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1 write a program to calculate factorial of a number
using functions.
2 write a program to evaluate the average of 5
3 write a program to input an array of 10 elements
& prints that array.
4 write a program to read 2 matrix and then print a
matrix which is addition of these 2 matrix.
5 write a program which reads 2 matrix and
multiply them.
6 write a program to display a square matrix.
7 write a program to find transpose.
8 write a program to read and write array elements
and find the sum of even and odd elements.
9 write a program to insert an element in array.
10 write a program to delete an elements in an array.
11 write a program to traverse an array.
12 write a program to initialize and display array
elements using pointers.
13 write a program to display the contents of 2D
array using pointer.
14 write a program to find whether a matrix is upper
triangular or not.
15 write a program to demonstrate the operation
performed on stack.
16 write a program to demonstrate the linked list
implementation of stack.
17 write a program to implement queue using array.
18 write a program to illustrate a working of queue
while implementing using pointers.
19 write a program to create elements in a linked list
and display.
20 write a program to implement binary tree using
linked list.
21 write a program to sort elements of an array using
selection sort.
22 write a program to sort elements of an array using
insertion sort.
23 write a program to sort elements of an array using
merge sort.
24 write a program to search an elements using liner
25 write a program to search an elements using
binary search.

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