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Rev. Rolando S. Nantes


A. Verification of Conversion
It is very important to determine if in fact the person being disciple is saved.
(IICor.13: 5-8)

Ask simple but revealing questions:

How did you become a Christian?
How would you explain to a lost person how to be saved?
(The purpose of these questions is to see whether a person is a true believer of Christ.)
If there is any doubt at all review the Gospel and make certain the person
understand salvation by grace through faith and has received Christ(Eph. 2:8,9). You
can’t make a disciple out of non- Christian. Use verses like:
 Ephesians 2: 1-0
 Romans 5: 6-11
 John 1: 12,13

B. Awareness of Results of Salvation (Ephesia-ns 1: 15-9a)

Do you know what happened to you when you were saved?
Regardless of the response, you need to make sure they understand at least the basic
consequences of salvation
1. Becoming God’s children (John1:12) not all people are children of God (John
Results of Becoming His Children
a. Adoption (Ephesians1:5). Believers are adopted sons of God.
b. We can call God Abba, Father (Romans 8:15).
c. We become heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ (Romans8:16, 17)
d. Future Christ-likeness

Seven Essentials 1
2. Eternal life (John 3:16; 6:40, 47). This refers to length and quality of life. It is a
blessed life with God. It is given by Christ (John 10:28) and received by those
who believed in God (I John 5: 11-13)
3. No more condemnation (Romans 8:1, 35- 39; John 3:18, 19).
4. Passed from death unto life (John 5:24). We were death but now in life
5. Redeemed (Gal.3: 13). Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law. In

I Cor. 6: 20 Ephesians 1:7, Christ is our redemption. He has bought us with a price of his
blood from the spiritual market of sin and brought us out to live free from sin.
6. Forgiveness (Eph. 1: 7; 4: 32; Col. 1:14; Ps. 103: 12). Literally, it means
to let go, send a way or remove our sins away from us.
7. Deliverance from the power of darkness (Col.1:13).
8. Translation into Christ’s kingdom (Col.1: 13). Believers are now transferred
from the power f kingdom of Satan to God’s power kingdom.
9. Indwelling of the Holy Spirit (I Cor. 3: 16, 17; 6: 19, 20: Rom. 8; 9). The spirit
of God is residing in the believer’s lies. This means a very special relationship,
presence, and place. This indwelling is permanent. A person who is not indwelt
by the spirit does not belong to God, not a true Christian.
10. Sealing of the Spirit (Eph.1: 13). Is presence is the seal or mark. This takes
place at the time a person believes the gospel of Christ.
Sealing Signifies:
a. Ownership - we belong to God--.
b. Genuineness – we are believers or sons of God.
c. Security – we are safe in God. Our salvation cannot be lost.
d. Finished transaction – we are now ready to be transferred to heaven at any
time or at rapture.
11. Membership of Christ’s body (I Cor. 12:13). Christ’s body is the one true
church. This is through the baptism of (by, with) the spirit when believed. It is
actually Christ who baptizes or places the believing person into His own body,
the church, through the spirit (Mathew 3: 11).
12. Justification (Romans 5: 1; 3: 21, 24 ; 4: 3-6). I is the act of God in declaring
those believing in Christ righteous. This involves:

Seven Essentials 2
a. Forgiveness of sins
b. Removal of death penalty
c. Restoration to favor
d. Putting on Christ’s as righteousness.
When God looks at us, he sees Christ and His righteousness in us
13. Reconciliation to God (Romans 5: 1, 10, 11: Col. 20-22). We have peace with
God. We are no longer enemies but beloved sons and daughter.
14. Friendship with God (Romans 5:10; James 2:23).
15. Kingly priests (I Peter 2:9; Rev. 1:6). As priests:
a. We pray (I Thess. 5:17).
b. We offer sacrifices such as our bodies (Rom. 12:2; gifts
(Phil.4:18); thanksgiving/praise (Heb. 13:15); good deeds and
sharing our goods with others (Heb. 13: 16).
c. We worship (John 4:23, 24).
d. We teach (Acts 8:3).
16. New nature (2 Cor. 5: 17; 2 Peter 1:4). New nature produces new life, words,
and actions.
17. Home in Heaven (John 14: 1-3).

C. Assurances of Salvation
How do you know you are saved?
The Bible is very clear in its teaching that the person who really accepted the Lord
Jesus Christ had the assurance that He is saved forever. Although this teaching is not
well accepted by other groups, still the truth from His Word cannot be questioned.
Let’s look at what the Bible is teaching about in this subject.
1. Testimony of the Spirit to or with our spirit (Romans 8:15,16). He
testifies and gives conviction that we belong to God.
2. Residence of the Spirit or God in us (1 Cor. 6: 19; John 14:23)
3. Sealing of the Holy Spirit (Eph. 1:13).
4. Ability of the Father and of the Son to keep (John 10:27-29; 2 Tim. 1:12;

Seven Essentials 3
5. Inseparableness of the Christian from Christ’s love or from Christ himself
(Romans 8: 35- 39).

Distinguish between
 Eternal Security (a fact)
John 10:27-30; Romans 8:28- 39; 1John 5:10-13
 Assurance (a feeling)
Romans 8: 14- 16; 2 Timothy 1: 12
You are saved whether you feel like it or not. Assurance is really a matter of
faith believing the truth of God’s Word.
On the issue of losing one’s salvation, point out that we are kept by the very
power of God (John 10: 29 and 1 Peter 1:3- 5). You lacked the power to save
yourself and you lack the power to unsave yourself. If you can lose your salvation
then it is by works!

D. Evidences of Salvation
These are visible proofs that one is truly converted.
1. Change in life: thought, word, deed (Eph. 4: 24- 32; Phil. 1: 11; 2 Cor. 3: 18;
Gal. 5: 22, 23).
2. Desire for the word (1 Peter 2:2; Psalm 42: 1-2l; 119: 97, 113 -114).
3. Listening to God’s word (John 10: 27). It implies obedience.
4. Continuance (John 15: 9; 1 John 2:19; Acts 2: 42). Continuance is the things of
5. Discontinuity is an evidence of unconverted state (1 John 2: 19; John 6: 64- 69).
One must continue in Christ’s love, with prayers, and Lord’s Table. But he does
not continue in sin.
6. Turning from idols (1 Thessalonians1:9, 10).
7. Serving the true and living God (1 Thessalonians 1: 9,10).
8. Readiness to be baptized (Matt. 28: 19,20 ; Acts 2:41-42 ; 8: 35,36). Water
baptism is obedience to Christ’s Command. It is a church ordinance reflecting
the truth of the gospel. There is no believer who is unwilling for water baptism.
This installs him from the local church membership.

Seven Essentials 4

A. By Exercising Faith

How do you define Faith?

Faith is?
 Believing God and His word
 Claiming the promise of God
 Actively trusting God
Faith is not a bind lea in the dark but a bold step of trust in light of who God
is. Faith always has God as its object. (Hebrew 11: 1- 12: 3; Acts 27: 25)
We are saved by faith and called to live the Christian life by faith.
(Romans 1: 16-17; Col 2: 6-7; 2 Cor. 5: 7)

B. By being filled by the Holy Spirit

What is the source of our power (enablement) to live the Christian life?

The indwelling Sprit is our energy, strength and power but we must yield to
Him, allowing Him to fill us and direct, control and influence our lives.
(Romans 8: 5-6; 5: 18-20)

The Holy Spirit empowers us to witness for Jesus and serve Him (Acts 1:8).
He also enlightens our minds and enables us to understand the things of God
1 Cor. 2: 12-16).

Seven Essentials 5
C. By Realizing Our Position “In Christ’s” And Allowing Christ to Live
through Us.

We should allow Christ to manifest His life in us through us.

(Romans 6: 1- 10; Gal 2: 20; John 15: 1-8; Col. 3:1-10)

D. By Progressing Toward Spiritual Maturity

What is the goal of Christian life?

To become conformed to the image of Jesus Christ in character, conduct and
conversation and thereby glorify God.
(2 Cor. 3: 17; Heb. 6: 1-3; Eph. 4:13; Romans 8: 28-29)

Discuss: How do most believers attempt to live the Christian life?

Seven Essentials 6


What does God use to accomplish growth to maturity?

The Word of God is the spiritual food which causes to grow to maturity as we obey
its principles in the power of the Spirit. (James 1: 22-25; 1 Peter 2:2)

God’s Word has the power to

 Transform us (1 Thess. 2:13)

 Keep us from sinning (Psalm 119: 9- 11)
 Reveal our motives (Hebrews 4:12)
 Give us an independent standard of truth
(Ps. 119: 89-91 ; 1 Cor. 4:6- 7 ; Mark 7:13)
 Guide us (Psalm 119:105)
 Instruct and encourage us (Romans 15:4)
 Warn and caution us about the mistake of others (1 Cor. 10: 11-12)
 Cause us to know God Better (John 5:39; Lk. 24:27,44)
 Teach, correct and train us in righteousness and reprogram our
(2 Tim. 3:16-17; Romans 12: 2)

But if we fail to STUDY GOS’S WORD we are WASTING OUR TIME

(Matt. 7:24- 27; James 1:22-25; 2 Tim. 2-15)

God desires and expects us to be obedient and dedicated to His word

(Ezra 7: 10- 11)

Seven Essentials 7

One of the greatest blessings enjoyed by Christians in this life is the privilege
of PRAYER, by which we can approach God.
What is prayer and why it is important?
Prayer is;
 Conscious dependence on God. (1 John 5:14-15)
 The channel by which He works in our lives.
(James 5:15- 16; 2 Cor. 1:9-11)
 Communion with God. (Phil. 4:4- 8; 1 Peter 3:12)
 Talking with Him
 Listening to Him
 Asking of Him
 Getting to know Him
 Praising Him

Prayer enables us to know the mind and will of God and have confidence and
His peace about life and its difficulties. (Col. 1:9-12)

1. Conquest over the Devil (Lk. 22:30-32; Eph. 6:11- 12)
2. Conversion f the sinner (Lk. 18: 10, 13-14).
3. Cure of the sick (James 5: 15- 16).
4. Forgiveness of sins (James 5: 15- 16).
5. Building up in the faith (Jude 20).
6. Propagation of the gospel (Col. 4: 2-3).
7. Provision of need (Matt.7:7-11; James 4:2).
8. Protection from temptation and sins (Matt. 26: 40- 41; 4: 1:10).
9. Impartation of divine wisdom (James 1:5).

Seven Essentials 8

1. It must be offered “IN FAITH” (Matthew 21:22; James 1:5-8).

2. It must be offered “IN THE SPIRIT OF HUMILITY” (Luke 18:9-14).
Remember the Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, (Psalm
34:18) as James said, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the
humble” (James 4:6).
3. It must be offered “IN HARMONY WITH GOD’S WILL” (1 John 5:14).
Too often, prayers are unanswered because they are more concerned with
OUR will, rather than GOD’S will!
4. It must be offered “WITH PERSISTENCE” (Luke 11:5-10; 18:1-8
5. It must be offered “IN THE NAME OF JESUS” (John 14:13-14

1. Known sin or unconfessed sin (Psalm 66:18). The basis for prayer rests
upon our being in fellowship with Him; such fellowship is broken if we do
not confess our sins to Him!
2. Hypocrisy (Matthew 6:5)
3. Selfish Motive (James 4:3)
4. Unbelief (James 1: 5,6)
5. Unresolved domestic or family problem (1 Peter 3:7)
6. Pride (Luke 18: 10-14)
7. Refusal to forgive and be forgiven (Matthew 5:23, 24; 6:12)

1. Request Granted = God may answer “YES”, and grant the petitions we ask
of Him. Such will be the case the more we try to do His will in our lives
(1 John 3:22).
2. Request Granted but not yet = God may grant our request, but in time and
according to His purpose for our lives. Eccl. 3:1 say, “To everything there

Seven Essentials 9
is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.” So we may think
God is saying “NO”, when He is really saying “YES, BUT WAIT.”
3. Request Granted, but not as you might expect = Sometimes God says
“YES”, but answers it in way differently than we anticipated. Remember,
God thoughts and methods are often much different than ours (Isaiah 55:
Like asking God for strength and perseverance… He may give us trials
to bear, which in turn develops the virtues we prayed for!

We should be careful and not dictate to God HOW to answer our

prayers. For example, the way some pray for the sick, they limit God
as to how He might restore them.
4. Request Denied = often God says “NO”. We must that God, who knows
all and what is best, would do so only if granting our request might not be
for our good. We may not fully understand, but we can still fully trust

1. Standing (Mark 11: 25)
2. Bowing (Exodus 34: 8)
3. Lying down (Psalm 6:6)
4. Kneeling (Luke 22: 41; Acts 20: 36)
5. Face down (Matthew 26: 39)

What is essential is the position/attitude of the heart.


1. Early morning (Mark 1:35)
2. At noon (Psalm 55:17)
3. Late in the afternoon (Acts 3:1)
4. In the evening (Psalm 55: 17)
5. Midnight (Acts 16: 25)
Anytime is time to pray. God’s throne is always open.

Seven Essentials 10


 Private prayer should occupy the largest portion of our total life of prayer.
Consider the value of “secret prayer”:
1. It forms a close union, communion and fellowship with God (you two are
the only ones there.)
2. It is a true test of your sincerity and devotion.
=You certainly are not doing it to please men (they can’t see you).
=You can’t be trying to falsely impress God (He will see right through
=Your Father will reward you “openly” (Matt.6:6)
Therefore, “private prayer” should be a priority!

The early Christians prayed together often…
= In times of trouble (Acts 4:23-24; 12:5, 12; 16:25)
= In times of departure (Acts 20:36; 21: 5)
A sweetness of fellowship and sense of strength comes when God’s people pray
therefore, “praying with others” should be done as often as we can.

1. ADORATION (Praising God) 1 Chronicles 29: 10- 13
Spending time in sincere praise of God’s greatness will help put us in the
proper spirit of humility.
2. CONFESSION (Acknowledging our sins before God) 1 John 1:9
When we understand how sin can break the fellowship we have with God, we
naturally desire its quick remission. Fortunately, as Christians we can be
cleansed by the blood of Jesus as we confess our sins.

Seven Essentials 11
3. THANKSGIVING (Phil. 4:6)
This is an important part of prayer, even those in which we are making
Benefits of Giving Thanks
Causes us to acknowledge God’s existence, love, and care
Reminds us of His goodness
Helps us shift our focus from what we don’t have to what we do have.
God’s people have every reason to be thankful, and to be known for
“abounding in thanksgiving” = Col. 1:12, 2:7; 3:15; 4:2
4. SUPPLICATION (Making requests of God) Philippians 4:6
If we are faithful in including the first three (Adoration, confession,
thanksgiving), this last will prevent prayer from being simply a spiritual
“shopping list.”
When we broaden our requests to include others, we enter into one of
the noblest realms of prayer: INTERCESSION (1 Tim. 2:1)


1. ONESELF (Matthew 14:30; Luke 23: 42)
2. OTHERS (James 5: 16)
3. CHRISTIAN WORKERS (Col. 4:2; 2 Thess. 3: 1, 2)
4. GOVERNMENT LEADERS (1 Tim. 2:1-2)
5. ALL MEN (1 Tim. 2:1-2)
6. THE SICK (James 5:14-15)
7. ENEMIES (Matthew 5:44; Acts 7:59-60)
8. ISRAEL (Psalms 122: 6)

The Lord encourages us to PRAY WITHOUT CEASING (1 Thess. 5:17), it is His will
for all believers. So keep on Asking, Seeking and Knocking.

Seven Essentials 12

What is the devotional life?

= It is an unhurried time of Bible reading and Prayer
= It is the heart of your fellowship with God
The “devotional life” is your personal quiet time spent with God each day in:
 prayer Col. 4:2
 praise Ps. 113:1-3; 145:1-2
 worship Ps. 95: 6-7
 thanksgiving Ps. 75:1
 reading and meditating Acts 17:11; Ps. 1:2
on His Word
 waiting and relying on Ps. 119: 13- 20
God and His goodness
 thinking about God Psalm 119: 13-20; Col.3:15-17

It is part of the process of getting to know God, enjoying Him and being refreshed,
encouraged, and strengthened to live for Him daily. (Jer. 9:23, 24)

In the quiet time approach you read and mark only a chapter or two each day. You do
not hurry. You are meeting a Person, not a habit. You expect God to impress you with
something from the Scriptures that you personally need to hear that particular day. Over a
period of several days or weeks you may detect patterns or a certain emphasis.

When you read, you don’t become involved in the details as much as in the overall
theme of a chapter or book. Reading helps sharpen your familiarity with the characters and
stories of both the Old and New Testaments.
Reading can be compared to flying over a city in an airplane or helicopter. We see the
general layout of the city: major buildings, rivers, parks, and other landmarks. We miss much
of the detail.

Seven Essentials 13
So, in the quiet time you are READING, MARKING, RESPONDING back to God in
prayer, and WRITING something down.
This approach to Bible reading is meant to be fun and refreshing. It should be
uplifting. Mark what impresses you-probably not some deep theological concept. Leave that
for Bible study. Spiritual edification is a major benefit of reading. As we read with an open
heart to God our thoughts, desires, and motivations are purified. Bible reading helps
accomplish Paul’s advice to us: Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but
be transformed by the renewing of your mind [thinking process]…”(Romans 12:2). Reading
God’s Word is the very foundation of your quiet time.
II. The MANDATE to have a quiet time. Joshua 1:8
III. The MOTIVATION to have a quiet time.
A. FOR GROWTH AND NOURISHMENT. Food and proper nutrition are
essential to healthy physical growth. In the same way, consistent intake of
God’s Word causes spiritual growth and good health.
Summarize what the following verses say about spiritual growth and
I Peter 2:2___________________________________________
Psalm 119:103________________________________________
Jeremiah 15:16_______________________________________
Hebrews 5:12-14______________________________________
“That we might accustom ourselves to a continual conversation with Him,
with freedom and in simplicity. That we need only to recognize God
intimately present with us.”
Brother Lawrence
Summarize what the following verses say about companionship with Jesus
I Corinthians 1:9_________________________________________
John 15:4_______________________________________________
Micah 6:8_______________________________________________

Seven Essentials 14
IV. The METHOD of Quiet Time.

As we read the Word and think about it God gives us insight, guidance and understanding
which we specifically need at that particular time.

 Set aside a specific time (about 30 min.) each day – the first thing in the
morning or the last thing at night.
 Pray.
 Read the Word systematically.
 Write down insights and convictions.
 Thank God for your time with Him.
 Remember your quiet time with God.
 Recall God to your mind during your busy day.

Seven Essentials 15

How do I as a Christian deal with sin?

A wonderful blessing we receive when we become Christians is the forgiveness of
sins through the blood of Jesus Christ. (Eph. 1:7)
Not only did Christ forgive us of our sins but He also:
 Freed us from the power of sin. (Romans 6:1-2, 5-6)
 Gave us His Holy Spirit to enable us to overcome and defeat sin in our lives.
(Gal. 5: 16-25; Romans 8: 12-14)
 Motivates and commands us to put off sinful attitudes and actions in the
power of the Spirit. (Ephesians 4: 17- 24; Col. 3:1-10)
But, this does not mean that our problem with sin is over…we still sin at times (1
John 1:8,10). Satan does his best to cause us to sin (1 Pet. 5: 8; Eph.4: 26, 27). In other
words, we must choose to live a life of holiness and not a sinful one. (Romans 6:11-12; 1
Peter 1:13-16)
Questions: How can we overcome sin?
If we are to maintain a close walk with God, and ultimately receive the riches of glory
He has prepared for us, we must overcome the problem of sin in two ways: (1) By sinning
less and less – 1 John 2:1a (2) By knowing what to do when we do sin – 1 John 2:1b-2


1. Change our “DESIRES”
Since this is where the process of sin begins, it is the best place for us to begin,
Bear in mind that it is a part of Christian growth to change our desires (Romans
12: 1-2; Gal. 5:24).
Question: How do we change our desires?
 By filling our hearts and minds with the Word of God – Ps. 119:9-11
 By filling our minds with good things – Phil. 4:8
 By disassociation from things or from group of people that lead you to sin
– Ps. 1:1; 1 John 2:15-17; 2 Cor. 6: 14- 18.

Seven Essentials 16
 By constant prayer – Matthew 26:41
(Ask for more suggestions from your group)
2. Exercise “SELF-CONTROL”
Remember, it becomes sin when we yield to ACTION in fulfilling our sinful
desires. If we can control ourselves so as to not yield, then we can overcome sin!
Praise the Lord! because SELF-CONTROL is but one aspect of the “fruit of the
Spirit” (Gal. 5:22-23; Titus 2:11, 12 ).
3. FLEE from sin (1 Timothy 6:11 “this” refers to the previous verses)
Example: Joseph the dreamer
God wants us to be victorious in our Christian life, that is why He provides everything that
we need; He gives us the Holy Spirit, His precious Word and He always makes a way out for
us to escape from sin (1 Cor. 10:13).
QUESTION: When I do sin, what do I do next?
 Confess our sins (1 John 1:9)
 Claim the forgiveness already provided on the cross by Christ.
 Continue to walk in the Spirit and forsake that sin (Romans 8:12-14)


How do I stand up under temptation?

Temptation is not sin – yielding to it is! We will all be tempted by Satan, sin, self
and the secular world system to sin from time to time
We successfully deal with temptation by:
 Refusing to be deceived (James 1:13- 17)
 Recognizing its source (1 Peter 5:8- 11)
 Resisting by faith (James 4:7; Eph. 6:17)
 Relying on the power of the Spirit (Matt. 26:41; Eph. 6:18)
 Realizing God has provided a way out (1 Cor. 10: 11- 13)
Remember: When a Christian falls to temptation or sins it is Because he chooses to not
because he has to!!

Seven Essentials 17



What is fellowship and why is it necessary?
Fellowship means;
a partnership.
a common or mutual sharing.
a participation with other like-minded people.

God did not design and does not intend the Christian to live his life by himself in
isolation from other believers. True fellowship is necessary if we are to properly grow to
spiritual maturity. Relating to other believers through Christian fellowship is an essential
ingredient in the process. (Acts 2:42- 47)
What are the blessings of having fellowship with our brethren in the Lord?

Through fellowship believers mutually:

 encourage one another (Hebrews 10: 24-25)-
 strengthen one another (Hebrews 10:24; Romans 14:19)
 teach and admonish (warn and counsel) one another (Col.3:16- 17; Rom.15:14)
 pray for one another (James 5:16)
 edify and build-up one another (Romans 14:19)
 praise God together (Ephesians 5:18-20)
 meet each other’s needs (Galatians 6:2)
 hold each other accountable (Romans 1:11-12)
 share our very lives with one another (1 Thessalonians 2:8-9)
 look out for the interests of one another ( Philippians 2:1-4; 1 Cor. 12:25)
 serve one another (Galatians 5:13)
Every believer needs to be in fellowship with at least one other Christian on a regular

Seven Essentials 18
DISCUSS: How can you help in strengthening the fellowship in the church? (Ask them
to give their ideas, example: by being always present)


Why is church ministry involvement important for Christians?

The Church is the body of Christ of which all Christians are members in general.
Each believer should be specifically involved in a local church (1 Corinthians 12:12- 27).
The local church is a collective, supporting fellowship of believers in a particular place. The
New Testament fully anticipates all church members being actively involved and
contributing their part.
And the Bible provides all of the essentials on “how people ought to conduct
themselves in God’s household, which is the church”. (1 Tim. 3:15)

The church gathers (Acts 2:42- 47)

 To worship, praise and pray.
 To fellowship with one another and God.
 To mutually encourage and minister to one another.
 To edify and teach.
 To equip and train for the work of ministry including evangelism.

The church provides a context in which believers:

 Can be built up to maturity in Christ. (Col. 1:28, 29; Eph.4:13-16)
 Can be equipped and trained to do the work of ministry. (Eph. 4:12)
 Can exercise their spiritual gifts and serve the body. (1 Peter 4:8-11; Eph.
4:11- 12)
 Can each contribute their part to the body of Christ. (1 Cor. 12:12)
 Can be taught the Word of God. (Acts 18:11)
Each believer can:
 Serve in some capacity to accomplish God’s purposes. (Rom. 12:3-8)
 Give financially to meet the needs of the church and others. (1 Cor. 16:1-2)
 Encourage others. (1 Thess. 5:11)

Seven Essentials 19
 Comfort other suffering believers. (2 Cor. 1: 3-11)
 Pray for each other. (Col. 4:2-4)
 Be equipped by the Word to do God’s work. (2 Tim. 3: 15-17)

Church ministry involvement for the Christian should not be a bother but a

It is a privilege to share God’s love in the lives of other saints.

The church, then, is the biblical context for spiritual growth to maturity and for
establishing new believers, equipping the saints, and evangelizing the lost. (Acts 14:21-24)

Seven Essentials 20
When should a believer start sharing the good news of salvation?

Sharing the Gospel (good news about Christ and His cross) is not an option; it is a
command and expected of every believer.
(Acts 1:8; Matt. 28:18-20; 2 Cor. 3: 14- 18)

There is no real reason why a new believer should not share his faith immediately!
(Example: The Samaritan Woman – John 4)

A new believer can learn;

 A simple gospel presentation (like the one he heard) or use a prepared
tract. Example: 4 Spiritual Laws
 To give his own personal testimony orally or in writing by sharing his
life before and after salvation. Example: Mark 5:1-20
 To focus on
 Who Christ is.
 What Christ has done for him.
 What it means to be saved.
 To rely on the Holy Spirit to witness to Christ through him.
Different Methods:
 Roman’s Road
 Bridge Illustration

Seven Essentials 21

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