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„Successful implementation of the new ISO 14001:2015 revisions“


Rebecca Brandt Agenda

ifu Hamburg GmbH
Head of Marketing Clauses affected by changes in ISO
Jan-Hinrich Späth
LCA as tool to adress these
ifu Hamburg GmbH 2.
Resource Efficiency, LCA changes

3. Example of an LCA

4. Discussion
Clauses affected by changes in ISO 14001:2015

1. Scope 6. Planning

2. Normative references 7. Support

3. Terms and definitions 8. Operation

4. Context of the organization 9. Performance evaluation

5. Leadership 10. Improvement

Clause 4: Context of the organization

Company related Stakeholder related

• Understanding the organization and its • Understanding the needs and
context expectations of interested parties

Political Economic Social

Technological Legal Environmental

Clause 5: Leadership

Top Management

• Requirement that Top Management

demonstrates leadership and commitment to
the Environmental Management System

Get the management involved
from the start, show
advantages and speak about
mutual expectations
Clause 6: Planning

Risks & Opportunities Think lifecycle!

• Need to identify and plan to • Take a life cycle perspective

address risks and opportunities already in the planning stage
of the EMS

Examples for Risks & Opportunities

Product sustainability Carbon Footprint Resource efficiency

Sustainable Sourcing Health & Safety Legal aspects

Clause 7: Support & 8: Operation

7. Support
• "do good and tell people about it“
• external communication and reporting has
to be regulated

Think lifecycle!
8. Operation
• Consinder up-and downstream chains
• It is recommended to use the“gradle-to-
• This makes it also more important to look
at the “end of life” among others
Clause 9: Performance & 10: Improvement

Measurable performance
9. Performance evaluation
• Increased requirement to make the
environmental performance measureable
• Already use suitbale indicators when
defining goals  Environmental KPI‘s
become more important

10. Improvement Broader improvements

• Corrective actions and improvement process

have increased focus on the context of the
organization and overall improvemt of
environmental performance
What does it mean to take a „Life Cycle perspective“?
Focus of most EMS

material Life Cyle

End of Life Retail

What does it mean to take a „Life Cycle perspective“?

material Include each
stage of the
Life Cyle

End of Life Retail

Important take aways

There is no written requirement in ISO 14001 to carry

out life cycle assessments. However, an LCA:

Helps to identify the relevantes stages on which your EMS should

focus on

Sharpens the life cycle thinking attitude, as being aware of

principles influences your evaluation of environmental impacts

Is very valuable when designing new products

Life Cycle Thinking in ISO 14001
Life Cycle Assessment

LCA: Provides information on significant environmental impacts

Design Procurement Production Distribution Use End of Life

Requirements of ISO 14001

Include environmental of Provide information on significant
aspects most environmental impacts
Different forms of LCA‘s
Product LCA (ISO 14040/44) or
Organizational LCA (ISO 14040
ISO compliant LCA + ISO TS 14072)
Level of Resources and expertise required Predominantly primary data, only using
secondary data to fill data gaps.

Screening LCA
Only primary data when available,
using secondary data for upstream
and downstream chains.

Hot-Spot Analysis
Primay data from BoM, using
secondary data for upstream
and downstream chains
Different forms of LCA‘s (Cont’d.)

Expertise needed Time-scale Uncertainty

Hot Spot Analysis

low Hours high
Screening LCA

LCA (ISO conform)

high months low
Important success factors to get started
• Top Management has to support and promote EMS
• So, get the management involved from the start, show advantages and speak about
mutual expectations

• Talk to your stakeholders and interested parties

Involve • Assess their interests and weigh which ones are most important for your business

• Try to define your goals looking at the stages where you really have a relevant
environmental impact
Define goals
and scope
• Broaden you scope and look beyond the „gate to gate“ scope

• Plan enough resources (don‘t see it as a side project)

Plan your • If internal resources not given think about using external expertise
ifu Hamburg

+49 (0)40 48 0009 – 0

ifu Hamburg GmbH

Max-Brauer-Allee 50
22765 Hamburg

• Edwards, A.J., 2004. ISO 14001 Environmental Certification Step by Step:

Revised Edition. pp. 26

• Hammar, M. ISO 14001 Requirements and Structure, Available at:

• ISO Committee, Mapping ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 14001:2004. Available


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