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11/15/2018 DB: Life’s Experience 2

 “Healthy mind in a healthy body”. The true meaning of life is to live a healthy
and peaceful life. In order to stay healthy we must follow some sort of daily routines
like a minimum of half an hour exercise, walking, cycling, swimming, etc.

 But as far as my knowledge and experience is concerned, besides all these

workouts stated above, there is one thing that will give you a great pleasure and
enthusiasm right from dawn to dusk. Yes, that is nothing but the 5000 year old
system from India - YOGA

 Here I will articulate some major findings on my own experiences about Yoga
and its innumerous benefits. I had been practicing yoga for merely 6 years. I will
challenge you that majority of the Health related illness can be surely cured by some
little yoga practices. I had experienced some little neck pain, High blood pressure
and a foot corn earlier before 5 years. Within two months of practicing yoga, I was
completely cured from the above said illnesses. I will tell some simple steps here.

Steps involved in practicing Yoga as a daily routine

1. “Meditation”, after morning refreshment (empty stomach only), sit in an open air with a
mat underneath with your back up straight and focus your concentration on your third
eye between two eye brows. Be blank in your thoughts. At first it is difficult; soon you will
be experience a deep harmony and peace in your inner mind. Only 10 minutes.
2. Practice breathing exercise for 10 minutes. That is also called as “Pranayama”.
3. Perform “Surya Namaskar” – 12 Asanas or 12 yoga poses, Minimum 4 + 4 or 8
4. Finally take rest in the mat by relaxing pose. That is “Shanti Asana”.
5. Source – Please search the quoted blue texts in YouTube Channel to get more insights.

Kindly consult a Yoga Teacher before performing yoga practices and a Medical practitioner.

I guarantee you that, Yoga will certainly change your attitude towards life and you feel, you will
be complete soon!

Notes & Conclusion – This is my general life’s findings by experiences. Kindly bear with me if any
mistakes are there.


Parthasarathy for DB

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