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2.Up to 90% of their body weight comes

from ...
5. Smoking can cause ...
8. Cardiac ... is when heart suddenly stops
pumping blood around your body
10. Right atrioventricular valve
12. body fluid that delivers nutrients and
oxygen to the cells and transports
metabolic waste products away from those
same cells
13. Big, meaningful, large, has range of
14. Blood vessels that carry blood toward
the heart
15. Blood-filled balloon-like bulge in the
wall of a blood vessel


1. Medical ... is a note which containing the patient's disease history

3. The main artery in the human body
4. A bundle of fibers that receives and sends messages between the body and the brain
6. a blood vessel that takes blood from the heart to all parts of the body
7. Membrane fold in the canal to prevent backflow of blood
9. A slippery aqueous secretion
11. the sensation that your heart has skipped a beat or added an extra beat
14. The longest cranial nerve that have autonomic function

by Nila Aisyah Wahyuni


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