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Ling 100 | Group Presentation # 2 | Semantics

Definition Lexical Relations

● Study of the meaning of words, phrases ● Synonymy ​- Two or more words with
and sentences. very closely related meanings; not total
● How meaning is conveyed through the sameness
symbols of a written language Ex: Large-Big; Rapid-fast
● In semantic analysis, we are concerned ● Antonymy - ​Two words with opposite
with objective or general meaning and meanings
avoids trying to account for subjective 1. Gradable - along a scale
or local meaning. (Old-New)
2. Non-gradable - direct opposite
Meaning (Alive-dead)
1. Conceptual Meaning ● Hyponymy ​- When the meaning of one
- Literal use of a word form is included in the meaning of
- Snake is a long, limbless reptile another (Animal → Dog)
2. Associative Meaning ❏ Superordinate - higher-level
- Has connotations term
- Snake is a treacherous person ❏ Co-hyponym - share the same
Semantic Features ● Prototypes ​- idea of the “characteristic
instance” of a category (Furniture:
chairs, table, dresser)
● Homonyms ​- same spelling, different
meaning (bank-bank)
● Homophones ​- different spelling, same
The is reading the newspaper. pronunciation (meat-meet
N [+human] ● Polysemy​ - one form, multiple
meanings related by extension (ex:
This approach would give us the ability to head)
predict which nouns make this sentence ● Metonymy ​- close connection based on:
semantically odd. Some examples would be ❏ Container-content relation
table,​ ​horse a​ nd ​hamburger​, because none of (Bottle-water)
them have the required feature [+human]. ❏ Whole-part relation
Semantic Roles ❏ Representative-symbol
● Agent​ - entity that ​performs t​ he action relationship (White
● Theme​ - entity ​involved in ​or ​affected House-president)
by the action ● Word Play ​ - humor, witty (ex: 789)
● Instrument​ - agent uses another entity ● Collocations ​- natural combination of
to perform an action words closely affiliated with each other
● Experiencer​ - person who has a feeling, (apple-pie)
perception, or state
● Location​ - where an entity is
● Source​ - where it is from
● Goal​ - where it moves to

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