Question 1

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Question 1.

Review any five (5) Australian privacy principle 2014 and explain how they
affect document production and storage.

There are 13 Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) which has taken over the information privacy
principle for agencies from 12 March 2014. These guidelines of the privacy Principle affect the
document production and storage.

a. APP1 – open and transparent management of personal information.

This rule requires the organizations to have clearly expressed and up to date policy for managing
the information of personal information of the customer. APP1 specifies the needed minimum
information that should be included in the organization’s APP privacy policy. The organization
should also to take required steps to make its APP privacy policy available free of charge and in
appropriate form. Personal information should not be collected unless it is needed. Personal data
should not be collected by unlawful or unfair means

b. APP 3 collection of solicited personal information

This rule deals with the personal and sensitive information that solicits from and individual or
other entity. This rule governs that company should not collect clients information (other than
sensitive information) unless required.

c. APP 10 quality of personal information

Origination should ensure that the personal information collected from the customer should be
correct and accurate and complete and relevant and having regard to the purpose of the use or the

d. APP 7 direct marketing

APP7 controls the uses and disclosure of customer information by the organizations for the
purpose of direct marketing.

e. APP 11 security of personal information

This requires that organization to take reasonable steps to protect the personal information it hold
from interference, in addition to misuse and loss and unauthorized access, modification and
Question 2. Review the privacy information provided as part of the Australian
government’s My Health Records website
( and outline three
key aspects of their Privacy Policy

a. Personal information not disclosed overseas.

According to the Australian Government’s my health Record website, they will not disclose
personal information to the others. There is only condition when individual and their healthcare
provider may securely access their health record while in the overseas.

b. Information collected and used to notify you

When the personal information including name and address is collected and created into myGov
account. Then you will be chosen to be notified by SMS or email. When your My Health Record
is accessed by someone rather other than yourself.

c. Access to My Health Record for law enforcement

This law denies the permission of direct access by any third party to the My Health record
system unless you give permission to the other or healthcare.

Question 3. Outline the process you would follow to produce an information brochure

Here are following process that will produce an information brochure.

a. Establish the purpose: purpose should be addressed such as what it for is. To whom are
you are sending message.
b. Define the elements: elements should be planned out to convey in the brochure.
c. Create meaningful contents: contents should be meaningful and meaningful contents
gives the direct message which you intended to reach to the reader.
d. Keep it simple: do not make too complex that it is very hard for the reader. The message
should be simple and direct.
e. Plan the brochure: before starting actual design process. You should consult with the
experienced graphic designer.
f. Assemble the assets: general word count for the copy should be established and image
should be identified allowing them to source appropriate photography
g. Build your ideas: all the projects should be started with building with ideas. Weak ideas
wilt whereas good concepts grow
h. Build appropriate proofing cycles. Information planned to brochure should be accurate
and there should be proof resources.
i. Make it sing. After finalizing and approving the brochure (both copy and Image) it
should be made sure that there are no usual line breaks in the copy or widowed word.
j. Choosing the right paper. Right paper should be selected according to your plan.
k. Print it. Not all the printer are good. Finding the right one is very important. This includes
budget, equipment, reputation, capacity and turnaround.

Question 4 List the organizational costs involved in implementing the use of standard
documents in a workplace. Ensure you consider human and physical resources and

Here are the cost involving in the implementing for the use of the standard document in a

a. Employee salary, rent of the building and insurance cost.

b. Cost of paper, computer, table, pen
c. Electricity and water cost
d. Salary of external writers, graphic designer.
Question 5. What software would you use to create the following, and for each One,
explain why you would choose it?

• Sales data analysis • Visual presentation

• Information flyer • Meeting minutes

• Annual report

Sales data analysis. For the sale data analysis, I will use sisense. This software is very
intelligent. This allows the organization to make better business decision and intelligent
strategies in less time. It is also great for making sure that you get sales data quickly as possible
because of real time monitoring.

Visual presentation. Prezi will be chosen because it has great features, such as pertinent info,
lock off views, zoom, twist, and jump between them.

Information flyer. We can use adobe Photoshop for designing information flyer. Because it is
easy to use and can find lots of templates.

Meeting minutes. Omni outliner can be used for the meeting minute. It is tool for creating,
collecting and organizing information. We can also prepare in advance the template for the
meeting minutes based on the agenda.

Annual report: MYOB advanced can be the best option while choosing for annual report. It is
cloud based which features inventory management, sales and purchasing, accounting and more.

Question 6. Explain how merge fields can be used in document design.

Merge field is used for the combining field data and text in the documents such as letters, labels,
envelopes, or contracts. Creating merge fields in the text blocks allows us to use static text and
field data together. Merge field can be used for putting personal details such as name, address,
phone numbers,
Question 7. Explain how macros can be used when designing sales reports

A micro in Access is one kind of tool that helps the user to automate tasks and add functionality
to the forms, reports and controls. It speeds up the production with automated repetitive tasks. It
reduces associated errors.

Question 8. List four (4) external agencies or suppliers that can be used or consulted with
when developing standard documents

For developing standard documents, help of external agencies or supplier are highly
recommended some of them are following.

a. Experienced graphic designer who can design various logos and signs
b. Experts who can write good and meaningful contents
c. Software developer and IT experts
d. Printing company


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