Ielts Writing Task 2

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TOPIC: In spite of the advances made in agriculture, many people around

the world still go hungry.

Why is this the case?
What can be done about this problem?

Nowadays, even though the development to solve the lack of food, the huge
amount of people have been in starving on our planet. In my opinion, the reason of
this problem is the underdevelopment in many poor countries.

First of all, Africa, which is a typical example of this problem, is the continent
includes lots of poor countries and has severe weather conditions. Because of this,
people who live in Africa, do not have convenient conditions to improve the
agriculture to harvest the plant, as a result they are always in lack of food situation.
Additionally, this continent which has the extremely hot weather and rarely rains,
is covered by almost deserts, therefore, the soil does not have alluvial or nutrient,
not many plants or animals are suitable with this kind of weather, except camels
and cacti. Furthermore, many backward nations not only do not have a chance in
catching up with new technology, but also are suffered from the war. For instance,
Syria where many denizens are stuck in famish and conflict between Islamic
terrorism and their government, which causes their resident have to escape from
their country, leads to they are inability to do any productive actions to provides
food and occurs the poverty. As a consequence, many people get trouble in staving
in a long period.

To prevent this serious problem, we need a necessary intervention of

government, power organization around the world. From my point of view, we
should introduce modern equipments to undeveloped countries, which helps them
to overcome disadvantaged factors in their areas, improve the productivity doubled
than before. Some famous organizations such as World Food Programme, Food
and Agriculture Organization hold a charity to raise money and food to support
these countries and also create good conditions for them to boost economics.
Accordingly, they will have a budget to invest in buying new machine for their
agriculture. About the war problems, Unites Nations Organization (UNO) may not
interfere in the domestic politics, on the other hand, UNO can appeal to public for
disapproving the war in these nations.
In conclusion, humans have various solutions to solve problem about lack of
food surrounding our lives. I believe that unless we put these solutions in the right
way, there will not have enough rations for us and make the problem in
complicated way.

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