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Assessment Rubrics

1.1.1. Project Proposal

Area Band Criteria
Executive 8-10 Succinct, yet contain all the relevant key points pertaining to the project and
summary beautifully put together that will invite the reader to read on.
4-7 Contain all the relevant key points related to the project but not composed
0-3 Missing key points relevant to the project and not composed properly.

Area Band Criteria

Objective or 8-10 Objective/Challenge of the project clearly stated with all the necessary
challenge of the background information and BV estimate.
4-7 Objective/Challenge somewhat described (either missing details or unclear)
and/or unconvincing or incorrect BV estimate.
0-3 Unclear or improper objective/challenge and incorrect or missing BV

Area Band Criteria

Concept or 7-10 Concept(s) and/or hypothesis for the project are based on sound scientific
hypothesis principles and demonstrate elements of critical thinking in their formulation.
Technological feasibility, economic viability, and impacts on the environment
and sustainability of the concept(s) and/or hypothesis have been thoroughly
considered. The concept(s) and/or hypothesis for the project is also complied
with the legal and ethical standards determined by the relevant authorities
4-6 Concept(s) and/or hypothesis for the project are based on relevant scientific
principles and demonstrate some level of critical thinking in their formulation.
Technological feasibility, economic viability, and impacts on the environment
and sustainability of the concept(s) and/or hypothesis have been considered
with some flaws. The concept(s) and/or hypothesis for the project did not take
consideration of the legal and ethical standards determined by the relevant
0-3 Concept(s) and/or hypothesis for the project are not based on any scientific
principle and do not demonstrate element of critical thinking in their
formulation. Technological feasibility, or/and economic viability, or/and
impacts on the environment and sustainability of the concept(s) and/or
hypothesis have not been considered. The concept(s) and/or hypothesis for the
project did not comply with legal and ethical standards determined by the
relevant authorities

Area Band Criteria

Approach or 6-8 Suggested approach is based on sound scientific principles and demonstrates
Methodology element of critical thinking in their formulation.
3-5 Suggested approach has varying degree of flaws or indicates a lack of critical
thinking in their formulation.
0-2 Suggested approach has weak basis and lacks critical thinking in their

Area Band Criteria

Project 5 Contain varying degree of project planning details such as linear
management responsibility chart, project timeline, a reasonable budget breakdown and
other project management matters that will ensure project success.
1-4 Contain varying degree of project planning details such as linear
responsibility chart, project timeline and other project management matters
that will ensure project success.
0 Contain no details of project planning.

Area Band Criteria

Format 2-3 The proposal is written accordingly to the content framework, with clear and
concise English. Figures and tables are used effectively to illustrate the project
outcome systematically
0-1 The proposal is written with or with loose content framework, with varying
degree of flaws in English proficiency. Figures and tables are used in varying
degree of flaws to illustrate the project proposal

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