipine History

Year 2 - Filipino 2, Algebra 2, Biology, English 2, Asian History

Year 3 - Filipino 3, Geometry, Chemistry, World History, Geography

Year 4 - Filipino 4, Calculus, Trigonometry, Physics, Literature, Economics

Minor optional subjects include Health, Music, Arts, Physical Education,

Home Economics and Technology. Selected schools present additional


Source: DepEd

Figure 2.3
Enrollment History

The graph shows the increasing rates of enrollees of Holy Child Jesus

Montessori School. It was 1999 when the school started its operation and

exactly 157 students enrolled then from Kinder to Grade six. School year 2002-

2003 marked the beginning of HCJM‘s High School Department and construction

of the Annex Building that get in their way to have many students to enroll. In

year 2005-2008 when the school start the innovation of the school classrooms,

facilities/equipment, even laboratories and accepting more than 30 school

facilitators. It’s the time where students are almost 1,000. In year 2010-2015

when the students increased because of the full innovation of the school and the

good quality education and services they offered. The exact number of students

became 1,104 and 50 school personnel that helps and mandates appropriately

the students for their prerequisites at 2015. And now, 2016-2017 they observing

of what more to transform and need to give focus to in terms of the need and for

the better satisfaction of the students.

Figure 2.4
Breakdown of Payments

The figure above shows the breakdown of payments issued by the management

of Holy Child Jesus Montessori School.

SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis is a useful technique for understanding the Strengths and

Weaknesses, and for identifying both the Opportunities open to school and the

Threats they face. It can also use to get an understanding of their competitors,

which can give you the insights you need to craft a coherent and successful

competitive position.


Dedicated, educated, passionate, Student engagement

committed teachers, staff & (academics & extra-curricular
administration activities)
Curricular variety (quiz bees, Homework/extra-curricular
sportsfest, BSP & GSP, student time management
Good relationship with
administration and parents
Positive image with community
Openness to change
Engagement in the safety of


Social Media (posting the Intense Competition

infomercial on Facebook and
School expansion
Home tutoring
Strengthening the recognition and
identity of school

4. Client Analysis

The target audiences are parents and their children who are seeking for a

school that offers quality education, excellent mind but still upholding the core

value of a responsible individual. The age bracket of their market for preschool

is age 3 to 5, then for primary aged 6 to 11, and for secondary schooling for aged

12 to 15. Market competitions vary with rating of tuition fees, offered subject

curriculum, services and facilities and the consistency of quality education.

Parents wants the best for their child, every parents is wary when choosing a

school that will help their child attain their dreams. The services offering by the

Holy Child Jesus Montessori is really not different than other schools that offers

also only up to Junior High but what makes them edge than to their competitors

is they provide the preeminent services like discounts in tuition fees, fully air-

conditioned classrooms and well developed facilities that is very much at ease for

their target audience they pertain their message to. Also, knowledge acquired

by their teachers through experience and long-term learning is making them

stand beyond against their competitors with guaranteed quality education and

services for all discriminating clients with fair pricing costs.

Strengthening their distinguishability is one way of promoting the school is

through printed media by making brochures to giveaway and tarpaulin that states

all the achievements that the school and students achieved.

III. Situational Analysis

1. Competitive Review

Holy Child Jesus Montessori School of Dasmariñas Inc. maintains its

commitment to provide quality and good service on their clients consistently.

“We want to produce a competitive individual that genuinely concerned with each

other’s needs, setting a higher value of morality on each student and instilled to

him/her the values of a Childian hold,” says owner Mrs. Ulan.

Among the competitors of Holy Child Jesus Montessori School is

Immaculate Conception Academy, Inc., Dasmariñas, Cavite, located at

Mangubat Ave, Burol Main, Dasmariñas, 4114 Cavite was first organized in

October 1947. It opened its first classes of 1st year and 2nd year high

school education in June 1948 with a total of 67 students. And now, 69 years of

operating Immaculate Conception Academy is now the leading institution that

delivers creative, innovative, globally competitive, patriotic and compassionate

graduate who are able to uplift their standard of living and contribute to national

and international development. Immaculate Conception offers Preschool, Grade

1 to 6 and Grade 7 to 12.

Another competitor of Holy Child Jesus Montessori School is Glory

Christian School Dasmariñas Cavite Inc. is a non-stock or non-profit school

business that is located at 153 Villa Catalina Subd. San Agustin 3,

Dasmariñas Cavite. The basis of Glory Christian School education is founded

on the recognition and acknowledgement that God is the author of all truth, the

Creator and Source of all wisdom. Glory Christian School offers Preschool and

Grades 1 to 6 of teaching and strongly believes that providing excellent Christ-

centered education is a mandate from God. Glory Christian School strives to

promote students’ spiritual, academic, social, emotional and physical

growth. Students should be grounded in Biblical moral values thus

demonstrating faith in Jesus Christ, love of God and fellowmen, integrity and

excellence in all areas.

Like what most of the strategies of Holy Child Jesus Montessori

mentioned above, giving a good quality education and services with their target

audience is the very demanding way of the school to trade, position and place

their services they offer among their competitors. Holy Child Jesus Montessori

School believes that quality education puts the child in the center and helps it to

reach his or her full potential and with this requires children’s active participation.

The school do not only focus on offering a good service but also the assurance

that the parents and students will always have an honest feedback and

satisfaction that their children are in good hands. Holy Child Jesus Montessori

School just want their student to be intellectually competent, morally upright,

spiritually vibrant, socially responsible, psychologically secure, living the Filipino

Culture(s), industrious and actively involved in the care of Planet Earth that no

other school all have.

2. Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning

Based on the information gathered by the researchers, they have noticed

that the Institution has no tagline and other marketing tools yet, that is why the

researcher suggested to do the tagline and advertising materials. Tagline is

very essential in an institution/company. A good tagline helps set the school

apart from other school that provide similar services. Taglines also have the

potential to build value over time. When the company use a tagline for long

enough, it can become one of the most memorable parts of their identity. Target

audiences may even become more likely to remember their tagline than the

company name. For this reason, the researchers came up with ideas and

decide a tagline that suits and fit well on the school. “Thriving for Excellence”

that’s what the researchers choose to make the schools’ tagline.

Video advertisement (infomercial) and brochure was also one of the good

advertising strategies the researchers thought of. When the researchers asked

what their strategies to advertise the school, they simply answered that they print

tarpaulins and brochures to give away and posted in the street. They also have

no social media sites to promote the school. They have website but it only

contain the place and number of the school. It was recent when they made their

Facebook site and they just use it on school purposes not on promoting.

Researchers thought of making Infomercial because they are proven to be more

effective in a great extent on advertising and very much needed of Holy Child

Jesus Montessori Inc.; they are a cutting-edge attempt to initiate a great change

in terms of the behavior of consumers. Unlike in regular commercials which do

not offer the target audiences enough time to see what is being portrayed,

infomercials which usually consist of just couple of minutes but leaves the

viewers to give in. Therefore, infomercials have somewhat unconfirmed and

false claims to be able to take effect to the viewers. This infomercial will be very

helpful for the school. They can post it now on their Facebook and Youtube site

and flash on their screen to present if they have events and formal gatherings in

school. This will represent the entire milestone that happens in the school for

past years.

Since Holy Child Jesus Montessori Inc. has been into business for 18

years, the researchers decided to make the infomercial remarkable and highlight

all the good services, facilities, school personnel and students of the school and

this would encourage more parents to trust the school given that they have been

solid and strong institution of giving quality education. This strategy would be

good for the branding of the school because all we want is a school that offers

standard education programs. The use of different media not only print will also

widen the audiences of the school.

To be able to maintain the success of the institution, researchers

suggested to use other media. Social networking sites such as Facebook and

Youtube have become powerful marketing and communication tools. We

believe that using this channel to easily communicate with students and parents

is an excellent habit in this modern era.

2. Communication Objectives

The main focus or communication objective of the campaign is to create

awareness to apprise to our target audience about Holy Child Jesus Montessori

Inc. and about their services and facilities. Make promotional materials like

infomercial and brochure to be used by the school.

A. Proposed Budget for IMC Campaign

The advertising budget is P15,000-20,000 and its breakdown is, P6,000

for manpower/production team, P1,000 for transportation allowance, P10,000 for

post materials (brochure, documents, infomercial).

IV. Integrated Marketing Communication Program

1. Creative Strategy

A. Your Target Audience

The target audiences of the School (Holy Child Jesus Montessori) are the

parents and the students who want a quality service of teaching, good facilities

with affordable tuition fees that will give the parents enough budget for the

education of their children.

B. Key Product Benefits

The key benefit of the school is the high quality of teaching for their

students to enhance the skills and knowledge of becoming a competitive student

at a young age. Trained and experienced school personnel that only want the

best for their students. Holy Child Jesus Montessori believes that “Teachers are

the heart of quality education” and by that they want to strengthen the power of

the teachers and engagement of the students to them.

C. Reason to Believe

The Holy Child Jesus Montessori School ensures and maintains high

quality service of teaching and conducive facilities for the past 17 years with a

reasonable tuition fees that parents can afford. Also they give promos or free

tuition fee to those who has four children or four siblings enrolled at the same

school year. Holy Child Jesus Montessori School producing a competitive

individual that genuinely concerned with each other’s needs, setting a higher

value of morality on each student and instilled to him or her the values of a


D. Promise Message

The Holy Child Jesus Montessori Schools promises to guarantee a high

quality of teaching and maintain the competitiveness of the school for over the

past 17 years. The school wants to give the students high quality education to

help them to reach their full potentials towards their dreams.

E. Tone and Manner

Connect, Thrive and Inspire, that’s the tone and manner of the Holy Child

Jesus Montessori School.

First is to connect like the relation of students to their teachers, the

teachers to the parents, the parents to the school and the school to their

students. Connect them in the community and see the world ahead of them, to

be a responsible citizen, a law abiding citizen that has the care for his/her

residents and an individual that can contribute in the development of our country.

To help them build communications with others and be pride of our country.

Thrive. Helping the student excel by teaching them how to achieve their

dream and make their dream attainable for them easily. Helping them gain

knowledge of things they don’t know, helping them to develop their skills and

abilities and showing them what success truly means with education. Lifting

their confidence and spirit and see them progress.

Last is to inspire. Be an inspiration to others. Be a model that everyone

looks up to. Motivate others to do what they really want. Encourage others and

serve as a leader at a young age and help them to become a responsible

individual, good daughter/son and excellent student. Doing something virtuous

that can inspire someone even in the little things but a big help to their future, like



The researchers preferred mix is advertising through infomercial to be

posted on Facebook and Youtube and brochure because they believe that the

two is the most effective medium in not only in advertising but in the whole

marketing plans and strategy. They have created visual presentation and key

elements to put in brochure to encapsulate the solid connections of the student

with the school and teachers, the achievements of the school and the excellent

mind of the students and by that persuade the parents.

i. Specific objective per IMC Mix


To present information in a more understandable and entertaining way.

This helps in revealing true information about the services in an attractive


To highlight and showcase the students and teachers and their offered

services and facilities.



footage of a prep student walking in the BG MUSIC

footage of a grade school student EVERY MILESTONE IN HISTORY
walking in the corridor. IS DONE BY CURIOUS MIND
footage of a high school student walking THIRSTY OF KNOWLEDGE,
in the corridor. FULL OF VISUALIZATION.


footage of a prep student walking facing IMAGINATION IS THE START OF

the camera. CREATIVITY
footage of a grade school student LIBERTY TO IMAGINE IS FREEDOM
walking facing the camera. TO KNOW ONE SELF.
footage of a high school student walking TO KNOW THEIR COMPETENCY
facing the camera. AND WHAT THEY CAN BECOME

footage of prep student doing their HOLY CHILD JESUS MONTESSORI IS A

activities. COMMUNITY OF:
footage of elementary lecture. PERSONS WHO TRY TO LIVE IN
footage of contest. CATHOLIC VALUES, GENUINELY
footage of high school student reporting CONCERNED WITH EACH OTHER’S
in front of class. NEEDS, AND UPHOLDING THE

footage of student doing science STUDENTS WHO APPLY THEMSELVES

footage of student and teachers. THE TRUTHS ABOUT THE PHYSICAL

footage of student doing research. TEACHERS WHO ARE COMMITTED TO

footage of student in the library. THE DISCOVERY AND TRANSMISSION
footage of student doing reporting. OF ALL THAT IS TRUE, BEAUTIFUL
footage of prep student in classroom. CITIZENS WHO KNOW THEIR DUTIES
footage of student in canteen and in IN BEING SUCH A COMMUNITY, HOLY


footage of student from preparatory to THIS IS WHAT HOLY CHILD JESUS

high school student in the front of MONTESSORI IS ABOUT
footage of student in library WE DEVELOP YOUNG
footage of teacher with student PROFESSIONALS
footage in faculty and offices THROUGH EFFECTIVE FACULTY,
footage in the classroom. AND OUR FULLY AIRCONDITIONED
time lapse of school corridor. WE AIM TO GIVE BIRTH TO THE NEW
footage of student studying. GENERATION OF
footage of student reporting AND CREATORS,

footage in multi-purpose hall. BUT A PART OF INTELLECTUAL

footage in canteen. DEVELOPMENT
footage of playing student (varsity). WE ARE ENGAGED IN MOLDING THE
footage of student doing the Filipino WE ARE COMMITTED TO PRODUCE
values (pagmamano). STUDENTS WHO ARE GOD-LOVING,
group of student review for contest. IT IS THE VALUE THAT ALLOWS
teacher to student review footage. YOUNG MIND
time lapse of school. HERE AT HOLY CHILD JESUS
footage of teachers and students MONTESSORI
footage of students studying. WE VITALIZE CREATIVITY,
varsities achievement WE DEVELOP SKILLS,
student from prep to high school CONNECT
walking in the front of school. THRIVE


To encapsulate the school important information like contacts, website

and services offered in a piece of paper creatively.

Easy to hand to customers and have a specific information of school’s

service offered.

V. Evaluation from the Creative Team (IMC Presenter)

Choosing Holy Child Jesus Montessori School to conduct IMC Campaign

is quite exact but at the same time thought-provoking. Holy Child Jesus has all

the qualifications that we need on our IMC Campaign. At first, the researchers

are having a hard time to connect with them we must call them first on the

telephone whenever we have business talk with them. When we met the

directress and her daughter as the administrator they are very approachable but

you will see through them when we are explaining what our plan and this include

the shooting for the infomercial that they are very strict and really giving

importance not to interrupt the classes. In spite of their busy schedule we are

very pleased for their consideration and understanding to help us to attain our

goals for this project. They are hands on for every document that we will be

needing for us to be able to complete the chapters of our papers and they even

offer us to give the pictures of the important events that happen on the school

that we can put on our infomercial.

Meeting our objectives on our campaign is also one of their most priorities

because they know that we put a lot of efforts and patience in conducting

shooting on their school and it will be beneficial for them. We know that the

objectives we set for the campaign is attained. Having this challenging

experience in communicating with different kind of people, adjusting to their time

and availabilities and driven us to be determined in exceeding their expectations.



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