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Appendix 1: Lesson Plan (template)

LESSON PLAN Subject: Math

Trainee: shamma Topic or Theme: Comparing numbers.

Class: Grade 1 Date & Duration: 27 February2019

Trainee Personal Goals

- To work in differentiate between the student’s levels and activities.

- To divide the lesson equally and work on all parts I planned for.
- To use the time wisely and work equally in each part.

Lesson Focus

Students will be able to show greater than, less than, and equal too.

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to learn how to compare 2-digit numbers using symbols. Greater than, less than, and
equal to.

Links to Prior Learning: students in first semester, they studied how to count numbers up to 100.

21st Century Skills

 Collaboration: students will be working in groups and share their answers together.
 Communication: teacher will be questioning the students in the model part and the students will
be responding to her.
 Communications: students will be communicating with their group members while doing the

Key vocabulary

Greater than

Less than

Equal too.
Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

- Students might face some difficulties - Teacher will provide the instructions visually
understanding the instructions of the using (pictures).
(activities). - Provide a chart that shows a model of comparing
- Students might have some problems
two numbers on their tables.
while they are comparing two
numbers that have the opposite
numbers. Such as, 46 and 64.

Resources/equipment needed


Small objects


Check list



& Time
Tr: will introduce a scenario. She will say “I went to carfour and I bought this flag., it
cost 10 DH. And then I went to lulu hypermarket and I bought the same flag that coast
7DH. Which one do you think is better price?
15 minutes Ss: will say their opinion by intruding the reason.
Tr: will read the learning outcome (I am learning comparing 2 numbers using greater
Two flags. than, less than, and equal to.
Ss: will repeat after the teacher.
Cards. Tr: will introduce the vocabulary which are greater than, less than, and equal to.
Tr: will say “the mouth of the crocodile will always eat the big number while less than
not” she will represent the symbols. And finally, she will define equal means.
Pictures Tr: will have some numbers, she will be comparing them by putting the right symbol
between them.

Active engagement activity:

Tr: will post some numbers and pictures on the board. She will ask the students to put
the right symbol between the two numbers. First, she will model how to do it by saying
”this is 6 and this is 3, six is bigger than three, so we will put the open mouth to the
bigger number.
Tr: will ask the other students to come and do the remaining.

Main activities
& Time

High level:
15 minutes
Tr: will divide the students into 4 groups based on their levels.
Tr: will distributes some cards that have numbers (from 50 to 100), and some small
Numbers symbols which are <, >, =.

Pictures Tr: will ask the students to flip cards numbers and then take two numbers and
compare them by identifying which one greater than, less than, and equal to.
Tr: will model how to do the first one by taking two numbers and use one of the
symbols to compare them. Such as 55 < 85.

Ss: will flip and cards and will take two numbers they will compare them using symbols
which is <, >, =.

Ss: will interact with each other to complete the whole cards.

Ss: will raise their hand if they finish.

Extra activity: work sheet, students will take the worksheet from the back of the

Ss: have some numbers they must write <, >, =. To compare them.

Extra activity: work sheet, students will take the worksheet from the back of the

Ss: will have some numbers they must write <, >, =. To compare them.

middel level:

Tr: will divide the students into 4 groups based on their levels.

Tr: will distributes some cards that have numbers (0 to 50) with pictures some small
symbols which are <, >, =, and small objects.
Tr: will ask the students to flip cards numbers and then take two numbers and
compare them by identifying which one greater than, less than, and equal to.

Tr: will model how to do the first one by taking two numbers and use one of the
symbols to compare them. Such as 7 < 8 and then she will take 7 objects and will put in
in 7 card and 2 objects on 2 cards.

Ss: will flip and will take two numbers they will compare them using symbols which is <
, >, =. And put the objects based on the number.

Ss: will interact with each other to complete the whole cards.

Ss: will raise their hand if they finish.

Extra activity: work sheet, students will take the worksheet from the back of the

Ss: will have some numbers they must write <, >, =. To compare them.

low level:

Tr: will divide the students into 4 groups based on their levels.

Tr: will distributes some cards that have numbers (0 to 25), and some small symbols
which are <, >, =. Each card represents the numbers with pictures.

Tr: will ask the students to put the small pieces objects based on the number.

Tr: will model how to do the first one by taking two numbers and use one of the
symbols to compare them. Such as 35 < 22.

Ss: will flip and will take two numbers they will compare them using symbols which is <
, >, =.

Ss: will interact with each other to complete the whole cards.

Ss: will raise their hand if they finish.

Differentiation activities (Support)


Using pictorial pictures

Concreter objects.
& Time Plenary/Conclusion

5 minutes
Tr: will make a quick revision to the whole class.
Tr: will write some numbers on the board and will ask the students to identifying
which one is less than, greater than, and equal to.
Homework Tr: will ask students to complete page 461 and 462.

Assessment Tr: will ask 5 students to come. For the first 3 students they will wear a kind of small
Strategies: boards and each board will have 1 symbol which is <,>, = . The other 2 students will
also wear board. On their boards, teacher will post a picture of apples with number in
10 minutes each board, then she will ask students “which board has more apples?”. After the
students chose, she will ask them to pick the correct symbol so the student can come
on the in middle of the two pictures. Teacher will ask the students to do it individually.

☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment


☐ Quiz ☐ Student presentation ☐ Written work and ☐ Verbal feedback



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