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Teach Your Children

Teach Your Children

You must love Jehovah your God with all your heart
and all your soul and all your strength. These words
that I am commanding you today must be on your
heart, and you must inculcate them in your sons
and speak of them when you sit in your house and
when you walk on the road and when you lie

down and when you get up.
Table of Contents


1 A Secret That We Are Happy to Know ....................................... 4

2 Rebekah Wanted to Make Jehovah Happy................................ 6

3 Rahab Believed in Jehovah ....................................................... 8

4 She Made Her Father and Jehovah Happy ................................ 10

5 Samuel Kept Doing What Was Right ........................................ 12

6 David Was Not Afraid ............................................................... 14

7 Do You Ever Feel Lonely and Afraid? ........................................ 16

8 Josiah Had Good Friends .......................................................... 18

9 Jeremiah Did Not Stop Speaking About Jehovah ...................... 20

10 Jesus Always Obeyed ................................................................ 22

11 They Wrote About Jesus ........................................................... 24

12 Paul’s Nephew Was Brave ........................................................ 26

13 Timothy Wanted to Help People .............................................. 28

14 A Kingdom That Will Rule the Whole Earth .............................. 30

1 A Secret That We Are
Happy to Know

Has anyone ever told you a secret?— the whole earth a paradise like that gar-
The Bible talks about a special secret den. And they could have lived in Para-
called “the sacred secret.” It is sacred dise forever. But do you remember
because it is from God. And it is called what Adam and Eve did?—
a secret because people did not know Adam and Eve disobeyed God, and
about it. Even angels wanted to know that is why we do not live in a paradise
more about this. Would you like to today. But God said that he would make
know what the secret is?— the whole earth beautiful, and everyone
A long, long time ago, God created would live forever and be happy. How
the first man and woman. Their names would he do this? For a long time, peo-
were Adam and Eve. God gave them ple did not know. It was a secret.
a beautiful home called the garden of When Jesus came to earth, he taught
Eden. If Adam and Eve had obeyed God, people more about this secret. He said
they and their children could have made that it was about God’s Kingdom. Jesus
Throughout these stories, you will see a mark like this
told people to pray for this Kingdom to
(—) following some questions. This is a good time to pause come. It will make the earth a beautiful
and let your child answer.
Are you excited to know this se-
cret?— Remember that only those who
obey Jehovah will live in Paradise. The
Bible tells us many stories of men and
READ IN YOUR BIBLE women who obeyed Jehovah. Would
Mark 4:11 you like to learn about them?— Let’s
1 Peter 1:12 see who some of them were and how we
Genesis 1:26-28; 2:8, 9; 3:6, 23 can be like them.
Matthew 6:9, 10
Psalm 37:11, 29

What do you think the angels were trying to find out?

QUESTIONS: Why is the earth not a paradise today?

What special secret does the Bible talk about?
What did Jesus teach people about this secret?
What do you have to do to live in Paradise?

2 Rebekah Wanted to
Make Jehovah Happy

Rebekah was a woman who loved Jeho-

vah. Her husband’s name was Isaac. He
also loved Jehovah. How did Rebekah
meet Isaac? How did she show that she
wanted to make Jehovah happy? Let’s
learn more about her.
Isaac’s parents were Abraham and Sa-
rah. They lived in the land of Canaan,
where the people did not worship Je-
hovah. But Abraham wanted his son to
marry a woman who worshipped Jeho-
vah. So he sent his servant, probably Eli-
ezer, to find a wife for Isaac in a place
named Haran, where some of Abra-
ham’s relatives lived.
Eliezer traveled with other servants of
Abraham. It was a very long journey.
They brought with them ten camels car-
rying food and gifts. How would Eliezer
know which woman to choose for Isaac?
When Eliezer and the other servants ar-
rived at Haran, they stopped at a well
because Eliezer knew that people would
soon come to get water. He prayed to Je-
hovah and said: ‘If I ask a young woman
to give me water and she gives me and
my camels water, I will know that this is
the woman you have chosen.’
Then young Rebekah came to the well.
The Bible says that she was very pretty.
Rebekah was willing to work hard to get
Eliezer asked her for a drink of water, and water for the camels
she said: ‘Of course. I will give you the
water, and I will go get some for your
camels too.’ Just think! Thirsty camels
drink a lot of water, so Rebekah had to
run to the well again and again. Do you READ IN YOUR BIBLE
see in the picture how hard she is work- Genesis 12:4, 5; 24:1-58, 67
ing?— Eliezer was amazed at how Jeho-
vah answered his prayer.
Eliezer gave Rebekah many beautiful
gifts. She invited Eliezer and the oth-
er servants to her family’s house. Eliezer
explained why Abraham had sent him
there and how Jehovah had answered
his prayer. Rebekah’s family was happy
to let her marry Isaac. with Eliezer. When they arrived in Ca-
But do you think Rebekah wanted to naan, she married Isaac.
marry Isaac?— Rebekah knew that Jeho- Because Rebekah did what Jehovah
vah had sent Eliezer there. So when Re- wanted her to do, Jehovah blessed her.
bekah’s family asked her if she wanted to Many years later, Jesus was born in her
go to Canaan and marry Isaac, she said: family! If you are like Rebekah and make
‘Yes, I want to go.’ Right away, she left Jehovah happy, he will bless you too.

QUESTIONS: Who was Rebekah?

Why did Abraham not want Isaac to marry a woman
from Canaan?
How did Eliezer know that Rebekah was the woman
Isaac should marry?
What can we do to be like Rebekah?

Rebekah went to Canaan with Eliezer

and married Isaac
3 Rahab Believed in Jehovah

Let’s pretend that we are in the city of house. So the king sends men to get
Jericho. This city is in the land of Canaan, them. Rahab hides the two spies on the
where the people do not believe in Jeho- flat roof of her house and tells the king’s
vah. A woman named Rahab lives here. men: ‘The spies were here, but they have
When Rahab was a young girl, she already left the city. If you go now, you
heard stories about how Moses parted can still catch them!’ Do you know why
the Red Sea and led the Israelites out of Rahab is protecting the spies?— Be-
Egypt. She also heard about how Jeho- cause she believes in Jehovah and knows
vah helped them to win the wars against that he will give the land of Canaan to
their enemies. Now she hears that the Is- the Israelites.
raelites are camped near Jericho! Before the spies leave Rahab’s house,
One evening, two Israelites go to Jeri- they promise that she and her family will
cho to spy on the city. They come to Ra- be safe when Jericho is destroyed. Do
hab’s house. She invites them to come you know what they tell her to do?—
in and stay. During the night, the king They say: ‘Take this red rope, and hang it
of Jericho finds out that spies are in the
out of your window. If you do, everyone
city and that they have gone to Rahab’s
who is in your house will be safe.’ Rahab
does exactly what the spies tell her to do.
Do you know what happens next?—
A few days later, the Israelites march
around the city in silence. For six days
they march around the city, one time
READ IN YOUR BIBLE each day. But on the seventh day, they
Joshua 2:1-24; march around the city seven times. Then
6:1-5, 14, 15, 20-25
they all shout loudly. Jehovah makes
Hebrews 11:31
the walls around the city come crashing
down. But the house with the red rope
hanging out of the window is still stand-
ing! Can you see it in the picture?—
Rahab and her family are saved!
Rahab protected the spies because she believed in Jehovah

What can you learn from Rahab?—

Rahab believed in Jehovah because of all
the wonderful things she learned about
him. You too are learning many won-
derful things about Jehovah. Do you be-
lieve in him as Rahab did?— We know
that you do!

Jehovah saved Rahab and her family

QUESTIONS: What stories did Rahab hear when she was a young girl?
How did she help the Israelite spies? Why did she help them?
What did the spies promise Rahab?
What can you learn from Rahab?

4 She Made Her Father
and Jehovah Happy

Do you see the girl in the picture?—

She is the daughter of a man named
Jephthah. The Bible does not tell us her Jephthah taught
name, but we know that she made her his daughter
about Jehovah
father and Jehovah happy. Let’s learn
about her and her father, Jephthah.
Jephthah was a good man and spent a
lot of time teaching his daughter about
Jehovah. He was also a strong man and a
good leader. So the Israelites asked him
to lead them in the fight against their en-
Jephthah prayed for God’s help to
win. Jephthah promised that if he won,
he would give to Jehovah the first person
who came out of his house when he re-
turned home. This person would live and


Deuteronomy 6:4-6
Judges 11:30-40
1 Corinthians 7:37, 38

What promise is
Jephthah making
10 to Jehovah?
work for the rest of his or her life at God’s
tabernacle. The tabernacle was the place
where people went to worship God back
then. Well, Jephthah won the fight! Do
you know who came out of his house
first when he returned home?—
Yes, Jephthah’s daughter! She was his
only child, and now Jephthah would
have to send her away. This made him
very sad. But remember, he had made a
promise. Right away, his daughter said:
‘Father, you made a promise to Jehovah,
so you have to keep it.’
Jephthah’s daughter was sad too. At It was not easy, but Jephthah’s
the tabernacle, she could not get mar- daughter did what her father
ried and have children. But she wanted promised
very much to keep her father’s promise
and to make Jehovah happy. That was
more important to her than getting mar-
ried or having children. So she left home
and lived at the tabernacle for the rest of
her life.
Do you think that what she did made
her father and Jehovah happy?— Yes,
Every year, the friends
it did! If you are obedient and you love
of Jephthah’s daughter
Jehovah, you can be like Jephthah’s went to visit her
daughter. You too will make your parents
and Jehovah very happy.

QUESTIONS: Who was Jephthah? What promise did he make?

Why was it hard for Jephthah’s daughter to do what her father
had promised?
What did Jephthah’s daughter want to do more than anything
How can you be like Jephthah’s daughter?
5 Samuel Kept Doing
What Was Right

From the time Samuel was very young, Eli was the high priest at the taber-
he lived and worked at the tabernacle, nacle. His two sons also worked there.
the place where people came to worship Remember, the tabernacle was God’s
Jehovah. Do you know how Samuel got house of worship, and people are sup-
to be at the tabernacle? Let’s first learn posed to do good things there. But Eli’s
about Samuel’s mother, Hannah. sons were doing very bad things. Samu-
For a long time, Hannah could not el saw what they were doing. Did Sam-
have a baby even though she really want- uel do bad things as Eli’s sons did?—
ed one. So she prayed to Jehovah and No, he kept doing what was right, just as
begged him to help her. She promised his parents had taught him to do.
that if she had a son, she would send What do you think Eli should have
him to live and work at the tabernacle. Je- done about his two sons?— He should
hovah answered her prayer, and she had have punished them. He should not
a son. She named him Samuel. And just have allowed them to work at God’s
as Hannah had promised, when Samuel house anymore. But Eli did not do that,
was three or four years old, she took him so Jehovah was angry with him and his
to the tabernacle to serve God there. two sons. Jehovah decided to punish
One night when Samuel was sleeping,
he heard someone calling him: ‘Samu-
el!’ He ran to Eli, but Eli said: ‘I did not
call you.’ This happened two more times.
After the third time, Eli told Samuel that
READ IN YOUR BIBLE if he heard the voice again, he should
1 Samuel 2:22-26; 3:1-21 say: ‘Please, Jehovah, speak; I am listen-
ing.’ So that is what Samuel did. Then Je-
hovah said to Samuel: ‘Tell Eli that I will
punish his family for the bad things they
have done.’ Do you think it was easy for

Samuel gave Jehovah’s
message to Eli

Samuel to give Eli this message?— No,

it was not. But even though Samuel was
afraid, he did what Jehovah told him to
do. What Jehovah said came true. Eli’s
two sons were killed, and Eli died too.
Samuel is a good example for us. He
did what was right even though he saw
other people doing bad things. What
about you? Will you be like Samuel and
keep doing what is right? If you do, you
will make both Jehovah and your parents

QUESTIONS: What promise did Samuel’s mother make?

What did Samuel see Eli’s sons doing at the tabernacle?
What did Jehovah tell Samuel to do?
Why is Samuel a good example for us?

6 David Was Not Afraid

What do you do when you are afraid?— its mouth! Do you know what David did?
Maybe you go to your mom and dad He chased after the lion and apparently
for help. But there is someone else who killed it with his bare hands! And then
can help you too. He is more powerful when a bear attacked the sheep, David
than anybody else. Do you know who killed it too! Who do you think helped
it is?— Yes, it is Jehovah God. Let’s talk David?— Yes, it was Jehovah.
about a young man in the Bible named There was another time when David
David. He knew that Jehovah would al- was especially brave. The Israelites were
ways help him, so he was not afraid. fighting against a people called the Phil-
From the time David was a baby, his istines. One of the Philistine soldiers was
parents taught him to love Jehovah. This a very, very tall man, a giant! His name
helped David not to be afraid even when was Goliath. This giant was making fun
some scary things happened to him. He of the Israelite soldiers and of Jehovah.
knew that Jehovah was his Friend and Goliath dared the Israelite soldiers to
that He would help him. One time, when come and fight him. But all the Israelites
David was taking care of some sheep, a were too afraid to fight him. When Da-
big lion came and grabbed a sheep with vid heard about it, he told Goliath: ‘I will
fight you! Jehovah will help me, and I
will defeat you!’ Do you think that Da-
vid was brave?— Yes, very brave. Do you
want to know what happened next?
David took his sling and five smooth
stones, and he went out to fight the
READ IN YOUR BIBLE giant. When Goliath saw how young Da-
Psalm 56:3, 4 vid was, he made fun of David. But David
1 Samuel 17:20-54 told him: ‘You come to me with a sword,
but I come to you with the name of Jeho-
vah!’ Then he put a stone in his sling, ran
toward Goliath, and threw it straight at
him. The stone hit Goliath right between
the eyes! The giant fell to the ground,
David was not afraid because he knew that Jehovah would help him

dead! The Philistines got so scared that What can you learn from David’s sto-
they all ran away. How was a young boy ry?— Jehovah is more powerful than
like David able to defeat a giant?— Jeho- anybody else. And he is your Friend. So
vah helped him, and Jehovah was much the next time you feel afraid, remember,
more powerful than that giant! Jehovah can help you to be brave!

QUESTIONS: What did David do when a lion and a bear attacked his sheep?
When Goliath made fun of Jehovah, what did David say
to him?
How did David defeat Goliath?
Why was David not afraid of the lion, the bear, and the giant?
What can you learn from David’s story?

7 Do You Ever Feel Lonely
and Afraid?

Look at the little boy in the picture. He

How do you think looks lonely and afraid, doesn’t he? Have
he is feeling? you ever felt that way?— Everyone feels
that way sometimes. The Bible talks
about friends of Jehovah who also felt
lonely and afraid. One of them was Eli-
jah. Let’s learn about him.
Elijah lived in Israel a long time ago,
before Jesus was born. Ahab, the king
of Israel, was not worshipping the true
God, Jehovah. Ahab and his wife, Jeze-
bel, were worshipping the false god Baal.
So most of the people in Israel also began
worshipping Baal. Queen Jezebel was
very mean and wanted to kill all the peo-
ple who worshipped Jehovah, including
Elijah! Do you know what Elijah did?—
Elijah ran away! He went far into the
desert and hid in a cave. Why do you


1 Kings 19:3-18
Psalm 145:18
Jezebel wanted
to kill Elijah 1 Peter 5:9

think he did that?— Yes, he was afraid.
But Elijah did not need to be afraid. Why?
Because he knew that Jehovah could help
him. Jehovah had shown his power to Eli-
jah before. Once, Jehovah had answered
Elijah’s prayer by sending fire from heav-
en. So of course Jehovah could help Elijah
While Elijah was in the cave, Jehovah
spoke to him and asked him: ‘What are
you doing here?’ Elijah answered: ‘I am
the only one who still worships you. I am
all alone, and I am afraid I will be killed.’
Elijah thought that all the other worship-
pers of Jehovah had been killed. But Jeho-
vah told Elijah: ‘No, that is not true. There
are 7,000 other people who still worship
me. Be brave. I have more work for you to How did Jehovah
do!’ Do you think Elijah was happy to help Elijah?
hear that?—
What can you learn from what hap-
pened to Elijah?— You never have to feel
lonely and afraid. You have friends who
love Jehovah and who love you. Also, Je-
hovah has a lot of power, and he will al-
ways help you! Are you happy to know
that you are never really alone?—

During Elijah’s time, did most of
the people in Israel worship Jehovah?
Whom did they worship?
Why did Elijah run away and hide in
a cave?
What did Jehovah tell Elijah?
What can we learn from what
happened to Elijah?
8 Josiah Had Good Friends

Do you think it’s hard to do what is Jehovah. And they helped Josiah to do
right?— Most people think that it is. what was right. Who were some of Josi-
The Bible tells us that it was especially ah’s friends?
hard for a boy named Josiah to do what One of his friends was Zephaniah.
was right. But he had good friends who Zephaniah was a prophet who warned
helped him. Let’s learn more about Josi- the people of Judah that bad things
ah and his friends.
Josiah’s father was Amon, a king of
Judah. Amon was very bad and wor-
shipped idols. When Josiah’s father died,
Josiah became king of Judah. But he was
only eight years old! Do you think he
was bad like his father?— No, he was
Even when he was very young, Josiah
wanted to obey Jehovah. So he chose to
be friends only with people who loved


2 Chronicles 33:21-25;
34:1, 2; 35:25

Zephaniah warned the people not

to worship idols
would happen to them if they wor-
shipped idols. Josiah listened to Zepha-
niah and worshipped Jehovah, not idols.
Another one of Josiah’s friends was Jer-
emiah. He was about the same age as Jo-
siah, and they lived near each other as
they were growing up. They were such
good friends that when Josiah died, Jer-
emiah wrote a special song about how
much he missed Josiah. Jeremiah and Jo-
siah helped each other to do what was
right and to obey Jehovah.
What can you learn from Josiah’s ex-
ample?— Even when Josiah was just a lit-
tle boy, he wanted to do what was right.
He knew that he should be friends with
people who love Jehovah. Make sure
that you choose friends who love Jeho-
vah and who can help you to do what is
Josiah and Jeremiah helped each other
to do what was right

QUESTIONS: Who was Josiah’s father? Did he do what was right?

What did Josiah want to do even when he was just a
little boy?
What were the names of two of Josiah’s friends?
What can you learn from Josiah’s example?

9 Jeremiah Did Not Stop
Speaking About Jehovah

Sometimes people make fun of us or get

angry with us when we talk to them
about Jehovah. This can make us want to
stop talking about God. Have you ever
felt that way?— The Bible tells us about a
young man who loved Jehovah but who
almost stopped speaking about him. His
name was Jeremiah. Let’s learn more
about him.
When Jeremiah was a young man, Je-
hovah told him that he had to warn the
people to stop doing bad things. This
was very hard for Jeremiah, and he was
afraid. He told Jehovah: ‘I don’t know
what to say. I’m just a boy.’ But Jehovah
said: ‘Do not be afraid. I will help you.’


Jeremiah 1:4-8;
20:7-9; 26:8-19, 24; 38:6-13

Why are the people angry with Jeremiah?

So Jeremiah started to warn the peo-
ple that they would be punished if they
did not change. Do you think the peo-
ple did what Jeremiah said?— No. They
made fun of him or got very angry with
him. Some even wanted to kill him!
How do you think Jeremiah felt?— He
was afraid and said: ‘I’m not going to
speak about Jehovah anymore.’ But did
he really give up?— No, he did not. He
loved Jehovah so much that he could not
stop speaking about him. And because
Jeremiah did not give up, Jehovah kept
him safe.
For example, some bad men once
threw Jeremiah into a deep hole full of
mud. He had no food or water. Those
men wanted to leave Jeremiah there
to die. But with Jehovah’s help, he es-
What can you learn from Jeremiah’s
example?— Even though he was afraid
sometimes, he did not stop speaking
about Jehovah. When you talk about Je-
hovah, people may make fun of you or
get angry with you. You may feel em-
barrassed or even afraid. But never stop
speaking about Jehovah. He will always
help you, just as he helped Jeremiah.
Jehovah saved Jeremiah

QUESTIONS: What did Jehovah tell Jeremiah to do?

Why did Jeremiah almost stop speaking about Jehovah?
How did Jehovah help Jeremiah?
What have you learned from Jeremiah’s example?

10 Jesus Always Obeyed

Is it always easy to obey your par- mothers. About nine months later, Je-
ents?— Sometimes it is hard. Did you sus was born. This is how Mary and her
know that Jesus was obedient both to husband, Joseph, became Jesus’ parents
Jehovah and to his parents?— His exam- here on earth.
ple can help you to obey your parents When Jesus was only 12 years old, he
even when it’s not easy. Let’s learn more did something that showed how much
about this. he loved his Father, Jehovah. This hap-
Before Jesus was on earth, he was with pened when Jesus and his family made
his Father, Jehovah, in heaven. But Je- a long trip to Jerusalem for the Pass-
sus also had parents here on earth. Their over. On the way back home, Joseph and
names were Joseph and Mary. Do you Mary could not find Jesus anywhere. Do
know how they became his parents?— you know where he was?—
Jehovah took the life of Jesus in heav- Joseph and Mary hurried back to Jeru-
en and put it inside Mary so that Jesus salem and looked for Jesus everywhere.
could be born and live on the earth. This They were very worried because they
was a miracle! Jesus grew inside Mary could not find him. But after three days,
just as other babies grow inside their they found him in the temple! Do you
know why Jesus was at the temple?—
Because there he could learn about his
Father, Jehovah. He loved Jehovah and
wanted to learn how to please him.
Even when he grew up and became a
man, Jesus always obeyed Jehovah. Je-
sus obeyed even when this was hard for
Luke 1:30-35; 2:45-52
him and it meant that he had to suffer.
Ephesians 6:1
Hebrews 5:8 Did Jesus also obey Joseph and Mary?—
Yes, the Bible says that he did.
What can you learn from Jesus’ ex-
ample?— You need to obey your par-
ents, even when it is hard. Will you do
Why was Jesus at the temple?

QUESTIONS: How did Joseph and Mary become Jesus’ parents here
on earth?
When Jesus’ parents looked for him in Jerusalem,
where did they find him?
What can you learn from Jesus’ example?

11 They Wrote About Jesus






Peter Paul

What do you know about

these men?

Do you see the men in the picture?— They are Mat-

thew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, James, Jude, and Paul.
These men all lived at the same time as Jesus, and they
wrote about Jesus. Let’s learn more about them.
Three of them were apostles who preached with Je-
sus. Do you know which three?— Matthew, John,
and Peter. The apostles Matthew and John knew Je-
sus very well, and they each wrote a book about Jesus’
life. The apostle John also wrote a book tian, his name was Saul. He hated Chris-
called Revelation and three letters called tians and was very mean to them. Do
First John, Second John, and Third John. you know what made Paul want to be-
The apostle Peter wrote two letters that come a Christian?— One day, Paul was
are in the Bible. They are called First Pe- traveling on the road when he suddenly
ter and Second Peter. In his second letter, heard someone speak to him from heav-
Peter wrote about the time when Jeho- en. It was Jesus! He asked Paul: ‘Why
vah spoke from heaven and said about are you so mean to those who believe
Jesus: ‘This is my son. I love him, and I in me?’ After that, Paul changed and be-
am proud of him.’ came a Christian. Paul wrote 14 books of
The other men in the picture also the Bible, Romans through Hebrews.
teach us about Jesus in the books that We read the Bible every day, don’t
they wrote. One of them is Mark. He was we?— By reading the Bible, we learn
probably there when Jesus was arrested many things about Jesus. Would you
and saw everything that happened. An- like to learn more about Jesus?—
other one is Luke. He was a medical doc-
tor and probably became a Christian af-
ter Jesus died.
Two other Bible writers that you see
in the picture were Jesus’ younger broth-
ers. Do you know their names?— Their
names are James and Jude. At first, READ IN YOUR BIBLE
they did not believe in Jesus. They even 2 Peter 1:16-18
thought he was a bit crazy. But they lat- Mark 3:21; 14:51
Jude 1
er believed in Jesus and became Chris- Acts 9:1-18
The last Bible writer you see in the pic-
ture is Paul. Before he became a Chris-

QUESTIONS: Which apostles of Jesus wrote about him?

Which two Bible writers were Jesus’ brothers?
How did Paul become a Christian?

12 Paul’s Nephew Was

Let’s learn about a young man who Paul’s nephew heard about this plan.
saved his uncle’s life. The young man’s What would he do? He went to the pris-
uncle was the apostle Paul. We do not on and told Paul about it. Right away,
know the young man’s name, but we do Paul told him to tell the army command-
know that he did something very brave. er about the evil plan. Do you think it
Would you like to hear about what he was easy for Paul’s nephew to speak
did?— to the commander?— No, because the
Paul was in prison in Jerusalem. He commander was an important man. But
had been arrested because he was Paul’s nephew was brave and spoke to
preaching about Jesus. Some bad men the commander.
hated Paul, so they made an evil plan. The commander knew exactly what to
They said: ‘Let’s ask the army command- do. He got an army of almost 500 sol-
er to have his soldiers bring Paul to court. diers to protect Paul! He told them to
We will hide along the road, and when take Paul to Caesarea that night. Was
Paul passes by, we will kill him!’ Paul’s life saved?— Yes, the bad men
could not attack him! Their evil plan did
not work.
What can you learn from this sto-
ry?— You too can be brave just like Paul’s
nephew. We need to be brave when we
talk to others about Jehovah. Will you
be brave and keep speaking about Je-
hovah?— If you do, you may save some-
one’s life.
Acts 23:12-24
Matthew 24:14; 28:18-20
1 Timothy 4:16

Paul’s nephew told Paul and the army commander about the evil plan

QUESTIONS: What did some bad men plan to do to Paul?

What did Paul’s nephew do? Why was that a brave thing to do?
How can you be brave like Paul’s nephew?

13 Timothy Wanted to
Help People

Timothy was a young man who was hap- him about Jehovah. As Timothy grew up,
py to help people. He traveled to many he wanted to help others learn about Je-
places to help others. Because of this, he hovah.
had a very exciting life. Would you like When Timothy was still a young man,
to hear about it?— Paul asked him to travel with him to
Timothy grew up in a city called Lystra. preach in other places. Timothy said:
When he was little, his grandmother Lois ‘Yes!’ He was ready to go and help oth-
and his mother, Eunice, began teaching ers.

Timothy’s mother and grandmother taught him about Jehovah

Timothy traveled with Paul to a city Timothy had a happy and exciting life
in Macedonia called Thessalonica. To get
there, they had to walk a long way and
then take a boat. When they finally ar-
rived, they helped many people to learn
about Jehovah. But some people were
angry and tried to hurt them. So Paul
and Timothy had to leave and preach in
other places.
Some months later, Paul asked Timo-
thy to go back to Thessalonica and see
how the brothers were doing. It took a
lot of courage to go back to that dan-
gerous city! But Timothy went because
he was worried about the brothers there.
He came back to Paul with good news.
The brothers in Thessalonica were doing
very well!
Timothy worked with Paul for many
years. Paul once wrote that Timothy was
the best person he could send to help
the congregations. Timothy loved Jeho-
vah and loved people.
Do you love people and want to help READ IN YOUR BIBLE
them learn about Jehovah?— If you do, 2 Timothy 1:5; 3:15
you can have a very happy and exciting Acts 16:1-5; 17:1-10
life, just as Timothy did! 1 Thessalonians 3:2-7
Philippians 2:19-22

QUESTIONS: Where did Timothy grow up?

Did Timothy want to travel with Paul? Why?
Why did Timothy go back to Thessalonica?
How can you have a happy and exciting life, as Timothy did?

14 A Kingdom That Will
Rule the Whole Earth

Can you guess what Kingdom we are We will be very happy! In Paradise,
talking about?— Yes, it is God’s King- people will not fight or go to war any-
dom, the Kingdom that will make the more. Everyone will love one another.
earth a paradise. Would you like to learn Nobody will get sick or die. The blind
more about this Kingdom?— will see, the deaf will hear, and those
Every kingdom has a king. And the who cannot walk will be able to run and
king rules over the people of his land. jump. Everyone will have plenty to eat.
Do you know who the King of God’s And animals will be friends with one an-
Kingdom is?— It is Jesus Christ. He lives other and with us. People who have died
in heaven. Soon he will be King over will come back to life. Many of the men
everyone on earth! Do you think we will and women you have learned about in
be happy when Jesus is King over the this brochure like Rebekah, Rahab, Da-
whole earth?— vid, and Elijah will come back to life too!

What do you look forward to in Paradise?
Would you like to meet them when Isaiah 2:4; 11:6-9; 25:8;
they come back?— 33:24; 35:5, 6
John 5:28, 29; 17:3
Jehovah loves you and wants you to be
happy. If you keep learning about Jeho-
vah and obeying him, you will be able
to live forever in a beautiful paradise! Is
that what you want?—

QUESTIONS: Who is the King of God’s Kingdom?

Jesus will be King over whom?
What will it be like when Jesus rules over the earth?
If you want to live forever in Paradise, what do you
have to do?
© 2014
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.
Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A.
October 2013 Printing
This publication is not for sale. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible
educational work supported by voluntary donations.
Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern-language
New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.
Teach Your Children
English (yc-E)
Made in the United States of America

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