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Super Veritech-1R— Lawsuit in Disguise

Sensor Head—______/120
Arms— L ______/150 R ______/150
Forearms—L _____/120 R_____/120
Hands — L______/60 R ______/60
Utility Arms — ______/12 ______/12 ______/12
Legs — L ______/180 R ______/180
Lower Legs—L _____/150 R_____/150
Feet/Thrust Nozzles — L ______/120 R ______/120
Wings — L ______/180 R ______/180
Vertical Stabilizers—______/90 ______/ 90
GU-11 ______/180
Wing Hardpoints ____/24 _____/24 _____/24
Pilot’s Compartment ______210
Main Body ______/420
FASTPACK _____/180 _____/180

Bonuses: +1 Initiative, +2 Strike with ranged, +4 to Parry, +3 Dodge, +7 Dodge in space, +4

Auto-dodge while Flying, +3 roll with punch+25% to all piloting in space. All bonuses reduced by
1/4 in atmosphere

GU-11 Cannon— +1 to strike in any mode, 25 bursts, cannot be reloaded in the field.
2d6x10 per burst. Range 2,000 ft

Two Nose Lasers—Only usable in Jet Mode

2d4 single, 4d4 as pair. Range 2,000 ft

4 Wing Hard Points—Pick your Poison...4 times!

3 Medium Missiles 2 long range missiles 1 MLOP of 15 mini missiles Gravity Bomb
2d6x10 40 miles 3d6x10 500 miles 1d4x10 per . 4d6x10 to 60 ft
volley of 1,2,4, all -4 to strike moving target
Radar Jamming Pod Auto-Cannon
lets you jam another item at once 2d6x10 per burst
25 bursts +1 strike

MDS– Hailstorm Missile Pack - 46 short range missiles, can be launched in volleys of 2, 4, 6, 8
2d6x10 per missile, usually 5 mile range

MDS-M4 Mini Missile launch tubes (8 total), launched as volley of 2 or 4

1d4x10 HEAP, usually 1 mile range

LAC-20 Autocannon— automatically shoots at incoming missiles with +1 to strike. 3 attacks

in a round
1d4x10+2 per burst. 20 bursts total. Need to use Weapon Systems to take manual
command of it.
Flight Speed—MACH 14.5 in space w/FASTPack, 12 without, in atmosphere mach 4.8 Cargo: Minimal
PS 38— 2d6+23 punch damage ram 2d8 per 20 mph, uses 2 attacks, 60% knockdown chance against targets near same size.

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