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Murillo Vinícius Bento Santana and Ricardo Azoubel da Mota Silveira

Civil Engineering
Engenharia Civil
Numerical fundamentals and
interactive computer graphics
system for the nonlinear analysis of planar frames
Murillo Vinícius Bento Santana1,3 Abstract
Ricardo Azoubel da Mota Silveira2,4 Recent scientific and computational advances have facilitated the analysis of slender structural systems subject to instability. With the employment of more so-
phisticated numerical tools and algorithms, it is possible to accurately determine the
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro - critical points (limit and bifurcation loads) as well as the post-critical behavior of the
PUCRJ, Departamento de Engenharia Civil, structural system. In the computational context, efficient data structures are needed to
Rio de Janeiro – Rio de Janeiro - Brasil. enable code and graphic interface expansion for the generation of models and visual-
ization of the results obtained. Thus, an interactive object-orientated graphic compu-
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto – UFOP, tational system is presented herein. It has been developed using MATLAB/GUI, with
Escola de Minas, Departamento de Engenharia pre-processing, analysis and post-processing capacities for planar structural frames.
Civil, Ouro Preto - Minas Gerais – Brasil. The nonlinear finite element developed and implemented for the structure modeling is
formulated considering second order effects. Therefore, with the computational tool
E-mails:, presented, the geometric nonlinear effects and stability of the structural system can be
4, directly addressed, and the visualization of the numerical results are accessed through
interactive controls that permit data inclusion and analysis verification. The engineer-
designer can see the structural model discretization, the equilibrium path, its deforma-
tion configuration, the force and bending moment diagrams at the moment that he
runs the program and in each load step. It is also possible to export the images, videos
or tables of the obtained numerical results. The example presented demonstrates the
capacity of the developed graphic computational system.

Keywords: interactive computer graphics system, second order analysis, MATLAB/

GUI, OOP, corotational formulation.

1. Introduction

The numerical analysis of struc- This also implies that the computational tures. Thus, OOP has herein been used
tural systems is of computational nature implementations have also become more throughout the complete development
due to the great number of operations complex, together with a considerable of the computational system, from the
needed for solution of the problem. This increase in processing time and storage structural problem solution to the graphic
characteristic is extremely accentuated cost. Thus, matters such as the program’s interface for insertion in the model, as well
when nonlinear effects are considered paradigm choice (code organization as for determining the analysis options
in conjunction with the application strategy), efficiency, access, and memory and visualizing the results.
of the finite element method (FEM). usage become relevant and can determine Structural modeling requires the
Therefore, the development of compu- the feasibility of the utilization of a given insertion of a great number of parameters,
tational tools is of great importance for computational system. such as nodal coordinates, external loads,
the practice of structural calculations The object-orientated programming cross section properties, materials, among
and designs. paradigm (OOP; Stroustrup, 2013) has be- others. In addition, there are various op-
As the computational models are come a tendency for developing complex tions for the analysis and visualization
refined to consider the various character- and/or large-scale computational systems, processes. Therefore, the use of iterative
istics present in the actual structures, i.e. since it offers great advantages for main- graphic interfaces is of great assistance to
material plasticity, second order effects, tenance, productivity and higher-quality the analyst/engineer, since it permits better
and semi-rigid connections, the numerical software, as well as for code usage and visualization, control and understanding
solutions reached are closer to the actual extensions when compared to the conven- of the process when compared to the use
behavior of the structure (Silva, 2009). tional approach for programming struc- of standard data files.
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Numerical fundamentals and interactive computer graphics system for the nonlinear analysis of planar frames

This article presents an interactive be directly addressed, and the visualiza- element formulations according to
object-orientated graphic computational tion of the numerical results are accessed the total Lagrangian and corotational
system, developed using MATLAB/GUI through interactive controls that permit reference systems, which deal with the
(Kwon and Bang, 1997; MATLAB, 2015), data inclusion and analysis verification. non-linearity associated with the second
for the geometric nonlinear analysis of The analyst/engineer can see the structural order effects. Also presented are the
planar structural frames. This computa- model discretization, the equilibrium path, internal force vector and the stiffness
tional tool is enabled with pre-processing, its deformation configuration, the force matrix of these formulations. Section 4
analysis and post-processing capacities, and bending moment diagrams at the discusses the nonlinear solver strategy
and the nonlinear finite element devel- moment that he runs the program and in adopted, and Section 5 presents the
oped and implemented for the structure each load step. It is also possible to export interactive graphic computational sys-
modeling is formulated considering large the images, videos or tables of the obtained tem. The Section 6 brings a numerical
displacements (second order effects). numerical results. application of the graphical tool and
Therefore, the geometric nonlinear effects This article is organized as fol- finally, some conclusions about the
and stability of the structural system can lows: Sections 2 and 3 show the finite computational system are presented.

2. Total lagragian formulation

In the plane frame formulations, bending axis. In the following formula- In addition, (' ) denotes the derivatives
it is assumed that the cross sections of tions, it is considered that the axis of the in relation to the spatial variable along
the bar undergo rigid body movement element coincides with the structural the axis of the element x 0.
(Reissner, 1972). Thus, the movement of axis. For a generic case of an arbitrarily The displacement vector u of a
a point on the cross section is composed positioned element in the plane, the point at distance y0 of a neutral line of
of a horizontal translation u, a vertical transformation of the quantities must the cross section of the element is given
translation v and a rotation θ around the be performed, just as in linear analysis. by (Reissner, 1972):

T T (1)
u = [u v ] − y0 [ θ 1-cosθ 0]

The longitudinal εxx and transversal εxy components of the Green-Lagrange deformation tensor are:

εxx = ε - y0χ and εxy = g (2)

in which the axial ε, shear γ and bending deformation vector ε = [ε γ χ]T, are defined
χ deformations, which form the section according to:


The virtual deformations are found from:

δε = δu = B δu (4)

with the matrix B defined as the deforma- sumed that the deformations in the material is assumed that the material behaves elasti-
tion-displacement matrix that incorporates are small, and as such, the St. Venant mate- cally in such a way that the normal stress σxx
the nonlinear geometric effects. It is as- rial hypothesis is applied. Furthermore, it and the shearing stress can be expressed as:

σxx = E εxx and τxy = Gεxy (5)

where E and G are the longitudinal and The resulting forces in a cross section are
shear modulus of elasticity, respectively. obtained as follows:

N= xx d = EA ; S = xy d = GA ; and = xx 0 = (6)

where , N, S and M are the normal To diminish the amount of errors gener- Applying FEM, the displacements
force, the shearing force, and the bend- ated with this hypothesis, a Timoshenko are interpolated by linear functions,
ing moment, respectively. In the model correction coefficient κ is introduced in through the nodes values, as shown
adopted, the transversal deformation is the integration of the transversal stress below:
assumed to be constant in the section. of the section (Crisfield, 1991).
200 REM, Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 72(2), 199-207, apr. jun. | 2019
Murillo Vinícius Bento Santana and Ricardo Azoubel da Mota Silveira

x0 x x x x0 x0
u= 1 u i + 0 u j ; v = 1 0 v i + 0 v j ; and = 1 i + j
L0 L0 L0 L0 L0 L0 (7)

where L0 is the element’s initial length, obtained according to (Zienkiewicz and

while the element internal forces vector is Taylor, 1991):
L0 T
Fie = BT [N S M ] dx 0 (8)

The tangent stiffness matrix of the the internal force vector with respect to the
element is calculated from the variation of displacements, and is given by:
EA 0 0 T
L0 L0 B
K = e
0 GA 0 B dx 0 + [N S M ]dx 0
0 0 u
0 0 EI

where the first one represents the material increments undergone by the element; the ness matrix regarding the changes of the
stiffness matrix regarding the deformation second one represents the geometric stiff- forces acting on the element.

3. Corotational formulation

The movement undergone by an other parcel is related to the movements movement from the total movement of
element can be divided into two com- that generate deformations (Crisfield, the element, a corotational referential
ponents: one due to the movements of 1991). The second type of movement is is introduced, as in Figure 1. As this
the rigid body, where the element is of greater interest, since it generates the referential follows the element, only
translated and rotated as a whole, with- forces in the structure. the movements that cause deformation
out its configuration being altered; the Thus, to filter the rigid body are detected.

Figure 1
Corotational referential.

In this corotational system, the non-zero nodal displacements are given by:


where uj is the longitudinal displace- placements; the rigid body rotation configuration L are defined according to:
ment, θiand θj are the rotational dis- is θr and the length of the deformed


In the corotational formulation, it the internal forces vector Fi and the variation of the corotational displace-
is important to relate the local system tangent stiffness matrix K in the global ments with respect to the global ones,
with the global one in order to obtain system. This is achieved by taking the as follows:

u T
u= u = T u = a ci b / L c j b / L u
with a, b, ci and cj given by:
a = [-cos -sen 0 cos sen 0] ; b = [sen -cos 0 -sen cos 0] ;
T T (13)
ci = [0 0 1 0 0 0] ; and c j = [0 0 0 0 0 1]
REM, Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 72(2), 199-207, apr. jun. | 2019 201
Numerical fundamentals and interactive computer graphics system for the nonlinear analysis of planar frames

The internal forces vector Fi and the be related to the same in the local system
stiffness matrix K in the global system can following the expressions (Crisfield, 1991):

Fei = TT Fei (14)

Ke = TT Ke T + (Nj / L) bbT + (Mi + Mi) / L2 (abT + baT) (15)

As the movements that cause defor- that the behavior of the element is linear in the Timoshenko (KT) and Euler-Bernoulli
mations are considered small, it is assumed the local system. Thus, in the local system, (KEB) element stiffness matrices are given by:

0 0 0 0
K Te 0 ; K eE B = 0 (16)
4 L 4 L L L
0 + 0
4 L 4 L L L

4. Solution of the nonlinear equations

With the FE discretization, a nonlinear algebraic equations system is obtained and can be written as:

r ( u, l) = lFr - Fi (u) ≅ 0 (17)

where u is the system’s displacement of the nonlinear system, Eq. (17), an solution (Du 0 n+1 , Dl0 n+1) for the new
nodal vector, Fr is the reference external incremental process is applied together state of equilibrium, a new estimate
forces vector, l is the load parameter, with an iterative method, generally the is obtained from the sub-increments
Fi is the internal forces vector and r is Newton-Raphson one, where given an δuk+1n+1 and δlk+1n+1 in iteration k accord-
the residual forces vector. For solution equilibrium state (un, ln) and a predicted ing to:

u kn ++11 = u nk +1 + u nk ++11 and k +1

n +1 = k
n +1 + k +1
n +1 (18)

The sub-increment δuk+1n+1 can be calculated using the expression below:

k +1
+1 =( k
+1 ) ( k
+1 + k +1
+1 )= + k +1

4.1 Iteration strategies

To determine the sub-increment done in such a way that the numerical are: linear, cylindrical and spherical
in Eq. 19 and the increments in Eq. 18, process is able to pass through load and arc-length (Crisfield, 1991); minimum
it is necessary to determine the sub- displacement limit points, as well as bi- residual displacement norm (Chan,
increment of the load parameter δlk+1n+1. furcation ones (Pires, 2012). Among the 1988); orthogonal residual procedure
The choice of this load parameter is various iteration strategies implemented (Krenk, 2009).

4.2 Load increment strategies

Once the new estimate of the in- Generally, the force criteria is used, point is established and a new estimate
crements is obtained, the system’s equi- where the norm of r should be less than for the displacement increments Du0n+1
librium is tested. Various convergence a previously stipulated tolerance. If the becomes necessary. In general, this es-
criteria can be used (Crisfield, 1991). criteria is satisfied, a new equilibrium timate is obtained as presented below:

u 0n +1 = 0
n +1 K n 1F r (20)

Various strategies can be used to implemented are: direct load increment external work (Silva, 2009). Figure 2
determine this incremental estimate of the (Krenk, 2009); cylindrical and spherical shows, in flowchart form, the nonlinear
initial load parameter Dl0n+1. Among those arc-length (Crisfield, 1991); and constant solving strategy adopted in this study.
202 REM, Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 72(2), 199-207, apr. jun. | 2019
Murillo Vinícius Bento Santana and Ricardo Azoubel da Mota Silveira

Figure 2
The incremental-iterative strategy for
solving the nonlinear structural equations.

5. Interactive graphic computational system

In this study, an interactive com- was developed using MATLAB/GUI programming (OOP), in order to help
puter graphics with capacity for pre-pro- (MATLAB, 2015), and employing the elaborated designs for planar frame
cessing, analyzing, and post-processing paradigm designated object-orientated structures under large displacements.

5.1 Object-orientated programming (OOP)

Object orientation is a program- classes defines the objects in the compu- objects (Farrell, 2009). Herein, the
ming paradigm based on the composi- tational system. Each class determines OOP paradigm was used because of
tion and interaction of various units the behavior and attributes of its objects its advantages, such as organization
of the program called “objects”. In (nodes, material, sections, elements), of the generated codes, inheritance,
this programming paradigm, a set of as well as their relationship with other and polymorphism.

5.2 Pre-processing
The opening screen of the devel- all of the relevant parameters for the principal canvas. Thus, the geometry,
oped computational system is shown idealized structural model. As the together with the boundary condi-
in Figure 3. With the embedded pre- structure is modified in the program, tions of the problem, can be visualized
processing capacity, the user can insert the structural design is updated in the and exported.

Figure 3
Initial screen of the
interactive graphics system.
REM, Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 72(2), 199-207, apr. jun. | 2019 203
Numerical fundamentals and interactive computer graphics system for the nonlinear analysis of planar frames

Figure 4 shows the menus avail- database of the analysis; begin a new options, the user can obtain assistance
able in the program. In the first group project; re-open an existing project; about a given task. For more details, see
of menus, the user can administrate the or save a current project. Besides these Santana (2015).

Figure 4
nteractive graphics system menus.

In the second group of menus, the parameters that should be inserted is gener- Various material and sections types can be
model parameters are inserted. In other ated on the left side of the screen, as shown chosen in their respective interactive panels,
words, the nodes, material, cross section of in Figure 5. In the nodes panel, besides the including the concrete described in the NBR
the bars, elements, support conditions and coordinates, the boundary conditions of 6118 (2003) and the steel described in the
loads can be introduced. Once a determined each node can be inserted, such as loads, NBR 8800 (2008) standards, as well as
menu is selected, a panel referent to the supports and prescribed displacements. common sections encountered in practice.

5.3 Structural analysis

In the third group of menus present- such as iteration strategy, load increment solution process for the structural model.
ed in Figure 4, the referent parameters for strategy, tolerance and number of desired The numerical fundamentals presented
the structural analysis are generated, as il- iterations can be specified. This panel in Sections 2, 3 and 4 are the bases of the
lustrated in Figure 6. In this panel, options also has a “solve” key that initiates the Structural Analysis option.

5.4 Post-processing
With the last group of menus to visualize the deformed configuration; of the load step is also generated for each
(Figure 4), the results obtained in the in the second, the equilibrium path; in the of the results visualized. In the fifth sub-
analysis can be visualized by means of third, the internal forces diagram; and in menu of this group, the results can be
graphics, animations and tables. In the the fourth, the previous results combined, visualized as tables. These tables can be
first sub-menu of this group, it is possible as can be seen in Figure 7. A control panel exported as database files.

Figure 5
Interactive panels of data input.

Figure 6
Analysis and results panels.
204 REM, Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 72(2), 199-207, apr. jun. | 2019
Murillo Vinícius Bento Santana and Ricardo Azoubel da Mota Silveira

Figure 7
Visualization of the numerical results.

6. Application example

The developed computational Galvão (2000). The arch was discretized (2000). The models were analyzed using
system was applied to analyze a pinned with twenty-six elements, has material the Total Lagrangian and Corotational
supported circular arch with a di- with elastic modulus E = 2000, cross beam formulations according to the
ameter of L = 100, under a centrally section area A = 10 and inertia I = 1. Timoshenko theory, and as the non-
concentrated (Fig. 8a) and eccentric The eccentric load is induced by means linear solution strategy, the cylindrical
(Fig. 8b) load. This structural system of a moment M = 0.001P, applied at the arc-length was adopted in the iterative
was initially studied by Harrison (1978) central node. The results obtained were process and in the load parameter
and later by Yang and Kuo (1994) and compared with those present in Galvão increment strategy.

(a) (b)

Figure 8
Pinned circular arch:
FE discretization and loading conditions.

Figures 9a and 9b present the configurations for a given value of responses in the arch, characterized
circular arch equilibrium paths for the load parameter. These curves by the presence of various load and
the two loading cases (central load, were obtained by considering load displacement limit points. However,
perfect system; and eccentric load, P to be equal to 0.4N to initiate the in the case of the imperfect system, the
imperfect system), where the varia- analysis and the standard Newton- stiffness of the structure is consider-
tion of the vertical displacement of Raphson method was applied. The ably less, characterizing the unstable
the arch’s central node with respect results obtained with the formulations behavior of the structure. The loops
to the load factor can be observed. implemented are in accordance with in the equilibrium paths also demon-
See that these two load configurations those of Galvão (2000), who adopted strate the existence of various equilib-
provoke high nonlinear responses in the classical beam theory. Figures rium configurations for a given value
the arch, characterized by the pres- 9a and 9b present the circular arch of the load parameter. These curves
ence of various load and displacement equilibrium paths for the two loading were obtained by considering load
limit points. However, in the case of cases (central load, perfect system; P to be equal to 0.4N to initiate the
the imperfect system, the stiffness and eccentric load, imperfect system), analysis and the standard Newton-
of the structure is considerably less, where the variation of the vertical dis- Raphson method was applied. The
characterizing the unstable behavior placement of the arch’s central node results obtained with the formulations
of the structure. The loops in the with respect to the load factor can be implemented are in accordance with
equilibrium paths also demonstrate observed. See that these two load con- those of Galvão (2000), who adopted
the existence of various equilibrium figurations provoke high nonlinear the classical beam theory.
REM, Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 72(2), 199-207, apr. jun. | 2019 205
Numerical fundamentals and interactive computer graphics system for the nonlinear analysis of planar frames

(a) (b)

Figure 9
Equilibrium paths
of the pinned circular arch.

Figures 10a and 10b show the de- deformation modes, respectively. While is possible to note how the loss of symme-
formed configuration for the two load cas- in Figures 11a and 11b, there can be seen try, even provoked by a small instability,
es during the same load step, highlighting the bending moment diagram of the arch can considerably affect the distribution
both the symmetrical and asymmetrical under the two different load conditions. It of the forces.

(a) (b)

Figure 10
Deformed configurations
of the pinned circular arch.

(a) (b)

Figure 11
Bending moment diagram
of the pinned circular arch.

Finely, as main advantages of the the user different options of nonlinear solv- consideration of the inelastic and semi-
numerical modeling system, there can be ers (analyzes); the resulting visualization, rigid connection effects; it is based on plane
highlighted: the ease and straight modeling such as the nonlinear equilibrium paths; truss and beam-column elements and just
process (user interactive controls which al- and it can also serve as an educational permits 2D visualization not addressing
lows for the inclusion and removal of data); tool. The limitations of the tool are: no nonlinear transient structural problems.

7. Concluding remarks

This work presented an interactive analyst/engineer a direct access to the Additionally, the computational pro-
object-orientated graphic computational geometric nonlinear effects and stability gram developed here can be used as an ed-
system for second order analysis of planar of the structural system. The visualiza- ucational graphic tool for undergraduate
structural frames. The computational tion of the numerical results is accessed and graduate students from architecture,
system developed with MATLAB/GUI through interactive controls that permit civil and mechanical engineering courses.
proved to be very useful in the modeling data inclusion and analysis verification. The choice of the OOP paradigm,
process and evaluation of the numerical The structural model discretization, equi- as previously emphasized, facilitated the
results. With pre-processing, analysis and librium paths, deformation configurations organization, maintenance and expansion
post-processing capacities, and nonlinear and resultant force diagrams can easily be of the computational system’s code. The
finite element formulations implemented, seen at the moment that the analyst runs Total Lagrangian and Corotational beam
this computational tool offers to the the program and in each load step. formulations have shown to be adequate
206 REM, Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 72(2), 199-207, apr. jun. | 2019
Murillo Vinícius Bento Santana and Ricardo Azoubel da Mota Silveira

in the analysis of planar frame systems using the developed computational system terial inelasticity, semi-rigid connections,
subject to instability. are presented in Santana (2015). Future and their dynamic effects in the structural
Other numerical structural analyses research will incorporate the issues of ma- analysis (Batelo, 2014).


The authors thank CNPq and UFOP for their support in the realiza- libre de Bruxelles (ULB) for his hospitality
CAPES (Federal Research Agencies), tion of this research. The second author during this manuscript’s review at Batir/
FAPEMIG (Minas Gerais State Research would like to express immense gratitude ULB. Our thanks also go to Prof. Harriet
Agency), PROPEC/UFOP and PROPP/ to Professor Péter Z. Berke from Université Reis for her editorial review.


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Received: 31 August 2017 – Resubmitted: 21 August 2018 - Accepted: 2 December 2018.

All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY.

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