CLIL Assignment

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This assignment must be done individually and has to fulfil the following conditions:

- Length: between 6 and 8 pages (without including cover, index or appendices –if there are any-).
- Type of font: Arial or Times New Roman.
- Size: 11.
- Line height: 1.5.
- Alignment: Justified.

The assignment has to be done in this Word document and has to fulfil the rules of presentation and edition, as
for quotes and bibliographical references which are detailed in the Study Guide.

Also, it has to be submitted following the procedure specified in the “Subject Evaluation” document. Sending it
to the tutor’s e-mail is not permitted.

In addition to this, it is very important to read the assessment criteria, which can be found in the “Subject
Evaluation” document.


Make a task-based unit proposal applying CLIL methodology. To do this, first describe the context in which this
proposal can be developed (either real or hypothetical):

 Location
 Student group: nationality, age, number, etc.
 Students’ learning needs
 Timing
 Further considerations

The proposal has to include: learning outcomes, competencies and contents

Important: you have to write your personal details, the option and the subject name on the cover (see the
next page). The assignment that does not fulfil these conditions will not be corrected. You have to include
the assignment index below the cover.

Name and surnames: Ferney Alberto Castro Castillo

Group: 2017-10

Date:may 25th 2018

Lesson plan

CLIL: lesson plan

Christianity, Islam or Judaism?

 To increase students’ knowledge of subject content
 To know about and understand a range of religions and other world views
 To express ideas and insights about questions and beliefs in reference to the meaning
 To compare different perspectives around history

Age group

Level, School
B1- Bilingual School (Hispano-American- College)

50+ minutes

 CLIL lesson worksheet/ flashcards computer video beam, speakers

This topic makes part of a religion syllabus where learners analyze why do they go to a church
but also why do people belong to a mosque? Moreover they stop and remember or know some
about history, finally pupils recognize why do they celebrate for example Easter? This class is in
the light of the bibles taking into account this subject is seen in most of countries and the purpose
is to practise the four skills by having the topic as an excuse for teaching a topic that normally is
taught in the mother tongue, but it is very important to provide those kind of stages.

To begin with, Learners come to class called religion, in this opportunity teacher has booked an
audiovisual room, where they can find a series of common scenes such as the arch of Noah,
David and Goliath, the creation, also pictures around Ramadan, Muharram, images with titles
such as Torah, Abraham, monotheism.

1. Greeting (5-10  The teacher tells the students that they have 6 minutes to talk about the
pictures, what do they know around them? What do they think? What do
they remember? This short conversation is in pairs, that is why a whistle is
used in order to give them the signal where they should change and talk to
a different partner.
Lesson plan
Lesson plan

 The students brainstorm the topics in three columns, Christianity, Islam, and
no religion, The Teacher gives them vocabulary around the topics and show
them a glossary with definitions about the topics

 Learners watch three short videos in reference to the three different

positions, which explain them why people belongs to each
perspective, what is Christianity? Five pillars of Islam, an introduction
of Judaism

2. Task 1:  Students are organized in three different groups each one with a religion
content- writing
topic, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, they must write the pillars or basis of
and speaking them. They can design a pie chart or a pyramid in order to present them to
(10-15 minutes)
the group. Once they have done this task they present to the class.

TIP: sheets, flash cards, materials with the mentioned topics.

3. Task 2:  Students listen to the glossaries read by members of the groups in order to
Listening to get
more understand the usage but also the way of pronunciation around the content
vocabulary and
TIP: The teacher may read the glossary, make a semi-authentic recording
listening (5
minutes) of the list, or use it as a dictionary with audio activity, depending on level
and time available.

4. Task 3:  Students are given three essays about religions where they should first
Noticing and
read and chose a representative celebration in reference to each
religion, here the groups are mixed in order to have a cooperative
learning and the opportunity of having a fresh look about the other

language  A set of questions is asked to them, by randomly way students are asked
(reading) (10 to answer them, a system of points is included here

 Initial examples are provided by the teacher.

TIP: It is appropriate to have the material printed in order to take advantage of
the time, Teachers can use ( class dojo to give them the points)

 Students may work in groups on individual categories, in pairs on all

categories, or individually and compare answers in pairs or groups.

In this order of academic ideas, and keeping in mind pupils already read the
essays based on different celebrations, now they choose one of them in order to
performance role plays, here it is really important to have vocabulary related to
each festivity or tradition because learners must act using vocabulary in context.
5. Task 4:
Vocabulary This activity consist in simulate a short performance depends on the student’s
extension and
performance(15 selection around the respective religion celebration, for instance if it is Christmas,
learners recreate a scene with the new born.
Lesson plan
Lesson plan
6. Task 5:  Students are given a workshop to review grammar.( simple past tense )
grammar review (
5 minutes) bearing in mind topics are related to past events ( history ) from religions
where they must highlight common mistakes.

7. grammar  Highlight regular and irregular verbs from the readings

 Classify the verbs in two different columns ( regular and irregulars)

 Content extension – further information about exceptions ( rules) and


 Vocabulary extension – bible books names

 Project work write around what did I learn from Christianity, Islam and
TIP: This activity can change depends on the students levels, also boards
can be used.

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