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Vidyarani.H.J Sahana Sagar H.S Apeksha.B
Assistant Professor Student Student
Information Science and Engineering Information Science and Engineering Information Science and Engineering
Dr.Ambedkar Institute Of Technology Dr.Ambedkar Institute Of Technology Dr.Ambedkar Institute Of Technology
(VTU Affiliation) (VTU Affiliation) (VTU Affiliation)
Bangalore,India Bangalore,India Bangalore,India
Kavya.V Sowmya Shree.S
Student tudent
Information Science and Engineering Information Science and Engineering
Dr.Ambedkar Institute Of Technology Dr.Ambedkar Institute Of Technology
(VTU Affiliation) (VTU Affiliation)
Bangalore,India Bangalore,India

their eye movements into appropriate communication

ABSTRACT messages. The biggest problem that paralyzed patients face
This project is a smart which is specially designed for MND is leading their own life without anyone else’s help. This
patients. The concept of this system is to apply eye includes basic day to day operations like switching on an
movement to communicate with the caretaker and to control appliance or increasing the speed of fan. Most of the
the appliances. This system comprises of methods like face existing system use sophisticated hardware and software to
detection, eye detection, eye tracking, conversion of blink to make the control easier and efficient. But the biggest
voice and blink to home automation. The image processing problem which a paralyzed patient faces while using these
module consist of webcam and the eye movement image is system is accessibility.
captured and transmitted to Raspberry Pi microcontroller for The advancement of the technologies has always fascinated
processing with OpenCV to derive the coordinate of eye us. On the other hand, we also found that, there are not
ball. The system enables communication using blink significant researches on automation devices for physically
patterns-sequences of long and short blinks which are challenged or disabled people. Therefore, we started to look
interpreted as semiotic voice messages. into the published papers and innovations around us.
Nowadays medical science improving day by day. On this
Keywords—Eye blink detection, face detection, eye developing procedure human beings innovating greater
tracking, conversion of blink to voice, blink to home strengthen scientific accessories such as smart belt which
automation, Raspberry pi locate patient respiration as well as electro dermal activity
(EDA) sensors to sequentially display for physiology
I. INTRODUCTION symptoms of seizures at night time. Medical operations are
now getting easier. Newly developed high-tech gadgets
Motor Neuron Disease (MND) is a medical condition
implemented in patient’s body to restore normal activities.
where the motor neurons of the patient are paralyzed and it
Especially paralysis patients, such as Tetraplegic Patients
is incurable. It also leads to weakness of muscles with
who suffering a lot for their physical disabilities. It's now
respect to hand, feet or voice. Because of this, the patient
highly important to develop a system which may help
cannot perform his voluntary actions and it is very difficult
paralysis patients like Tetraplegic Patients. Moreover,
for the patients to express his needs. And even the patient
people are highly interested to digitize their daily life with
face major problem like he won’t be able to communicate
less physical movement. To fulfill both requirements it's
with the world. A motor nerve gets damaged and stops
high time to develop a system which may help Tetraplegic
working eventually in MND. Thus, the nerves that are
Patients as well as people who are interested to use for
damaged connected to the muscles lose the strength
efficient and comfortable life.
eventually. There are several subtypes. In every type, the
symptoms that the patients face are in different ways. As the
Paralysis is one amongst the major neural disorder that
disease promotes, these symptoms of MND lean to overlap.
causes loss of motion of one or more muscles of the body,
Paralyzed stroke patients are unable to normally
wherein depending on the cause, it may affect a specific
communicate with their environment. For these patients, the
muscle group or region of the body, or a larger area may be
only part of their body that is under their control, in terms of
involved. In pursuit of rehabilitation, the eye can be
muscular movement, is their eyeballs. Some research in this
regarded as one of the organs that can help a paralyzed
area has focused on investigating new efficient
person to communicate suitably. Eye movement can be
communication tools for paralyzed patients for translating
used by the paralysis patients and armless persons to
perform simple tasks. This paper describes the acquisition
and analysis of eye movements for the activation of home
appliances for paralysis patients. The proposed method here For the proper display, we have chosen to use HDMI LCD
uses a eye blink sensor for eye movement acquisition display screen. The specification of it is shown below,
thereby reducing the occurrence of artifacts, further
following a simple circuitry for implementation of signal ● 800 x 480 HD resolution
processing, which is also cost effective and useful from the ● Capacitive touch control
user point of view. And this processed signal can be used as ● Support Pi Raspberry
an input for a microcontroller in order to control home ● Support OS: Pi Banana, Pro Banana, provide
appliances. Ubuntu, Raspbian corresponding mirror
● Support Black BB, provide the corresponding
In introduction, discussion about disease called motor mirror image Angstrom
neuron disease is done in which the patient suffers from ● General HDMI display, can be used as a computer
communication. There are several techniques introduced for monitor
these patients to ease communication. But the disadvantage ● HDMI interface is used to display and USB
is that these techniques are costly and uncomfortable. Thus, interface is used to touch
the main aim of this project is to develop an algorithm
which is cost effective and user friendly. 2.Raspberry PI


Relay Appliances

Fig.3 .Raspberry pi2 model B

The Raspberry Pi is a Broadcom BCM2835 SOC
(system on chip board). It comes equipped with a 700
MHz, 512 MB of SDRAM and ARM1176JZF-S core
CPU. The USB 2.0 port of the raspberry pi boars uses only
external data connectivity options. The Ethernet in the
raspberry pi is the main gateway to interconnect with other
devices and the internet in model B. This draws its power
from a micro USB adapter, with a minimum range of 2.5
watts(500 MA). The graphics, specialized chip is designed
Figure.1 Block digram to speed up the manipulation of image calculations. This is
in built with Broadcom video core IV cable, that is useful if
1.HDMI display screen you want to run a game and video through your raspberry
The display screen is used in order to display the eye
blinking and tracking motion. The screen is mostly
important for the caretaker. It can guide him along the 3.HD night vision camera
proper setup of the product.

Figure.4 HD night vision camera

It is a plug and play setup which is easy to apply. You

can easily make video calls on major IMs. This Intex
picture motions in 16 mega pixels interpolated
digital clarity, making it apt for both personal as well
Figure. 2 HDMI LCD Display Screen
as professional use. It offers high resolution clear • Motion understanding
picture, which is suitable for video conference.
Features: • Object identification
• Image resolution: 16.0 mega pixels • Segmentation and recognition
(4608x3456) interpolated
• Stereopsis stereo vision: depth perception from 2
• Frame rate: Up to 30 fps cameras
• Image control: Brightness, contrast, saturation,
gamma, white balance • Structure from motion (SFM)
• Image flip: Horizontal, vertical • Motion tracking
• Monitor type: CRT, LCD
• Image format: RGB 24, I420 • Augmented reality
• Power consumption: 160mW typical
• Operating system: Windows
There are several medical disorders that can lead to an
4.Raspbian individual becoming paralyzed or having motor speech
disorders that inhibits speech or voice production.
Raspbian is a Debian-based computer operating
Conditions such as Locked-In Syndrome (LIS) or motor
system for Raspberry Pi. There are several versions of
neuron diseases such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Raspbian including Raspbian Stretch and Raspbian Jessie.
(ALS) and Cerebral Palsy are among the common diseases
Since 2015 it has been officially provided by the Raspberry
that affect speech. In all or most such cases, the patient loses
Pi Foundation as the primary operating system for the
the ability to communicate with the external world in an
family of Raspberry Pi single-board computers. Raspbian
effective manner even though his intelligence is mostly
was created by Mike Thompson and Peter Green as an
unaffected. Not only does that cause extreme distress to that
independent project. The initial build was completed in
individual, but also to his family and friends. Some
June 2012.The operating system is still under active
development. Raspbian is highly optimized for the customized Augmentative and Alternative Communication
(AAC) devices have been developed that uses signals from
Raspberry Pi line's low-performance ARM CPUs.
the patient and converts them into some form of data that
can be communicated but such devices are very expensive
and are practically out of reach for most people. In this
system, we have designed an extremely low priced device
that reads and converts eye-blinks from the patient to a
universally accepted communication code-The Morse code.

1 Brain-drive: a smart driver for controlling digital

appliances using cognitive command
For the disabled and handicapped, the world of
brain-computer interface has opened a new horizon to lead
an unassisted and least supervised life. But the use of
Figure.5 Raspbian OS logo prosthetic limbs and artificial organs are still not
commercially available in most of the countries. Recently
developed some other brainwave based systems are mostly
5. OPEN CV expensive, immobile or task specific. In order to overcome
OpenCV abbreviated as open source computer these problems, analogous to the pen-drive, we have focused
version is a library with functions that mainly aim real-time on developing a low cost control unit namely “Brain-drive”
computer vision. With OpenCV one can perform face which transforms ones thoughts into output digital electric
detection using pre-trained deep learning face detection signal. Certain thoughts (mental tasks) with hard eye
model which is shipped with the library OpenCV is written blinking (neural driven physical outcome) develops certain
in C++ and its primary interface is in C++, but it still retains action potential, no matter the eye blinking is visible or not,
a less comprehensive though extensive older C interface. it creates a significant change in electroencephalogram
OpenCV application areas include: (EEG) or brain signal.
Single channel EEG signal is collected from frontal lobe as
• 2D and 3D feature toolkits
it plays a vital role in voluntary movement using a wearable
• Egomotion estimation Mind wave Mobile from Neurosky. The EEG data thus
recorded is preprocessed to reduce the effect of noise and
• Facial recognition system
artifacts and then analyzed in time domain. A grid of cells
• Gesture recognition are displayed on a monitor in front of the subject, which is
connected to individual digital output pin onboard an
• Human–computer interaction (HCI)
embedded system. To select a cell, a user just needs to look
• Mobile robotics and generate a sustainable eye blink which can easily be
identified from the raw value of brainwave.
Since eye blinking can be both conscious and involuntary, III. METHDOLOGY
automatic periodic eye blink of very low frequency The methodology used in our system is simple and
oscillation is removed to avoid unwanted selection of effective. Use of various library packages has been the
command. Unlike webcam based eye blink detector, Brain- main part. As the video from the camera starts, leading to
Drive captures the signal for blink rather than the visual the capturing of live images. The facial recognition starts
output of blinking. The system can be trained for person with facial landmarking. This is basically done with the
specific customized performance, considering special needs help of NumPy library and Dlib library. NumPy is a
of a disabled or handicapped people who cannot package in python used in faster complex mathematical
communicate with the outside world using voice, motion or computing and Dlib is a special kit containing machine
other methods. With the help of cognitive command, the learning algorithms. With the help of the these libraries we
`Brain-Drive' can be used to control wheelchair, home are able to localize and represent salient features of the face
appliances and even industrial. such as eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth and jawline. These are
basically marked with 68 x-y points and then finally region
2 Efficient eye blink detection method for disabled helping of interest is taken.
Facial paralysis makes patients lose their facial
movements, which can incur eye damage even blindness
No.of blinks Output
since patients are incapable of blinking. We design and
implement a pair of smart glasses iBlink to assist facial 1 Fan On
paralysis patients to blink. The basic idea is to monitor the
normal side of the face with a camera and stimulate the 2 Light On
paralysed side, so that the blink of the both eyes become
symmetric. Our contributions are: First, we propose an eye-
3 Fan Off
blink detection mechanism based on support vector machine 4 Light Off
(SVM), which can detect asymmetric blinks of patients
under various illumination conditions with an accuracy
above 99%. Our eye-image library for training the model is No.of blinks Output
published online for further related studies, which contains
more than 30,000 eye images.
Second, we design and implement an automatic stimulation 1 Water
circuits to generate electrical impulse for stimulating the
2 Food
patient's facial nerve branches, which can configure
operational parameters in a self-adaptive manner for 3 Medicine
different patients. Third, we implement the entire iBlink
system, which integrates the two functions above and a 4 Alert
communication function module for tele-medicine
applications. We conduct experiments in a hospital to obtain
the design basis and verify effectiveness of our device. The formula for the EAR (Eye Aspect Ratio) is given
3 Study and development of support tool with blinks for EAR = [(p2-p6) + (p3-p5)] / [2*(p1-p4)]
physically handicapped children
In this study, we try to develop a new application for Therefore, whenever eye is closed the points p2 & p6
physically handicapped children to communicate with others coincides and points p3 & p5 coincides and making the
by a blink. Due to limited body movements and mental numerator zero. So the eye aspect ratio becomes zero which
disorders, most of them cannot communicate with their means eye closed. If the above mentioned points i.e. p2
families or caretakers. Think if they can use application in with p6 and p3 with p5 does not coincides, it makes the
smart phones or any other android devices by a blink, it will numerator a non-zero value so that means the eye is
be big help for them to tell caregivers what they really need opened. Accordingly, the winking of eye is further detected
or want to tell and communicate through voice and also and sequences are generated. So total of 8 sequences in
control the devices like fan, light, or any other android or total can be generated but we have targeted of only 4
Bluetooth connected devices . Here we try to detect an eye sequence generation with the following speech output
area by using Open Cv. Then we develop the way to detect giving the basic demands. Table 1 shown below shows the
opening and closing of eyes. We combine the method using sequences and its output.
situation and using complexity of image to get more The system comprises of 3 phases:
accurate results to detect a blink. The level of handicapped
is very varied in children. So we will try to develop the
application to be able to customize depends on the situation
of users. And also, we will try to reduce the error to detect a
blink and pursue the high precision of the eye chased
A.Capturing – algorithm which is extremely fast compared to the
existing ones.
• The image of the driver is captured using HD night • Accuracy: The main objective of this project is to
vision camera, which is known for its clarity and cost develop an algorithm which is more accurate compared
to the existing ones.
• This camera creates a video clip and concentrates on
single frame containing paralyzed patient eye blink. FUTURE SCOPE

• The captured video is then divided into frames for As far as the future of this system is concerned, the
analaysing. microcontroller will be interfaced with an LCD module to
display the speech output as text simultaneously. In case, the
caretaker misses out on listening to the speech output, he
B.Detection –
can just see it on the display and assist the patient. Further
• This phase first involves the detection of face of the
on, to avoid the clause of dependency of the patient,
Blinkom can be developed into a human-machine interface
• Face detection is done using facial landmark which where different devices can be interfaced and the
results in locating the face in a frame. microcontroller can be programmed in a way that based on
• Only facial related structures or features are detected and the eye blinks, the corresponding operation is also
all other types of objects like buildings, trees, bodies are performed.
ignored. For example, if the patient blinks the right eye once
• In our method eye is the decision parameter for finding followed by the left eye once, along with the corresponding
the state of the driver. text display and speech output as “light on”, the light in the
• Eye Aspect Ratio(EAR) is the ratio of number of eye room is switched on. In this manner, the patient will have
blinks to the width of the eye. control over basic electronic devices around him. With
C.Correction – feature of IoT coming into picture, we can handle the needs
• The actual state of the eye is found, if it is closed or of the MND patients from any place. It is as simple as this
open or semi closed or semi open. that the demand signal generated can be passed on
• The identification of eye status is most important automatically through an alert signal to the caretaker and he
requirement. can with aid of IoT, can do the function such switching of
• If the systems detects that the eyes are open then it is light-on or off / fan-on or off / TV & AC on or off etc.
repeated again and again until closed eyes are found.
RESULTS The proposed project aims to bring out a solution for the
paralyzed people without any harm to their body externally
The proposed project aims to bring out a solution for the or internally. It overweighs the previously developed
paralyzed people without any harm to their body externally prototypes in this field because none of the components are
or internally. It overweighs the previously developed in direct contact with the patient’s body hence it definitely
prototypes in this field because none of the components are will prove to be safer. Use of Raspberry pi is simple and
in direct contact with the patient’s body hence it definitely also developing tremendously in the market today. The tool
will prove to be safer. Use of Raspberry pi is simple and had advantages over the older conventional tools.
also developing tremendously in the market today. The tool As already discussed previously, our device is very unique
had advantages over the older conventional tools. when compared to the conventional devices already existing
• To make cost effective: The main objective of in the market. There is no need of piercing any electrodes
developing algorithm of a real time video Oculography through the epidemics of the patient’s skin, hence very user
system is that to provide cost effective for those people friendly. Also, by the use of the camera stand in our
who cannot afford. The existing technique for such prototype, we are able to achieve flexibility by which the
patients to communicate is too costly. device can be set up at any time and at any place without
Thus, it is necessary to design a system which is much inconvenience. But,it is the family’s or the care
affordable to common people which includes cost taker’s responsibility to train the MND/ paralyzed patient
effective components for designing. regarding the different combination of eye blinks required
• Electrode less system: To develop a system in which for different type of outputs at the speaker.
the patient can communicate without any application of
electrodes. Because this electrodes need to be pierced
to the skin of human body which is very painful. The References
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