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A forum for the discussion of Sophian Gnosticism

Presence of Lights - Gate of Kavvanah

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Presence of Lights - Gate of Kavvanah
by Tau Malachi Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 9:59 am

Presence of Lights – Gate of Kavvanah

At the outset of visionary experiences light appears to be light with no differentiation between one
form or grade of light and another, this is reflected by the common mistake of the novice, who
when seeing a bright light will instantly call it “supernal light” having heard the term in the
tradition but having no experience of it, mistaking a lesser light for the Supreme Illumination; it
requires time and experience to discern the many gradations or forms of Divine Light.

If you gaze at a candle you may gain some insight into this, for within the flame there are many
flames or lights, but never having looked to see you may not have recognized this – at the base
there is a blue or black light near the wick of the candle, and there is a golden light, within there
is a white light, and surrounding there is a radiant light, and sometimes around that is a glory, like
a rainbow. In truth there are many lights in the flame – one and many, and so it is with the light in
Divine Vision.

*Gazing deeply at a flame with full kavvanah and opening the mind to the Divine Light, the Holy
Spirit may speak and reveal mysteries of her world to one who knows how to gaze; but the one who
gazes must abide in purity, for to the impure or unclean another spirit will come that is not from
Elyon, the Most High.

Thrones of Light Meditation

We shall remind: When you set your mind on something with full kavvanah-concentration, its
essence returns to you and there is penetrating insight.

If you wish to discern forms of the Divine Light and acquire insight, or if you wish to pray with
power, or you wish to grasp the true nature of a mystery, or you wish to glean what shall transpire
according to Ratzon before it transpires, do the following:

Envision yourself as light, and envision that all of your surroundings are light on every side, as
though you are light in an ocean of light, light upon light.

In the midst of this light is a Throne of Light, and above that Holy Throne is a light called Nogah
Light, Glowing Light; opposite this enthroned Nogah Light and facing it is another Throne of Light
and above that Holy Throne is a light called Tov Light, Good Light – you stand in between.

If you wish to release the sins of souls turn to Tov Light; but if you wish to retain the sins of souls
turn to the Nogah Light – accordingly there shall be Mercy or Judgment, all as the Holy Spirit
desires and God wills.

When you speak, direct your words towards the Divine Light with full conscious intention, and so it
will come to pass as you speak it.

Now if you turn to your right you will find another Throne of Light and above it will shine a light
called Bahir Light, Brilliant Light; and opposite that Holy Throne and Bahir Light to your left you
will find another Throne of Light with a light above it that is called Zohar Light, Radiant Light.
If you wish to discern and reveal things that are concealed or hidden, or find things that are lost,
then turn to the Bahir Light; if you want shift the flow of what is transpiring or want to manifest
something new, then you will turn to the Zohar Light.

Above these Four Holy Light and in the center of them is a light called Kavod Light, Glorious Light;
and surrounding that Holy Light is another light called Hayyah Light, Living Light – above and
beyond them is the Light of the Holy Crown pure and transparent, surrounded by Radiant Darkness.

If you wish to enter into the Sphere of Divine Vision or Prophecy, you must know how to draw near
and ascend into the Divine Light above – let your soul take flight from your Body of Light, and in
this way run and return in the presence of Ha-Shem.

The Light of the Holy Crown is Ratzon which perfects the desires of the mind and heart, and
illuminates the paths of the imagination, inspiring the soul and enhancing the radiance of Divine
Vision. This Holy Light is without end, and there is no comprehending it. From Glorious Light of its
purity and perfection comes all true willing or desires, blessings, grace, peace and life, and all that
is good and true, and in its least form it is a glaring glow.

Within the Dark Radiance the True and Supernal Light shines, but only the perfect shall behold it,
the souls of the children of the Great Seth (Shin-Tau).

The Holy and Divine Light is concealed from those who turn away from it or who go astray from the
Path of Beauty and Righteousness, and to those who go astray it transforms into its exact opposite,
Klippah Nogah, the false lights of deceiving spirits that invokes the Judgment.

The true path is in the middle and is straight, as Yohanan proclaimed, depending on purification,
which is to say kavvanah-concentration – to sojourn this straight and narrow path you must know
how to concentrate, and how to cleave with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and the Divine
Light from above, the Mother’s Force, must bless you in order to accomplish this, for the spirit is
willing but the flesh is weak.

According to the strength of kavvanah and the force of devekut, you will transmit power through
your desire, and you will desire through your knowledge, and you will imagine through your
thoughts, and strength will flow through your actions, and fortitude will be in your contemplation,

When your eye is single you whole body will be filled with Divine Light, Divine Power – when there
is no other thought or desire, when you are undivided, this Force of Will can become so powerful
that is can transmit the spiritual influx from Ain Sof, the Infinite.

*This is the secret of all great wonders, the secret of the greater prophets and apostles of God, the
True Light.

This entire movement is then consciously complete, according to your desire – but you must know
how to removes the seed from the husk (klippah), removing all desires conscious and unconscious
that would draw you away from the Divine Light and Truth, the primary aim. The husks (klippot) of
distraction all come from yourself and no other, and therefore you must elevate yourself above and
beyond them, shedding them as you reintegrated yourself with the Light Continuum (Yahweh).

Then you will be able to probe the great mysteries in depth to know, understand and grow wise,
and you will be able to see with the Light of the Infinite (Or Ain Sof) – God’s illumination, and you
will be able to remove yourself from the crooked path of the evil inclination (sitra ahara), going to
the good inclination (sitra tov). Through the power of your holy meditation your soul can then
blaze, going forth by day, no longer bound up in the darkness.

You are raised up through the power of your kavvanah and protected by the power of your devekut
– all of which comes from the Glorious Light and Living Light, the radiance of that Perfect and
Concealed Light, Supernal. That Perfect Primordial Light cannot be seen, probed, estimated,
measured or conceived; it is without boundary or limit, having no end – it is infinite in everyway,
and all powerful, and all knowing, awesome!

Your soul therefore ascends through the power of your kavvanah from one gradation of Divine Light
to another until it reaches the Infinite (Ain Sof) and enters into the experience of perfect devekut,
rapturous union.

Thus, you must learn to direct your kavvanah in the proper way so as to perfect it, so that the
Supreme Will should cloth itself in your will, and not only should your will cloth itself in the
Supreme Will – the highest and supreme spiritual influx of the Supernal Light does not descend
except when an individual does this correctly, abiding in the Great Natural Perfection of Messiah
Melchizedek; you must bring yourself to the Holy One in such a way that the Supreme Will clothes
itself in the desire of your will.

Then the Supreme Will and lowest will are unified and there is no difference – and the Supernal
Influx can then be transmitted in order to bring you to perfection, the Self-Made-Perfect in God
and Godhead.

The lower will is imperfect when you go to God for your own needs; rather, you must go clothed in
the desire for the good of all, clothed in the will and desire to reveal the identification that is
hidden in the concealed Mystery, the Soul of the Messiah, the Human One of Light, inseparable
from the Light of the Infinite (Or Ain Sof).

When you draw near to the Holy One of Being in this way, the Divine Mother brings the Will of Elyon
near to you, increasing your presence and power, and motivating your will until you can accomplish
anything, all as El Elyon wills. This will include even things you desire, even things in which the
Supreme Will has no portion; for such is the power of the Supernal Influx, the True Light.

Everything will be transmitted to you by way of the power of your concentration – therefore in
wisdom you will cultivate and refine your concentration, seeking its perfection in God’s will. So it
is written, “One who strives for good shall seek Ratzon (the Will)” (Proverbs 11:27).

When you are perfect in this the Divine Mother will grant you *Habad* – Divine Knowledge,
Understanding and Wisdom; and so you shall receive your Holy Crown among the Perfect, the

Here we may speak openly the secret of all wonderworking: The initiate is clothed in their ruach
(spirit or intelligence), being moved by neshamah, and expressing their kavvanah-concentration
with words, making a symbolic gesture or action, what they desire comes to pass; according to how
the initiate does this, the influx (shefa) will be transmitted from potential to actual, from one
grade to another until manifest just as it is intended, just as it is spoken.

So too we can share another open secret: It is in this manner that the holy tzaddikim linger before
they pray – perhaps abiding for an hour or so; then they take up their prayers for another hour as a
theurgic action manifesting the Supreme Will and its power, the Supernal Shekinah; and then
dwelling upon what is done for an hour or so, they envision exactly how their speech and action
will have visible effect – and so with them it comes to pass, perfectly, all as God wills in them.

Because they are masters of the Holy Name, and are well educated in the Holy Torah and Gospel,
their knowledge is preserved and their spiritual work is blessed, for it is all God’s will.

If you purify yourself and become accustomed to praying in this way, you may be uplifted into the
prophetic grades, chosen by the Holy Mother to enter into the Sphere of Prophecy and be a vision
bringer for the people.

Sacred Circle & Lights

This may be performed purely as a meditation coupled with sessions of daily prayer, but when you
go out on a vision quest is can be joined to the creation of a Sacred Circle, sitting waiting upon the
Spirit of Yahweh – creating the Sacred Circle, then take up the Body of Vision and enact what the
Holy Spirit inspires.

Tov Light is to the South; Nogah Light to the North; Zohar Light to the East; and Bahir Light to the
West – Kavod Light, Hayyah Light and the Primordial Light are above in the Height and are below in
the Depth.

In this initiates will know and understand the way of the Sacred Circle and Holy Lights.

There is nothing more to be said about this save to one who draws near and who can look and see.

May all living spirits and souls experience Divine Illumination; amen.

Shabbat Shalom!

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