Poems of Love - For Christie Alzate Landázuri PDF

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I am Christie Alzate Landazuri I´m 22 years old and I love writing poetry, at the
age of 13 I discovered the world of poetry, and it was fantastic. I used to be very
bad at spelling the Spanish language, but poetry has helped me and my spelling
changed, and it's that I hope will happen with English, May the love I feel for
writing help me to improve in this language. My inspiration is the woman and I
feel that I have the task to remind them the importance they have in this world.

My love for poetry is family legacy, my ancestors constantly said phrases in

family meeting, In the streets and where they were allowed.
She is beautiful

She is beautiful … (sigh)

The nuance of her skin, the history behind of her smile…

Her small hands so much gentle and feminine…

The relief of her “good ones morning” …

Her voice, My God!!

Her voice so much subtle and addictive…


She one beautiful woman and very very crazy…

But her madness it makes me fall in love…

A woman that shows you the colors of the days…

A woman that makes yearn her songs……

Makes you smile without reasons...

Makes you sigh with the soul,

revive feelings…

Makes you see in the clouds hearts...

And fills you with illusions…

Beautiful woman…

I know, I’m not much, but I can accompany you walking through live

In the name of true love…

Let me fill your life with new colors and your dreams with the craziest

Beautiful queen of my thoughts…

Let me adore your soul under the light of the stars and surprise your being
with my poems…


You let footprint with your walk…

You are so sweet and delicate, perfect in your imperfections…

You are deserving of being loved…

Strong woman…

Resistant, intelligent…

Naive and daring at the same time…

The majestic creation of God …

Sublime art…

You, precious woman!!!

You deserve the subtlety of being praised

as nature that with the dawn dew refreshes the lilies every morning

and that your Essence day by day be valued…

I read her

And the traditionalism of a role was not necessary…

Research her name was the first task to know about her existence…

Then I read her words…

I paused with each comma…

I exalt the iris of my eyes with every exclamation in her writing…

I filled her eyes with questions…

To which she replied with hilarious paragraphs…

It was placid increase the pages

And make a write for it…

It was curious as we read and wrote without counting seconds that

overwhelmed the time…

And amazing the challenge that emerged when I revealing a word between
lines that I would only read...

Let's see how much it takes to tell us life…

Between words and canvases…

find out how long it takes to read us…

By: Christie Alzaland

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