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Effects of nitrogen dilution on the NOx formation

characteristics of CH4/CO/H2 syngas counterflow
non-premixed flames

Sangwoon Park, Yongmo Kim*

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University, Haengdang-Dong, Sungdong-Ku, Seoul 133-791,
Republic of Korea

article info abstract

Article history: In the present study, the effects of the composition and nitrogen dilution level on the
Received 24 December 2016 precise structure and NOx formation characteristics were numerically investigated for
Received in revised form ternary syngas composed of H2, CO, and CH4 in laminar counterflow non-premixed
10 February 2017 flames. Prior to the parametric study, in order to evaluate the prediction capability for
Accepted 10 February 2017 the NOx formation characteristics of syngas/air counterflow non-premixed flames, the
Available online xxx GRI 3.0 mechanism was validated against measurements. Numerical results indicate
that the GRI 3.0 mechanism yields good overall agreement with the measured peak level
Keywords: and distribution of the NO mole fraction over a relatively wide range of H2/CO compo-
Syngas sitions and strain rates. Computations were carried out for wide ranges of ternary
CH4/CO/H2 composition syngas composition and nitrogen dilution level. Based on the numerical results, the
Counterflow diffusion flames detailed discussions are made for the essential features and precise structure of the
NO formation non-diluted and nitrogen-diluted CH4/CO/H2 syngas counterflow diffusion flames
Fuel-side nitrogen dilution including the temperature, species mole fractions, and NO production rate and its in-
tegral. Special emphasis was given to the effects of the fuel-side nitrogen dilution on the
NOx formation characteristics of the CH4-rich, CO-rich, and H2-rich syngas diffusion
flames for the different ternary syngas compositions. The dominant physical processes
and chemical paths to influence the precise flame structure and NO generation
encountered under the actual syngas combustion conditions were systematically
analyzed and identified.
© 2017 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

contains methane, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and nitrogen

Introduction [1e3]. Due to the lack of petrochemical energy sources and
strict emission regulations, syngas has been recognized as a
Synthesis gas or syngas produced in various gasification pro- promising alternative energy source. Syngas produced
cesses is a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen and also through the coal gasification process is a useful byproduct of

* Corresponding author. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University, 17 Haengdang-Dong, Sungdong-Gu, Seoul 133-791,
Republic of Korea. Fax: þ82 2 2297 3432.
E-mail address: (Y. Kim).
0360-3199/© 2017 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Park S, Kim Y, Effects of nitrogen dilution on the NOx formation characteristics of CH4/CO/H2 syngas
counterflow non-premixed flames, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
2 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 7

clean coal combustion technologies applied in power gener- addition of a small amount of reformate gas has a minor effect
ation. In particular, improvements of the gas turbine effi- on NO formation at low strain rates, but a small increase in NO
ciency and reliability have made syngas a viable fuel for formation at moderate or high strain rates. However, addition
electric power generation using the integrated gasification of a large amount of reformate gas resulted in a decrease of NO
combined cycle (IGCC) [4]. In particular, IGCC systems can formation due to reduction in nitrogen consumption rate by
improve the thermal efficiency and dramatically lower envi- the prompt route. Sahu et al. [8] numerically investigated NOx
ronmental impacts compared to traditional coal-fired power chemical kinetics in low-calorific value H2/CO syngas flames
plants. Moreover, syngas can be blended with hydrocarbon and identified key reactions. They also highlighted the need
fuels to extend the utilization of the syngas mixture in prac- for experimental data in syngas diffusion flames in order to
tical combustion systems. assess and optimize the H2/CO and nitrogen chemistry. Lee
Syngas can be obtained from fossil fuels, biomass, coal, and et al. [24] numerically investigated the effects of fuel-side ni-
even organic waste and refinery residual. Because of the vari- trogen dilution on the precise structure and NOx formation
ability of the sources and processing techniques, the compo- characteristics of turbulent syngas non-premixed jet flames.
sition of syngas fuels is widely varied and this variability The numerical results indicate that, for the highly nitrogen-
substantially impacts steady state and dynamic combustion. diluted case with a higher scalar dissipate rate and shorter
Variation in composition significantly affects the kinetics in flight time, the flame structure is dominantly influenced by
terms of ignition delay [5e7], extinction limit [8,9], and flame the turbulenceechemistry interaction and marginally modi-
speeds [10e13]. However, syngas combustion and emission fied by the radiation effect. On the other hand, the flame
characteristics are not yet well understood. In particular, to structure for the non-dilution case with a longer flight time
comply with current and future emission regulations, NOx and relatively intermediate scalar dissipate rate is strongly
emission control in high-performance syngas combustion influenced by radiative cooling and moderately affected by
systems is a challenging task due to the widely variable fuel turbulenceechemistry interactions. Safer et al. [25] numeri-
composition and physically complex reaction processes. Thus, cally investigated the structure and NO reaction pathways of
research efforts to investigate syngas combustion aim to gain the syngas counterflow nonpremixed flames over a wide
better understanding of the syngas combustion and NO for- range of operating pressure 1e10 atm. It was found that the
mation characteristics as well as to identify the optimum contribution of thermal route to the NO production continu-
design and operating conditions of combustion devices with ally increases with the hydrogen level and pressure.
higher efficiencies and lower pollutant emissions. Charlston-Goch et al. [26] experimentally and numerically
There have been many research activities to investigate studied the NO formation characteristics in premixed CO/H2/
the combustion and emission characteristics of premixed and CH4/air flames over a wide range of pressures. Specifically,
non-premixed flames. Giles et al. [14] investigated the effects quantitative measurements of NO were obtained for various
of air stream dilution on the NOx emissions of syngas and equivalence ratios and flow rates. In a recent study, NO for-
revealed that H2O and CO2 are more effective in reducing NO mation in model syngas and biogas blends/air premixed
emissions than is N2 diluent. Shih and Hsu [15] studied the flames was evaluated by Watson et al. using a PLIF technique
effects of composition, pressure, and dilution on the NOx [27]. Their numerical results indicate that the syngas kinetic
emission characteristics of an opposed-jet syngas diffusion mechanisms have shortcomings to predict both the burning
flame. They demonstrated that, due to a higher flame tem- velocities and NO emissions for all syngas compositions. To
perature, a H2-rich composition syngas flame produces more investigate the effect of composition on NO formation, Wang
NO through the thermal NO route compared to NNH and N2O et al. [28] carried out quantitative laser saturated fluorescence
intermediate routes. Som et al. [16] numerically and experi- measurements of NO in H2/CO/CO2/N2/O2 adiabatic premixed
mentally studied counterflow syngas flames at different flat flames. They obtained accurate quantitative in-situ NO
pressures. Their numerical studies utilizing three syngas re- measurements, which can be used to assess and validate
action kinetics (Davis et al. [17], Muller et al. [18], GRI 3.0 [19]) existing or new kinetic mechanisms. On the other hand,
indicated that a reburn route involving the consumption of NO measurements of NO concentration data are quite limited for
due to third-body reactions becomes increasingly important non-premixed syngas flames. It is important to study the NOx
at high pressures. Drake and Blint [20] numerically investi- kinetics and formation pathways in diffusion flames, espe-
gated the effect of stretch on thermal NO in laminar, coun- cially for fuels comprised of species with large differences in
terflow syngas diffusion flames and observed that the NO diffusivity and reactivity such as syngas. Additionally, since
concentration decreases dramatically as the flame stretch is all practical flames are either positively or negatively
increased. Park et al. [21] numerically studied the addition stretched, the effect of stretch rate on NO kinetics in syn-
effects of CO/CO2 in H2/Ar fuel on the flame structure and NO gaseair non-premixed flames is also a very important aspect.
emission in counterflow diffusion flames. Park et al. [22] Li [29] investigated a series of laminar diffusion flames of CH4/
clarified the preferential diffusion effects of H2 and H on the air and syngas/air using in-situ measurements with varying
flame characteristics of H2-enriched and CO-enriched syngas levels of NH3 to understand the dominant mechanisms of NO
flames with CO2 dilution. It was found that, in a H2/CO diffu- formation. Quantitative measurement of NO concentration
sion flame, the preferential diffusion of H2 impacts the flame was compared with numerical results in terms of NH3 con-
characteristics much more significantly than the results ob- centrations in CH4/air and syngas/air flames. Very recently,
tained by Guo and Neill [23], who numerically investigated the Sahu and Ravikrishna [30] carried out quantitative measure-
effect of reformate gas (syngas) addition on NO formation in ments of the NO concentration in syngas/air counterflow
strained methane/air diffusion flames. They showed that the diffusion flames. Their measurements were performed over a

Please cite this article in press as: Park S, Kim Y, Effects of nitrogen dilution on the NOx formation characteristics of CH4/CO/H2 syngas
counterflow non-premixed flames, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 7 3

wide range of strain rates and three H2/CO compositions to

provide validation cases for the syngas kinetics. In terms of Modeling of the counterflow syngas diffusion
NO mole fraction, they assessed the prediction capability of flame
the existing syngas chemical kinetics (Davis et al. [17], GRI 3.0
[19], Li et al. [31], Ranzi et al. [32] and Konnov [33]). For clarity, In a counterflow, axisymmetric laminar syngas diffusion
the previous numerical works for syngas counterflow diffu- flame, jets of fuel and oxidizer impinge on one another,
sion flame are summarized in Table 1. forming a stagnation plane whose location depends on the
Considerable efforts have been made to investigate the momentum ratio of fuel and oxidizer. In the counterflow
combustion and NOx emission characteristics of syngas burner configuration, the flat diffusion flame established near
flames for wide ranges of composition, pressure, stretch, and the plane of stoichiometric composition can be analyzed by a
dilution. However, most previous experimental and numeri- one-dimensional model. The mathematical description of the
cal studies have been performed mainly for individual com- combustion field along a stagnation streamline is one-
ponents such as methane or hydrogen fuels or for hydrogen/ dimensional, and this OPPDIF code [34,35] was developed by
carbon monoxide syngas compositions rather than for ternary Kee et al. [36] and extended by Lutz et al. [34]. The reaction
CH4/CO/H2 syngas compositions, which are encountered in rate, transport, and thermodynamic properties are evaluated
practical combustion systems. It is well known that most by the CHEMKIN library of subroutines. The governing equa-
syngas used in practical combustors contains a certain frac- tions for mass, momentum, chemical species, and energy in
tion of methane. Giles et al. [14] simulated syngas counterflow addition to the solution technique were presented by Lutz
diffusion flames for two representative syngas mixtures con- et al. [34]. The optically thin approximation employed to ac-
taining CO, H2, and CH4, one containing 50% H2 and 50% CO by count for radiative heat loss is mainly impacted by CO2, H2O,
volume and the other containing 45% H2, 45% CO, and 10% CH4 CO, and CH4, as follows:
by volume. According to Giles et al. [14], the presence of
methane in syngas considerably influences the peak temper- V$qrad ðT; Yk Þ ¼ 4sB T4  T4b Pk $aP;k (1)
ature, NOx formation characteristics, and the effectiveness of
diluents. Even if the methane fraction in syngas can sub- where sB is the StefaneBoltzmann constant, Pk is the partial
stantially modify the precise flame structure and NO emission pressure of species k, T and Tb are the local and ambient
characteristics, extensive studies have not been conducted for temperatures, respectively, and aP,k is the Plank mean ab-
a wide range of ternary CH4/CO/H2 syngas compositions. sorption coefficient. The Plank mean absorption coefficient is
Therefore, the present study was motivated to numerically approximated as a polynomial function of temperature.
investigate the combustion and NOx formation characteristics The velocities of the fuel and oxidizer streams are imposed
of CH4/CO/H2 syngas counterflow diffusion flames. Moreover, to conform to the global strain rate expressed below.
special emphasis was given to the nitrogen dilution effects on  pffiffiffiffiffi 
2jVO j jVF j rF
the precise flame structure and NOx formation characteristics as ¼ 1þ pffiffiffiffiffi (2)
L jVO j rO
for a wide range of ternary syngas compositions. Based on the
numerical results, the essential features and precise structure Here, V and r represent the velocity and density, respec-
of the non-diluted and nitrogen-diluted CH4/CO/H2 syngas tively, with the subscripts ‘O’ and ‘F’ denoting the oxidizer
counterflow diffusion flames were evaluated considering the and fuel streams. In this study, L is the separation distance
temperature, species mole fractions, and the NO production between the two nozzles, which is 2 cm. The ambient pres-
rate and integral. sure is 1 atm, and the temperatures of both the nitrogen-

Table 1 e Summary of researches on numerical simulation of syngas combustion in OPPDIF configuration.

Composition (%) Strain rate (/s) Dilution (%) Reaction mechanism Flame type
Sahu and Ravikrishna [8] 5e20 20e35 2 448e2500 Fuel-side Li, Davis, GRI 3.0, Ranzi Nonpremixed
58% N2
Giles et al. [14] 45e50 45e50 0e10 100 Air-side GRI 3.0 Nonpremixed
10% CO2, N2, H2O
Shih and Hsu [15] 20e80 20e80 0 10 Non-dilution GRI 3.0 Nonpremixed
Som et al. [16] 10e100 0e90 0 35e100 Non-dilution Davis, Muller, GRI 3.0 Nonpremixed
Partially premixed
Park [21] 50 10e40 0 5.6e5555.3 Fuel-side GRI 2.11 Nonpremixed
CO2 10%e40%
Ar 10%e25%
Park [22] 20e80 20e80 0 15 Fuel-side GRI 3.0 Nonpremixed
CO2 30%
Safer et al. [25] 29e71 33e71 0 5 Non-dilution GRI 3.0 Nonpremixed
Sahu [30] 8e32 8e32 0 35e750 Fuel-side Li, Davis, GRI 3.0, Ranzi, Konnov Nonpremixed
N2 60%

Please cite this article in press as: Park S, Kim Y, Effects of nitrogen dilution on the NOx formation characteristics of CH4/CO/H2 syngas
counterflow non-premixed flames, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
4 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 7

diluted syngas and oxidizer streams are 300 K. Using the

momentum balance, the fuel and air stream velocities can be Results and discussions
computed for a given strain rate. Plug flow boundary condi-
tions are used to specify the fuel and air stream velocities at In the present study, to evaluate the prediction capability of
the boundaries. The mole fractions of all participating spe- the GRI 3.0 mechanism for the NOx formation characteristics
cies are also imposed at the fuel-side and air-side of syngas/air counterflow non-premixed flames, measure-
boundaries. ments made by Sahu and Ravikrishna [30] were utilized as
In order to analyze the precise flame structure and NO validation cases. Sahu and Ravikrishna [30] quantitatively
emission characteristics for the wide range of the ternary CH4/ measured the NO concentration in syngas/air counterflow
CO/H2 syngas compositions, the present study adopted the diffusion flames. Their measurements were performed over a
GRI 3.0 mechanism, which involves 40 reactions related to wide range of strain rates for three H2/CO compositions. The
NOx formation. In order to precisely analyze the NOx forma- local strain rate of the flames was varied from 35 s1 to 750 s1
tion characteristics, the NOx formation reactions are repre- for three syngas compositions (8:32, 20:20, and 32:8 H2/CO
sented by thermal, prompt, N2O, NO2, and NNH mechanisms. ratio). In the remaining 60% of these syngas mixtures, all three
The contribution of the respective NO formation mechanism compositions contain 58% N2 and 2% CH4 by volume. Com-
on total NO production was evaluated in the following way, putations were made over wide ranges of H2/CO composition
where the numbers in parenthesis correspond to those in the and strain rate. Fig. 1 presents the predicted and measured NO
GRI 3.0 mechanism. profiles for the three H2/CO compositions (8:32, 20:20, and 32:8)
and three strain rates including low, intermediate, and high
a) Thermal NO (Zeldovich) is obtained by the following three levels. The peak NO levels predicted by the GRI 3.0 mechanism
mechanisms. agree reasonably well with experimental data for all test cases
even if noticeable deviations exist for certain conditions.
However, for these test cases, the predicted peak locations are
O þ N2 4NO þ N ðR178Þ marginally different from the measured locations. These dis-
N þ O2 4NO þ O ðR179Þ (3) crepancies are mainly caused by multidimensional effects [37]
N þ OH4NO þ H ðR180Þ of the counterflow flames.
At the low strain rate (45 s1) for three syngas composi-
b) The N2O mechanism is the summation of production by tions, the GRI 3.0 mechanism yields good agreement with the
the following three reactions in the full mechanism measured peak NO level. However, the GRI 3.0 mechanism
calculation. underestimates the NO peak level approximately 6 ppm for
the higher H2 concentration case. At the intermediate strain
rate (100 s1), the GRI mechanism overestimates the peak NO
N2 O þ O42NO ðR182Þ
level about 4 ppm for the low H2 composition and roughly
N2 O þ H4NH þ NO ðR199Þ (4)
N2 O þ CO4NCO þ NO ðR228Þ 6 ppm for the intermediate H2 level while it underestimates
the peak NO level about 8 ppm for the high H2 composition. At
high strain rates (450 s1 and 460 s1), the GRI 3.0 mechanism
produces the favorable agreement for the high H2 composi-
c) The NO2 mechanism is the summation of production by tion. On the other hand, the GRI 3.0 mechanism yields the
the following five reactions in the full mechanism underestimation about 4 ppm for the low H2 composition and
calculation. the overestimation roughly 3 ppm for the intermediate H2
composition. These numerical results indicate that the GRI 3.0
mechanism yields reasonably good agreement with the
NO2 þ OH4HO2 þ NO ðR186Þ
NO2 þ M4O þ M þ NO ðR187Þ measured peak level and distribution of the NO mole fraction
NO2 þ O4O2 þ NO ðR188Þ (5) over relatively wide ranges of the H2/CO composition and
NO2 þ H4OH þ NO ðR189Þ strain rate. Thus, the present approach employed the GRI 3.0
NO2 þ CN4NCO þ NO ðR281Þ mechanism to numerically investigate the precise structure

d) The NNH mechanism consists of only the following one

reaction in the full mechanism calculation.
Table 2 e The important reaction steps involved in the
prompt/reburn mechanism.
NNH þ O4NH þ NO ðR208Þ (6) Reaction number Reaction step

In addition, the contributions of the prompt NO mecha- R212 H þ NO þ M4HNO þ M

R214 HNO þ H4H2 þ NO
nism and reburn chemistry are also considered in the present
R215 HNO þ OH4NO þ H2 O
study. The prompt mechanism contains 20 elementary re-
R245 C þ NO4CO þ N
actions and the reburn mechanism consists of 8 elementary R246 CH þ NO4HCN þ O
reactions. Using these classifications, the contribution of each R249 CH2 þ NO4H þ HNCO
mechanism can be evaluated in numerical calculations. R255 CH3 þ NO4HCN þ H2 O
Several important reactions involving the prompt and reburn R274 HCCO þ NO4HCNO þ CO
NO routes are listed in Table 2. R283 N þ CO2 4NO þ CO

Please cite this article in press as: Park S, Kim Y, Effects of nitrogen dilution on the NOx formation characteristics of CH4/CO/H2 syngas
counterflow non-premixed flames, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 7 5

Fig. 1 e Predicted and measured NO profiles for three H2/CO compositions (8:32, 20:20, and 32:8) and three strain rates of
low, intermediate, and high levels.

and NOx formation characteristics of CH4/CO/H2 syngas NO is not applicable to general situations. According to Giles
counterflow diffusion flames. et al. [14], if methane is added to syngas (H2/CO), CO and H2 are
In order to systematically investigate the NO formation generated from the reaction process of methane, and the de-
characteristics for real syngas flames, a parametric study was nominator in Eq. (7) is increased due to the increased fuel
performed for the ternary syngas compositions shown in consumption rates corresponding to the elevated H2 and CO
Fig. 2. The ternary syngas compositions consist of hydrogen, concentrations. Consequently, EINO is actually under-
carbon monoxide, and methane. estimated for these ternary (CH4/CO/H2) compositions. In their
To estimate the strength of the NO emission characteris- study, in order to circumvent this shortcoming, EINO was
tics, Takeno and Nishioka [38] suggested the emission index of calculated for the CO/H2/CH4 fuel composition as well as the
NO (EINO), which is defined in terms of the NO production CO/H2 fuel composition, and the real emission index of NO was
rate, u_ NO , and the fuel consumption rate, u_ F , as expressed in obtained by averaging these two EINO values. Their analysis
Eq. (7). [14] based on only 10% CH4 in the fuel composition yielded
Z acceptable results. However, this EINO estimation procedure is
u_ NO MWNO dx not suitable for the present parametric study, which covers a
EINO ¼ Z L (7) wide range of methane compositions from 0% to 100%. Thus,
 u_ F MWF dx in this study, the strength of the NO emission characteristics
for ternary (CH4/CO/H2) compositions was estimated in terms
Here, MWNO and MWF are the molecular weights of nitric of the integrated NO production/consumption rate, similar
oxide and fuel, respectively. However, the emission index of to the procedure employed by Shih and Hsu [15].

Please cite this article in press as: Park S, Kim Y, Effects of nitrogen dilution on the NOx formation characteristics of CH4/CO/H2 syngas
counterflow non-premixed flames, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
6 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 7

monoxide situation. As presented in Fig. 3, the total NO pro-

duction rate integral is increased by elevating the hydrogen
12.5 87.5 content and by reducing the amount of carbon monoxide in
the fuel. Since the flame temperature is higher for the richer
25.0 75.0 hydrogen composition, the NO production rate integrals ob-
tained from the thermal, N2O, and NNH routes are enhanced
CH4 37.5 62.5
H2 by increasing the hydrogen percentage. However, the thermal
CH4 37.5 %
NO route has the most dominant contribution to the total NO
50.0 50.0 production rate integral, followed by the NNH and N2O routes.
H2 37.5% The peak level of the thermal NO production rate integral is on
62.5 37.5 the order of 1  106 while those of the NO production rate
integral through N2O and NNH mechanisms are on the order
75.0 25.0 of 1  107. In particular, for the richer hydrogen composition,
the distribution of the total NO production rate integrals quite
CO 25.0 %
87.5 12.5 similar to that of the thermal NO production rate integral
because the thermal NO production rate integrals an order of
magnitude higher than the NO production rates through N2O
12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5 75.0 87.5 and NNH routes. In terms of the prompt and reburn mecha-
nisms, the distributions are quite different from the other
CO mechanisms. As the methane is increased in the fuel
composition, the prompt and reburn mechanisms show high
Fig. 2 e The domains of the ternary syngas fuel
reactivates where the prompt mechanism generates NO, but
compositions consisting of CH4, CO, and H2.
the reburn mechanism consumes NO. In the prompt mecha-
nism, NO is formed at all compositions except the syngas
In the present study, computations were performed for the composition that lies in the H2eCO line in the ternary syngas
ternary syngas compositions with a stretch rate of 50 s1, an composition table. Consumption of NO occurred in the
inflow temperature of 300 K, and atmospheric pressure. Fig. 3 prompt mechanism in these compositions because the
shows the predicted contours of the total NO production rate contribution of R212, which is a third-body reaction, is sud-
integral and NO production rate integral through each NO denly increased relative to other reactions. A large quantity of
formation route for the ternary syngas compositions. It is also NO consumption was obtained in the reburn mechanism,
necessary to set the NO production rate integral value to zero especially in the CH4-rich region. According to Xue and
for the 100% CO composition as stable combustion and nu- Aggawal [39], the reburn mechanism is mainly controlled by
merical convergence are nearly impossible for the pure carbon the following chemical path: CHi þ NO4products. As the

Fig. 3 e Total NO production rate integrals and NO production rates for each constituent NO mechanism at 1 atm without
dilution: (a) total, (b) thermal mechanism, (c) N2O mechanism, (d) prompt mechanism, (e) NNH mechanism, and (f) reburn

Please cite this article in press as: Park S, Kim Y, Effects of nitrogen dilution on the NOx formation characteristics of CH4/CO/H2 syngas
counterflow non-premixed flames, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 7 7

reactions progress, methane breaks down to CH3, CH2, and flame produces the highest peak level, and the CO-rich flame
CH, and these radicals enhance the reburn mechanism. As a yields the lowest level. In terms of the NO production rates,
result, enhanced reaction of the reburn mechanism is ob- the total NO production rate is mainly influenced by the
tained in the CH4-rich region. thermal, prompt, and reburn routes and is marginally affected
As shown in Fig. 4, to precisely analyze the NO character- by the N2O, NO2, and NNH mechanisms for all compositions.
istics in ternary syngas non-premixed flames, the predicted As illustrated in Fig. 5, the highest NO production rate was
profiles of the temperature and mole fractions of key species obtained for the CH4-rich flame, and the widest NO reaction
are displayed for three representative compositions of CH4- zone was obtained for the H2-rich flame. In the CH4-rich flame,
rich (CH4 75%/CO 12.5%/H2 12.5%), CO-rich (CH4 12.5%/CO 75%/ the peak NO production mainly contributed by the thermal
H2 12.5%), and H2-rich (CH4 12.5%/CO 12.5%/H2 75%) fuels. In and prompt routes occurs at the near-stoichiometric rich re-
terms of the peak flame temperature, the H2-rich syngas gion, while the peak NO consumption rate mainly contributed
composition yields the highest temperature of 2,321 K, fol- to by the reburn route takes place at the slightly fuel-rich side.
lowed by the CO-rich and CH4-rich compositions. The pre- On the other hand, the CO-rich flame yields much lower peak
dicted peak temperatures for the CH4-rich and CO-rich cases production and consumption rates, while the peak reaction
are 2,068 K and 2,078 K, respectively. Compared to CO-rich and rates for all NO routes occur at the further fuel-rich side.
CH4-rich flames, the location of the peak temperature in the However, the H2-rich flame produces distinctly different dis-
H2-rich flame further leans to the oxidizer side because the tributions of the NO production rate, which is characterized by
inflow fuel velocity for the H2-rich case is much faster to double peaks. The first peak production rate slightly leans
satisfy the momentum balance. In terms of the CH, HCN, and toward the fuel-rich side and is contributed to by the thermal
C2H2 profiles associated with the prompt NO and reburn and prompt routes, while the second peak production rate
routes located in the fuel-rich side, the CH4-rich case produces near the near-stoichiometric lean side is mainly contributed
the highest level. The H2-rich case generates the highest peak to by the thermal mechanism.
OH level as well as the lowest C2H2 and CH levels. Around the Fig. 6 shows the distribution of NO reaction rates associ-
fuel-rich side (x ¼ 0.7 cm), the H2-rich syngas flame creates a ated with the important elementary reactions in the thermal,
noticeably high peak CO level due to the fast consumption of prompt, and reburn paths under the non-diluted condition.
hydrogen resulting from the high reactivity and differential For CH4-rich and CO-rich flames, the thermal NO reaction
diffusion of hydrogen. rates are dominantly influenced by R180. The CH4-rich and
Fig. 5 presents the predicted profiles of NO mole fraction, CO-rich flames yield a similar distribution trend for the ther-
total NO production rate, and NO production rate through mal NO production rates associated with R180, but the CO-rich
various NO formation routes for the three syngas composition flame generates a much lower peak reaction rate at the further
flames. In terms of the NO mole fraction, the H2-rich syngas fuel-rich side. On the other hand, for the H2-rich syngas flame,

Fig. 4 e One-dimensional flame structures, main species, and minor species of the representative fuel compositions at 1 atm
without dilution.

Please cite this article in press as: Park S, Kim Y, Effects of nitrogen dilution on the NOx formation characteristics of CH4/CO/H2 syngas
counterflow non-premixed flames, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
8 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 7

(a) (b) CH4-rich


CH4-rich Total

NO production rate [mole/cm3s]

CO-rich 4E-06 THERMAL
0.00025 H2-rich N2O
NO mole fraction

0.0002 REBURN

0.00015 0




0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
X [cm] X(cm)

(c) CO-rich (d) H2-rich

NO production rate [mole/cm3s]

NO production rate [mole/cm3s]

4E-06 4E-06

0 0

-4E-06 -4E-06

0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0.8 1 1.2 1.4

X(cm) X(cm)

Fig. 5 e NO mole fraction distributions and NO production rate distributions for three representative fuel compositions at
1 atm without dilution.

the distribution of the thermal NO production rate is through each NO formation route for the nitrogen-diluted
controlled mainly by R178 and R180. The predicted profile of ternary syngas compositions. As presented in Fig. 7, the total
the thermal NO production rate clearly indicates that there NO production rate was increased by elevating the H2 and CH4
exist double peaks mainly caused by R178 and R180. At the percentages and by reducing the carbon monoxide percentage
fuel-rich flame zone for the three syngas compositions, the in the fuel composition. In this fuel-side nitrogen case, the
NO consumption rates are dominantly influenced by the peak level of the total NO production rate integral appeared
reburn path especially associated with R249 and R255. On the along the H2eCH4 line of the ternary syngas composition. The
other hand, at the near-stoichiometric and fuel-lean flame predicted contours reveal that the thermal NO route has the
zones, the NO reaction rates are basically controlled by ther- most dominant contribution to the total NO production rate
mal routes (R178 and R180) and prompt paths (R214 and R215). integral, followed by the prompt, NNH, and N2O routes. On the
In actual IGCC gas turbine combustors, the NOx emission is other hand, in the reburn route, the NO production rate in-
effectively controlled by injecting dilution gases such as N2, tegrals are negative, and NO is partly converted to N2. The NO2
H2O, and CO2 at the fuel side or oxidizer side. In this study, the route also converted NO to N2 and NO2 even though the related
effects of fuel-side nitrogen dilution on the flame structure and results are not included in Fig. 7. With the non-diluted condi-
NO formation were numerically investigated for the ternary tions, this implies that NO2 and the reburn mechanism play
syngas compositions. First, calculations were made for the roles in consuming NO. In the ternary syngas composition with
100% nitrogen dilution condition. In this dilution condition, fuel-side nitrogen dilution, the thermal and prompt routes are
based on fuel volume, 100% nitrogen was added to the fuel side still the most dominant mechanisms to produce NO. The
nozzle, and all other all conditions are identical to those given highest total NO production rate integral through the thermal
above. Fig. 7 shows the predicted contours of the total NO route occurs near a composition of 37.5% CH4/62.5% H2 rather
production rate integral and NO production rate integral than the pure hydrogen case. In this study, the strain rate is

Please cite this article in press as: Park S, Kim Y, Effects of nitrogen dilution on the NOx formation characteristics of CH4/CO/H2 syngas
counterflow non-premixed flames, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 7 9

(a) CH4-rich (b) CO-rich (c) H2-rich

2E-06 2E-06
Thermal Thermal Thermal
NO production rate [mole/cm3s]

NO production rate [mole/cm s]

NO production rate [mole/cm s]

R178 R178 R178

R179 R179 R179
R180 R180 R180

1E-06 1E-06


0 0

Thermal NO Thermal NO Thermal NO

-1E-06 -1E-06
0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
X [cm] X [cm] X [cm]

(d) CH4-rich (e) CO-rich (f) H2-rich

Prompt Prompt Prompt
NO production rate [mole/cm s]

NO production rate [mole/cm s]

NO production rate [mole/cm s]

4E-06 R214 4E-06 -R212 4E-06 -R212

R215 R214 R214
R215 R215

0 0 0

-4E-06 -4E-06 -4E-06

0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0.8 1 1.2 1.4

X(cm) X(cm) X(cm)

(g) CH4-rich (h) CO-rich (i) H2-rich

Reburn Reburn Reburn
NO production rate [mole/cm s]

NO production rate [mole/cm s]

NO production rate [mole/cm s]

4E-06 -R249 4E-06 -R244 4E-06 -R249

-R255 -R245 -R255
-R274 -R249

0 0 0

-4E-06 -4E-06 -4E-06

0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0.8 1 1.2 1.4

X(cm) X(cm) X(cm)

Fig. 6 e NO production rates for the thermal and prompt mechanisms with each constituent elementary reaction rate at
1 atm without dilution.

fixed for all composition cases. Thus, the different composition compositions. In terms of the peak flame temperature, the H2-
case has the different inflow velocity corresponding to the rich syngas composition yields the highest temperature of
different volumetric flow rate. Since the percentage of nitrogen 2016 K, followed by the CH4-rich and CO-rich compositions.
dilution is based on the fuel volume flow rate, the N2 volume The predicted peak temperatures for the CH4-rich and CO-rich
flow rate increases with the fuel volume flow rate. For instance, cases are 1913 K and 1776 K, respectively. Thus, at the 100%
at the 100% N2 dilution condition, the pure H2 case has about nitrogen dilution, a temperature reduction of roughly 300 K
20% higher N2 volume flow rate, compared to the pure CH4 was achieved for the H2-rich and CO-rich flames, while a
case. This different N2 volume flow rate directly influences the reduction of 155 K was obtained for the CH4-rich flame. These
flame temperature and the NO formation through thermal numerical results suggest that, in terms of the flame tem-
route. Thus, in the nitrogen-diluted conditions, the peak level perature, the CH4-rich flame is less sensitive to the fuel-side
of thermal NO is not appeared at the pure H2 composition case. nitrogen dilution compared to the H2-rich and CO-rich
Fig. 8 shows the predicted profiles of the temperature and flames. Compared to the non-diluted fuel conditions, the
mole fractions of key species for three representative peak levels of minor species (OH, H, O, C2H2, and HCN) at all
nitrogen-diluted compositions of CH4-rich (CH4 37.5%/CO fuel compositions are substantially decreased. In terms of the
6.25%/H2 6.25%/N2 50%), CO-rich (CH4 6.25%/CO 37.5%/H2 CH, HCN, and C2H2 profiles associated with the prompt and
6.25%/N2 50%), and H2-rich (CH4 6.25%/CO 6.25%/H2 37.5%/N2 reburn routes, the CH4-rich case maintains a much higher
50%) fuels. As expected, the fuel-side nitrogen dilution level than the two other fuel compositions, but its peak level is
considerably reduces the flame temperature for the three fuel greatly reduced due to the fuel-side nitrogen dilution. The H2-

Please cite this article in press as: Park S, Kim Y, Effects of nitrogen dilution on the NOx formation characteristics of CH4/CO/H2 syngas
counterflow non-premixed flames, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
10 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 7

Fig. 7 e Total NO production rate integral and NO production rate for each constituent NO mechanism at 1 atm with 100%
nitrogen dilution: (a) total, (b) thermal mechanism, (c) N2O mechanism, (d) prompt mechanism, (e) NNH mechanism, and (f)
reburn mechanism.

rich flame generates the highest peak OH level and the lowest side (x ¼ 0.7 cm) due to suppression of the differential diffu-
C2H2 and CH levels. Unlike the non-diluted H2-rich fuel sion effects through nitrogen dilution.
composition, this nitrogen-diluted H2-rich flame does not Fig. 9 shows the predicted profiles of NO mole fraction,
yield a noticeably high peak CO level around at the fuel-rich total NO production rate, and NO production rates obtained

Fig. 8 e One-dimensional flame structures, main species, and minor species for representative fuel compositions at 1 atm
with 100% nitrogen dilution.

Please cite this article in press as: Park S, Kim Y, Effects of nitrogen dilution on the NOx formation characteristics of CH4/CO/H2 syngas
counterflow non-premixed flames, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 7 11

through various NO routes for three syngas flames with fuel- the NO production rates depicted in Fig. 9, the total NO pro-
side nitrogen dilution. As depicted in Figs. 7 and 9, the nu- duction rates are mainly influenced by thermal and prompt
merical results indicate that the fuel-side nitrogen dilution routes and are marginally affected by the N2O, NO2, and NNH
considerably suppresses the NO peak levels for all syngas mechanisms. For the three syngas compositions, the total NO
compositions, and the CH4-rich fuel composition yields the consumption rate at the further fuel-rich side was primarily
highest peak NO level, followed by the H2-rich and CO-rich influenced by the reburn path, while the total NO production
compositions. In the non-diluted syngas flame characteris- rate at the fuel-rich side leaning to stoichiometry was mainly
tics discussed above, the H2-rich syngas flame produces a controlled by the thermal and prompt mechanisms. It can be
much higher peak NO level than the CH4-rich flame. Thus, in clearly seen that the NO production rates for the three syngas
terms of NO emission characteristics, these numerical results compositions are substantially decreased by the fuel-side ni-
imply that the nitrogen-diluted syngas flames are distinctly trogen dilution. The highly nitrogen-diluted flames have
different from the non-diluted syngas flames. Compared to uniquely different NO formation characteristics especially for
the non-diluted flames, the peak NO level in the 100% CH4-rich and H2-rich syngas compositions.
nitrogen-diluted syngas flames was decreased by roughly 65% Fig. 10 shows the distribution of the NO reaction rates
for the H2-rich and CO-rich flames and 35% for the CH4-rich associated with important elementary reactions through the
flame. Thus, the NO emission characteristics of the CH4-rich thermal, prompt, and reburn paths at the 100% nitrogen-
fuel composition are less sensitive to the fuel-side nitrogen diluted condition. For the three representative syngas com-
dilution compared to the H2-rich and CO-rich fuel composi- positions, the numerical results reveal that R180 is the most
tions. These results suggest that, for a given condition, by dominant elementary reaction step in the thermal NO
increasing the methane percentage in the fuel composition, mechanism. In the CH4-rich and CO-rich compositions, it is
the dilution effects on the reduction of NO emissions are less found that the distribution trends of the thermal NO produc-
effective than for the other syngas compositions. In terms of tion rates associated with R180 are similar for the non-diluted

(a) (b) CH4-rich


CH4-rich Total
NO production rate [mole/cm3s]

CO-rich 4E-06 THERMAL

H2-rich N2O
0.00015 PROMPT
NO mole fraction


0.0001 0



0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
X [cm] X(cm)

(c) CO-rich (d) H2-rich

NO production rate [mole/cm3s]

NO production rate [mole/cm3s]

4E-06 4E-06

0 0

-4E-06 -4E-06

0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0.8 1 1.2 1.4

X(cm) X(cm)

Fig. 9 e NO mole fraction distributions and NO production rate distributions for three representative fuel compositions at
1 atm with 100% dilution.

Please cite this article in press as: Park S, Kim Y, Effects of nitrogen dilution on the NOx formation characteristics of CH4/CO/H2 syngas
counterflow non-premixed flames, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
12 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 7

(a) CH4-rich (b) CO-rich (c) H2-rich

2E-06 2E-06 2E-06
Thermal Thermal Thermal
NO production rate [mole/cm3s]

NO production rate [mole/cm s]

NO production rate [mole/cm3s]

R178 R178 R178

R179 R179 R179
R180 R180 R180

1E-06 1E-06

0 0 0

Thermal NO Thermal NO Thermal NO

-1E-06 -1E-06
0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
X [cm] X [cm] X [cm]

CH4-rich (e) CO-rich H2-rich

3E-06 3E-06 3E-06
Prompt Prompt Prompt
NO production rate [mole/cm s]

NO production rate [mole/cm s]

NO production rate [mole/cm s]

R214 -R212 -R212

R215 R214 R214
2E-06 2E-06 2E-06

1E-06 1E-06 1E-06

0 0 0

-1E-06 -1E-06 -1E-06

0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
X(cm) X(cm) X(cm)

CH4-rich CO-rich CO-rich

1E-06 1E-06 1E-06
Reburn Reburn Reburn
NO production rate [mole/cm s]

NO production rate [mole/cm s]

NO production rate [mole/cm s]

-R246 -R244 -R244

-R245 3 -R245
-R274 -R246 -R246
-R249 -R249
0 0 0

-1E-06 -1E-06 -1E-06

-2E-06 -2E-06 -2E-06

Reburn Reburn Reburn

-3E-06 -3E-06 -3E-06
0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
X(cm) X(cm) X(cm)

Fig. 10 e NO production rates of the thermal and prompt mechanisms for each constituent elementary reaction rate at 1 atm
with 100% nitrogen dilution.

and nitrogen-diluted flames. On the other hand, in the H2-rich NO reaction paths, the CH4-rich flame yields the highest peak
syngas flame, the thermal NO production rate for the 100% NO reaction rate, while the H2-rich flame leads to the widest
nitrogen-diluted flame is controlled dominantly by R180, reaction zone.
while the thermal NO production rate for the non-diluted In order to precisely analyze the effect of fuel-side nitrogen
flame is influenced mainly by R178 and R180. Thus, in the dilution on the structure and NO emission characteristics in
profile of the thermal NO production rate, double peaks do not theCH4/CO/H2 counterflow diffusion flames, computations
exist for the highly nitrogen-diluted H2-rich flame. In the were made for 10 different nitrogen-dilution levels ranging
prompt NO route, R214 is the most important elementary re- from 10% to 100%. Fig. 11 shows the predicted contours of the
action step for all representative fuel compositions. Although total NO production rate integral for 6 dilution levels (0, 20, 40,
the NO production rate from the prompt route has a positive 60, 80, and 100%). In the non-dilution case, the NO production
value, the elementary reaction R212 consumes NO. At the rate integral increased by elevating the H2 level, while it
fuel-rich flame zone for the three syngas compositions, the decreased by enhancing the CO level. Thus, the pure hydrogen
NO consumption rates are dominantly contributed to by the composition case yields the highest NO production rate inte-
reburn path associated with R249 and R246. On the other gral. It is also observed that this distribution trend is roughly
hand, at the near-stoichiometric fuel-rich zone, the NO reac- maintained up to the nitrogen dilution level of 50%. However,
tion rates are basically controlled by the thermal route (R180) when the nitrogen dilution level reaches 60%, the peak levels
and prompt path (R214). In the thermal, prompt, and reburn of the NO production rate integral region are distributed over a

Please cite this article in press as: Park S, Kim Y, Effects of nitrogen dilution on the NOx formation characteristics of CH4/CO/H2 syngas
counterflow non-premixed flames, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 7 13

Fig. 11 e Total NO production rate integral distributions for the various fuel-side nitrogen dilution levels.

much broader region along with the low-CO concentration moderate H2/moderate CH4 concentrations. This trend pro-
region with high H2/moderate CH4 concentrations. On the gressively appeared for the 100% nitrogen dilution case.
other hand, by increasing the nitrogen dilution level above Fig. 12 depicts the NO production rate integrals for the total
80%, the peak values of the NO production rate integral are not reaction path contribution versus the nitrogen dilution level
observed for the pure hydrogen composition case, and they for the three representative syngas compositions. Among the
are distributed in the low-CO concentration region with three fuel compositions, with a relatively low nitrogen

CH4-rich CO-rich H2-rich

8E-06 8E-06 8E-06
NO production rate integral [g/cm s]

NO production rate integral [g/cm s]

NO production rate integral [g/cm s]

6E-06 NO2 6E-06 6E-06

4E-06 REBURN 4E-06 4E-06

2E-06 2E-06 2E-06

0 0 0

-2E-06 -2E-06 -2E-06

-4E-06 -4E-06 -4E-06

-6E-06 -6E-06 -6E-06

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
N2 dilution [%] N2 dilution [%] N2 dilution [%]

CH4-rich CO-rich H2-rich


400 400
NO production rate integral [g/cm s]

NO production rate integral %

NO production rate integral %

200 200


0 0

-200 -200 -50

-400 -400

-600 -600 -200

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
N2 dilution [%] N2 dilution [%] N2 dilution [%]

Fig. 12 e NO production rate integral profiles for each representative fuel composition flame as a function of the fuel-side
nitrogen dilution level.

Please cite this article in press as: Park S, Kim Y, Effects of nitrogen dilution on the NOx formation characteristics of CH4/CO/H2 syngas
counterflow non-premixed flames, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
14 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 7

dilution, the H2-rich composition yields the most sensitive increased with increasing dilution level. In the H2-rich
variation of the NO production rate integrals. However, in the composition with the low dilution condition, the thermal
H2-rich flame with a relatively high dilution, the NO produc- route was found to be the most dominant NO production
tion rate integrals less sensitively decrease with nitrogen mechanism. However, when the dilution level exceeds 60%,
dilution compared to the low nitrogen dilution condition. The the thermal route and the prompt route have nearly the same
H2-rich composition yields the highest value of the total NO contributions to generate NO.
production rate integral with nitrogen dilutions below 80% Fig. 13 shows the effects of fuel-side nitrogen dilution on
while the CH4-rich composition generates the highest rate the flame structures for the three representative fuel compo-
with nitrogen dilutions higher than 80%. In terms of the NO sitions. In terms of temperature and the O radical and NO
production rate integral percentage for the three fuel com- mole fractions, a higher nitrogen dilution level leads to a sig-
positions, the thermal route and prompt route result in NO nificant decrease in peak levels, noticeable movement of the
productions above 100% for all conditions. These percentages peak locations to the fuel-rich side, and gradual reduction of
are offset by the NO consumption contribution from the the distribution zone. The H2-rich composition yields the most
reburn route. It can also be seen that the total NO production sensitive variation versus the nitrogen dilution level, followed
rate integral is dominantly influenced by the thermal, prompt, by the CO-rich and CH4-rich compositions. By increasing the
and reburn mechanisms and marginally affected by the other nitrogen dilution level up to 100%, the peak temperature
mechanisms. In addition, by increasing the nitrogen dilution, decreased from 2313 K to 2015 K for the H2-rich case, from
the NO percentage contribution of the thermal route is line- 2031 K to 1776 K for the CO-rich case, and from 2048 K to
arly decreased for all fuel compositions. In terms of the 1914 K for the CH4-rich case. The corresponding peak NO level
prompt and reburn routes, except for the H2-rich composition, decreased by roughly 70% for the H2-rich case, 50% for the CO-
the influence decreased by increasing the dilution level; in rich case, and 30% for the CH4-rich case. On the other hand, in
contrast, for the H2-rich composition, the contributions terms of the CH radical mole fraction, by increasing the

Fig. 13 e Temperature, NO, and minor species distribution variations within the flame with increasing fuel-side dilution
level for each representative fuel composition.

Please cite this article in press as: Park S, Kim Y, Effects of nitrogen dilution on the NOx formation characteristics of CH4/CO/H2 syngas
counterflow non-premixed flames, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 7 15

Fig. 14 e Variations of the total and related route NO formation routes according to the increase of the fuel-side nitrogen
dilution level for each representative fuel composition flame.

nitrogen dilution, the peak levels are slightly elevated for the production rates for the CH4-rich and CO-rich compositions as
H2-rich composition, while they are noticeably decreased for well as the peak NO consumption rates for all compositions.
the two other fuel compositions. However, for the H2-rich composition, with increasing nitro-
Fig. 14 presents the effects of fuel-side nitrogen dilution on gen dilution, the NO production rates do not sensitively
the total NO production rate and specific NO production rates decrease, especially at high dilution levels. The H2-rich flame
for the three representative fuel compositions. The numerical has a double-peak distribution of the total and thermal NO
results indicate that the total NO production rate profiles of all production rates at low nitrogen dilution levels. However, this
syngas compositions are influenced mainly by the thermal, double-peak structure disappeared with nitrogen dilution
prompt, and reburn routes. In addition, the total NO produc- levels above 60%.
tion rates are marginally affected by other NO mechanisms
through the N2O, NO2, and NNH paths. For the CH4-rich and
CO-rich compositions, the NO production rates are influenced Conclusions
by the thermal, prompt, and reburn mechanisms. On the
other hand, for the H2-rich composition, the NO production The effects of composition and nitrogen dilution level on the
rates are mainly controlled by the thermal mechanism. For precise structure and NOx formation characteristics were
the three fuel compositions, the NO consumption rates in the numerically investigated for various ternary syngas compo-
fuel-rich side are primarily controlled by the reburn route. By sitions composed of H2, CO, and CH4 in laminar counterflow
increasing the nitrogen dilution, the NO production and con- diffusion flames. Based on the numerical results obtained in
sumption zones become progressively thinner for all fuel this study, the following conclusions were made.
compositions, and the H2-rich composition yields the most
sensitive decrease in the NO reaction zone. The increase in 1) To evaluate the prediction capability for the NOx formation
dilution level leads to a significant decrease in peak NO characteristics of syngas/air counterflow non-premixed

Please cite this article in press as: Park S, Kim Y, Effects of nitrogen dilution on the NOx formation characteristics of CH4/CO/H2 syngas
counterflow non-premixed flames, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
16 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 7

flames, the GRI 3.0 mechanism was validated against 8) In terms of temperature and O radical and NO mole frac-
measurements. Numerical results indicate that the GRI 3.0 tions for all fuel compositions, the increased level of ni-
mechanism yields good overall agreement with the trogen dilution led to a significant decrease in peak levels,
measured peak level and distribution of the NO mole noticeable movement of the peak locations to the fuel-rich
fraction over a relatively wide range of H2/CO compositions side, and a gradual reduction of the distribution zone. The
and strain rates. H2-rich composition yields the most sensitive variation
2) In the ternary syngas counterflow non-diluted diffusion versus the nitrogen dilution level, followed by the CO-rich
flames, the NO production rate integral obtained through and CH4-rich compositions. By increasing the nitrogen
thermal, N2O, and NNH routes is enhanced by increasing dilution level to 100%, the peak NO level decreased by
the hydrogen percentage. The thermal, prompt, and reburn roughly 70% for the H2-rich case, 50% for the CO-rich case,
routes were the most dominant mechanisms to produce or and 30% for the CH4-rich case.
consume NO. In terms of the NO mole fraction, the H2-rich
syngas flame produces the highest peak level and the CO-
rich flame yields the lowest level.
3) In the non-diluted flames, compared to the CH4-rich and
CO-rich flames, the H2-rich flame produces a distinctly
different distribution of the NO production rate, which is
This project is supported by the “R&D Center for reduction of
characterized by double peaks. On the other hand, the
Non-CO2 Greenhouse gases (2013001690013)” funded by Korea
thermal NO production rate for the highly nitrogen-
Ministry of Environment (MOE) as “Global Top Environment
diluted H2-rich flame is controlled dominantly by R180,
R&D Program”.
while the thermal NO production rate for the non-
diluted flame is influenced mainly by R178 and R180.
Thus, in the thermal NO production rate profile, double references
peaks do not exist for the highly nitrogen-diluted H2-rich
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Please cite this article in press as: Park S, Kim Y, Effects of nitrogen dilution on the NOx formation characteristics of CH4/CO/H2 syngas
counterflow non-premixed flames, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
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Please cite this article in press as: Park S, Kim Y, Effects of nitrogen dilution on the NOx formation characteristics of CH4/CO/H2 syngas
counterflow non-premixed flames, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),

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