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Literacy Lesson Plan

Name of the School: Name of the Teacher Education Student: Name of the Mentor:
St Aidan’s Primary School – Rooty Hill Ellen Callaghan and Alexandra Casey Alana Harris
Class: Date: Time:
Year 4 1st December, 2017 50 mins
Key Learning Area: Lesson Topic:
English Writing – Proposal for PBL
Recent Prior Experience:
Prior to this lesson, students have been focusing on using persuasive language to convince a reader of their argument. Student have a solid knowledge of
how to plan their writing.
Syllabus Outcome(s): Indicators of Learning for this lesson (learning intention): Assessment (success criteria):
• EN2-2A – plans, composes and Learning Intention: • T collects S work samples to
reviews a range of texts that are • To learn how to create a proposal for developing the year determine students’ capacity to
more demanding in terms of 4 courtyard. record their ideas, and explain their
topic, audience and language. Success Criteria: arguments.
• EN2-7B – identifies and uses • Record my key features, social needs and environmental • T observes Ss, and engages them in
language forms and features in impacts in dot points discussion throughout the lesson.
their own writing appropriate to • Work with my PBL group to create a plan for my
a range of purposes, audiences proposal.
and contexts. • Explain why my key features, social needs and
environmental impacts are important or beneficial to the
Any safety issues to be considered: Resources:
• Movement around the classroom during • Workbooks
transition times. • Writing equipment
• Misuse of equipment. • Task description/example (displayed on screen)
• iPad and projector/TV
• Proposal example from year 6 PBL

Lesson Content / Indicators of Learning Timing Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences: Resources and Organisation:
(What is Taught): (mins)
1 min • T introduces learning intentions and success criteria. Ss are seated on the floor facing the
1 min • T draws attention to the proposal (displayed on the board for task instructions.
Ss verbally explain why features will be board) and asks Ss: • iPad
beneficial to the courtyard. 4 mins o Why do you think I am showing you a • Task description
proposal? • TV
o How do you think this will relate your PBL? • Workbooks
• T explains that today’s writing lesson will be focused • Writing equipment
planning their proposals. • Whiteboard
• T goes through example and points out important • Whiteboard marker
aspects that students will need to include (key • Year 6 work sample
features, social needs, environmental impacts).
• T reads examples of key features to students, and
asks which examples are appropriate for our task.
• Ss provide other examples of key features that could
be used in their plans.
• T writes Ss points on the board as they suggest ideas.
1 min • T reminds Ss that this is to be completed with their Ss are seated on the floor facing the
Ss write in full sentences to explain the PBL groups, and Ss should not be interacting with board for task instructions. After
benefits of their proposed key features. other groups. receiving instructions, Ss move to
2 mins • T asks if Ss have any questions about the task. desks in the 4 Blue side of the room.
Ss proofread and edit their writing • T asks book box people to hand out the books and • iPad displaying year 6
throughout the task. students to return to desks in the 4 Blue side of the proposal example.
31 mins room to begin the task. • TV
• Ss work in PBL groups to complete their plans. • Workbooks
• T roams the environment, assisting students where • Writing equipment
necessary, and checking their understanding and
progress throughout the task.
10 mins • T uses clapping pattern to gain the attention of 4 Blue Ss are seated on the floor in front of
Ss proofread work by discussing positives students, and asks them to return to the floor (giving a the board.
and things to work on with the class. time limit of 30 seconds). • Whiteboard
• Focus on issues noticed during the lesson. • Whiteboard Marker
• Praise positive work samples, and discusses them with • iPad
the whole class. • Screen
Student Teacher’s Evaluation (write reflections on the following):

Assessment of Learning Outcomes

To what extent did the learners achieve the intended learning outcomes?
Students had some difficulty in reaching the intended learning outcomes. Students had never used a compass
before, and were unaware of even the basic way to use it. Despite a classroom demonstration, students still did
not understand how to correctly use the compass, which greatly impaired their ability to be successful in the task.

Describe the evidence you have for this.

Observation of students throughout the task allowed me to see their confusion. I had many small group
conversations in an attempt to assist their knowledge, however, many students were still having trouble using the
equipment effectively. This however, allowed some students to problem solve the situation by identifying that the
sport shed was in a Northerly direction, and then using that as a reference point to complete the task.

Outline the follow-up to this lesson for the learners.

A lesson that continues to allow students to experiment with using a compass would be highly beneficial. Towards
the end of the lesson some students showed a developing understanding of how to use a compass, however,
require a far greater time to experiment with the resource.
Evaluation of Teaching
Identify the teaching strategies / learning experiences that were most effective. Explain why.
Strategies used throughout the lesson include clapping patterns to gain student attention, and questioning the
students throughout the task. Clapping patterns were very effective, as this is a pre-existing strategy used by
classroom teachers. Roaming the environment, and questioning in small groups was also very effective in
solidifying student understanding of the concepts, and gaining knowledge regarding the extent to which the
students understood to lesson content.

Identify the teaching strategies / learning experiences that were least effective. Explain why.
Students had not used compasses before, and although we explained the theory of how they are used, students
still had trouble understanding how they could be used. I also tried to explain compasses in a far my detailed
capacity than was accessible to the students. This is because of my background as a Girl Guide, which has allowed
me to effectively use a compass since the age of 10. It is important for me to separate these experiences, as a
single 60 min lesson is not long enough to fully understand all the functions of the compass.

How appropriate was the timing throughout the various sections of the lesson? Why?
The timing throughout the lesson was quite effective. The warmup was long enough to allow students to
understand the concept, yet short enough to allow time for the main activity. The development was also well timed,
as students were given adequate time to complete the task, despite the fact that they were in the outdoor
environment. Overall I believe the lesson was fairly well timed.

Describe how the selection and use of resources supported learning in the lesson.
The compasses supported the task well. Students were able to identify the direction of the routes they would need
to take, and effectively identify North, South, East and West. It would have been beneficial for students to have
had the instructions printed, rather than requiring them to write out the task requirements before going outside.

Identify what motivated the students. Explain why.

Students in this class enjoy group work, and any activity that can be completed outside the classroom. Therefore,
students were extremely motivated by the task. Many students had never used a compass before, and therefore
were motivated to explore how it could be used, and what it could be used for.

Identify the classroom management strategies that were most effective. Explain why.
Clapping to gain student attention. This is a pre-existing strategy that is used by the classroom teachers on a
regular basis, and therefore, the students are aware of their expectations, and effectively respond to the teacher.
What was most satisfying about the lesson?
Watching as some students found a way to problem solve the activity. There were many issues with this task,
including broken compasses, and a lack of understanding of how to use a compass. Some students were able to
identify that the sport shed is located in the North of the playground, and therefore could be used as a reference
point for the activity, as they are aware that North does not move just because we do.

Based on these reflections, outline the steps you should now take to improve your teaching in future lessons.
Do not expect too much from the students. I need to separate my Girl Guide knowledge and my school knowledge
to ensure that the content I am teaching is stage appropriate and accessible to all students in the classroom. I
should also ensure that my explanations (especially for new concepts) are thorough, and not rushed, so that
students’ are able to understand strategies for the task, and successfully complete the task with their groups.


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