Assigment BSBWOR 404A Develop Work Priorities

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Certificate IV in Frontline Management

17822 (BSB 40807)


Develop Work Priorities
Monday Night Part Time Program

Due Date :
Date Submitted :
Total Pages :
8 plus questionnaire
(Including Cover Page)

Student :Maung Maung SOE Teacher : Colleen Hall

ID :270 018 483 Phone : 9208 1770
Phone :0430-200-794 Email :

BSBWOR 404A Develop Work Priorities

1. Introduction

The Faculty of Pharmacy at the University is Australia’s first pharmacy and
pharmaceutical sciences education and has an international reputation for outstanding
teaching, as a centre of research excellence and as an active and engaged community
leader. The Faculty is offered degrees, diplomas, certificates for undergraduate and
postgraduate level. It has been structured with four departments of Academic (teaching
and learning), Academic (research only), Administration and Technical Services.

This report is based on the Technical Service Department that is responsible for managing
and running a number of key areas within the Faculty of Pharmacy especially for Audio
Video & Information Technology services and Laboratory services.

2. Answering the questions

2.1 Learning activity 2- Developing goals
Work Goal
 To prepare, set-up and run undergraduate laboratory session within timeframe.
Personal Goal
 To celebrate 20th wedding anniversary on March 2010.

2.2 Learning activity 8- Developing action plans for goals

Action Who will Resources How will it be When will it
do it? required done? be done?
Place/Venue My self Local Look at the As soon as
booking newspaper, advertisement in the possible to
telephone, car newspaper and make make sure a
a call to check the place
Food and drink My wife Food menus Choose from menu Confirm by one
for the suitable and week before the
reasonable date
invitation My self and Friends list Make a invitation Feb 2010
my wife card and send to
them. Make a phone
call to make sure
they received the

2.3 Learning activity 10- Completing a time log

Activity # Time Had you Notes:
PAY start finished Spent planned to
OFF (Actual) do this?

Mail, filing, check order and L to M 9:00 9:30 0:30 YES
received lists, invoice, etc
Update software H 9:30 12:00 0:30 YES
Prepare emulsifying ointment * H 10:00 13:00 2:00 YES *
Tea Time * L 10:30 10:45 0:15 YES *
Prepare aluminium acetate M to H 11:00 12:00 0:30 YES *
solution *
Lunch M 13:00 14:00 1:00 YES
Organise for 5 S auditing M 14:00 14:30 0:30 NO **
Take stock of Chemical part-1 L to M 14:30 15:30 1:00 YES
Set-up Lab session for next day H 15:30 16:30 1:00 YES
Check to do list for semester and M to H 16:30 16:45 0:15 YES
prepare/amend next day time log
Add into the to do list and time L to M 16:45 17:00 0:15 YES
log for any addition requirements
* Start at 10:00 AM. While waiting during processing start working with others.
** Usually time adjust from next activity. If this is not possible to allocate some
activities will be moved to next day or reduce the lunch time what ever possible.
# L = Low, M = Medium, H = High

2.4 Learning activity 13- Discussion decision making

Attached with answer copy
2.5 Learning activity 15- Gathering Feedback

Feedback is a tool for improvement. It can be used to reinforce good actions and to re-
direct incorrect actions.
My performance will be reviewed using 360 o feedback system that includes my-self, my
manager, my colleague and my customer.
Reviewing my-self gave me credit where it is due as well as the area to identify for self-
The feedback from manager provided on my accuracy, quality and quantity of my work
out put, training and development needed future potential and ability to work in other
My colleague’s feedbacks are the opportunity to validate my job knowledge, technical
and job-related skills and dependability to work successful in a team.
All clients provided valid and reliable sources of information about my service and the
quality of my work. “Meet client’s expectation” is the most important goals for all

2.6 Learning activity 16- SKA Audit

No Skills Evidence Rating *

1 Planning, I have to plan, schedule and X
scheduling and organise my work and my team
organising my work for the semester to run the
own work and my undergraduate laboratory session.
team’s work Without this I can not be
succussed in my job.
2 Communication
Oral I have to communicate with X
variety of people in my
workplace. For example;
Lecturers, demonstrators,
students, visitors, etc.
I have a little chance to write a
Written report in my workplace. X

3 Operating I used a lot of equipment and X

Equipment instruments in my workplace to
Instrument support in the lab session. I have
strong confident of using a wide
range of instruments.
I would like to learn this machine
operation but I don’t have a
chance to do. X
Tablet Machine
4 Working with In my job, I have to work with X
other people my manager, my colleagues,
lecturers, demonstrators,
students, suppliers, etc. I can
work very well in this area.
5 Problem Solving As unforseen problems could X
and Decision come in the workplace at any
Making time, I have to solve the problem
and make decision. Sometime it
comes beyond my control.
* A I can use this SKA very well
B I can use this SKA well but some improvements could be made
C I need to improve this SKA
D I need to put in considerable work to develop this SKA
E I have not had the opportunity to develop this SKA
2.7 Learning activity 18- Compare required SKA for my
role with current SKA’s
Skills required becoming a Trainer and assessor

No Skill Required # Level Area for
SKA Development
1 Select and deliver appropriate A Excellent
teaching and learning materials.

2 Develop and modify appropriate B Very More practice required in

teaching and learning materials as developing and modifying
appropriate to meet company and Good the teaching materials.
Trainee needs.
3 Establish and maintain a learning A Very Same as no.2
environment, including coaching
and encouraging students to take Or Good
responsibility for their own B

4 Supervise and monitor student A Excellent

progress on a regular basis and
assess student skills and
competencies against required
standards and in accordance with
Curriculum/Training Package
5 Maintain accurate records of B Very Required familiar with
student progress and assessment, divisional polices and
in accordance with Divisional Good procedures
policies and procedures.

6 Prepare and maintain teaching and A Excellent

learning resources, exams and
7 Evaluate the effectiveness of the B Very Need to understand the
training programs in line with requirement of corporate
Corporate Training Division Good training division.

8 Monitor the training, tools, A Excellent

machinery, equipment and
materials used in training programs
to ensure they are maintained to
the standards required.
9 Provide assistance with program B Very It is required a clear
related or administrative tasks as instruction and it has to be
allocated within the scheduled Good within duties of work
duties in consultation with the
Senior Instructor/Supervisor
10 Provide pre-course advice to A Excellent
students and participate in student

selection, entry testing,
interviewing and induction.
11 Undertake Local Review Audits as A Excellent
12 Other duties as directed by Senior C Good Unexpected and
Instructor/Supervisor. unreasonable work to my
duties to clarify with
# A I can use this SKA very well
B I can use this SKA well but some improvements could be made
C I need to improve this SKA
D I need to put in considerable work to develop this SKA
E I have not had the opportunity to develop this SKA

2.8 Learning activity 20- Develop a personal training and development action plan

Training and development plan

This plan is agreed between the staff member and reviewer at the annual PM&D review meeting and sets out the staff member’s performance
objectives for the next 12 months. Staff may prepare a draft for discussion at the meeting.
Objective Performance objective/s and Key performance indicators/measures Which KPAs Timeframe Development activities Supervisor
number  add action steps if applicable does the for Include: approved?
objective relate achievement Y/N
 What results do you expect?  What are the expected
 How will you know you have achieved your objectives? ie what evidence (KPIs) outcomes/benefits?
Note: staff are
will demonstrate achievement of these?  What support is being requested?
to have at least
one objective
per KPA
Using database to monitor and control chemical inventory in the Learning and 8 months  proficiency in the use of database
1 department innovation management
 attend training session of how to use database Resource YES
 practice and set up data base management  Training in the use of database tools
 data entry of chemical lists and quality
Extend on work carried in 2008 involving laboratory OHS systems Client focus 12 months  Become more involve with
 Involvement in department OHS system Teamwork department OHS program
 Set-up all sign and posters and leadership  Enroll in “Improving Occupational YES
Health and Safety in the work place”
Gaining additional background in Medicinal Laboratory area. Learning and 6 months  In-house training in Med Lab areas. YES
3 innovation
and quality

Reviewer’s signature Staff member’s signature

3. Conclusion and Recommendations

 Goal setting, planning, managing change processes and reviewing/monitoring
progress toward goal achievement are essential processes which are intimately
linked to personal and organisational learning.
 The key to sustaining a competitive edge is the human element of the
 Each person in an organisation has personally preferences, attitudes,
competencies, learning preferences and leadership styles which contribute to the
smooth operation of processes and procedures.
 Operational efficiency and effectiveness (productivity) will be maintained and
important when relationships and support conditions within the organisation needs
of the people working there.
 Effective leader/managers demonstrate enthusiasm, lead by example, offer
constructive feedback, acknowledge good work, provide learning and
developmental opportunities and reinforce good work practice.

 Prepare “to do list” for yearly, quarterly, weekly and daily and set priories
 Determine main timewasters and organise & plan to minimise
 Use “GET STARTED” and “KEEP GOING” for all work
 Prepare time log for daily to tract the work done by the day
 Use 360o feedback system for reviewing performance feedback
 Regular skill audit at least once a year.

4. References:

Benjamin, N (2002) Develop Work Priorities, Pearson Education Australia; Sydney

Cole, Kris (2005) Management, Pearson Education, Australia.

Robbins, S.P., Bergman, R., Stagg, I. & Coulter, M (2003) Management, 3rd Edition,
Pearson Education, Frenchs Forest, NSW

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