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1) Express – and argue for – your own point of view in the long-lasting (and still open!

"Is it the genes, the environmental / cultural– educational factors or both that determine the
future development of a child’s personality?”

What does personality represents? Personality is the most precious gift that man can give himself through
self-knowledge and the will to strive, through their effort and support of educational factors. If we were guided
by the many polemics on the factors that lead to development of personality of a child,we see that there are
three main views: personality is innate, personality is influenced by environment and personality is learned
through education.In my opinion, the first case, the inheritance of personality, greatly exaggerate the influence
of inheritance, especially because it was proven that twins with the same genetic structure have very different
The second factor is the environment.Between the environmental factors that influence the development
process oh a human beeing we can distinguish influences of physical environment (natural or primary) and
those of the social environment. Physical environment is the natural place where people live their lives.Its
impact on personality development of children is insignificant. There is no evidence that the particular physical
environment (climate, fauna, flora, etc..) Would directly influence the characteristics and contents of mental
development of a child.The influence of physical environment is always mediated by social factors. However
some changes have occurred and still occur produce harmful effects (pollution, degradation of ecological
balance, etc..)Social environment has the most important influence.Social environment acts directly, through
the models they offer to the newcomer the behaviors of the members of society to which it belongs (eg parents)
involved in the individual history of early childhood - the crucial phase, which will mark all subsequent
development - are themselves influenced in their personality and their behavior toward him by the crop.
The components of the social environment of the educational significance are: family, school, media,
institutions and socio-cultural organizations. The family occupies an important place in the way that structures
the child`s personality, disorders that occur in emotional stability of parents can cause disturbances in normal
development of children. Thus, a child needs a solid family structure , emotional stability that would provide
optimal models of development .Disagreements between parents, arguments, abuse, broken relationships,
emotional stability affects the child and watch their personal development plan. Personal example of parents is
stronger than what you tell the child, the rules must be relevant and limits must not be rigid. Takeing account of
the needs of the child, respecting him like a distinct individuality whith his needs and desires, preferences and
his attitudes are a way to enable it to develop their own personality in a harmonious way. Can not be ignored
any influences - often spontaneously - by informal relational environment in which the child is(play groups,
friends,civilization .
We finally arrived at the last factor, the education,that is indeed a decisive factor in the formation and
development theyr personality.By eduaction the child assimilates - transferring them into behavior - patterns,
norms, values, attitudes, knowledge - ensuring the transition from purely biological reality to the social human
one.However they must be precisely defined to achieve the objectives and powers and better distinguish the
roles of teachers, depending on their position in the school unit and how they act.Each one of us was more or
less marked by teachers we met and we all know that any adult, in his dealings with young people is a key
factor in their future evolution.Must therefore be shown to the student that is able to learn, to master knowledge
and find himself how to do it .However, we must not forget that it concerns the adolescents in search of itself
and growing. They should be referred to this approach, avoiding the effort of self-discovery to lead to creating a
final image and wonder forever on themselves. This would prevent any development of students.We must
instead make them to understand that they can change and help them become aware of what they are not, but
what they will become.
Teachers,by their work,guide young people to form skills, knowledge and attitudes required to formulate
projects and assess these skills, knowledge and attitudes. The guidance in the construction work itself is
articulated with the teaching and evaluation practices.Despite the discipline they taught, objectives like cross
intellectual curiosity,pleasure to learn,the feeling of having power over things and mastery of knowledge and
skills (by identifying the sources of relevant information, processing information according to a given problem
and its structure starting from the parts) contribute to personality development and empowering its young. By
the road taken by each person in his life,he deffers from others.
Each life has unique destiny. Regardless of any metaphysics of destiny, existence is a realitywhich shows
the characteristics of each individual,this one following a certain way,no doubt.

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