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650 l=,;s,l l=udrisxy - úpdrdjf,dalkh" Kulatilaka Kumarasinghe - CriticalGaze l=,;s,l l=udrisxy - úpdrdjf,dalkh" Kulatilaka Kumarasinghe - CriticalGaze 651

44 ixjdih ia:dk .; jkaf ka Tjqka fofokdf.a l;d ny ;=<h' fnia

fuys § wef.a m%f udaoh (Jouissance) iaj lSh wdndê; j,a ,Nhdf.a
udkisl iaj hx ffu:qkh fjkqf jka lem lrhs' we;a;gu kï
cmka f,aLl" ;ksYls cqka-bÑfrdaf.a fnia jQ l,S idïm%odhsl .eyekshf.a fÄojdplhhs'
^l.s& úu¾Yk h;=r kjl;dfõ bl=f ld ;=< ms<sìUq jkaf ka o fï
idïm%odhsl .eyekshf.a fÄojdplhuh' weh ;u mshdf.a f,da lhg
w;S;h iu. wkkH ùu wo ld,fha fndfyda fofkl= g je<`§ wkqj Ôú;h ilia lr .;a;shls ' , ld¾hfha§ wef.a uydpd¾h
;sf nk frda.hls' isxy, kjl;dj cd;l l;dfõ È.=jlehs hk ieñhd wef.ka ta i`oyd iydhla fkd,efí hhs uqiqmamq fjhs'
úl%uisxy m%j doh o fï frda. ,laI K m< lrhs' iuyre merKs tfy;a bl=f ldf.a yeisÍfï ienE iajNdjh l=ulao@ weh fufia
-Ñrka;k idys;Hh ;= < wêh:d¾:jd§ fyjke,s olskaf ka;a cd;l is;kakSh'
l;dj, ,;ajh ms<sn`o .eUqre lreKq we;ehs úYaj dihg zta úÈhg Tyq ud .ek l,amkd lsÍu jrola kE lsh, ux
.ka fka;a tneúks' cd;l l;dlrejd wo ld,fha iuyr ys;kjd' tfy;a uf.a foudmshka ug lshd§, ;s fhkaf ka .eyeksh
f,aLlhskaf.a Wmdillï ú,sjoa ok ;rñka ,s;ajh .ek l;d ksi.fhka u ksy`v iy ,ÊcdYS,SN djfhka hqla; ;eke;a;shl
lr we;s nj we;a;h' tfy;a Ñrka;k idys;Hfha Bkshd wê lsh,hs' weh ls is úfglj;a ieñhd iu. yß yßhg l,yldÍ f,i
h:d¾:h fia u cd;l l;djo wd.ñl iSudjka ;=< mSvd ú`§' yeisf rkaf ka keye' ux rd.d,fhka ySk jQjl= fkdfõ' ud n`ÿ
,;ajh ufkda úYaf ,aI Kh msK si jk m%Yia; ix{djla .eyekshlf.a idudkH m%l D;s iaj rEmh kï ixjdifha oeä f,i
fia cd;l l;dj, ms<s ìUq jkaf ka u`o jYfhks' tfy;a j¾;udk fhfok úg ^udf.a& ldur;sh .sks lkaola fuka fõ.fhka
cmka kjl;dj ufkda úYaf,aIKd;aul kjl;djla f,i w.hñka ms msf rkakg ùuh' tflfkys we;sj k W;a f;ac kh msg lsÍug ud
óg oYl y;rlg fmr lE.,af ,a § úu,a Èidkdhl uy;d l<ehs W;aidy .kakjd' wdrïNh ï,dk iajNdjhlska hqla; úh yelshs'
lshk m%ldYh ta ld,fha yeáhg m%.;sYS,S jkaf ka tneúks' ta uf.a ieñhdg f;areï .kak neye' wdrïNfha § ud fj;s ka Èiaj k
ld,fha m% .;sYS, Ska wo Wmdil fjia f.k isà u;a yeoEÍug iqÿiq WodiSk;dj l=ula o lshd' tys ienE f;areu kï ryis.;
lreKla nj ienEh' rdf.dakaudohhs' th ldka;su;a f,i weú, nqr nq rd kef.kakla
oeka ;ksYls cqka bÑfrda f.a kjl;djla mßj¾;kh lsÍfuka fkdfõ' ^32 msg &
uydpd¾h l=,;s,l l=udrisxy isxy, idys;Hhg lr we;s iïm%odkh .Dyia: , meje;au ;=< m% YakldÍ w¾nqohla jkafka
w.h lrñ' tfy;a uydpd¾hjrhd fuu .%ka:fha uq, g;aa w.g;a wfkHdakH iyfhda.h (rapport) ms<sn`o .eg¨jhs' tfy;a m%f udaoh
wE`od we;s újrK kï Tyq f.a .;dkq.;sl úpdr Ñka;kh ms<sn`o (Joissance) ms<sn`o ,eldkshdkq Ñka;kh lshùulg ,lalrk cela
levm;la jkjd ñfil mdGlhdg jk jevla ke;' fldákau tu wef,aka ñ,¾ i`oyka lrkaf ka , m%fudaofha§ wfkHda kH
újrK ;ksYls ms<sn`o lshùulg we;aje,la fkdfõ' iyfhda.h m%ldY jkaf ka fn,ySk;dj (Failure) f,iska njhs'
;ksYlsf .a zh;=rZ lshùfï h;=rla wmg ,eldkshdkq "At the time of Sexual Joiussance, the rapport you count upon, the
Ñka;kfha úYdrohl= jQ ia,efjdÊ isiela (Slavoj Zizek) imhhs' rapport that should be there is replaced by tailure or takes the form of
isiela ,shQ Femininity Between Godness and Act hk ,smsfha ,d¾ia tailure" Drive is Parole Jaques - Allain Miller
fjdka á%h¾f.a Breaking the Waves kï Ñ;% mgh ms <sn`o wmQre oeka h;=r kjl;dfõ pß; flfrys fhduq jkaf ka kï
újrKhla lr we;' fuu Ñ;%mgfha l;d kdhsldj jQ fnia kue;s bl=f ldf.a ukaf oda;ai dyh fyda wef.a ieñhdf.a fn,ySk;dj
.eyekshf.a iaj dñhd wk;=rlska T;a m, ùu ksi d ,s x.slj Tjqf kdjqka flf¾ jk wfkHdakH iyfhda.h (Sexual rapport)
wl¾ukH jQ ;eke;a;l= f,i ksrEmKh fõ' fnia ;u iaj dñhdf.a m% ldYhg m;a ùuls' tfyhska cela ,eldka mjikafka ,sx.sluh
fm,Uùu msg wka mqreIhska iu. ixjdifha fh§ ta ms<sn`o úia;r f,i wfkHdakH iydh ùu lshd fohla ke;s njhs' (there is no such
iaj dñhd iu. mjihs' isielaf .a lshùug wkqj ienE , thing as sexual rapport) fjf<`o fmd< ;=< .egjrhskaf .a idlal= .id
652 l=,;s,l l=udrisxy - úpdrdjf,dalkh" Kulatilaka Kumarasinghe - CriticalGaze l=,;s,l l=udrisxy - úpdrdjf,dalkh" Kulatilaka Kumarasinghe - CriticalGaze 653
lk nd, j¾.fha , m% ldYkj, i`oyka Bkshd Wmfoia fujeks úYaf ,aI Khlska wm .%y Kh lr .;af;a l=ula o@ lv
úldrhka jkaf ka tneúks' lvj .s h mqoa.,hskaf.a ishqï njh' (tagmented) wurfialr"
;ksYlsf .a kjl;dj ufkda úYaf,aIKSh lshùï .Kkdjlg irÉpkaø" isß .=kisxy jeks fmardfoKs f,aLlhskaf .a merKs
u. fmkajhs' ^lreKdlr ufkda úYaf ,aI Kh ckm%sh ufkda úoHdj kjl;d fï wdldrfhka kej; lshùulg ,la lsÍu jeo.;a úh
iu. mg,jd fkd.ka k& fndfyda úg wm i;=g (desire) f,i jgyd yelafla tmßoaf oks' tfy;a ud¾áka úl%uisxy fmardfoKs
.ka fka l=ula o@ h;=r kjl;dj ieñhd iy Nd¾hdj hk kjl;djg cmka ldul;d f,an,h .eiSu úu,a Èidkdhl
fofokdf.a Èkfmd;a uÕska úldYkh jkakls' tla wjia:djl lE.,af ,a isg ke.+ y`v u;=j kakg fkd§ hgm;a lsÍula úh'
bl=f ld fufia ,shd ;sìKs' oeka úu,a Èidkdhl,d lrñka isá kaf ka l=ula o@ cela
—ud isá fha uf.a ieñhdf.a ndyq hq.auhka w;r isrù neõ ux fvÍvd YdÍßlj Tyqg uqK .eiS ;sîu wmg i; myl jevla ke;s
oka kjd' Tyq ta fj,dfõ yeisrek wdldrh ug isys lf<a lsuqrh' mq rdfÊrefjls' ta uy;d fkdfn,a iïudk ,dNS fÊ' tï' fldMÜis
kuq ;a uú; lrk ,o iq¨ foh kï Tyq yd .eàfuka Tyqf.a ndyq yuqù l;d ny l< nj lSfuka Tyqf .a is ú,a m%;srEmh fï rfÜ
hq.auhg ysr ùfuka uf.a ye`.Sï l=oaod,Suh' kuq;a i;Hh kï ug idys;H ueÜgka w;f¾ h<s jvjd .ekSug rel=,la jkjd úh yel'
Tyq yd tlg isà fuka tn`ÿ ye`.Sula idudkHfhka we;s fkdùuh'˜ tfy;a fï uy;aj rekaf .a j¾;udk ,dxflah Ñka;kfha jeãug
^54 ms'& kï isÿjk lsisÿ fufyhla fkdfmfkhs'
ñka t<sorõ jk lreK kï , diaj doh *ekag is lrKh - iuka úl%udrÉÑ" ,laìu" 2004'01'04
jk lsi sjla njh' fuu wjia:dju ieñhdf.a Èk igykaj, i`oyka
jkaf ka flfiaoehs Tnu mÍCIdlr n,kak' tfy;a fuys tk is;
;e;s .kaj kiq¨ wfkla lreKla jkaf ka ;u ìß`og lsuqr kue;s" ñksia Ôú;fha tla me;s lvla
Tjqkaf .a ÈhKshf.a ieñhd iu. ks È je§ug uydpd¾h ieñhd
wkqn, fok wdldrhhs' ìß`of.a ksrej;a mska;+r mjd lsuqrg oel l,lg miq úpdrhg ;rula ÿIal r lD;shla ud w;g m;aúh' ta
.ekSug ie,eiaù fuka Tyq ú`Èk i;=g l=ulao@ ufkda úYaf ,aI Kh uydpd¾h l=,;s,l l=udrisxyf.a mßj¾;k kjl;djla jk h;=r h'
ms<s n`o ydxlúishla fkdokakd lsi sjl= fïjd úlD; yeisÍï f,i th ;ksYls cqkabÑfrdaf .a l.s kjl;dfõ isxy, mßj¾;khhs'
y`ÿkaj d w; msiod .kakjd ksh;h' tla ksYaÑ; , yeisÍula úpdrhg wiSrehehs lSug tl fya;=jla jkaf ka l= udrisxy
muKla m%lD; hhs Tyqg lshd fokakg we;af ;a foúhka jykaf ia fuh uq, a lD;sf hka u ^cmka nfika& mßj¾;kh lr ;s îu h'
úh yel' bx.%Si s mßj¾;khla weiqf rka fï isxy, mßj¾;kh lr ;snqK d
;ksYlsf .a kjl;dfõ§ isÿ jkaf ka l= ulao@ uydpd¾hjrhd kï wmg th uq,al D;sh yd ii`okakg mjd bv ;sìKs' wjdikdjlg
;u ìß`of.a YÍrh flf¾ wdila; fjhs' Tyq wef.a ksrej;a isrer fuka ud cmka wl=rlaj ;a okaf ka ke;' taksid ud lf<a Ök" cmka
úúO fldakhkaf .ka úia ;rd;aul f,i fiahdrE .; lrkafka isxy, ff;% NdId W.;l= jk ud ñ;=re iriú weÿrl= fj;
tneúks' Tyq tu mska;+r lsuqrg oel .ekSug ie,eiaùfuka tla l=udrisxyf.a mßj¾;kh bÈßm;a lsÍuh' Tyq th ;ksYlsf.a
úÈhl ldudiaj dohla ,nhs' wfkla w;g uydpd¾hjrhd bl=fldf.a uq,alD;sh yd ii`od mejiqfõ —;ksYlsg fukau isxy, mdGlhdg o
isrer flf¾ ne`§ isàu lsuqr jgyd .kS' lsuqr weh iu`. fm%aufhka idOdrKhla jk f,i fï mßj¾;kh isÿlr we;s nj h'
nef`okaf ka wef.a ieñhdf.a ksrej;a lduh ksidh' tneúka
lsuqrf.a fm%a ufha jia;=j (Object) uydpd¾hjrhdf.a ksrej;a
wiSre fohla
lduhhs' fu;k§ l%shd;aul jk ,eldkshdkq isoaOdka;h jkafka
wdidj jQ l,S yeuúgu wfkldf.a wdidjh (desire is always the cmdkfha Tidld iriúfha cmka NdId Wmdê mdGud,d yÞrd
desire of the other) hkakh' ienúkau bl=f ld iy lsuq r w;r we;a;d jQo tu NdIdj ms<sn`o j m%d udKsl W.;l=o jk uydpd¾h
muKla fkdj lsuqr iy bl=f ldf.a ÈhKsh jQ f;dIsf ld w;r l=udrisxy b;d fyd`o mßj¾;khla bÈßm;a lr we;s nj meyeÈ,s h'
fm%auh o fun`ÿ ishq ï ufkda úYaf ,aI Khlg yiqlr .; yel' ta i`oyd Tyq uy;a fia fjfyi ord we;s nj fmfka' Tyq wjqreÿ
654 l=,;s,l l=udrisxy - úpdrdjf,dalkh" Kulatilaka Kumarasinghe - CriticalGaze l=,;s,l l=udrisxy - úpdrdjf,dalkh" Kulatilaka Kumarasinghe - CriticalGaze 655
oyihla muK ld,hla ta i`oyd jehlr we;' ojilg tl fmd; k.a k isrer ke/öug bv fkdfokafka , weiqr wm%sh lrk
ne.ska mßj¾;kh lrk wfma we;eï w;sOdjkldÍ ñ;%hkag ksidu fkdjk nj miqj meyeÈ,s fõ' weh Tyqf .a ndysr rEmldhg
l=udris xyf.ka bf.k .kakg mdvula we;' ta bjiS uhs' cmka fukau p¾hdjkg o wleue;sh' wehf.a ks¾Kdhlj,g wkqj Tyq
NdIdj ms <sn`o ukd mßphla ,o l=udrisxyg fï fmdf;a msg qj laj ;a wiaj dNdúl .;s mej;=ï we;af;ls' ta wiajdNdúl .;smej;=ï w;r
ojila ;=<§ mßj¾;kh lsÍu wiSre fohla ù ;sf í' ìßhf.a ksrej;a msx;+r .ekSu o fõ' Tyq ìßh ksrej;a j ;nd weh
thska fmfkkqfha l=udrisxy ta flfrys olaj d we;s oeä úúO bßhõ j,ska isá h § PdhdrEm .ekSug m%sh lrhs' we;eï
Wkka ÿjhs' flfia fyda fmd;la m<ls Íu fkdj jvd fyd`o ksj erÈ wjia:djl fï msx;+r .kaf ka ìßhg u;aøjH fmdjd h' tfia u weh
mßj¾;khla t<soelaù u Tyqf .a wNs ,dIh ù we;' kskafoa isáh § fï msx;+r .ekSu o isÿflf¾'
l.s kjl;dfõ l:d kdhlhd fnfyúka ixfõ§ wúys xil
mqoa .,fhls' l;d kdhlhd , lghq;= .ek úYd, l=yq, la yd wdl¾IŒh ffY,sh
we,aula we;af ;ls' tfy;a Tyqf .a ìßh jk bl= =fld fï foaj,g Tyq fudk;rï wiaj dNdúl .;smej;=ï we;af;l= oehs lsj fyd;a
wdid fkdlrhs' l:d kdhlhdg ìß`o yuqjkaf ka rd;%sf ha§ muKs' fï PdhdrEm uq øKh i`oyd Ndrfokaf ka o bl=f ld iu. ióm
Èjd ld,fha§ Tyq iu`. ldhsl weiqrla meje;aùug bl=f ld weiqrla mj;aj k msßñhl= g h' fï msßñhd bl=fldf. f.or ks;r
wleue;s h' fï kjl;dj n,k l, uf.a is; ne`§.s fha wmf.a hk tk wfhls'
fY%aI aG;u uyd ldjHh jk lõis¿ñK fj;gh' tys isÿjkafka flfia fyda bl=f ldf.a ÈhKshg o fï msx;+r olskakg ,efí'
fuys úf,dauhhs' l¿is¿ñK ,shd we;a f;a l=i cd;lh mdol weh m<uqf jka ;u uj .ek iel Wmojhs' miqj bl=f ld mshd .ek
fldgf.k h' tys l:dkdhl l=io mnj; yuqj kaf ka rd;% sfha§ ÈhKshg o lshd fohs'
muKs' fuh fya;= fldgf.k újdyh foord hk w;r mnj; l=i fufia Tjqkaf .a , p¾hdjka b;d újD;j u wdl¾IKSh
oud ;u uõmshka lrd hhs' ffY,shlska j¾Kkh fldg ;sf í' idïm%odhsl woyia we;s
úpdrlhl= kï fuh ruKh yq jd oelaù u muKla f;aud
úiañ; w;aoelSï lr.;a;lehs fy<d olskakg bv we;'
mnj; fj; fhduqjk wfma wkqlïmdj l.s ys l:dkdhlhd tfy;a wm tjeks mgq iSudjl isrúh hq;= fkdfõ'
fj; o fhduqúh hq ;= nj uf.a ye`.Suh' fï ñksi a Ôú;fha ;j;a tla me;a;ls' fuh isÿúh fkdyels
flfia fj;;a újdy Èúh we/ö b;d È.= l,lg miq ieñhdg fohla fkdfõ' ,sx.s l lreKq bÈßm;a l< o" th b;d ixhuhlska
;u rej ßisfia ri ú`Èkakg ^wjqreÿ 20 lg miq& bl=f ld bv fohs' bÈßm;a lr ;sfí' fuys wdlD;s h ;rula fjkiah' l:dj bÈßm;a
wjq reÿ úiailg jeä ld,hla tlg Ôj;a jqj o m%:u j;djg jkafka Èkfmd;la u.sks' l:dkdhlhd fuka u l:d kdhsl djf.a o
flfkl=g ;u ìß`of.a ldhs l iqkaor;aj h olakg ,efí' th Èkfmd;a wmg lshjkak ,efí'
úiañ; w;aoelSuls'
wjqreÿ úiai lg miq ,o fï wjiaa :dfjka Tyq Wmßu wdpd¾h ufya, isßj¾Ok
m%f hdackh .kS' Tyq fkdfhla fkdfhla wd;;skaf .ka wef.a rej - zÈkñKZ - 2003 fkdjeïn¾ 11
wef.a ksrej; krUhs' wef.a fï ksrej; Tyqg wdYap¾hhls'
tfy;a fï .ek ìßh bl=f ld olaj kafka óg mgyeks Diary entries as a narrative form
wdl,amhls' bl=f ldg Tyq johls' lkakdä ouk le;" wm%i kak
wm%dKsl uy,a,l= f,i weh Tyq fy<d olS' During the mid-sixties there was a furore to the effect that the
Tyq ;u isrer w;m;.Eu wehg uy;a ysßyerhls' weh most influential literary force on Sinhala novel was the Japanese
fkdlshd lshkakS ;ud fj;ska bj;aj k f,ih' weh Tyqg ;u creative literature. This was a result of the much discussed novels
656 l=,;s,l l=udrisxy - úpdrdjf,dalkh" Kulatilaka Kumarasinghe - CriticalGaze l=,;s,l l=udrisxy - úpdrdjf,dalkh" Kulatilaka Kumarasinghe - CriticalGaze 657
of such Japanese novelists as Mishima, Tanizaki Jun-ichiro, second reading or re-reading in a more careful manner, Tanizaki is
Dazai, Yasunari Kawabatha and a few others seen as a creator of a mysterious world where only a sage could
It was apparently the late professor Edirivira Sarachchandra understand the actual meaning of sensory life. When the film
who Kindled the interest in almost all aspects of Japanese creative based on this novel of Tanizaki came to be shown we were disillu-
forms of Communication. The culmination of his influence sioned as to the shallowness of its presentation and yearned to
lerived from those sources were visible not only in his theatrical recall the sensitive areas in the printed work.
Well, cinematic treatment of a novel may make or mar the
activities, but also his two original Sinhala novels, Malagiya atto
effect, one had in the first instance. Tanizaki Junichiro's (1886 -
and Malavunge Avurudu da centred around the sensitive loves
1965) novel "The Key" (Kagi) is now translated from the original
tory of Noriko and the Sri Lankan scholar and the artist Devendora. Japanese language to Sinhala, (published by Godage) by Prof.
When these works were translated into English by the author Kulatilaka Kumarasinghe, who had stayed a period of conducting
himself, titled foam on the stream, the English reading public too research in Japan. He has attempted to bring out a Sinhala translation
had the chance to gauge the effect of the Japanese influence from plus two other supplementary items. To his translation he has
various points of view, giving special emphasis on the importance added a biography of Tanizaki Junichiro, citing his most significant
of works based on cross cultural experiences gradually widening works and presenting his place as a novelist in contemporary
the themes and expressions. Japanese literary scene. This I feel is one of the most needed areas
The younger generation of readers, like most of us, rallied for study especially for those interested in knowing the background
round this new cultural significance and we had the opportunity to in which the creator and the creativity are placed.
read some of the Japanese novels translated into English. In this The second one is an epilogue like note at the end of the work
direction, one of the few significant works was Tanizaki which records comparative study factors of the development of
Jun-ichiro's short work titled "Key" (kagi), centred round two Japanese creative literature, with special relevance to short story
and novel and its possible impact on the modern Sinhala creative
diaries of a husband, a learned man and his wife respectively.
works, especially on the novel.
Then there were two more characters, the young daughter of the
But I am not too sure the second category of notes would be
couple and a young teacher. Significantly enough, as in the usual
taken quite seriously for the simple reason being that a few works
form of conventional novel. are available either as a translations or as adoptions.
We used to read in this nothing apparently happened in a This point I think was taken far more seriously by Martin
round narrative line. Instead, the reader comes to grips with an Wickramasinghe by writing one whole book (or a collection of
understanding of an innerness which is by no means a simple essays) titled ("Japan kama katha hevenella")
experience, rather a complex web of events recorded with What Dr. Wickramasinghe wanted to show was that the
sexuality and morality as the mainstream of issues. Japanese creative influence may notbe too healthy for the development
One could visualise that the husband records his diary in of the Sinhala narrative forms, as against the influences via those
order to keep clear of his mind and the wife too does the same, not from Russia, France or England which possessed a great tradition
knowing that each one has secret access to the entries. of classical creativity.
The reader comes to know of the gradual decline of all bodily Prof. Kulatilaka's translation could be reckoned as signifi-
relations and the futility of actual existence. A reader may in the cant from two point of view. Firstly, the local reader is exposed to
commonest fashion could raise a question as to why a sensation hitherto unknown or lesser known narrative tradition, enabling a
should be created in order to relate the mutility of life. But on a comparison tasting the original flavour.
658 l=,;s,l l=udrisxy - úpdrdjf,dalkh" Kulatilaka Kumarasinghe - CriticalGaze l=,;s,l l=udrisxy - úpdrdjf,dalkh" Kulatilaka Kumarasinghe - CriticalGaze 659
Secondly, Tanizaki may be left misunderstood or kept 45
unwanted in cross cultural studies especially in the post colonial
literature. Like Prof: Ariya Rajakaruna, Prof: Kulatilaka
Kumarasinghe too deserves our praise for this attempt. A meaningful discussion of post -
One significant factor that emerges from Prof: Kulatilaka's modernism
translation is the availability of creative sources in order to discuss
the literary trends is a must, and no scholar could evade the issue. Every body talks about postmodernism, but very few people
As a translator he utilizes two forms of diction, namely in the understand it. Even the academics who are conversant with the
summary he uses the classical diction as far as possible and the subject are rare.
common verbalism in the dialogue and the entries, retaining Prof: Kulatilaka Kumarasinghe is one of the few academics
perhaps the flavour of the original work. Titled "Yatura" (Key) in who can lucidly explain what postmodernism is. His recent
Sinhala the title sounds symbolic of the web of human experiences publication 'Paschath Nuthanavadaya saha vimarshanathmaka
kept in closed doors for which a key is wanted, to enter. Lipi throws light on this vexed subject.
Prof. Kumarasinghe, defines postmodernism as follows:
Prof. Sunanda Mahendra "Postmodernism is a complicated term, or set of ideas, one that has
Dally News, July 07. 2004. only emerged as an area of academic study sincet he mid 1980s.
Postmodernism is hard to define, because it is a concept that
appears in a wide variety of disciplines or areas of study including
art, architecture, music, film, literature, sociology communication,
fashion and technology. It is hard to locate it temporally or histori-
cally, because it is not clear exactly when postmodernism begins. (P.30)
That is the widely accepted definition for post - modernism,
in Sri Lanka. Although Prof. Kumarasinghe is not responsible for
coining the Sinhala term, Paschathnuthanavadaya, he is credited
with giving us an accurate definition of it.
Prof: Kumarasinghe's book is divided into 14 chapters. The
first chapter is called "Postmodernism'. There he talks about
Lyotard, Jurgen Hebarmas and Daniel Bell, and also about 1968
French student's riot. Actually the riot was the foundation stone
for the "House of Postmodernism".
The second Chapter is entitled "Modernism and
Postmodernism". Here the author compares modernism with post
modernism in depth.
Prof. Kumarasinghe says that the easiest way to start
thinking about postmodernism is by thinking about modernism,
the movement from which postmodernism seems to have arisen.
According to the author, modernism has two facets or two modes

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