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KD 3.7 Students are able to differentiate the social function, text structure and language
features of some recount texts about important event in history.
Linggarjati Agreement, also called Cheribon Agreement, was treaty between the Dutch and
the Republic of Indonesia drafted on 15th November 1946 at Linggarjati Western Java. The
agreement was signed in Batavia on 25th March 1947.
After the capitulation of the Japanese in World War II, the Independence of the Republic
of Indonesia was declared by the Indonesian nationalists on 17th August 1945. The Dutch
attempted to restore their rule in Indonesia and came into conflict with the republican government
whose still confined to Java and Sumatra. Upon the departure of the Allied troops, the Dutch and
the republic began negotiations which led to the Linggarjati Agreement.
The main content of the agreement was that the Netherlands recognized the republic as the
de facto authority in Java and Sumatra. Both governments were to cooperate in the formation of a
sovereign, democratic and federal United States of Indonesia, comprising the entire territories of
the Dutch East Indies including the Republic of Indonesia, Kalimantan and the Great East. Both
governments were to cooperate in establishing a Netherlands-Indonesian Union with the Dutch
queen as its head. Both the United States of Indonesia and the Netherlands-Indonesian were to be
formed not later than 1st January 1949. The two governments aggreed to settle by arbitration any
dispute that might arise and that they could not settle by themselves. The agreement was intended
to lay down broad principles, leaving the details to be worked out later.
Each party interpreted the agreement to suit its interest. Open conflict eventually developed
between the Dutch and Indonesian governments.
1. What is the main focus of the text?
A. The Linggarjati agreement.
B. The Netherlands’ de facto authority.
C. The Independence of the Republic of Indonesia.
D. The conflict between the Dutch and Indonesian governments.
E. The founding of the United States of Indonesia and the Netherlands-Indonesian.

2. When should the United States of Indonesia and the Netherlands-Indonesian be formed?
A. 1st January 1949.
B. 25th March 1947.
C. 17th August 1945.
D. 15th November 1946.
E. Before 1st January 1949.

3. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. The results of the agreement.
B. The effects of the agreement.
C. The reasons of the agreement.
D. The main content of the agreement.
E. The place and time of the agreement.

4. Which of the following agrees to the text?

A. The Linggarjati agreement was brokered by the Dutch.
B. The Linggarjati agreement was led by the Dutch queen.
C. The Linggarjati agreement was failed in implementation.
D. The Linggarjati agreement was held before Independence Day.
E. The Linggarjati agreement was drafted and signed in the same year.
5. “Both governments were to cooperate in the formation of a sovereign, democratic and ...”
(paragraph 3).
The underlined word is similar to ....
A. colony
B. equality
C. triumph
D. subjection
E. independent

Magna Grecia : Greek Civilization in Italy

The Greek Civilization was one of the civilizations that established colonies in several
regions of Italy in the 8th Century AD. They built quite a lot of cities, or poleis, in Southern Italy,
including Taranto and Napoli. These regions, later, were known as Magna Grecia or the Great
Greece colony. The other colony they established was the one in the island of Sicilia, specifically
in Siracusa. These were the two most important colonies during the Greek Civilization in Italy.
Unlike the other civilizations, the Greeks only built their colonies along the shoreline of
Italy because they were skilful in terms of navigation across the sea. Therefore, the native people
of Italy were not a threat since they only had knowledge of farming.
The Greek Civilization reached its glory in both Italy and Sicilia, building temples and
theaters. It also influenced the Italians with philosophy and theatrical performances. The
civilizations had a significant impact on the Italians, as they inherited the alphabet system, the
religion and its rituals, and the legal system. However, it only lasted for around 2 centuries.
6. Where did the people of Greek establish their colony in Italy?
A. The Island of Sardinia.
B. The Eastern part of Italy.
C. The Western Part of Italy.
D. The Nothern part of Italy.
E. The Southern part of Italy.

7. When was the Greek Civilization’s downfall?

A. The 5th Century A.D.
B. The 6th Century A.D.
C. The 7th Century A.D.
D. The 9th Century A.D.
E. The 10th Century A.D.

8. How do you compare paragraph 1 and paragraph 2?

A. In paragraph 1, the Greek established colonies only in Southern Italy, while in
paragraph 2, the Greeks were experts in farming.
B. In paragraph 1, the Greek established colonies in Southern Italy and Sicilia, while in
paragraph 2, the Greeks were experts in farming.
C. In paragraph 1, the Greek established colonies only in Southern Italy, while in
paragraph 2, the Greeks were experts in sea navigation.
D. In paragraph 1, the Greek established colonies in Southern Italy and Sicilia, while in
paragraph 2, the Greeks were experts in sea navigation.
E. In paragraph 1, the Greek established colonies in Southern Italy and Sicilia, while in
paragraph 2, the Greeks were experts in sea navigation and farming.

9. Which of the folowing statements is NOT true according to the text?

A. The Greek colony of the Southern part of Italy was called Magna Grecia.
B. The Greek also established a colony in the Island of Sicilia.
C. The Greek Civilization built some temples and amphitheaters.
D. The Greeks had the knowledge of farming
E. The Greeks were expert in sea navigation.
10. “ the native people of Italy...” (paragraph 2)
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ...
A. local
B. strange
C. foreign
D. external
E. unknown

KD 3.8 Students are able to differentiate the social function, text structure and language
features of some legends.
Once upon a time in West Sumatera, a widow took her two children to a party. Her children,
a boy and a girl, were very happy. They wore beautiful clothes to the party. They found delicious
food, and saw many guests in the party. The children were having a great time.
There was also a traditional music show. The children asked their mother if they could see
the music show which was located a few meters away, “Yes, you two may go there, but please
remember, don’t go too far, “ said the mother.
The children ran to the stage where the music show was performed. They enjoyed the music.
But they were bored just watching the show so they took a walk around the stage. They did not
remember their mother’s message not to go too far.
Suddenly they saw a pond. The water was very clear and fresh. Because the sun was very
hot, they were tempted to play in the water. So they took off their clothes and jumped into the
water. They swam together happily. It felt so fresh.
Meanwhile, the party was almost over. The mother remembered her two children, she felt so
desperate because she could not find them. The day turned into night. The children were still
missing. The mother cried and cried. She went home without her children.
She fell asleep after a long hour of crying. And she had a dream about her children. In her
dream, she met an old woman. The old woman told her. “Your children are in the pond near the
party house. If you want to see them, throw a handfull of rice into the pond. Your children will
As soon as she woke up, she quickly ran to the pond and had a handfull of rice in her hand.
When she reached the pond, she threw the rice into the pond and called her children’s names.
The dream was true! Two big fish with beautiful colours appeared in the pond. The mother
cried when she saw them. Her children turned into big beautiful fish because they disobeyed their
mother’s message.
The mother cried and cried again. All the people of the village cheered her up. But she was
still very sad.
The village where the pond was located now called Desa Sungai Jernih. It is called so
because the water in the pond was very clear. Today, the people of the people come to that pond
because they think it is a sacred place.

11. What is the story about?

A. Disobeyed children.
B. A sacred place in a village.
C. Missing children in the pond.
D. A big beautiful fish in the pond.
E. The legend of Desa Sungai Jernih.

12. Why did the woman feel so worried?

A. She couldn’t find her children.
B. Her children ignored her message.
C. She went home without her children.
D. Her children went to swim in a pond.
E. Her children went too far from the party.
13. What is the main idea of paragraph three?
A. The children walked around the stage.
B. The children forgot her mother’s message.
C. The children watched a music performance.
D. The children enjoyed the music show very much.
E. The children were interested watching a music show.

14. What can we learn from the story above?

A. It is a must to obey our parents.
B. We should not go far away from our mother.
C. We have to comply with the rule of the party.
D. It is prohibition to go to a pond while having a party.
E. We have to stand close to our parents while in a party.

15. Her children turned into big beautiful fish because they disobeyed their mother’s message.
The underlined word is similar to ....
A. violated
B. overheard
C. understood
D. memorised
E. remembered

Once upon a time, there lived Datu Panggana, a well-known sculptor in Tapanuli, North
Sumatra. People said he was the master of all sculptors because he was so talented. He could carve
wood into many things.
One day, he turned a log of wood into a statue of a beautiful woman. Because the night
was coming shortly, he left the statue unfinished. He had not put any clothes to the statue. Then,
he put the statue in front of the house. The following day, a young merchant who sold jewelries
and clothes, Bao Partigatiga, passed Datu Panggana’s house. He was so excited to see the statue
and he made a short stopover to admire it. He said,”the statue will be more beautiful if she wears
the clothes I sell.” Then, he put some clothes on the statue. Now the statue was really like a real
After that a priest and his wife walked past Datu Panggana’s house. They saw the statue
and were very impressed by its beauty. Because the couple did not have any child yet, the priest
said, “I would pray to God to make the statue alive. Then she can be our daughter.” Then the
couple asked for Datu Panggana’s permission to take the statue home. Then, the priest prayed to
God. God heard the prayer and made the statue alive. The statue changed into a very beautiful girl.
The priest and his wife named her Nai Manggali.
It was great news. The news about Nai Manggali spread fast. Everybody talked about her.
Then people came to see Nai Manggale. Datu Panggana and Bao Partigatiga also came to the
priest’s house. Then Datu Panggana spoke loudly, claiming that Nai Manggali belonged to him
because he was the one who had created the statue. However, Bao Partigatiga also claimed that he
deserved to possess Nai Manggali because he was the one who made the statue beautiful with
clothes and jewelries. The priest did not want to hand in Nai Manggale, saying, “I am the one that
has made the statue into a real human. I am also the one who named Nai Manggali. So Nai
Manggali should stay with my family.
The three men continued arguing until a whee old man. Named Aji Bahir came along. He
said that all of them deserved to possed Nai Manggali. He remarked, “datu panggana, you are her
uncle Bao Partigatia is her brother, and you, the priest, you are the father” The three men were
happy with the advice.
16. What is the aim of the text?
A. To entertain the readers.
B. To describe Nai Manggale.
C. To inform the readers about the statue.
D. To persuade the readers to visit Tapanuli.
E. The explain how the arguments among the three men happened.

17. Why did Datu Panggana and Bau Partigatia go to the priest’s house?
A. Because they wanted to ask advice.
B. Because they wanted to steal the statue.
C. Because they wanted to buy statue back.
D. Because they wanted the priest to pray for them.
E. Because they heard that Nai Manggale was alive.

18. Why did the priest and his wife want Nai Manggale to stay in their house?
A. Because their daughter was lonely.
B. Because they had made the statue.
C. Because they had made up the statue.
D. Because they did not have a child yet.
E. Because they had bought the statue from Datu Panggana.

19. How do you compare paragraph 2 and paragraph 3?

A. In paragraph 2, Datu Panggana left the finished statue in front of the house, while in
paragraph 3, the priest and his wife wanted Nai Manggale to stay in their house.
B. In paragraph 2, Datu Panggana left the finished statue in front of the house, while in
paragraph 3, the priest and his wife desired Nai Manggale to stay in their house.
C. In paragraph 2, Datu Panggana left the unfinished statue in front of the house, while
in paragraph 3, the priest and his wife wanted Nai Manggale to stay in their house.
D. In paragraph 2, Datu Panggana left the unfinished statue in front of the house, while
in paragraph 3, the priest and his wife did not want Nai Manggale to stay in their house.
E. In paragraph 2, Datu Panggana left the finished statue in front of the house, while in
paragraph 3, the priest and his wife did not want Nai Manggale to stay in their house.

20. What can we infer from the text?

A. The stone statue was very valuable.
B. Nai Manggale was cruel man.
C. The priest himself made Nai manggale alive.
D. Nai Manggale didn’t want to stay at Datu Panggana’s house.
E. Bau Partigatia, Datu Panggana and the Priest had the rights to have Nai Manggale.
KD 3.9 Students are able to interpret the social function and language features of song lyrics.

Frank D Fixer And he may have a lot to say

Performed by Jason Mraz Well he might ask that I keep working for the family
To keep the bills all paid and be his protege
He could handle everything; he was my What happened to the ground right where we are?
granddad What happened to the family farm?
He grew his own food and fixed his own car
I watched it all happen in our backyard Chorus:
Every evening breaking bread
Chorus : He showed us who a real man is
To fix the broken home No matter what my grandma said
He restored the heart He would never lose his head

Well I wish I was a fixer Chorus:

I would fix you up inside Well I wish I was a farmer
I would build you a town I would grow you a garden of Eden
If the world fell down And I would bless our family
I wish I was that guy With the gifts that granddad handed me
How wonderful that would be
If frank D Fixer were alive today I’ll make that guy be me
Well he may laugh at me

21. Why does the writer of the song admire him?

A. He could build the world.
B. He could make a garden.
C. He could fix the heart.
D. He lived a simple life.
E. He was a real man.

22. What is frank D. Fixer like?

A. He was strong.
B. He was honest.
C. He could get easily upset.
D. He could learn anything easily.
E. He was very responsible to the family.

23. What is the TRUE about Frank D. Fixer?

A. He lived with the writer now.
B. He built a garden, like Eden.
C. He had a serious fall.
D. He was an engineer.
E. He died.

24. “With the gifts that granddad handed me.”

What does the underlined word mean?
A. To be capable.
B. To remark.
C. To advise
D. To give.
E. To send.
25. What can we learn from the story?
A. A real man should be responsibe to his family.
B. People should live in a wonderful world.
C. We have to build a town like an Eden.
D. We have to help our granparents.
E. We have to fix our own car.

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