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Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

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An adaptive approach: Smart traffic congestion control system

Ayesha Atta a,b,⇑, Sagheer Abbas a, M. Adnan Khan a, Gulzar Ahmed a, Umer Farooq c
School of Computer Science, National College of Business Administration and Economics, Lahore, Pakistan
Department of Computer Science, GC University, Lahore, Pakistan
Department of Computer Science, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore, Pakistan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The paper explores the utilization of RFID innovation for traffic congestion and find out the blockage at
Received 23 August 2018 any intersection of the street by utilizing RFID reader and labels as sensors. The idea behind this paper is
Revised 5 October 2018 to make the fixed and preset activity of traffic signal dynamic. The paper affords a unique method for
Accepted 20 October 2018
making the signal timing proportional to the congestion on the roads at any time directly. Proposed intel-
Available online xxxx
ligent system can maintain the dynamic timings of traffic signals by sensing the density of traffic to min-
imize the congestion with the help of IoT enabled sensors which provides the advanced and powerful
communication technologies for the citizens.
Traffic congestion
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) reader
Ó 2018 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an
Sensor open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
IoT (Internet of Things)
IR sensor

1. Introduction jams. Based on a simulation totally analysis on simple network

topologies, which show that local de-congestion protocol can
Traffic Congestion is one of the main issues in city areas. With enhance road capability and save you congestion collapse in local-
the ever expanding boundaries of towns, the number of motors ized settings (Jain et al., 2012).
in addition to the average is swiftly increasing. A lot of journey The rise in the average temperature of atmospheric and noise
time is wasted in traffic jams. One of the major reasons of traffic pollution was observed at different areas due to heavy traffic. For
congestion is that the traffic signal timings are constant. smooth and rapid flow of traffic, geometric and traffic improve-
Road jams continue to remain a major trouble in most round ments are of savior importance. To come up with an appropriate
the world, especially in growing regions ensuing in large delays, solution for the road, a methodology was devised which includes
multiplied gasoline wastage and financial losses. Due to the poorly traffic studies, topographic survey & development of practical
planned avenue networks, unusual outcome in lots of developing alternatives. Traffic studies included a manual classified count,
areas is the presence of small important regions which are com- delay, travel time, congestion, and queues (Ullah et al., 2014).
monplace hot-spots for congestion; terrible traffic management This paper investigates the links among returns to urban den-
round those hotspots potentially affects in elongated site traffic sity, productivity and avenue traffic congestion. A generalized
Trans log manufacturing-inverse enter call for function is esti-
mated to check for the existence of variable returns to collection
⇑ Corresponding author. in manufacturing, construction and service industries. Two sepa-
E-mail addresses: (A. Atta), rate measures of city density, wherein proximity is represented
(S. Abbas), (M.A. Khan), via directly line distance or by generalized value, are built and cov-
(G. Ahmed), (U. Farooq).
ered in the translog to perceive the impact of road site traffic con-
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.
gestion. The effects display that for some sectors of the economy
diminishing returns to city density can set in causing the impor-
tance of agglomeration elasticity to fall as powerful densities
increase. A comparison of spatial variance in estimates suggests
Production and hosting by Elsevier
that road site traffic congestion plays an essential function in
1319-1578/Ó 2018 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Please cite this article in press as: Atta, A., et al. An adaptive approach: Smart traffic congestion control system. Journal of King Saud University – Computer
and Information Sciences (2018),
2 A. Atta et al. / Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

explaining diminishing returns for the most especially urbanized With the constant increase in vehicular visitors, existing road
places (Graham, 2007). traffic control have come to be inefficient. Urbanization has led
The purpose of IoT is to create a better environment for the peo- to a growth in traffic jams and injuries in major towns. In order
ple. The IoT is the connection between the real and virtual world. to accommodate the growing wishes of delivery structures nowa-
The fundamental objectives for IoT are the introduction of smart days, there’s a want for an Intelligent Transport System. Vehicular
surroundings based on self-conscious aspect for new and progres- Adhoc Network (VANET) is a developing technology that assists in
sive things The IoT has ability to transfer statistics automatically Intelligent Transport Systems. Once traffic congestion is confirmed,
over a networking the motors perhaps traffic congestion on the the motors drawing close the congested vicinity are knowledge-
street is likewise will increase. The internet of factors is the net- able about the site visitors via display forums which might be to
work of physical item devices, motors, homes and different gadgets be had inside the nearest RSUs (site visitors signals). The conges-
which can be embedded with electronics, software, sensor and net- tion statistics is also made to be had via the Mobile App found in
work connectivity. vehicles drawing near the congested vicinity. The approaching
motors may additionally take diversion and alleviate congestion.
IoT ¼ Physical Object þ Controller; Sensor; Actuators þ Internet Thus a smart site traffic congestion detection and dissemination
This smart system may be applied with the help of RFID tech- gadget is developed to divert incoming automobiles and decrease
nology. RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification System congestion with out human intervention. This system may be fur-
(Fikri et al., 2015). It includes elements: a passive tag that is con- ther improved by using speaking the congestion statistics without
nected to the automobile which is to be diagnosed and the RFID delay among motors the usage of IEEE 802.11p protocol (Saikar
reader that’s used to examine the tag connected to the car. RFID et al., 2017).
Readers may be included inside street lighting and can be powered In this paper, we advise mathematical formulations for two
the usage of solar electricity that is already to electricity avenue variations of the tollbooth problem that use piecewise-linear capa-
lighting in lots of areas. RFID passive tags require no electricity bilities to approximate congestion cost. We also apply a biased
for their operation. They are small in size, transportable and random-key genetic algorithm on a fixed of real-global instances,
inexpensive. They can be mounted either with the automobile analyzing answers while computing shortest paths consistent with
producer or the authorities’ business enterprise which can incorpo- two specific weight capabilities. Experimental results show that
rate the RFID tag with the number plate (Xinyun and Xiao, 2014). the proposed piecewise-linear features approximate the authentic
The literature survey is described in Section 2. Proposed model convex function pretty nicely and that the biased random-key
is described in Section 3. Section 4 describes the simulation results genetic set of rules produces exquisite queries (Stefanello, 2017).
of this system and discussion. Conclusion is given in Section 5. This paper surveys the automobile routing troubles met in
towns for top distribution. It applies the subsequent method. First,

2. Literature survey

Traffic Congestion is a prime problem. Because of this conges-

tion problem, time taken for travelling could be expanded. A
design become developed the use of wi-fi technology with PIC Sensor 1 Traffic Flow Sensor 2
microcontroller, IR sensor and XBEE. IR sensor was used to
decided traffic density and timing for the visitors mild. XBee Fig. 1. Traffic Sensing Method.
turned into used to offer Green path for emergency vehicle. But
this design was carried out handiest for automatic mode of
operation (Wikipedia).
An algorithm additionally designed in order that more range of
cars is handed in traffic signal. Priority wide variety could receive
to unique class of vehicles. Emergency vehicles like ambulance, fire
vans etc. would have first priority. Next precedence is given to
VIP’s next to everyday vehicles. Priority turned into additionally
given depending upon automobile density in a single aspect of ave-
nue in traffic junction. The street which had better automobile
number might get maximum precedence (Ghazal et al., 2016).
RFID is specifically used to track the objects. RFID readers and
tags are utilized in showrooms in order that no one takes off any
object without paying the bill. This RFID is also used to tune the
misplaced vehicles. When the particular ID of RFID tag of lost vehi-
cle is detected then it is place in which its miles found is received
(Abishek et al., 2009).
Traffic congestion is a chief hassle in lots of cities of India in
conjunction with different nations. Failure of indicators, bad law
enforcement and terrible site visitors control has cause traffic con-
gestion. Hence it is excessive time to effectively manage the site
traffic congestion trouble (Rahul and Tasgaonkar).
A new generation referred to as Radio Frequency Identification
(RFID) is added which may be coupled with the existing signaling
machine which can act as a key to smart visitors control in real
time. This new generation with a view to require much less time
for set up with lesser prices as compared to different techniques
of site traffic congestion management (Uddin, 2009). Fig. 2. Model of Fuzzy Controller.

Please cite this article in press as: Atta, A., et al. An adaptive approach: Smart traffic congestion control system. Journal of King Saud University – Computer
and Information Sciences (2018),
A. Atta et al. / Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 3

it offers an overview of the literature committed to car direction This paper check out the outcomes of car congestion on ambient
optimization in towns. Then, it classifies and analyses urban logis- air pollutants and nearby little one mortality quotes using informa-
tic flows. As an end result, it identifies the main clinical demanding tion from California spanning 2002 to 2007. Constructing instru-
situations that need to be addressed: time-dependency, multi- mental variables (IV) the usage of the relationship of road
stage and Multi-ride Corporation of the distribution, dynamic data visitors, climate situations, and pollution, we display that particu-
(Lopez-Garcia et al., 2018). Finally, it makes a specialty of every any late count number, even at present day levels, has big marginal
such demanding situations, analyses the main difficulties they consequences on weekly toddler mortality prices, specifically for
mean and how they’re handled (Cattaruzza et al., 2017). premature or low birth weight infants. We also discover suggestive
proof of big effects for carbon monoxide, although outcomes are
obscure. Finally, we test estimate sensitivity to non-classical
dimension blunders in neighborhood pollutants and show that IV
consequences are strong to such worries (Knittel et al., 2016).
Traffic congestion is a major problem specially in growing
nations; to encounter this, many models of traffic system were
proposed by means of one of a kind students. Different methods
have been proposed to make the traffic system smarter, depend-
able, and sturdy. This paper affords the diverse strategies made
to decorate the traffic gadget throughout the globe. A comparative
study has been made of different capability researches in which
intelligent site visitors device (ITS) emerges as an critical utility
Study location. Important key points of every research are highlighted
and judged on the premise of enforcing them in growing countries
Of Discard
like India. A version is also proposed which makes use of infrared
proximity sensors and a centrally positioned microcontroller and
Sensors makes use of vehicular duration along a length to enforce wise traf-
fic tracking device (Biswas et al., 2016).
Traffic in a street network is a prime trouble. In this paper we
look into the tradeoff between velocities versus accuracy of pre-
Relevan NO dicting the severity of street traffic congestion (Gobi and Vimal
t or Not Kumar, 2018). The timely prediction of traffic congestion using
semantic internet technologies in an effort to be helpful in various
applications like higher street steerage, vehicle navigation
machine. In the proposed work, ontology is created based on sen-
sor and video facts. By the usage of rule inference of ontology on
YES parallel processing of sensor and video records, device offers the
well timed prediction of traffic congestion (Prathilothamai et al.,
Fuzzy Crisp
Transportation systems are very essential in modern existence;
Input consequently, huge studies efforts have been committed to this
field of have a look at in the recent past. Effective vehicular connec-
tivity techniques can drastically beautify efficiency of travel, lessen
traffic incidents and enhance safety, alleviate the effect of conges-
tion; devising the so-known as Intelligent Transportation Systems
RULES (ITS) enjoy. An evaluation of sensible transportation structures and
their packages is supplied, followed by a brief discussion of vehic-
ular communications and overviews the ideas associated with
dependability on dispensed real-time systems in the scope if ITS
(Alam et al., 2016).

3. Proposed methodolgy

Fuzzy Input INFERENCE Every vehicle should be prepared with a passive RFID tag. These
Set passive tags are cheaper and do now not require any external
ENGINE Fuzzy Output energy for running. They extract energy in conjunction with facts

Table 1
Input & Output Variables.

Input Output
Queue Red Signal Arrival Green signal Time
Zero (Z) Zero (Z) None (N)
System Acon using Crisp Output Very Few (VF) Very Few (VF) Very Short (VS)
Few (F) Few (F) Short (S)
Medium (M) Medium (M) Medium (M)
High (H) Long (L) High (H)
Fig. 3. Proposed MFIS Expert System Methodology.

Please cite this article in press as: Atta, A., et al. An adaptive approach: Smart traffic congestion control system. Journal of King Saud University – Computer
and Information Sciences (2018),
4 A. Atta et al. / Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Table 2a
Mathematical MF and use of technology FIS Input/ Output Variables.

Variables Membership Function (MF)

( ) ( ) ( )
Queue = QlQ ðqÞ n o q n o
2;0  q  2
q2 q4
lQ ;Zero ðqÞ ¼ lQ ;v eryfew ðqÞ ¼ lQ ;few ðqÞ ¼ 2 ;2  q4
lQ ;medium ðqÞ ¼ 8q 2 ;4  q  6 l
Q ;high ðqÞ ¼
2q q6
2 ;0 q2 4q 2 ;6  q  8
2 ;2  q  4
2 ;4  q6 2 ; 6  q  8
 a   a2   a4 
Arrival = AlA ðaÞ  2a  2;0  a  2 2 ;2  a 4 2 ;4  a  6 l
lA;Zero ðaÞ ¼ ; 0  a  2 lA;v eryfew ðaÞ ¼ 4alA;few ðaÞ ¼
lA;medium ðaÞ ¼ 8a A;large ðaÞ ¼ 2 ;6  a  8
2 ;4  a 6 ;  
2 2 a 4 6a
2 6 a 8
    25t      2
Time = t lT ðtÞ lT;Poor ðtÞ ¼ max min 0; 25 ; 0 0  t  25lT;Poor ðtÞ ¼ max min 0; 25t
25 ; 0 0  t  25
lT;Poor ðtÞ ¼ max min 0; 25 ; 0 0  t  25
lT;Poor ðtÞ ¼ max min 0; 25t ; 0 0  t  25
lT;Poor ðtÞ ¼ max min 0; 25t
25 ; 0 0  t  25

Table 2b
Graphical MF and use of technology FIS Input/ Output Variables.

Variables Graphical Representation of MF

Queue = QlQ ðqÞ

For input variable (Arrival), the values are zero (0,2), very few (0,4), few (2,6),
medium (4,8) and large (6,8).

Arrival = AlA ðaÞ

For input variable (Arrival), the values are zero (0,2), very few (0,4), few (2,6),
medium (4,8) and large (6,8).

Time = t lT ðtÞ

The ranges of output are none (0, 25), very short (0, 50), short (25, 75),
medium (50, 100) and high (75, 100).

Table 3
Rules in Fuzzy Logic.

Rules Table Arrival

Z (zero) VF (very few) F (few) M (Medium) L (Large)
Queue Z (Zero) N (None) N (None) N (None) N (None) N (None)
VF (very few) VS (very small) VS (very small) S (small) M (Medium) H (High)
F (few) VS (very small) S (small) S (small) M (Medium) H (High)
M (Medium) S (small) S (small) M (Medium) M (Medium) H (High)
H (High) M (Medium) H (High) H (High) H (High) H (High)

Please cite this article in press as: Atta, A., et al. An adaptive approach: Smart traffic congestion control system. Journal of King Saud University – Computer
and Information Sciences (2018),
A. Atta et al. / Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 5

of cars in the road stretch between sensor 1 and sensor 2. It is cru-

cial to note that, there is no path between the two RFID sensors.
Hence an automobile which has handed via sensor 1 has to com-
pulsorily pass through sensor 2.
To evaluate the congestion situation of a street phase, we attain
actual traffic statistics at the desired place. This record includes
vehicle quantity and average speed in keeping with minute. This
fact is fed into fuzzy device. The output of the device is the
expected level of congestion.
The first sensor counts the wide variety of automobiles passing
the traffic signal; the second one sensor counts the wide variety of
automobiles coming to the intersection point as shown in Fig. 1.
The sensors then calculate the range of automobiles.
The fuzzy inference machine used here makes use of mamdani
fuzzy device. Two inputs are given to the device to get the output.
The inputs of this device are variety of automobiles in queue and
arrival of vehicles. The output is the trade of the traffic time for
inexperienced light wherein the traffic could be very excessive.
The model of fuzzy rule based controller having knowledge base
which consist of rule base that contains the linguistic rules and
Fig. 4. Rule Editor for proposed system. database contains the information also the fuzzy sets of linguistic
terms as shown in Fig. 2. After that fuzzification interface used to
get the input value and then convert it into linguistic term. Deci-
from the reader used for sensing them. When a vehicle passes the sion logic is used as a processing unit that calculates the output
RFID sensor 1, its tag is read and count say R1 is incremented by to knowledge base. Finally the defuzzification interface is used to
means of one. determine the crisp output value. Fuzzifier draws the crisp input
Similarly, while a vehicle passes sensor 2, R2 is decremented. to fuzzy sets, Just like If-Then rule theory in programming, Fuzzy
The difference of the two values: R1 – R2 gives the full wide variety Rule also based on rules known as ‘‘Linguistic Rules” that has a

Fig. 5a. Lookup diagram for Expected time is Very Small.

Fig. 5b. Lookup diagram for Expected time is Small.

Please cite this article in press as: Atta, A., et al. An adaptive approach: Smart traffic congestion control system. Journal of King Saud University – Computer
and Information Sciences (2018),
6 A. Atta et al. / Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

capability to precise data like a human thinking and maintains its Then the fuzzy set operation can be written as
focus at decision related information Inference engine with
respect to the fuzzy rule produces the fuzzy output that is gener- Intersection, AND: la\b ðxÞ ¼ minðla ðxÞ; lb ðxÞÞ
ated from the fuzzified inputs and the Defuzzifier draws the out-
put sets into crisp numbers. The Fig. 3 shows the flow of Union, OR: laUb ðxÞ ¼ maxðla ðxÞ; lb ðxÞÞ
proposed MFIS expert system methodology. Additive complement, NOT: la ðxÞ ¼ 1  la ðxÞ

3.1. Fuzzy input & output variable 3.4. Fuzzy prepositions

Below Table 1 show two input and one output fuzzy variables
A composition of fuzzy atomic propositions using fuzzy set
used in traffic congestion over a period of time.
operations AND, OR & NOT is called compound fuzzy proposition.
The input and output parameters are divided into membership
Here, q, a for input variable queue, arrival and t for output variable
function each function similar to different levels. For inputs vari-
Technology are used. Then the following fuzzy propositions hold in
able (Queue) the level and corresponding value is zero (0,2), very
the form of t-norm function:
few (0,4), few (2,6), medium (4,8) and high (6, 8).
t :qa!t ð1Þ
3.2. Membership functions All I/O variable values are mapped from real range to probabil-
ity ranges because fuzzy expert system works on probability
Membership function helps us to define the membership value (range 0–1). T-norm function can be written as:
which is between 0 and 1 mapped in the point of each input space.
t : ½0; 1  ½0; 1 ! ½0; 1 ð2Þ
A membership function is given as under in Tables 2a and 2b.
h i Equation (2) converts the membership functions of fuzzy sets of
lQ \A ðq; aÞ ¼ min lQ ðqÞ; lA ðaÞ queue and arrival of the proposed Expert System, that is:
t½lQ ðqÞ; lA ðaÞ ¼ min ½lQ ðqÞ; lA ðaÞ ð3Þ
3.3. Fuzzy set operations Equation (2) for the function t; getting qualified as an intersec-
tion, must be satisfied the following axioms of t-norm:
There are three types of Fuzzy set operations, which are inter- t1: Bounded Condition
section (AND), union (OR) and Additive Compliment (NOT). If there
tð0; 0Þ ¼ 0; tðY; 1Þ ¼ t ð1; YÞ ¼ Y
are two fuzzy sets a and b defined on the universe c, x 2 c

Fig. 5c. Lookup diagram for Expected time is Medium.

Fig. 5d. Lookup diagram for Expected time is High.

Please cite this article in press as: Atta, A., et al. An adaptive approach: Smart traffic congestion control system. Journal of King Saud University – Computer
and Information Sciences (2018),
A. Atta et al. / Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 7

Fig. 5e. Lookup diagram for Expected time is Very High.

Above rules shows that if the density of traffic in queue is med-

ium (m) and the arrival of traffic is few (f), then, the expected time
of signal can be very short.
And if the traffic queue is medium (m) and crossing traffic is
many, medium time is selected as shown in Fig. 4. Proposed
rule-based editor is shown in Fig. 4.
Fig. 5b shows that if Queue and Arrival time are very few, then
expected time will be very short.
Fig. 5c shows that if Queue and Arrival time are medium, then
expected time will be very medium. Fig. 5d shows that if Queue
is medium and Arrival time are few, then expected time will be
high. Fig. 5e shows that if Queue is medium and Arrival time are
high, then expected time will be very high.
Fig. 6 shows the surface view of the system that represents the
input and output relationship in terms of data distribution. The
Surface Viewer can generate a three-dimensional output surface
where two of the inputs vary. It also observed that if Queue length
Very small and for arrival time then expected time is very few.
Similarly, if Queue is very high and arrival is medium/ high then
Fig. 6. Rule Surface Viewer for arrival and queue. expected time is high.

t2: Commutativity 5. Conclusion

t ða; cÞ ¼ tðc; aÞ The proposed Intelligent Smart Traffic Congestion Control Sys-
t3: Nondecreasing tem using RFID overcomes the drawbacks of the existing traffic
If a  a andc  c ;then tða; cÞ  tða ; c Þ
0 0 0 0 congestion control. The paper has shown that a sensor based
t4: Associativity totally fuzzy good judgment version has the capacity of casting
off the road traffic congestion to barest minimum. This turned into
t ½t ða; cÞ; Y ¼ t½a; tðc; YÞ achieved by the capacity of the fuzzy device to take its own deci-
Eq. (3) can be written in terms of t-norm as: sion by using either extending or terminating the timing of a sig-
nal. The simulation result confirmed that the device continues a
lQ\A ðq; aÞ ¼ t½lQ ðqÞ; lA ðaÞ ð4Þ fair traffic and can be used in the course of top hours of a place.
And from Eq. (4)
lQ\A ðq; aÞ ¼ min ½lQ ðqÞ; lA ðaÞ ð5Þ
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Please cite this article in press as: Atta, A., et al. An adaptive approach: Smart traffic congestion control system. Journal of King Saud University – Computer
and Information Sciences (2018),

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