Supe Final Data Interpretation

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Profile of the Respondents

Consumers Vendors Residents
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
(f) (%) (f) (%) (f) (%)
Female 5 50 7 70 6 60
Male 5 50 3 30 4 40
Total 10 100 10 100 10 100
below 20 0 0 1 10 1 10
20-30 5 50 2 20 2 20
30-40 3 30 5 30 4 40
above 40 2 20 2 50 3 30

Total 10 100 10 100 10 100

Businessman 0 0 6 60 1 10
Vendor 0 0 4 40 0 0
Print Shop Clerk 0 0 0 0 1 10
Public Teacher 0 0 0 0 1 10
Farmer 0 0 0 0 1 10
Seaman 0 0 0 0 1 10
Utility Worker 0 0 0 0 1 10
Salesclerk 1 10 0 0 0 0
Service crew 1 10 0 0 0 0
Tricycle Driver 3 30 0 0 0 0
Government 1 10 0 0 0 0
Employee 1 10 0 0 0 0
Hairdresser 2 20 0 0 0 0
Security Force POSO 0 0 0 0 2 20
Self-employed 1 10 0 0 2 20
Total 10 100 10 100 10 100
Attainment 2 20 4 40 3 30
High School 5 50 4 40 4 40
Graduate 3 30 2 2 3 30
College Graduate
Total 10 100 10 100 10 100
Knowledge about the Ordinance

Consumers Vendors Residents

Source Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

(f) (%) (f) (%) (f) (%)
Story boards


Mass Media
Online Source
Consumers Vendors Residents

WM Interpretation WM Interpretation WM Interpretation

1. The number of plastics along the
public roads and waterways decreased.
2. Flooding in certain areas happens
seldom after implementing the plastic
3. The numbers of plastics as waste
materials decreased after
implementing the plastic ban.
4. Paper materials were better to be
considered as waste materials than
plastic materials.
5. Using reusable materials (eco-bags,
paper bags. Paper, non-plastic
materials) were more convenient to
use after the said plastic ban.
6. The use of plastics bags and
Styrofoam for dry goods is prohibited.
7. The Municipality continuously
promote the ordinance through the
conduct of massive information
education and communication
campaign through public
announcement and using media (print,
radio, television and internet).
8. The Municipality monitors the
effective implementation of the
banning of plastic.
9. The use of plastic bags on wet goods
(fresh fish, meat products) is regulated.
10. No business establishment offers or
sells plastic bags to be used as
secondary packaging material or as
primary packaging on dry goods.
Average Weighted Mean
DIFFICULTIES Frequency (f) Percentage (%)
Paper bags can be torn easily. 21 70
Lack of maintenance equipment 14 46.67
and materials.
Paper bags were hassle to use. 18 60
IV. Plastic materials (e.g. drinking 7 23.33
straws, plastic spoon & fork)
were not immediately provided
in some fast food chains and

Paper bags cannot be used again 23 76.67

after being used compared to
plastic bags
Most of the paper bags were not 23 76.67
“handy” to use.

Lack of awareness on the plastic 15 50

ban implementation.

No cooperation among residents 15 50

and/or barangay officials,
business and educational

Lack of personnel to 16 53.33

continuously monitor all entities
within the scope of the

Non-compliance with the 11 33.67

environmental practices
(Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)

Total 163 540.34

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