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Republic of the Philippines


College of Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Department

Sumacab Cabanatuan City

ME 522
(Plant trips and Seminars)

Eduveje, Ron Allen C.


S.Y. : 2018 – 2019

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Technical Writing Seminar Workshop (February 1, 2019) Page 4

Fire Protection Seminar (February 13, 2019)

Fire Life Safety Seminar (February 26, 2019) Page 5

Hydro Electric Power Plant (February 27, 2019)

Orientation to Board Exam (February 27, 2019) Page 6

San Jose City I power Corporation (March 5, 2019)

Asia Pacific Energy Corporation (March 5, 2019)

Geothermal Power Plant (March 6, 2019) Page 7

Appendix Pages 8-16

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First and foremost I would like to thank the Most High for all the uncountable blessings

the He poured out in my life. Also, to my plant trips and seminar professor Engr. Mark John Dela

Cruz for his guidance and support, which enable this plant trips and seminars run smoothly. His

teaching and his encouragement had broadened my perspective towards the engineering world.

Besides that, I would also like to express gratitude to Nueva Ecjia University of Science

and Technology, all lecturers from Faculty of Engineering, supporting staffs and to all my friends

who had also helped me either directly or indirectly in gathering information.

Lastly, my "endless" thanks to my family for their love that have kept me going and never
giving up hope in me.

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Technical Writing Seminar Workshop
Learning Activities

I learned the proper and correct way in writing a technical report like for example as a
writer of a technical report, I also learned some technical terms, and I should avoid using
languages that attempts to evade responsibility and by not de-emphasizing the important
information and likewise by not emphasizing misleading or incorrect information and lastly by
treating others fairly and respectfully.

Reaction to the seminar or plant visited

Based on my experienced while attending the technical writing seminar workshop is very
overwhelming it’s because every details, proper and correct techniques in writing a technical
report are tackled. The seminar is indeed needed by us the students of mechanical engineering
for us to enhance our technical writing techniques.

Fire Protection and Fire Safety Seminar

Learning Activities

I learned the triangle of fire, that consists of fuel, heat & oxygen but not just the triangle
of fire but also on how to prevent fire and also in case that fire is occurring I also learned on how
to use the fire extinguisher (PASS), and what to do when the fire is occurring and cannot be
stopped by the extinguisher.

Reaction to the seminar or plant visited

Based on my experienced while attending the fire protection seminar is that I was
interested because most of the topics that was discussed by the Fire officers are connected
through our course and it is a lifesaving moment. I was a little overwhelmed when the fire officer
said that they needed a Mechanical Engineer in their department shall I choose them or shall I be
more competitive in the industry.

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Fire Life Safety Seminar
Learning Activities

I learned the fire life safety components, the fire prevention and the fire life safety system,
that having awareness of it, that means there is a high percentage of not having a fire in a houses,
restaurants, buildings, offices, schools etc.

Reaction to the seminar or plant visited

Based on my experienced while attending the fire protection seminar is very overwhelming
it’s because the speaker tackled all the information on how to prevent fire and how to stop it in
chronological order. Fire safety is important in the field, the purpose of the seminar is to acquire
basic knowledge on the nature and behavior of fire because it is important to have a basic
understanding about how fire occurs and behave within a building, area, or place. Basically fire is
a mixture of oxygen, heat, and fuel, to be exact it is a chemical reaction and if one of the three
parts of fire was removed fire can be stopped.

Hydro Electric Power Plant

Learning Activities

I learned how hydro electric power plant works, the types of hydraulic turbines, the
difference between the impulse and the reaction turbine and its parts and functions.

Reaction to the seminar or plant visited

The hydroelectric power plant is a plant that uses the water flow to convert it into electrical
energy which is the power source of the world nowadays. In this seminar they explained fairly
enough on how the power plant works and some computation in it. I did enjoy it because most of
the computation that they discussed looks very overwhelming for me but when they explained it
smoothly they made it look easy.

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Orientation to Board Exam
Learning Activities

Engr. Alcorcon introduced his review center and also presented their topnotches in the
mechanical engineering board exam based on that it catches my attention to enroll to his review

Reaction to the seminar or plant visited

Based on my experienced while attending the orientation to board exam, is for me to study
hard and be well-prepared before taking the mechanical engineering board exam.

San Jose I power Corporation

Learning Activities

While visiting San Jose I power Corporation, I learned how rice husks is being used in
order to produce electricity.

Reaction to the seminar or plant visited

While visiting San Jose I power Corporation, I felt amazed on how they used rice husks in
producing electricity.

Asia Pacific Energy Corporation

Learning Activities

While visiting Asia Pacific Energy Corporation, I learned a lot of new things regarding the
size of boiler they have, the turbine and the power generated by their generator, the engineer also
tackled the operation they do in their plant, the capacity of their coal storage, the operation of their
coal conveyor, the coal crusher, the belt conveyor and lastly the size of their vent filter system.

Reaction to the seminar or plant visited

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While visiting Asia Pacific Energy Corporation, I felt amazed on how they produced
electricity, and also the operations they do.

Geothermal Power Plant

Learning Activities

After Engr. Capote discussed the geothermal power plant, I learned beyond on what I’ve
been learned on the processes happens on Rankine cycle, the different techniques on how to
determine the sat. temp and even sat. pressure without even looking at the steam table.

Reaction to the seminar or plant visited

Based on my experienced while attending the geothermal power plant seminar is for me to
study hard and be well-prepared before taking the mechanical engineering board exam.

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Technical Writing Seminar Workshop ( February 1, 2019 )

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Fire Protection Seminar ( February 13, 2019 )

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Fire Life Safety Seminar (February 26, 2019)

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Hydro Electric Power Plant (February 27, 2019)

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Orientation to Board Exam (February 27, 2019)

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San Jose City I power Corporation (March 5, 2019)

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Asia Pacific Energy Corporation (March 5, 2019)

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Geothermal Power Plant (March 6, 2019)

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