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Name of Place in Canada, Date

To the Canadian Embassy in (Country Name)

(Embassy Address)
(Embassy Phone Number)
Subject: Invitation Letter for Mr./Miss (Applicant’s Name)
Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is (Inviting Person’s Name), I was born on (date of birth), and I am from (location in
Canada). I am a (status in Canada – citizen or permanent resident) and I live in (address in
Canada). My household has (number of people living in the household) and I work (job title,
company, and location), earning (monthly or annual salary).

Through this letter, I am inviting (Applicant’s Name), born on (date of birth) and currently living
in (address in Foreign Country) to Canada for a short stay. (Applicant’s Name) will be staying
in (location and address in Canada such as a hotel or your house) from (date of entry) until (date
of departure). I am (Applicant’s Name), (State relationship such as brother, sister, friend, etc), and
we will be visiting and touring around Canada for (duration in days or months) in different

(Applicant’s Name) currently works (enter job title and location), earning (monthly or annual
salary) with which they will be able to afford the stay in Canada. (Applicant’s Name) is a genuine
visitor who will not overstay their visa. Their work obligations in (Name of foreign country) extend
and (Applicant’s Name) is needed back to work as soon as they return from Canada.

Please see attached a certified copy of my (Document proving status in Canada such as passport,
birth certificate, or PR card) and my bank report for the past 6 months.

Feel free to contact me should you have any further questions regarding myself or (Applicant’s

I look forward to having (Applicant’s Name) visit me in Canada so we can spend time together and
visit Canada.

Kind regards,

(Inviting Person’s Name)


(Phone number)

(email) Signature

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