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Carlos Fernando Agustin López

situations that have told lies or when it is acceptable to tell lies

To take care of the image. There are questions linked with those that are
appreciated, if accepted or implied to save the image. Sometimes defects are
masked and only the best is shown.

For protection. In some cases, they occupy a place of protection. It is about losing
your job, not about a sentimental relationship or putting prestige at risk.

Avoid punishment Faced with the occurrence of a penalty can be incurred in lies,
trying to avoid punishment.

Before the disease. Another crucial moment where the value of truth and lies is at
stake is when faced with a situation of terminal illness of a close person.
ways to detect a liar

Look at me very well. This is one of the most known signs when detecting a liar, and
it is also one of the most accurate. Much of the communication is established from
the look, this can reveal a lot about a person and their intentions. If someone is
unable to hold a constant gaze, he may be telling lies.

Let's change the subject. A liar feels vulnerable and uncomfortable when he is lying.
Even if he is good at doing it or has an imperturbable look, inside all his alarms are
on. Surely seek to quickly change the subject and move to another conversation that
makes you feel less exposed. Do not leave him out, insist on the subject they are
dealing with.

Defensive attitude When the liar feels he has no escape, he defends himself. If he
were talking to you about something that actually happened, he would not bother
repeating the story or giving you all the details you ask for.

cutting-edge technology Nowadays it is much easier to tell lies through a screen or

by phone.

Tone and speed. When someone lies, they tend to alter the tone and rhythm with
which they usually speak.

The neck, the ears and the hands. These are the parts of the body that a liar will
repeatedly touch if he is nervous or feels that he will soon be caught.
1. Para cuidar la imagen. Hay mentiras vinculadas con querer agradar, de ser
aceptado o que implican salvar la imagen. A veces se enmascaran los defectos y
sólo se muestra lo mejor.

2. Por protección. En algunos casos, ocupan un lugar de protección. Se tiene

temor de perder un trabajo , de no continuar una relación sentimental o de poner
en riesgo el prestigio.

3. Evitar un castigo. Ante la ocurrencia de una sanción se puede incurrir en

mentiras, tratando de esquivar el castigo.

4. Ante la enfermedad. Otro momento crucial donde se pone en juego el valor de

la verdad y la mentira es cuando se enfrenta una situación de enfermedad terminal
de una persona cercana.

Actitud defensiva. Cuando el mentiroso siente que no tiene más escape, se

defiende. Si estuviera hablándote sobre algo que en realidad sucedió, no se
molestaría en repetir la historia o darte todos los detalles que pides.

tecnología de punta. Hoy en día es mucho más fácil decir mentiras a través de una
pantalla o por teléfono.

Tono y velocidad. Cuando alguien miente tiende a alterar el tono y el ritmo con los
que normalmente habla.

El cuello, las orejas y las manos. Estas son las partes del cuerpo que un mentiroso
tocará repetidamente si está nervioso o siente que pronto lo van a atrapar.

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