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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory

It is undeniable that motivation is an essential part of human life, because

motivation acts as a procedure that account for each person’s energy, perseverance
and direction of effort with an aim to achieving a specific target or goal. Thus,
there are a number of theories which describe an overview of motivation and its
application. However, the most famous theory of all time is Abraham Maslow’s
hierarchy of needs.

According to Abraham Maslow, there is a hierarchy of five essential needs

motivating human being. In recent time, intrinsic value is recommended to be the
sixth need – the highest level of human’s demand, but it has not gain worldwide
recognition yet. The original version of Abraham Maslow consists of physiological
needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-actualization need.

To gain deeper insight this theory, it is necessary to understand meaning of every

term. First and foremost, physiological needs satisfy the very basic and simple
demand of human such as thirst, hunger, sleep, shelter, sex, etc. These basic needs
are indispensable because people are not able to survive without them in the
primitive living conditions. The second level is safety needs, which provide
security and protection for human from not only physical but also emotional
(sadness, stress, anxiety, etc) threats. Thirdly, social - belongingness needs are
mentioned to the aspiration of affection and acceptance, the desire to love and by
loved by people around. In addition, this demand conveys the idea that people
always desire to overcome the feeling of loneliness and looking for intimate
friendship. Based on Maslow’s theory, when first three stages become substantially
satisfied, the need for two advanced are becoming more dominant. The fifth level -
Esteem needs indicate not only the internal human ambitions such as self – respect,
achievement but also the external factors such as reputation, recognition and
attention. Finally, the highest level in Maslow’s theory is self-actualization. Self –
actualization needs are described as the aspiration of human to accomplish
themselves as well as become the best version of each person.

According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, it is understandable that people have

different needs including physical needs and mental needs. Everyone needs to be
loved, acknowledged, respected and to feel safe, promote themselves and so on ...
When the lower basic needs are satisfied, people would want to gain he higher
lever of needs and demands such as influence and personal development.
Therefore, to motivate people, it is essential to understand the level of he/she is in
the Maslow’s Hierarchy and then mainly target at satisfying demand above that

The structure of Maslow’s hierarchy is depicted as a pyramid


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