Unit 9 Let's Eat!: Before You Watch

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openMind Level 1

class video worksheet

Unit 9  Let’s eat!

Before you watch

Work in pairs: Student A and Student B.
Student A: Choose one type of food from the box and don’t tell Student B
what it is.
Student B: Ask Student A yes/no questions until you can guess which food
they have chosen, for example:
Student B: Is there any fruit in it?
Student A: Yes.
Student B: Is it an apple pie?
Student A: Yes, it is.

Then swap roles and repeat.

apple pie  ​burgers  ​
chili  ​curry  ​green salad  ​
hot dogs  ​omelet  ​pancakes  ​tortillas

While you watch

1 Watch the first part of the video. Check ( ) the kinds of restaurants you see.
Brazilian Italian Polish Thai
Chinese Korean Seafood Vietnamese
Indian Mexican Spanish Vegetarian

2 Complete the descriptions with words from the box.

aubergines  ​
barley  ​cakes  ​fish  ​
green  ​noodles

Moussaka is a traditional Greek dish. It is a kind of casserole. It has a meat sauce with
(1) and potatoes. The Japanese restaurant has a lot of seafood on
the menu. Sushi and sashimi use slices of raw (2) and there are many
dishes with rice and (3) . The (4) tea can be hot
or cold and they also have oolong tea and a (5) tea, called mugicha.
A traditional afternoon tea includes tea and many different (6) .

3 Choose the correct option.

1 The Argentinian restaurant has a lot of / any meat.
2 It doesn’t have many / much seafood.
3 There are some / any salads with pickled vegetables and olives.
4 There are some / much kinds of fish in the fish and chip restaurant.
5 There are always any / lots of chips.

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014

openMind Level 1

After you watch

1 Tell your partner which restaurant in the video you liked best and why.

2 Work in a group to plan a dinner in a restaurant together. Find out

what kind of food the people in your group like and choose a restaurant
from the video. Decide how much money to spend and what time to have
your dinner.

Over to you
Work in a group to discuss these questions.
1 What kinds of food are popular in your country?
2 Describe a traditional dish from your country and list the ingredients.

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014

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