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Mike Pondsmith SKIP THIS IF YOU HATE INTRODUCTIONS Alien Contact. The subjeet of scholarly and sciencefctonal works throughout the ages. The Eternal Dream of Mankind; 10 know, at Tat that he isnot Alone in the Cosmos. This game hes nothing to do with hat stuff This is Teenagers From Outer Space. What's the Game really About? Exactly what the ttle says i is, Stop for 8 moment and think about the possibilities present when several thousand alien teenyboppers from an ‘uncountable number of planets all stat shimming on Earth (The “Fun Planet), Think of it as Easter Vacation at Fort Lauderdale emcts Plan Nine From Outer Space, What other game offers you the unique opportunity 10 ‘cover Manhattan Island in S00 fet of shaving cream? Grow an extra arm ‘your character to improve his "Horizontal Combat skills? Dra race the Starship Enterprise in your fying saucer? Make a clone of yourself who -g0es 10 History Class while you goto the beach? Let your imagination run ‘wildly around in litle crles fora moment; when you calm down, come on tack and well continue reading. Okay? Fine “The plot of Teenagers From ‘wer Space is prety simple Aliens fom Out They enroll thle Kis in our schoo hopin ue shopeing mals hang out in ou fat fod Joints 1's torte he "Leave #0 “twilight Zone”, "The wer Limi” and "Aten. We sid this was simple We did't say made ‘The ist thing an experienced rleplayer wit ice & thatthe "game system" in Teenager is prety simplistic. Most "RPG's Role Playing Games) have very complex rules simlate the ‘ffs of “reais” ia the tame, In Teenagers, yo five people trying obit saher people with hyperspace hammers while theyre ying upside down round the Homeroom. “Anyone who wants reali In this contest should have is ead examined. 1 you can do an Inpersonaton of Ronald Reagan, you ean roleplay. Imperemation of Ronald Reagan playing Jimmy Stewart fm The Gus of ararone, you are a Master Roleplaner. About the Rules (or lack thereof) “There are very few rules inthis game (So why'd you buy it? You bought i because you liked the blonde cheesecake on the cover in the skinight leotard, Now shut up), There are no calculations more complex than addition and subtraction. Very few tables (which s why we despair of ever publishing a Teenagers From Outer Space Official Referee's Screen) Only one typeof dice, and we dort mean 30 siers ether. For you Experienced Roleplayers: Brace yourselves. You're noe _oing tobe able to impress the crowd with your knowledge of 16th Century ppolearms, Around here, a bee de corbin sa smal icecream treat with extra ‘marshmallow on top. You'e just going to have to relax and have a Good, Time. . “The Obtiatory "HF You've Never Played a Roleplaying Game Before” Section This isthe mandatory "start ofthe roleplaying game” section in which the ‘writers assure the tembling novice player that roleplaying ist realy that hard, even though there ae 2.676 pages of closely packed tbles with arcane references 10 "protoplasmic systemic shock damage." For you noviees, ere’ the same concise explanation of roleplaying we give our ‘owe mothers when they ask us, for the hondeth time, "what exactly iis that yu do for ving, anyway Roleplaying is "Let's Pretend” with rules. Cowboys and Indians? Amy? Playing House (with or without the Good Pars)? In Teenagers From Outer Space (or TFOS), you're going to be playing the part of Nice Kid From the Solar System Next Door, hanging ‘out on Earth, No problem. The rules are relly simple. And the oaly person who has 0 worry about them isthe Referee Refereeing "Teenagers" ‘The most imporant person in a Teenagers game isthe Referee (feral, he's the guy who shelled out the bucks for this puppy, which makes him pretty important 9 us ), The Referee isthe person who sets up the game (Hey, Wally! 1 got this rad now game! Wanna play), eretes the situations the other players will find themselves in ('So. In this episode, you find the ene high school has been taken over by Demon Bolivian CCheerieaders with Lazer-Zap guns. What do you want to do~-besides ru?" and isthe final arbiter of whatever rules there are ("t's my game, IT

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