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  March  21,  2013  
  PLEASANTON  CA  94588  

1) Call  to  order  and  roll  call  

a. Meeting  called  to  order  by  Jim  Nicholas  at  7.07  pm  
2) Members  present:  
Jim  Nicholas   Ross  Stonesifer     Brian  Damiani     Mike  Stewart  
Mark  Hjerpe   Martha  Brown     Dan  Copenhagen   Steve  Moura  
Dan  Allari     Carlos  Castenada   Philippe  Blin     Walter  Pratte    
Darin  Preszler   Terra  Bigelow     Stephanie  Wieger   Marty  Florian  
Absent:    George  Hegarty,  Brian  Shadle,  John  Grozier,  Karrie  Smith,  Cindy  Whitehead  
3) Agenda  Amendments:  None  
4) Approval  of  Previous  Meetings  Minutes  
a. Will  be  sent  out  prior  to  next  meeting  for  approval  in  May.  
5) Members-­‐at-­‐Large  Forum:    Kathy  Narum  
6) Matters  Before  the  Board  
I. Fundraising:    2  types,  larger  corporate  level  or  smaller  type  of  fundraising  for  teams.  
a. Should  we  hire  someone  for  executive  position  to  head  up  fundraising?  Should  
there  be  the  executive  director  role  or  a  stand-­‐alone  position.  Should  it  be  
salaried  or  commission  based.    
b. Discussion  of  needing  to  really  focus  on  fundraising.  How  much  is  really  needed?  
c. Dan  recommended  we  strategically  plan  to  figure  out  where  the  money  will  be  
best  used  if  we  hire  someone  and  what  happens  once  we  raise  the  money.  
d. What  is  next  step?  Create  a  small  group  to  figure  out  what  the  money  would  go  
towards  and  create  proposal  to  bring  back  to  the  group.  
e. Can  we  create  urgency  on  this  fundraising  timeline?  
II. Operations:  Hiring  of  an  Executive  Director  
a. Discussed  transitioning  Operations  committee  to  an  outreach  committee.    
b. Are  there  other  roles  that  are  missing  that  an  executive  director  could  run  with?    
c. Executive  director  scares  the  staff  as  too  many  times  they  destroy  the  clubs.  
d. Can  we  find  director  of  operations  and  fundraising  tied  together?  
e. Further  discussion  is  needed  for  director  of  operations  and  Executive  Director.  
III. Strategic  Committee  
a. Formation  
b. Fields  Committee    
c. Major  discussion  on  different  roles.  Want  to  hold  committees  more  
accountable.  Each  committee  needs  to  meet  next  month  and  line  out  goals  and  
report  back  to  the  board  in  May.  
  March  21,  2013  
  PLEASANTON  CA  94588  
d. Do  we  need  an  ECNL  Committee?  The  board  thought  that  this  would  be  a  good  
IV. Reports  of  Board  and  Staff:  (sent  prior  to  meeting)  
a. Tournament  Update:    Marty  Florian  
i. Limited  fields  for  tournaments  
ii. Once  dates  are  confirmed  we  will  talk  with  Jamba.  
b. President  Report:    Jim  Nicholas  
i. Discussed  strategic  planning  meeting,    
ii. Moving  forward  with  improving  communication  with  the  city.  Signed  up  
with  Chamber,  in  talks  with  Kathy  Narum  and  city  council.  Trying  to  
participate  more  as  a  club.  
iii. Improve  communications  with  principals  of  both  high  schools  and  
school  districts.  
iv. Improve  relationship  with  Ballistic.  Brian  Shadle  has  volunteered  to  go  
to  meetings.  
v. Move  Operations  committee  to  community  outreach  committee  
c. Treasurers  Report:  
i. Pershing  account  has  been  opened.  
ii. Ross  proposes  motion  to  approve  $500  for  Civics  Team  and  2nd  by  Dan  
Copenhagen.  Approved  by  a  7-­‐3  vote.    
iii. Motion  to  approve  budget  by  Ross  and  2nd  by  Martha  with  the  
exception  of  a  change  to  $5000  for  PCA  budget  instead  of  $3000.  
Approved  unanimously.  
d. John  Grozier  sent  out  report  –  no  discussion  
e.  Mark  Hjerpe  –  Rec  VP  
i. Emphasis  on  more  coaching  instruction  for  Rec,  U8-­‐u14  coaching  
manual  –  Phillipe  is  working  on  this.  
ii. Early  bird  discount  needs  to  be  looked  at  next  year  and  the  window  
needs  to  be  smaller.  
iii. Kindergarten  round  up  did  not  work  out  this  year.  Could  not  get  
approval  to  be  on  site.  Need  to  work  on  this  next  year.  Terra  is  working  
on  Pre-­‐Schools.    
iv. Flight  –  end  of  season  jamboree  winner  will  be  sent  to  tournament  
v. New  Trainer  for  flight  and  training  will  change  this  year.  
  March  21,  2013  
  PLEASANTON  CA  94588  
vi. Need  volunteers  for  street  fairs,  school  drop  off  flyers,  and  Super  
Franks.  School  drop  offs  need  to  be  with  Ballistic.  
vii. Direct  mailers  in  April  and  May  as  the  goal  is  to  increase  membership  by  
Technical  Director:  
i. Letter  of  Dissapointment  re  Norcal.  Phillipe  has  not  heard  back  yet  and  
it  has  been  10  days.  
1. Based  on  player  development  versus  winning.  
2. Good  league  but  it  has  grown  too  fast  
ii. Completed  tryouts  75  kids  per  year  from  age  9-­‐14  
iii. Discussion  of  how  to  get  info  to  parents  so  the  $6000  price  of  ECNL  is  
not  so  shocking.  Need  to  get  more  communication  out  related  to  ECNL.  
Discussed  that  $100,000  is  the  price  that  would  take  care  of  ECNL  for  all  
age  groups.  
iv. Discussed  having  an  informational  meeting  for  U15-­‐U18  ECNL  
V. Pleasanton  Referees  
a. Training  programs  for  9-­‐10  age  group.  Carlos  recommends  that  there  is  some  
sort  of  monitoring.  Center  Ref  and  two  coaches  sign  off  on  something.  Or  maybe  
even  someone  monitor  the  games.  Needs  to  be  some  tracking.    
b. FIFA  rule  change.  Tape  has  to  be  same  color  as  stockings.  Under  Armour  has  to  
be  same  color  as  your  uniform.  
VI. Adjourn:  9:46  

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