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The story took place in Indianapolis, Indiana, where a sixteen year old girl named Hazel
Grace Lancaster had cancer, but she was reluctant to attend a support group for cancer patients.
At the behest of his mother, he went to the support group. Because of cancer, he uses a portable
oxygen tube to breathe properly. In one support group meeting, he made eye contact with a
young man who turned out to be named Augustus Waters. He was there to support his friend
Isaac. Isaac had a tumor in one of his eyes that had to be operated on, which made him blind.

After the meeting ended, Augustus approached Hazel and said that he looked like Natalie
Portman on V for Vendetta. He invited Hazel to his house to watch a movie while discussing
their experiences with cancer. Hazel revealed she had thyroid cancer that had spread to her lungs.
Augustus has osteosarcoma, but he is now free of cancer after his leg is amputated. Before
Augustus drove Hazel home, they agreed to read each other's favorite novels with each other.

Augustus lends Hazel a novel called The Price of Dawn, and Hazel recommends a novel
called An Imperial Affliction. Hazel explains the greatness of An Imperial Affliction. This is a
novel about a girl named Anna who has cancer, and that's the only way she understands living
with cancer that matches her experience. He described how the novel ended in the middle of the
sentence with great annoyance, imagining the closing story of the fate of this novel character. He
speculated about the novel's mysterious writer, Peter Van Houten, who had fled to Amsterdam
after the novel was published and had not been heard of since. A week after Hazel and Augustus
discussed the literary meaning of the contents of An Imperial Affliction, Augustus miraculously
revealed that he had succeeded in tracking down the whereabouts of Van Houten's assistant
Lidewij, and through Lidewij, Augustus succeeded in starting an e-mail correspondence with a
solitary Van Houten.

He told Van Houten's contents to Hazel, and Hazel made a list of questions to send to Van
Houten, hoping to clarify the novel's ambiguous conclusions. Hazel is the one who cares most
about the fate of Anna's mother. He thought that if Anna's mother survived the death of her
daughter, then her own parents would be fine after Hazel died. Van Houten finally answered,
saying he could only answer Hazel's questions personally. He invited him to stop by if he was in

Shortly after Augustus invited Hazel for a picnic, it turned out he was planning a
complicated Dutch-themed picnic in which he revealed that a charitable foundation gave the
aspirations of children with cancer to agree to give it. He took two of them to go to Amsterdam
to meet Van Houten. Hazel was happy, but when she touched her face she had several reasons to
feel doubtful. Over time he realized that he liked Augustus, but he knew he would hurt August
when he died. He compared himself to a grenade.
In the midst of his struggle for what he had to do about Augustus, Hazel suddenly got a serious
case where his lungs were filled with fluid and he was forced to be taken to the ICU.

When he realized, he learned that Augustus had never left the hospital waiting room.
Augustus gave Hazel another letter from Van Houten, this one was more personal and more
vague than the last. After reading the letter, Hazel was more confident than before to go to
Amsterdam. There was a problem thoug, his parents and team of doctors thought Hazel was not
strong enough to travel. The situation seemed just like an expectation until one of the doctors
who most understood his case, Dr. Maria, convinced her parents that Hazel had to take this trip
because she needed to live her life.
Plans for Augustus, Hazel, and Mrs. Hazel to go to Amsterdam went well. But when
Hazel and Augustus met Van Houten they learned that Van Houten was not a genius productive
writer, but a cruel drunkard who claimed he could not answer the questions posed by Hazel. Both
were disappointed and left Van Houten. They said, and accompanied by Lidewij, who was
horrified by Van Houten's behavior, they toured Anne Frank's house. At the end of the tour,
Augustus and Hazel shared a romantic kiss, with applause from the audience.

They returned to the hotel where they made love for the first and last time. The next day,
august told hazel that he had cancer again. Cancer that has spread almost all over his body. A few
days later, after returning from Amsterdam, August asked hazel to do things he had never done.
He also asked hazel to read the letter for him at his funeral. they did all the wishes of Augustus.
the day after doing all that, hazel got a telephone call from August asking Hazel to meet him
immediately because he was having trouble breathing. when hazel arrived, he saw an
unconscious Augustus and immediately called an ambulance. moments after treatment, the
doctor said that Augustus could not be saved. hearing that, Hazel immediately ran and saw
August for the last time. the next day, August buried, hazel kept his promise to read the letter on
August's funeral day. after the funeral was over, hazel was still sad. he doesn't even want to eat
anything. until one day, Van Houten met Hazel to give the last letter written by August. after
reading the letter, Hazel returned to his enthusiasm to continue his life

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