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Task one

Review the Bizop’s information management procedure and Australian principles 2014, and
list the requirements for information’s entry, storage and output now and in the future.

Australian privacy Objective Bizop’s management procedure

Entry of information APP 13 requires The information management system
organisation to follow provides clear, logical system for saving
the suitable steps to electronic file on the Bizop’s network,
do correction of which has easy access to documents
personal information Enter and data:
to ensure that regard To enter data
to the purpose for  Confirmation of information that
which it should be user enters
correct, up to date,  Access to the right file or
relevant and non- template
misguiding  Fit the file in existing file or
 Check whether information is
To retrieve data
 Confirming the information that
user is seeking
 Identify if there is authorisation
 Check the date if it is an archived
 Use the file marker to indicate
that file has been taken.
Storage A record keeper who The Bizop’s enterprise maintains both
has passion or control electronic and paper-based information
of record that contains management. The system of keeping
personal information filing system is distributed to all other
should have managers. Each department manager is
Record should be responsible for keeping file cabinets.
protected by the Each employer maintains filing system.
security against the New files which is created should be
loss, against the approved by each manager.
unauthorised access, Paper based files are indexed and kept
use disclosure or name according to the department
modification or procedures, all the files or information
another misuse. should be kept in the USB devices, CDs or
If it is necessary for external hard drive,
the record to be Image bank in Bizop’s Network are used
opened, it should only for the storing the images and videos.
by done the
permission of record
keeper otherwise
record keeper has no
authority to disclose
the information
According to APP, Measures to be taken
Output entity should take Information created can be stored in
reasonable steps to
USB sticks, external hard drives,
protect personal
information from databases, images and Videos can be
misuse, theft, loss
stored in image bank on the Bizop’s
unauthorised access, network.
disclosure or
Access should be passport protected,
Paper files must be placed in the safe
Item should not be removed from the
file unless authorised to do so.
Information should be checked time to
time on the regular basis. Some files we
call inactive file which has not be used
for given period of time. Dead file is file
no longer in use.

Task two
Review the old Bizop’s style guide and
a. Identify the existing requirements for the quality of document design and
b. Compare it against the requirements you identified in Task one and discuss what
need to be amended or added

According to the Bizop’s style guide

 All the letter is sent on the Bizop’s letterhead, which requires the document to be set
out with the left and right margin of 2.5cm and a 7cm space at the top to
accommodate the letterhead.
 Justify the all the document on the left side
 Cover page is required for the faxes which is prepared on the fax cover template.
 Font for the printed text such as memos faces and letters should be Arial 10 point.
 Name and position title of send should be done in all the letters
 All the faxes are sent with a completed Bizop’s fax coversheet as their first page.
 All the correspondence to the customer concerning complaints must be authorised
by the customer service manager
 All the internal and external communication requires a subject heading and is to be
 A copy of all written communication is required for the filling
 All communication to the customer should address with the generic title of MS or Mr
unless otherwise advised by the customer.

All the files should be stored in the USB and or online so that that can be easily
retrieved at any time.
All the files or information created should be kept online system so that every one
who has authority to do can retrieve data online anywhere anytime.

Task three
Review the Bizop’s information management policy and information management
procedures and evaluate the impact the current procedures will have on developing new
documentation standards including design and production
The purpose of Bizops information management policy and information management are to
ensure that full and accurate records of Bizops Enterprises business activities are created and
used maintained, made accessible, stored and legally disposed of in a manner that meets
legislative and business requirements.
 Comply with the legal and regulatory obligations
 Accuracy and consistency
 Security of the records,
 Provide additional protections
 Accountability
 Streamline business process

 Hard copy cabinet file
 Authorisation of managers for the accessing of restricted paper based electronic files.
 Using correct passwords
 Storing the confidential computer information on thumb drive or external hard disk
and should be stored in cupboard.
 Keeping paper file in safe place if the system is not working or hanged.
 Not removing the items from the file unless authored person told you to do so
 Using Bizop’s off site back up storage when authorised to do so.
We can evaluate them on basis of a specific aspect of a document under these headings.
Purpose: all the contents in the template should be included which meets the
organisational purpose and has been tested by the user before distributed and feedback
is collected.
Compliance: the template and form should meet the legislative requirement including
organisational law, privacy and style guideline
Security or storage: the template should be stored in hard drive or external disk.
Languages- the used vocabulary should be easy and understood by others.
Approval: final document should be edited or proofread on the basis of organisational
guidelines before distributing.
Format: format should be clear and uncluttered

Task four
Review the Bizop’s list of documents and
a) Under the heading that follow, list the names of the Bizop’s documents or
templates required for each department
 Human resources
 Finance
 Sales
 Administration
 Workplace health and safety

b) Considering the Bizop’s list of documents, add the names of any forms or
templates that should be available and used by each department to your list
c) For each document listed in item a and those added in item b explain what
technical software functions should be used for the better efficiency.
You may choose to present response in a table format
Human resources: position description and role template, training and development
template facsimile template
Added new form or template: candidate relationship management template, Email
Finance: Budget preparation template, and project budget report template, letter template
Added new form or template: profit and loss template, financial template, purchase order
Sales: progress report template, supplier evaluation template
Added new form or template: sales tracker template, supplier evaluation template,
progress report template
Administration: presentation template, feedback template, project scope template, staff
meeting template
Added new form or template: training record of attendance and project proposal form
Workplace health and safety: safe work method statement template and risk management
Added new form or template: health and safety audit template incident report form,
induction form, risk assessment template
Technical software functions used in each template

New added Hiring For Feedback Evaluation Termination

form to HR report form recording from form from notice
employment training training.
and their
Function of Macros Recording Link Documents footer
New added Feedback Purchase Order form
form or form from template
template to customers
Function of Header Import Header
Added new Feedback Project Footnotes
form to form from proposal
administration project form
Workplace Audit Incident Incident and Record of Hazard
health and template report form investigation WHS report form
safety form report form consultation
Function of Bullet 1 Protection Record Breakdown Font and
software of signature of pages margins
Task five
Develop a style guide to be allowed for the production of new documents at Bizops. You
may choose to keep some of the information in the existing style Guide or start from
The style guide should

 Ensure the format of documents is appropriate to the purpose/use and

intended audience
 Outline (at least) fonts, spacing, margins, headings, bullets and numbering,
salutations, use of letterhead, language (e.g. UK or US English)
 Be formatted so that it is easy to read and navigate
 Outline naming conventions and document storage
 Outline how to destroy documents
 Include a standard template for Bizops policies and procedures.
 Include a standard template for Bizops position descriptions
 Include a standard template for sales reports which includes at least two
You are to save and store your style guide following your naming conventions. Take a
screenshot and submit with your assessment.
Task six
Provide your style guide to a class mate or colleague and ask them to follow the style guide
to complete a position description for their current role or a role they would like using the
template in the style Guide. Please not the point of this task is to test your template not
your classmate or colleague.
Review the completed template to ensure it meets the requirements of the organisation as
per the style guide you created in task 5
Ask your friend, class mate or colleague for the feedback on the template
Explain how you tested in the sales report template.
Macros tested in the sales report template
It was created in the template and run test as audience can have look below in the sales report
template on the desktop of the internal management. I have been able to figure out whether
my colleagues are using same Microsoft office or not because macros have been tested and
put in record,
Macros tested
For the test in the sales report template click on macros menus under the developer tab.
Task eight
Create an action plan for the implementation of the new Style guide across all departments
at Bizop’s. You action plan should include who need to attend training. Where and when it
will take place and how. You should refer to the Bizop’s organisational chart completing
this task.
Action plan is created for the implementation of the new style guide across all departments
across all Bizop’s. managers approval is needed for the training resources and supervisor
provide training to all the staffs.

Things to be done in  Recognising the staffs.

 Specific group with higher ratings.
 Taking to Human resource for
previous policies
 Find out employee rewarding
Responsible persons  Manager
 Supervisors
 Human resources
 Directors.
Time period for the completion  3 months for the director and
 Regular updates by the supervisor in
team meeting.

Performance management  Have reward and recognition

 Reward for high performance
Performance measurement  Less turn over and results improved
 Short term absenteeism

Task nine
Develop checklist to be used to check new document before publishing to ensure they meet
organisational a legislative requirement.
Here is checklist for the new documents.

Documents Readability Organisational requirements

in the terms of layouts and
Description of position User friendly simple to  Header and footer
understand and utilize  Margins
 Fonts
 Backgrounds
 Space
 Graphics
 Colours
 Signature
Polices and procedures Plain English  Header and footer
Simple vocabulary  Margins
 Fonts
 Backgrounds
 Space
 Graphics
 Colours
 Signature
Sales report User can simple understand  Header and footer
template because easy  Margins
calculation and  Fonts
understandable maths  Backgrounds
 Space
 Graphics
 Colours
 Signature

Task ten
Develop a plan to regularly review the relevance and effectiveness of the new Bizops style
Guide against the changing needs to the organisation. you may refer to the Bizops
continuous improvement policy to help complete this task.
Documentation is very important for any organisation to sustain in the environment of
changing needs to the organisation. style guide should be effective. To measure and review
the relevance and effectiveness of the Bizops style guide can be done by following method
a. Finding out changes: auditing and regular review and template and comparing with
previous templates and documents.
b. Continuous improvements: finding out requirements with experienced personnel and
meeting the user of templates and finding out the views of end user of the documents.
c. Feedbacks: feedback is very important for the any review and drawback of the
documents and necessary changes can be made after that.
d. Utilizing the feedback from customers, stakeholders and making amendment on the
basis of the feedback as appropriate.

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