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Question Details of Subject :QUIZ-BAT-761

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Unit Code Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Unit Wise Total Total Questions : 164
1 51 11 0 62

2 24 27 0 51

3 25 0 26 51
Group Wise Total 100 38 26

QNo Question Id Question Description

1 1592975 A role-set is the range of contacts with whom an individual in a particular role has:
Unit : 1, Group : 1 1.Meaningful interactions
2.Regular appraisals
3.A line management relationship (Right)
4.Daily contact
2 1587462 What type of group should you form if your organization is looking to solve the specific problem of organizing
Unit : 1, Group : 1 electronic information systems?
1.Interest group
2.Line unit
3.Command group
4.Task force (Right)
3 1592942 Boynton and Fisher noted that ________________ teams can be formed specifically to initiate organisational change.
Unit : 1, Group : 1 1.Virtuoso
3.Virtual (Right)
4 1593135 Goals work best for building teams when

Unit : 1, Group : 1 1.they are clearly stated (Right)

2.there are many goals to challenge the team
3.the goals create competition within the group goal is shared by every member on the team
5 1587449 A group brought into existence as part of the organisation¶s structure is defined as:

Unit : 1, Group : 1 1.a formal (or command) group. (Right) informal group.
3.a friendship group. aggregate of people.
6 1593052

Unit : 1, Group : 1 What is the purpose of a 'quality circle'?

1.Bring together managers and workers to find improvements. (Right)

2.Bring together managers and workers to discuss output.
3.Bring together managers and workers to review quality of work.
4.Bring together managers and workers to review targets.

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7 1593038

Unit : 1, Group : 1 Which one of the following is not a characteristic of a team?

1.Minimal and formal knowledge sharing (Right)

2.Collective output
3.Individual and collective responsibility
4.Fluid dimension to roles and tasks
8 1593106 Groupthink can be combatted in which of the following ways?

Unit : 1, Group : 1 1.the team leader could withhold his or her viewpoint during team discussion
2.the devil's advocate role could be assigned to a specific team member members could engage in cohesiveness-building training
4.both a and b (Right)
9 1592932 Teams occur when a number of people have ____________________ and recognise that their personal success is dependent on the success of others.

Unit : 1, Group : 1 1.The same manager

2.Similar jobs (Right)
3.A common goal
4.A shared work environment
10 1592996 The risky-shift phenomenon means that there is a tendency for groups to make decisions which are _______________________ than
those which individual members would make.
Unit : 1, Group : 1
1.More conservative (Right)
2.Less consistent
3.More risky
4.Less risky
11 1592950 In the Tuckman model, groups at the ___________________ stage develop guidelines and standards of acceptable behaviour.
Unit : 1, Group : 1 1.Adjourning
4.Norming (Right)
12 1592968 A virtual team is a collection of people who are _________________ separated but still __________________ together closely.
Unit : 1, Group : 1 1.Temporally; work (Right)
2.Geographically; work
3.Geographically; decide
4.Physically; think
13 1593111 Team creativity can be promoted in which of the following ways?

Unit : 1, Group : 1 1.Establishing a competitive environment to promote creative ideas

2.Establishing challenges for the team (Right)
3.Evaluating ideas during the idea generation stage
4.Stressing deadlines to encourage intensity and focus

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14 1588091

Unit : 1, Group : 1
What is a person's judgment of his or her capacity to organize and execute a designated course of action?

1.Self-efficacy (Right)
2.Collective efficacy
4.Group potency
5.A K Ramanujan
6.Imtiaz Dharker
15 1592990 The team-role which is likely to demonstrate such positive qualities as strategic vision and accurate judgement but may also be overly
critical is:
Unit : 1, Group : 1
2.Monitor-Evaluator (Right)
4.Team Worker
16 1587464 A(n) ________ is a set of expected behaviors attached to a position in an organized set of social relationships
Unit : 1, Group : 1
4.rule (Right)
17 1587466

Unit : 1, Group : 1
If you hold frequent membership interactions, and discussions about values and goal setting, the perception
of your group as an entity will be enhanced. What is the term for this perception?

1.In-group bias
2.Halo effect
3.Command group
4.Entitativity (Right)
18 1593048

Unit : 1, Group : 1 What is T-group training?

1.A group whose aim is transformational change

2.A group brought together to deliver training programmes
3.Team training for the purposes of advancing technology
4.Team building activities involving learning (Right)
19 1593082

Unit : 1, Group : 1 What is characteristic for the location of a virtual team?

1.In the same building

2.In the same industry
3.In the same country
4.remotely (Right)

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20 1593099 Which of the following are benefits of brainstorming when compared to nominal group technique?

Unit : 1, Group : 1 1. brainstorming is more fun

2.brainstorming can create a positive organizational climate
3. brainstorming can encourage talented and highly skilled employees to remain in an organization
4.all of the above (Right)
21 1587463

Unit : 1, Group : 1
What is the final stage in group development in which members focus on completing the job and getting group
activities in order?

3.Adjurning (Right)
22 1592945 Reasons for the formation of groups include:
Unit : 1, Group : 1 1.The performance of certain tasks which can be performed only through combined efforts of individuals working together.
2.The provision of guidelines on generally acceptable behaviour. (Right)
3.The provision of protection for its membership.
4.All of the above
23 1587459 The µin-group¶and µout-group¶phenomenon is characterised by:

Unit : 1, Group : 1

The µin-group¶and µout-group¶phenomenon is characterised


1.two groups that have extremely favourable views of each other.

2. two groups that have polarised, stereotyped and uncomplimentary views of each other. (Right)
3.demoralisation in both groups.
4.high morale in one of the groups.
24 1593043

Unit : 1, Group : 1 What is the term Tuckman uses for reaching consensus as a group?

4.norming (Right)

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25 1593001 Which of the following is an explanation of the ³Johari Window´
Unit : 1, Group : 1 1.A blind area
2.Hidden behaviour
3.A simple framework for looking at self-insight
4.None of the above (Right)
26 1588085
When a group attends meetings that develop each member's collective knowledge to build a shared mental representation of their
Unit : 1, Group : 1 work, what are they developing?

2.Virtual team
3.Team cognition (Right)
27 1587457 In comparing group and individual decision making, Michaelsen et al. (1989) note that:

Unit : 1, Group : 1

In comparing group and individual decision making,

Michaelsen et al. (1989) note that:

In comparing group and individual decision making,

Michaelsen et al. (1989) note that:

1.individuals invariably make better decisions than individuals.

2. a group usually takes much longer to reach a decision than an individual working alone. (Right)
3. groups are less likely to produce workable decisions than individuals working alone.
4.all of the above.
28 1592960 A potential disadvantage associated with cohesive groups is:
Unit : 1, Group : 1 1.A tendency to see other groups as rivals (Right)
2.A tendency to develop attitudes which are hard to change
3.A tendency to focus on social activities which may reduce output
4.All of the above

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29 1592994 The type of communication network which is most efficient for simple tasks is the:
Unit : 1, Group : 1 1.Circle (Right)
3.All channel
30 1593028

Unit : 1, Group : 1 How do you describe a work group that comprises workers with demarcated tasks and distant
line managers?

2.Independent (Right)
31 1593085

Unit : 1, Group : 1 Which of these is not an advantage of a virtual team?

1.Team members can be recruited for their specific skills or experience.

2.No overhead costs associated with physical buildings.
3.Conflict can be resolved easily using face-to-face meetings. (Right)
4.Low transport or commuting costs.
32 1587467 A(n) ________ is a social entity embedded in a larger community or a specific organization that performs
Unit : 1, Group : 1 tasks that affect others, such as customers or co-workers. (Right)
3.halo effect
33 1593045

Unit : 1, Group : 1 What are group norms?

1.Modes of behaviour that are acceptable to and shared by group members (Right)
2.Modes of behaviour that are shared by some members of the group
3.Modes of behaviour that challenge group values and beliefs
4.Modes of behaviour that are different of those of the other group members
34 1587452 In the second of Tuckman¶s (1965) stages of group development:

Unit : 1, Group : 1 1.the group develops cohesiveness.

2. the group¶s task starts to be well performed.
3.close relationships are developed.
4.conflict between members usually occurs. (Right)

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35 1593118 Which of the following is an effective technique for dealing with troublesome group members?

Unit : 1, Group : 1 1.Embrace their disruptive behavio

2. Use the same behaviors as the disruptive member to demonstrate why their behaviors are flawed
3.Create an environment where the disruptive member does not feel welcome
4. Confront the person directly (Right)
36 1587456 The phenomenon associated with polarised group decisions is called:

Unit : 1, Group : 1 1.risky shift. (Right)

37 1587451 Informal groups tend to:

Unit : 1, Group : 1 1. be counter productive for an organisation.

2. be formed primarily outside work. needs for social contact. (Right)
4.achieve organisational tasks.
38 1587453 Cohesive groups are usually:

Unit : 1, Group : 1 1.better at meeting their objectives. (Right)

2.those that make better quality decision.
3.those that come into conflict with other groups.
4.tend to be complacent and self satisfied.
39 1587460 Which of the following is most closely associated with having originated the Socio-technical Systems approach to job design?

Unit : 1, Group : 1 1. F W Taylor.

2.Peter Drucker.
3.Tom Peters.
4. Trist et al. (Right)
40 1587461

Unit : 1, Group : 1
A team is different from a group because in teams performance requires ________ contribution(s) to complete
a project

3.individual and collective (Right)
4.managerial and collective
41 1588097

Unit : 1, Group : 1
Your organization is concerned that teamwork is suffering due to the fierce competitive culture within the work
environment. What is one potential remedy?

1.Reward individuals within the team.

2.Tap extrinsic motivation.
3.Reward the outcome of the team. (Right)
4.Enhance task conflict.

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42 1592937 Groups which are formed as the consequence of organisational structure and work division are known as:
Unit : 1, Group : 1 1.operational groups (Right)
2.formal groups groups
4.informal groups
43 1593005 According to Douglas are people management skills are the ______________ types of skills.
Unit : 1, Group : 1 1.Direct and honest
4.More difficult and rare (Right)
5.None of the above
44 1551105 Which of the following is an effective technique for dealing with troublesome group members
Unit : 1, Group : 1
1.Embrace their disruptive behaviour
2.Use the same behaviours as the disruptive member to demonstrate why their behaviours are flawed
3.Create an environment where the disruptive member does not feel welcome
4.Confront the person directly (Right)
45 1592999 Brainstorming as a problem-solving and decision-making technique:
Unit : 1, Group : 1 1.Focuses the mind
2.Encourages communication
3.Involves everyone
4.All three of the above (Right)
6.2 (Right)
46 1592980 Belbin¶s initial research led him to propose how many team roles?
Unit : 1, Group : 1 1.Nine
2.Eight (Right)
47 1593034

Unit : 1, Group : 1 What is the term for the set of behaviours and tasks that a member of the group is expected to
perform because he or she is a member of the group?

1.Group roles (Right)

2.two (Right)
3.Virtual teamwork
4. Synergy
5.Role making

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48 1587458 The effectiveness of a group can most sensibly be evaluated against:

Unit : 1, Group : 1 1.task criteria.

2.member satisfaction criteria.
3.both the first and second answers. (Right)
4.neither the first nor the second answer.

49 1592985 The team-role which is likely to demonstrate such positive qualities as imagination and creativity but may show disregard for practical
details is:
Unit : 1, Group : 1
2.Team Worker (Right)
50 1587465

Unit : 1, Group : 1
In the organization Natalya works for, they dress casual on Mondays, rather than Fridays. This is just one of
the ________ that revolve around issues of informal social arrangements.

1.norms (Right)
51 1592964 Which of the following is not a characteristic of an effective work group?
Unit : 1, Group : 1 1.a (Right)
5.The open expression of feelings and disagreements.
6.A belief in shared aims and objectives. (Right)
52 1527711

Unit : 1, Group : 2
Goals work best for building teams when

1.they are clearly stated (Right)

2.there are many goals to challenge the team
3.the goals create competition within the group goal is shared by every member on the
53 1527725

Unit : 1, Group : 2
Consensus decision making means that

1.every group member's preferred choice will be selected by the group

2.all members agree to the final decision or group choice
3.all legitimate concerns of group members are addressed
4.both b and c (Right)

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54 1527590

Unit : 1, Group : 2
Groupthink can be combatted in which of the following ways?

1. the team leader could withhold his or her viewpoint during team discussion
2. the devil's advocate role could be assigned to a specific team member
3. team members could engage in cohesiveness-building
4. both a and b (Right)
55 1527717

Unit : 1, Group : 2
Breaking down a problem into its constituent parts during team discussion is which of the following
steps in the Standard Agenda?

1.Criteria development
2.Identification of the problem
3.Analyzing the problem (Right)
4.Evaluating problem solutions
56 1527627

Unit : 1, Group : 2
Team creativity can be promoted in which of the following ways?

1.Establishing a competitive environment to promote creative ideas

2.Establishing challenges for the team (Right)
3.Evaluating ideas during the idea generation stage
4.Stressing deadlines to encourage intensity and focus
57 1527582

Unit : 1, Group : 2
Which of the following are benefits of brainstorming when compared to nominal group technique?

1.all of the above (Right)

2.brainstorming is more fun
3.brainstorming can create a positive organizational climate
4.brainstorming can encourage talented and highly skilled employees to remain in an organization
58 1527728 Majority rule has which of the following disadvantages
Unit : 1, Group : 2
1. it is time consuming to arrive at a majority decision
2.majorities make slow methological decisions
3.a dominance power dynamic can emerge (Right)
4.all of the above
59 1527635

Unit : 1, Group : 2
Which of the following is an effective technique for dealing with troublesome group members?

1.Embrace their disruptive behavior

2. Use the same behaviors as the disruptive member to demonstrate why their behaviors are flawed
3.Create an environment where the disruptive member does not feel welcome
4.Confront the person directly (Right)

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60 1527730

Unit : 1, Group : 2
Groupthink is

1.a process where group members gather to decide issues

2.a process of group members stressing disagreement and skepticism
3.a process of group members stressing cohesiveness and agreement instead of skepticism and optimum decision making (Right)
4.a process of breaking rigid thinking by placing a problem in a different frame of reference
61 1527732 Teamwork in an organization leads to organizational
Unit : 1, Group : 2
1. empowerment (Right)
2. weakness
3. economy fall
4. skills
62 1527713 Which of the following is not a way to establish team identity
Unit : 1, Group : 2
1.creating a team name
2.creating a uniform style of dress
3.creating group rituals
4.creating competition among group members for prizes and awards given to the best team member (Right)
63 1551445

Unit : 2, Group : 1
Individuals make good decisions much quicker than teams do.

1.True (Right)
3.Can¶¶t Say
64 1551196

Unit : 2, Group : 1
Which of the following would best describe the psychological orientation of an individual
making a ³maximax´type of choice?

1.Optimist (Right)
65 1551183

Unit : 2, Group : 1
Organizational efficiency is improved by the use of _________________.

1.Programmed decisions (Right)

2.Non-programmed decisions
3.Less planning
4.Lower expectations and lower demands by top manager

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66 1551205

Unit : 2, Group : 1
Which of the following decision procedures would be characterized by a manager who asks other
people for their opinion and ideas, then makes the decision alone?

2.Consultation (Right)
3.Joint decision
67 1551102 Team creativity can be promoted in which of the following ways
Unit : 2, Group : 1
1.Establishing a competitive environment to promote creative ideas
2.Establishing challenges for the team (Right)
3.Evaluating ideas during the idea generation stage
4.Stressing deadlines to encourage intensity and focus
68 1551170 1. Groupthink is
Unit : 2, Group : 1
1.a process where group members gather to decide issues
2.a process of group members stressing disagreement and skepticism
3.a process of group members stressing cohesiveness and agreement instead of skepticism and optimum decision making (Right)
4.a process of breaking rigid thinking by placing a problem in a different frame of reference
69 1551452

Unit : 2, Group : 1
Teams operate most effectively when leadership is formally established and recognized.

1.True (Right)
3.Can¶t say
70 1551449

Unit : 2, Group : 1
The second stage of team formation and develop is

2.Storming (Right)
3. Forming

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71 1551178 1. Teamwork in an organization leads to organizational
Unit : 2, Group : 1
1.empowerment (Right)
3.economy fall
72 1551446

Unit : 2, Group : 1
Teams make the best decisions when

1.Leaders are autocratic

2.Team members who don¶t know anything keep quiet
3. Decisions are made by consensus (Right)
4.Team members listen carefully
73 1551165 1. Majority rule has which of the following disadvantages?
Unit : 2, Group : 1 is time consuming to arrive at a majority decision
2.majorities make slow methological decisions
3.a dominance power dynamic can emerge (Right)
4.all of the above
74 1551096 Which of the following are benefits of brainstorming when compared to nominal group technique
Unit : 2, Group : 1
1.brainstorming is more fun
2.brainstorming can create a positive organizational climate
3.brainstorming can encourage talented and highly skilled employees to remain in an organization
4.all of the above (Right)
75 1551450

Unit : 2, Group : 1
Which of the following is not a Team Maintenance Role?

1. Encouraging
2.Compromising (Right)
4. Information Giving

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76 1551447

Unit : 2, Group : 1
Group members are dependent on one another, while team members are independent of one

2. False (Right)
3.Can¶t say
77 1551099 Groupthink can be combatted in which of the following ways
Unit : 2, Group : 1
1.the team leader could withhold his or her viewpoint during team discussion
2.the devil's advocate role could be assigned to a specific team member members could engage in cohesiveness-building training
4.both a and b (Right)
78 1551210

Unit : 2, Group : 1
Under which of the following decision procedures would other people have the greatest influence?

3.Joint decision (Right)
4.d) Delegation
79 1551147 1. Goals work best for building teams when
Unit : 2, Group : 1
1.they are clearly stated (Right)
2.there are many goals to challenge the team
3.the goals create competition within the group goal is shared by every member on the team
80 1551200

Unit : 2, Group : 1
If companies value teamwork, then promotions, pay raises, and other forms of recognition should be
given to individuals for how effectively they work as:

2.Team members (Right)
5.Group members

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81 1551162 1. Consensus decision making means that
Unit : 2, Group : 1
1.every group member's preferred choice will be selected by the group
2.all members agree to the final decision or group choice
3.all legitimate concerns of group members are addressed
4.both b and c (Right)
82 1551221 The most significant skill required for teamwork is
Unit : 2, Group : 1
1.A need to be part of a team
2.A willingness to help and guide other employees (Right)
3.Respect for others
4.An employee that enjoys working alone
83 1551156 Breaking down a problem into its constituent parts during team discussion is which of the following
Unit : 2, Group : 1 steps in the Standard Agenda
1.Evaluating problem solutions
2.Identification of the problem

3.Criteria development
4.Analyzing the problem (Right)
84 1551448

Unit : 2, Group : 1
Healthy conflict is a key building block of an effective team.

2.False (Right)
3.Can¶t Say
85 1551217 Behavioral theories of leadership focused on_____
Unit : 2, Group : 1
1.Who effective leaders
2.What characteristics effective leaders had (Right)
3.How to identify effective leaders
4.What effective leaders did

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86 1551451

Unit : 2, Group : 1
Effective team behavior is always more encouraging than challenging of new ideas.

1.True (Right)
2. False
3.Can¶t say
87 1551428

Unit : 2, Group : 2
Which one of the following is not a characteristic of a team?

1.Minimal and formal knowledge sharing (Right)

2.Collective output
3.Individual and collective responsibility
4.Fluid dimension to roles and tasks
88 1551309

Unit : 2, Group : 2
Which of the following is not a method for diagnosing a problem?

4.unobtrusive measures. (Right)
89 1551427

Unit : 2, Group : 2
What is the term for the set of behaviours and tasks that a member of the group is expected to
perform because he or she is a member of the group?

1.Group roles (Right)

2.Virtual teamwork
4.Role making

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90 1551431

Unit : 2, Group : 2
According to Belbin (1981) an extroverted and enthusiastic person fits with what role?

3.Resource investigator (Right)
91 1551433

Unit : 2, Group : 2
What are group norms?

1.Modes of behaviour that are acceptable to and shared by group members (Right)
2.Modes of behaviour that are shared by some members of the group
3.Modes of behaviour that challenge group values and beliefs
4.Modes of behaviour that are different of those of the other group members
92 1551425

Unit : 2, Group : 2
Team building begins with:

2.diagnostic meetings. (Right)
3.a plan of action.
4.unobtrusive measures.
93 1551242 An example(s) of internal change forces is (are):
Unit : 2, Group : 2
1.inadequate communication.
2.problems in moral. competitors.
4.A & B. (Right)
94 1551430

Unit : 2, Group : 2
What is the term Tuckman uses for reaching consensus as a group?

4.Norming (Right)

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95 1551439

Unit : 2, Group : 2
Which of the following statements about groups is true?

1.You need five or more people to be considered a work group.

2.The definition of groups suggests that a group is two or more people together for a reason.
3.Groups can be either formal or informal. (Right)
4.Formal groups are aimed at specific social agendas.
96 1551436

Unit : 2, Group : 2
What is the purpose of a 'quality circle'?

1.Bring together managers and workers to find improvements.

2.Bring together managers and workers to discuss output.
3.Bring together managers and workers to review quality of work. (Right)
4.Bring together managers and workers to review targets.
97 1551443

Unit : 2, Group : 2
Which of these is not an advantage of a virtual team?

1.Team members can be recruited for their specific skills or experience.

2.No overhead costs associated with physical buildings.
3.Conflict can be resolved easily using face-to-face meetings (Right)
4.Low transport or commuting costs.
98 1551230

Unit : 2, Group : 2
In today's business world, companies are taking well-planned steps to increase what?

1.Staff turnover through teamwork

2.Market share through teamwork
3.Productivity and profitability through teamwork (Right)
4.Lower moral through teamwork
99 1551434

Unit : 2, Group : 2
What is T-group training?

1.A group whose aim is transformational change

2.A group brought together to deliver training programmes (Right)
3.Team training for the purposes of advancing technology
4.Team building activities involving learning

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100 1551291

Unit : 2, Group : 2
Employees may resist change for which of the following reason(s)?

1.self interest
2.habit and personal inertia
4.all of the above. (Right)
101 1551424

Unit : 2, Group : 2
Coaching and mentoring is:

1.shallow intervention.
2.moderate-depth intervention.
3.deep intervention. (Right)
4.none of the above.
102 1551301

Unit : 2, Group : 2
The text provides a process-oriented model that suggests six distinct stages at which managers can
make decisions about managing change. Stage 1 is the combination of forces for change. Stage 2 is:

1.diagnosis of problem. (Right) recognition of need for change.
3.diagnosis of points of resistance
4.selection of intervention methods.
103 1551293

Unit : 2, Group : 2
Holding back information, playing one person against another and providing slanted information are
examples of:

1.manipulation. (Right)
2.implicit and explicit coercion.
4.none of the above.
104 1551234

Unit : 2, Group : 2
Which of the following is not true with respect to organizational changes in the past decade?

1.many organizations have become leaner has been utilized to increase employee productivity.
3.employee training has helped employees to adapt to and thrive in new work environments has centralised decision making and planning giving non-managerial employees less power in the workplace. (Right)

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105 1551295

Unit : 2, Group : 2
According to psychologist Kurt Lewin, which of the following is not a stage in the change process?

2.mediating. (Right)
106 1551305

Unit : 2, Group : 2
Which of the following is not an advantage of interviews?

1.adaptive. (Right)
2.can obtain large volume of data.
3.source of rich data.
107 1551225

Unit : 2, Group : 2
The concept of Together Everyone Achieves More (TEAM) conveys what?

1.The importance of teamwork at the workplace (Right)

2.The organization is more important than the employee(s)
3.The achievement of goals must be done on an individual basis
4.What the employee has to say is not important
108 1551239 Which of the following strategies could managers select in their quest for competitiveness?
Unit : 2, Group : 2
1.restructuring the portfolio and downsizing headcount. processes and continuous improvement.
3.reinventing industries and regenerating strategies.
4.all of the above. (Right)
109 1551426

Unit : 2, Group : 2
How do you describe a work group that comprises workers with demarcated tasks and distant line

2.Independent (Right)
110 1551315

Unit : 2, Group : 2
Driving forces may include:

1. words of praise from a manager.

2. low moral.
3.effective reward systems.
4.A & C. (Right)

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111 1551438

Unit : 2, Group : 2
What is characteristic for the location of a virtual team?

1.In the same building

2.In the same industry
3.In the same country
4.remotely (Right)
112 1551423 Sensitivity training for a manager is a:
Unit : 2, Group : 2
1.shallow intervention.
2.moderate-depth intervention. (Right)
3.deep intervention.
4.none of the above.
113 1551441

Unit : 2, Group : 2
Which of the following would be considered a formal group?

1.task force for employee birthday celebrations

2.reading group
3.bowling team
4.bringing people from various functions to solve a business dilemma (Right)
114 1526513 1. According to ____________ theory, the main function of the leader is to clarify and set goals with subordinates, help them find the best way
for achieving the goals and remove obstacles
Unit : 3, Group : 1

2.Leader-member exchange
3.Cognitive resource
4.The path goal (Right)
115 1526419 1. Which leadership style focuses on having complete trust and confidence in their subordinates and their ideas and opinions are sought
frequently and used constructively?
Unit : 3, Group : 1
1.Laissez Faire style (Right)
2.Participative style
3.Benevolent style
4.Free rein style
5.Consultative style

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116 1544433 In---------- in fact ³No leadership at all´
Unit : 3, Group : 1
3.Free rein (Right)
117 1526478 1. In two dimensional (concern for people and concern for production) managerial grid developed by Blake and Moutan, 9-9 styleof leadership
Unit : 3, Group : 1
1.Country club management
2.Team management (Right)
3.Middle of road management
4.Efficient management
5.Autocratic task management
118 1526510 1. Burns introduced the concept of __________ as process in which leaders and followers help each other to advance to a higher level of
morale and motivation.
Unit : 3, Group : 1 i.

1.Transformational leader (Right)

2.Transactional leader
3.Charismatic leader
4.Bureaucratic leader
5.Autocratic leader
119 1526516
Which model/theory of leadership does Kavita Ramakrishnan use, when she determines the effectiveness of decisions
Unit : 3, Group : 1
as measured by group performance/participation; quality and acceptance?

1. House's Path-Goal Theory

2. Fiedler¶s Contingency approach
3. Blake and Mouton's Managerial Grid
4.Hersey and Blanchard's Situational Leadership Model
5.Vroom and Yetton's Normative Decision Model. (Right)
120 1544454 Path-goal model of Leadership was introduced by
Unit : 3, Group : 1
1.Martin Evans & Robert House (Right)
2.Fred Fielder

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121 1526496 1. ________power depends on the perception of the subordinates that their manager has the ability to punish or withhold valued resources from those who
would not engage in a desired behavior
Unit : 3, Group : 1
1.Legitimate power
2.Resource power
3.Reward power
4.Coercive power (Right)
5.Position power
122 1526500 1. Under which leadership style, leaders have substantial but not complete trust and confidence in their subordinates and they listen to their
ideas, examine them but take the final decision themselves?
Unit : 3, Group : 1
1.Laissez Faire style
2.Consultative style (Right)
3.Participative style
4.Benevolent style
5.Free rein style
123 1526461 1. Which theory of leadership believes, ͚Leaders are born and not made͍͛

Unit : 3, Group : 1 1.Managerial Grid theory

2.Cognitive theory
3.Path-goal theory
4.Situational theory
5.Trait theory
124 1526537 Least Preferred Co-worker ( LPC) model of leadership was developed by
Unit : 3, Group : 1
1.Martin Evans
2.Robert House
3.Fred Fielder (Right)
125 1544429 In --------------leadership, there is a complete centralization of authority in the leader
Unit : 3, Group : 1
2.Autocratic (Right)
3.Free rein
126 1526526

Unit : 3, Group : 1
-----------leadership emphasize on rules and regulation in an organization
4.Bureaucratic (Right)

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127 1526440 1. Which of the following leadership theories has two dimensions- concern for people and concern for production?

Unit : 3, Group : 1 1.Trait theory

2.Behavioral theory

3.Managerial Grid theory

4.Goal-path theory

5.Leader-member exchange theory

128 1544437 Free rein leadership is also known as
Unit : 3, Group : 1
3.Laissez-faire (Right)
129 1526450 1. Under which leadership style, leaders demonstrate care and compassion for the sentiments and feelings of their subordinates yet what
prevails finally is the will of the leader.
Unit : 3, Group : 1
1.Laissez Faire style
2.Participative style
3.Benevolent style
4.Paternalistic style (Right)
5.Consultative style

130 1544374 Cognitive Evaluation Theory of motivation is introduced by

Unit : 3, Group : 1
1.Stacy Adams
2.Charms (Right)
4.F W Taylor
131 1526456 1. __________ leaders articulate a vision, inspire and motivate followers and create a climate favourable for organizational change.

Unit : 3, Group : 1 1.Transnational

5.Transformational (Right)
132 1526470 1. Which theory of leadership holds that people become leaders not only because of attributes of their personalities but also because of various situation
factors and interactions between leaders and group members?
Unit : 3, Group : 1
1.Contingency theory (Right)
2.Transactional theory
3.Behavioural theory
4.Cognitive theory
5.Trait theory

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133 1526484 1. Which leadership style is based on the principle,³those who lead the least lead the best´and believes in giving complete freedom to the
Unit : 3, Group : 1
1.Laissez Faire style
2.Participative style
3.Benevolent style
4.Free rein style (Right)
5.Consultative style
134 1526490 1. Who has developed the famous leadership concept of Managerial Grid.

Unit : 3, Group : 1 1.Elton Mayo

2.Peter F. Drucker
3.Philip Kotler
4.Henry Fayol
5.Blake and Mouton
135 1526543 ------------- is small groups of workers who meet regularly with their supervisor to solve work related
Unit : 3, Group : 1 problem
1.Quality of Work life
2.Quality Circle (Right)
3.Alternative Work schedule
4.Job Redesign
136 1526528 ----------leader is self confident and can attract followers by his great influence
Unit : 3, Group : 1
1.Charismatic (Right)
137 1544376 Goal setting theory is pioneered by
Unit : 3, Group : 1
1.Stacy Adams
3.Edwin Locke (Right)
4.F W Taylor
138 1526532 Which one of the following is/are leadership theories?
Unit : 3, Group : 1
1.Trait theory
2.Behavior theory
3.Contingency theory
4.All of these (Right)
139 1536880 What does LPC stand for in Fiedler¶s contingency theory?

Unit : 3, Group : 3 1.low performance context

2.least preferred co-worker (Right)
3.low power context
4.least performing co-worker

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140 1536871 Which leadership Theory suggest that "leaders are born not made" ?

Unit : 3, Group : 3 1.Trait theory (Right)

2. Situational theory
3.Great man theory
4.Behavioural theory
141 1527293 Approaches to the study of leadership which emphasis the personality of the leader are termed

Unit : 3, Group : 3 1.Group theories

2.Trait Theories (Right)
3.Inspirational Theories
4.Contingency theory
142 1527507

Unit : 3, Group : 3 Referent power is based on the subordinate¶s perception that the leader has a right to exercise influence because of the leader¶s

1.Role or position within the organisation

2.Ability to punish or reward
3.Personal charisma
4.Expertise and knowledge
5.All of the above (Right)
6.None of the above
143 1527333 The terms ³employee-centred´and ³production-centred´to describe leader behaviour were used by ___________?

Unit : 3, Group : 3 1.Likert

2.Fiedler (Right)
3.Blake & McCense
5.None of the Above
144 1527388 On what belief are contingency theories of leadership based?

Unit : 3, Group : 3 1.That there is a single style of leadership appropriate to all managers
2.That there is a single style of leadership appropriate to all situations (Right)
3.That there is no single style of leadership appropriate to all situations

4.None of the above

145 1536902 Participative leadership is best viewed as a combination of which two approaches for studying leadership?

Unit : 3, Group : 3 1.trait and behavior (Right)

2.power-influence and trait
3.behavior and power-influence
4.trait and situational
146 1526603 Managers can show their influence in three directions i.e. managing upwards (managing boss), Managing team, managing stakeholders. Managing
boss would mean
Unit : 3, Group : 3
1.To take decisions without prior notice and consent of the senior manager and complete the task
2.communicate with the senior managers to get your work done (Right)
3.Communicate with the lower staff to finish the work timely
4.Understand the working style of the senior managers and work accordingly

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147 1536893 When determining the most appropriate form of leadership, which of the following should be considered?

Unit : 3, Group : 3 1.The group.

2.The work environment.
3.The manager.
4.All the above (Right)
148 1527526 Leadership Motivates the people to work and not the power of money. this concept is related to

Unit : 3, Group : 3 1.Autocratic Model

2.Custodial Model (Right)
3.Supportive Model
4.Collegial Model
149 1527311
Which of the following statements about leadership is false?
Unit : 3, Group : 3
1.Not every leader is a manager
Leadership does not necessarily take place within a hierarchical structure of an organisation
3.When people operate as leaders their role is always clearly established and defined (Right)
4. When people operate as leaders their role is always clearly established and defined
All the above
150 1527448
According to Fiedler¶s LPC scale what will leaders with a low LPC score gain satisfaction from?
Unit : 3, Group : 3
1.Developing team relationships
2.Achieving objectives (Right)
3.Both of the above

4.Neither of the above

151 1527480
The situation leadership theory of ___________ and ______________ is based on follower¶s readiness to perform.
Unit : 3, Group : 3
1.Abbot and Costello
2. Tannenbaum and Schmidt
3.Vroom and Yetton
4.Hersey and Blanchard
152 1536899 Leadership effectiveness is best assessed:

Unit : 3, Group : 3 evaluations from the leader¶s boss subordinate evaluations of the leader a variety of subjective and objective criteria objective indicators of group performance

153 1536869 Which among the following is not a style of grid in the managerial grid by Blake and Mouton ?

Unit : 3, Group : 3 1.Task management.

2.Innovation management (Right)
3.Middle road
4.Country club

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154 1536698 Leadership today is increasingly associated with the concept of

Unit : 3, Group : 3 1.Control (Right)

4.getting others to follow
155 1536705 Which influential thought leader is known as the father of scientific management?

Unit : 3, Group : 3 1.Dale Carnegie

2.Frederick W. Taylor (Right)
3.) W. Edwards Deming
4.Peter F. Drucker
156 1526596 ccording to Maslow's hierarchy theory, in order to motivate an employee there are five basic needs that are meant to be fulfilled step by step. Choose
correct order of needs from following
Unit : 3, Group : 3
1.Security, Physiological, Social, Esteem recognition, Self actualization
2.Esteem recognition, Self actualization, Physiological, Social, Security
3.Physiological, Security, Social, esteem recognition, Self actualization (Right)
4.Physiological, Social, Security, Self actualization, Esteem recognition
157 1536888 Which of the following statements about leadership is false?

Unit : 3, Group : 3 1.Not every leader is a manager.

2.When people operate as leaders their role is always clearly established and defined. (Right)
3.Leadership does not necessarily take place within a hierarchical structure of an organisation.
4.All the above.
158 1527531 "Might is right" is the motto of

Unit : 3, Group : 3 1.Autocratic Model (Right)

2.Custodial Model
3.Supportive Model
4.Collegial Model
159 1527469 On which aspects of a leader¶s decision are Vroom and Yetton¶s contingency model of leadership based?

Unit : 3, Group : 3 1.Decision acceptance

2.Decision quality
3.Both of the above
4. Neither of the above
160 1527303 Leadership today is increasingly associated with the concept of ______________?

Unit : 3, Group : 3 1.command

2.getting other to follow (Right)
161 1536865 .Under which style of leadership the leader completely delegate the authority to the subordinates ?

Unit : 3, Group : 3 1.Free rein leadership (Right)

2.Paternalistic leadership
3.Participative leadership
4.Authoritarian leadership

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162 1527317 The Ohio State Leadership Studies revealed two major dimensions of leadership behaviour: _________________ and initiating structure.

Unit : 3, Group : 3 1.Communication

4.Consideration (Right)
163 1527383 What are the four main styles of leadership displayed by the manager which identified in Tannenbaum and Schmidt's continuum of possible leadership
Unit : 3, Group : 3
1.Commands, helps, joins and leads
2.Tells, helps, joins and leads
3.Commands, sells, consults and resists
4.Tells, sells, consults and joins (Right)
5.None of the above
164 1544380 .---------------is the ability of influencing people to strive willingly for mutual objectives
Unit : 3, Group : 3
3.Leadership (Right)

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