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Dayak Traditional Music Instrument

Sambe (Sape)

`Sambe is traditional music instrument of Dayak. Sambe. made of soft wood, usually the
meranti’s. Sambe has four to six strings, and the special one is the two strings called Sambe
Karaang. Sape Karaang only used in dance performance, to accompany dances. Sape widely
used by dayak Kenya, Iban and Kayan which have different sounds and strings. Sape produce
two different tone, Tubunsitun and Sakpakok. Tubunsitun tone usually has a slow tempo and
produces a distinctive tone. Meanwhile, sakpakok has a tone that is more rapid and dynamic.

How to Play

All the strings plucked using the thumb and only one of the strings is used to play the melody,
the rest of the strings function as drone string, playing only open strings. One string carries the
melody and the rest of the strings are to produce a drone sound.

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