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 Sometime it happens that the rooms get

booked soon when one visits the place
therefore user can make advance booking
using this system.
 It saves user time in searching a room.
 The system is useful as it calculates an exact
cost of rooms for requested number of days.
 It saves organization resources and expenses.
 This system is effective and saves time and
cost of users.


 The booking process usually requires a

customer identity, which the system cannot
 It requires a reliable internet connection.
The project, Hotel Management System is a web-
based application that allows the hotel manager to
handle all hotel activities online. Interactive GUI
and the ability to manage various hotel bookings
and rooms make this system very flexible and
convenient. The hotel manager is a very busy
person and does not have the time to sit and
manage the entire activities manually on paper.
This application gives him the power and flexibility
to manage the entire system from a single online
system. Hotel management project provides room
booking, staff management and other necessary
hotel management features. The system allows
the manager to post available rooms in the
system. Customers can view and book room
online. Other hotel services can also be viewed by
the customers and can book them too. The system
is hence useful for both customers and managers
to portable manage the hotel activities.
 To enable online booking via the internet.
 To enable automated data entry methods.
 Ensure efficient and reliable communication within
the hotel.
 Avoid data entry errors by use of input masks.
 Enable easy authorized modification of data.
 Enforce security measures to avoid unauthorized
access to guest records.
 Enable fast and easy retrieval of guest records and
data for fast reference activities.
The conclusion of this project is A Hotel management
system is a computerized management system. This
system keeps the records of hardware assets besides
software of this organization. The proposed system will
keep a track of Workers, Residents, Accounts and
generation of report regarding the present status. This
project has GUI based software that will help in storing,
updating and retrieving the information through various
user-friendly menu-driven modules. The project “Hotel
Management System” is aimed to develop to maintain
the day-to-day state of admission/Vacation of
Residents, List of Workers, payment details etc. Main
objective of this project is to provide solution for hotel
to manage most there work using computerized process.
Project development is not an easy task. It
requires corporation and help of various people. It
always happens that word run out when we are
really thankful and sincerely want to inspire my
feeling of gratitude towards the one when helped
in the completion of the project.
First my grateful thank to Dr. Arpan Bharadwaj Sir
(Principal) Madhav Science College, Ujjain city for
the golden opportunity. Today after completing my
project work, I am immensely satisfied. There were
many times during the span of making the project
when the clock beats you to learn out of energy
and you just want to finish at forever but Proff. Anil
Prajapati Sir, Proff. Anshu Joshi Ma’am and Proff.
Shikha Shivaliya Ma’am helped me such
situation. I would also like Dr. R.K.Tiwari Sir for his
valuable help and guidance.
During our studies here in the final year and
working in computer laboratory, I performed a
project on the basis of job training. I felt a golden
opportunity for me while working on this project on
hotel management.

The project contains a detailed study about how is

the inventory managed, how is billing done and
what all a business activities are done to manage
the business and making it more fruitful. In this
project some screens and reports are also
included. It also tells the files used by the company
to do their work and given the whole knowledge
and information about the Hotel management.
Hotel Business
Many economists have often described ‘Hotel
Business’ as unique and different from much other
business. Hotel is selling both goods and services.
It not only provides both tangible intangible
services, but one of its unusual characteristic is
also that it is one of the very few places where
production and consumption occur simultaneously;
for example, ordering subsequent preparation,
services and consumption of food items. Both the
products and services are offered on credit
transaction .no other business allows the customer
an immediate line of credit, for example, the
moment he registers ,his credit purchase starts
with the room and a sequence of financial charges
throughout the facilities without immediately
paying for them at the ‘point of purchase’.
For example, purchase of food in restaurant,
drinks in bar valet services, etc. no other business
offers as varied a range of services and products
at the same place as hotel business.
Hotel Services
The present day modern concept of the hotel is
not just a place to provide `accommodation, food
and beverage, but like city within a city and
offering the every possible facilities,
accommodation, service and convenience, not
such as rooms. There are more facilities like-
cosmetic things, hairdryer, cock tail lounges, radio
and TV etc. There is a professionally qualified,
highly trained, experienced, and efficient.
Courteous staff in smart, clean uniforms and the
staff coming in the contact with guests could
understand English. There is a 24hrs service
for reception, information and telephone. There is
a plentiful supply of linen, blanket, towels and so
on. Each bedroom is provided with good vacuum
jug/ thermos flask with ice cold, boiled drinking
Further additional services such as given below:

Fruits, flowers
Bank services
Swimming pool
Service station
Post office
Poultry farms
Car rental and chauffeurs
Cinema ticket.
 There is a reception, cash and information
counter attended by highly qualified, trained
and experienced personnel conference
facilities in the form of one each or more of the
conference rooms.
 There is a book stall, recognized travel
agency, money change and safe deposit
facilities, etc.
 There is a telephone in each room and
telephone for the use of guests and visitors
and provision for a radio or relayed music in
each room.
 There is a well-equipped, well-furnished and
well-maintained dining room/restaurant on the
premises and wherever permissible by law,
there is an elegant, well-equipped bar /permit
 There is dancing facility and orchestra in
dining hall.
Departments of Hotel
To determine whether there is demand for a hotel
in the area where the site is located, certain very
important factors must be considered.

Problems of lab our is very important in hotel
industry. For successfully developing new hotel
project it is the lack of adequate labour supply
which creates problems rather then the problem
from labour such as their demands.

This is another very important factor and big
problems. Arranging of finances and control of
credit line is a very serious problem confronting
business today.
Future Scope of Hotel Management
India is being considered as one of the most
popular travel destinations in the world. Tourism
contributed 6.9% to our country’s GDP in 2015
and almost 8.7% of the employment. And this
sector is expected to grow tremendously, roughly
7.5% of our GDP by 2025. Today, Hotel
Management is not only restricted to hotels but
has gone a long way to catering, clubs, food and
beverage industry, resorts, airlines, cruise
and many more. The hotel management forms a
big part of the tourism, and the government too is
in favor of investing in it and supporting it in every
way possible.
There are a large number
of degree/diploma/certificate courses which many
institutes offer. You can have a look at this link. It
is very important to keep in mind the institute from
where you are pursuing these courses and the
placement opportunities they provide.
VISUAL BASIC is a high level programming language
which evolved from the earlier DOS version called
BASIC. BASIC means Beginners' All-purpose
Symbolic Instruction Code. It is a very easy
programming language to learn. The code look a lot like
English Language. Different software companies
produced different versions of BASIC, such as
BASICA and so on. However, people prefer to use
Microsoft Visual Basic today, as it is a well developed
programming language and supporting resources are
available everywhere. Now, there are many versions of
VB exist in the market, the most popular one and still
widely used by many VB programmers is none other
than Visual Basic 6. We also have, VB2005,
VB2008 and the latest VB2010. Both Vb2008 and
VB2010 are fully object oriented programming (OOP)

A Basic introduction to Microsoft Access

Ms Access is a database management tool that enables
one to have good command of data collected. The
programme enables one to retrieve, sort, summarize
and report results speedily and effectively. It can
combine data from various files through creating
relationships, and can make data entry more efficient
and accurate.
Microsoft Access (MS Access) enables one to manage
all important information from a single database file.
Within the file, one can use:
• Tables to store your data.
• Queries to find and retrieve specific data of interest.
• Forms to view, add, and update data in tables.
• Reports to analyse or print data in a specific layout.
• Data access pages to view or update, the data.

In MS Access, data is stored once in one table, but can

be viewed from multiple locations. When the data is
updated in a Table, Query or Form, it is automatically
updated everywhere it Appears.
This Project is coupled with material on how to use the
various tool, sub sets available in VB AND MS-Access.

System Study & Analysis

1. Understand the problem before you begin to create
the analysis model.
2. Develop prototypes that enable a user to understand
how human machine interaction will occur.
3. Record the origin of and the reason for every
4. Use multiple views of requirements like building
data, function and behavioural models.
5. Work to eliminate ambiguity.
Entity – Relationship Diagram: This depicts
relationship between data objects. The attribute of each
data objects noted in the entity- relationship diagram
can be described using a data object description. Data
flow diagram serves two purposes:

1. To provide an indication of how data are transformed

as they move through the system.

2. To depict the functions that transformation the data


Data Objects: A data object is a representation of

almost any composite information that must be
understood by the software. By composite information,
we mean something that has a number of different
properties or attributes. A data object encapsulates data
only there is no reference within a data object to
operations that act on the data.

Attributes: Attributes define the properties of a data

object and take on one of three different characteristics.
Billing System Codes
The Hotel Management System is a project created
using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. It basically works like
any other professional software. This project consists of
four forms.
1) A Splash screen to enter into the software.
2) A login page which a username and password combo
to gain access into the Software
3) A Check-in page
4) A Check-out page

Form No.1 (Splash Screen)

A splash screen can be created from the “ADD FORM”
button on the upper toolbar. Below is the VB code for
the splash screen:

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

lblVersion.Caption = “Version “ & App.Major & “.”
& App.Minor & “.” & App.Revision
End Sub

Private Sub Frame1_Click()

Unload Me
End Sub
Form No. 2 [Login Page]
This page requires a username and password combo to
gain access into the software.
Below is the VB code for the login page :

Private Sub Command1_Click()

If (Text1.Text = “park” And Text2.Text = “hotel”)
MsgBox “Incorrect username or password”
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub

Form No. 3 (Check In Page)

The check-in page requires a customer to fill up their
necessary information.
Below is the VB code for the check-in page :

Private Sub Command1_Click()

If (Text8.Text = “Occupied”) Then
MsgBox “Room Occupied!!”
Text8.Text = “Occupied”
MsgBox “Checked In Successfully”
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()

Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

Label25.Caption = Time
End Sub
Form No.4 (Check-out page)
The check out page automatically shows all the details
of the guest. After check out, all the details of the guest
are permanently deleted.
Below is the VB Code for the check-out page :

Private Sub Command1_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()

If (Text14.Text = “Vacant”) Then
MsgBox “Room Vacant!!”
Text1.Text = “”
Text2.Text = “”
Text3.Text = “”
Text5.Text = “”
Text6.Text = “”
Text7.Text = “”
Text8.Text = “”
Text9.Text = “”
Text10.Text = “”
Text11.Text = “”
Text12.Text = “”
Text16.Text = “”
Text17.Text = “”
Text18.Text = “”
Text19.Text = “”
Text20.Text = “”
Text14.Text = “Vacant”
MsgBox “Checked Out Successfully”
Unload Me
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command4_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub Label1_Click()

End Sub

Keep in mind that the data scrollbar in the check-in and

check-out page have to be linked to the your MS-
Access Database File.

Otherwise, the data update in both the check-in and

check-out page will not take place

I am _______________ son of Mr.

________________ studying in third
year (computer application) certify that the
project report entitled HOTEL
MANAGEMENT has been prepared by me
and is personal and authentic work under
the guidance of Prof. Anil Prajapati Sir,
Prof. Shikha Shivaliya Ma’am, Prof. Anshu
Joshi Ma’am.


DATE: ………………..
Roll no.: ………………..

This is to certify that _________________

student of B.Sc. (C.A.) third year in Madhav
Science College has completed their project
under my guidance and supervision. They has
taken proper care and shown sincerity in
completion of this project.

I certify that this project is up to my

expectation and as per the guidelines issued by
Vikram University.

 Kamal Prakashan VB 6.0
 Microsoft Access
 System analysis and design

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