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Fortnightly Portal Assignment

Grade: 8Ei Issue date: 15.12.2016
Subject: Science Submission date: 03.01.2017
Chapter: Coal and Petroleum Assignment No: 11
1. Revision worksheet not to be attempted in the notebook.
2. Do write questions before writing answers in the notebook.
3. While doing the assignment – mention date and number of assignment for reference.
4. Comprehension passages, diagrams, pictures and map are to be cut and pasted in the notebook and the
questions based on it shall be attempted accordingly.
5. Box with a pair of scissors () symbol is expected to be cut and pasted. All other questions without this symbol
are not to be pasted in notebook.
6. You have seven days (including weekend) to complete the uploaded fortnightly assignment to be submitted for
corrections. Plan you work and enjoy staying in touch with what is taught and completed in the class.
7. Incomplete or missing assignment with planner note from teacher will attract remedial action, be on time to
avoid such actions.
8. Extended Studies – Browse, Research and Challenge Yourself segment is not to be attempted in the notebook. That
is for extra practice that you may explore and attempt during free time to further master the topic.

1. What are petrochemicals? Explain.

2. What is meant by destructive distillation of coal?
3. Pick the odd word out of the following:
LPG/CNG/Diesel/Petrol/Kerosene/Paraffin/Lubricating oil
4. Write two uses of coke?
5. Why do we need to conserve resources?
6. Name the variety of coal shown in the pictures below?
7. What are natural resources?
8. Give three examples of exhaustible and inexhaustible resources?
9. What are the two kinds of natural resources? Explain giving examples?
10. What are fossil fuels? Give three examples.

Extended Studies – Browse , Research and Challenge yourself

“There are numerous damaging environmental impacts of coal that occur through its mining,
preparation, combustion, waste storage, and transport” Explore.

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