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Estinopo, Khaycee N.

Business Administration Major in Operations Management-1A

CBA Bataan Peninsula State University

ESEN 0113

MWF 6:00-7:30

2nd Semester-2018-2019

Fundamentals of Total Quality Management

The title of the book is Fundamentals of Total Quality Management written by Jens J. Dahlgaard, Kai
Kristensen and Gopal K. Kanji in the year 2002. J Dahlgaard works at Division of Quality and Human Systems
Engineering, Kai Kirstesen works at Aahus School of Business and Gopal K. Kanji is at Centre for Quality and
Innovation. As you can see writers don’t have the same profession with each other and with that we can already
see that Total Quality Management can be applied to many things and it only not focuses on one thing.

The Fundamentals of Total Quality Management is about the basic information of management system. This
book has a step by step discussion and will slowly make you understand the contents even though it is broad. It
will be a big help for those people whose building a business, for the business men who needs to innovate their
product or services and not only that but specially for the students who’s trying to have a knowledge about
handling a business and lastly, for organizations. This book focuses about the relationship between the quality
and profitability because those are the main goal of this book. Its job is to deliver how the business really works
and how it will run for a long time.

We are living in the fast changing world and with that means every second that passes has new information.
Being aware is the most important key for a business to be successful. In business the profit is nothing when you
don’t priorities your customer because customer’s satisfaction is what is important to all. You should think of
continual innovation in order for your customer to be satisfied and will continue to trust you. First, the quality of
your product should be a “Life time”. TQM teaches that it doesn’t matter how much you invest at first making
that product because when you think of it if you use a low quality machines making the product expect that it
will produce a faulty product and the machine will not last long. If you use more expensive material the lesser
the chance that you will produce a faulty products. You could always demand a premium cost if the quality of
your product is beyond the expectation of the customers. When making a product you should think of how you
will have enough profit when you keep buying a low quality machines making a low quality product and you
should also think if you will satisfy your customer with that. In business you should always be prepared and
think about the future.

First and foremost when you are making a product make sure that it is worth it and will satisfy the customer’s
needs. To achieve those you should conduct a research of how will you satisfy your customers. Make sure that
every information and data you gathered is accurate because those information will be holding the current and
the future of your business.
In the introduction the book discusses about Japan. Japan is the one who introduces the quality improvement
and they are also known as quality leader. Japan is so popular with the products that produce best quality. Kaoru
Ishikawa invented the fish bone diagram. Fish bone diagram is about the analysis of the problems and its causes
so that in the end of the process there will be zero defect which means all is well and will satisfy the customer’s
needs. If you can notice it japan always offers a LIFE TIME warranty and with that japan already proved that
they are producing a really good quality product.

In this TQM book explore about you should not only focus about the product that you’re producing but also to
your employees. Take note that when you’re hiring an employee makes sure that they are hired because of their
skills and knowledge not because of connection, favoritism and luck. This book just proved that some of the
employees are hired because the connections that’s why when they have given a responsibility they have no idea
on what to do because they don’t undergo on proper process. In the process of applying as an employee when
you got accepted you should always undergo with proper training (p.g 39) to have enough knowledge and
improved skills before doing the work.

As the leader you should always give your employee a motivation to work just like a simple tap on their
shoulder or give them recognition that they are doing a great job expect that they will be more motivated. They
should be not pressured from what they are doing. There should be a good relationship between the employee
and the boss. Make a transformation of those employees that deserves to be promoted or given a higher rank

In an organization communication is essential. Make sure that no one is being left out; make sure that all the
employees are updated in every information. Employees’ suggestion should be also be heard because since they
are the one who knows how the company works they also have an idea of how will the problem will be solved
basically they can be a big help with decision making. Make sure that you do not show to your employee that
you are higher than them and they should be afraid about you. You should treat your employees as a gem
especially if they are playing a big role to your company because it is your lost if they left your company
because there is a chance that they will be spreading the private information of the company.

Your employees also have their rights. There is a maternity leave law which means a woman is allowed to take a
leave for 3 months but will still have a salary. You should also treat your employees’ equality and there should
be no favoritism. If there’s employee’s right there is also customer’s rights which is the most important of all. It
is customer’s to send complaints about the product or services if they are not satisfy. And it is also your
responsibility to accept the fact that there will always be happenings like that and it is your responsibility to
solve them and get their trust back.

The book also discusses how to satisfy your customers more the services should also be planned. Based on what
I know all the customers wants a fast services of the example of this is Mc Donald’s, Mc Donald’s goals is to
serve the food in the customers within 5 minutes and another example of this is the bank in the US if the bank
made you wait for 10 minutes you will have automatically a 10 dollars on your bank account. That is how some
companies deal with the services. If they didn’t achieve that promise time there will be a thing as a return to the
customers that will make them calm. This book proves that there are tons of competitors around you and every
customer seeks for companies that can give them fast services. You should always think fast as you can of how
will you have a negotiation between your customer to satisfy their needs.

Overall this book will provide you enough knowledge that will help you in the future. This book shows
different techniques of how will you run an organization or business successfully and how will you handle it if
something serious matter came up or rather how will you avoid those kind of things. This book is designed for
those students who want to have a broader knowledge about Total Quality Management.

It is surprisingly wonderful how the book organized all the process. From the beginning, it slowly explained the
whole concept of the Total Quality Management before going to the broader part. The first part really helps the
reader a broader understanding which really helps them to adopt the things easier to the next chapters. The
writer has a strength that catches reader’s attention and will make it interesting that will make you read more.

I will highly recommend this book to those people who would like to open a business or an organization or
those students who wants a deeper understanding about Total Quality Management because in this book it
discusses all the basic information that will help you digest the information easily because of its interesting way
delivering it by the authors.

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