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QA process document

a. Test Design
i. Complete estimations with the help of team members ( Provide
no of tickets, QA can test for the respective release and communicate the
same to release manager)
ii. Should understand, what has been fixed and the impacted
functionalities, so QA can cover those areas and ask developer
to update the JIRA with same information
iii. Create test cases/test scenarios for every ticket story/bug etc.
iv. Find below for current regression suite document
b. Reviews on Test scenarios & Test scripts
i. Make sure, 1st we complete the internal peer reviews.
ii. Should get sign-off from product owner on the tc’s/scenarios.
iii. Needs to attach tc’s to JIRA
c. Defect logging process
i. We need to create RCA for Prod defects and should share the
information during weekly/monthly/quarterly metrics.
ii. Find below the process of creating new/subtasks for defects
QA process document

d. Test Execution
i. Attach test results to respective tickets
ii. For future purpose, keep the proofs for the respective tickets
Note: Based on the situation, we need to constantly add the scenarios to regression suite.
Current folder structure to store test case/results: For every release, should create release folder
for the modules, find below for sample

 Create reusable test data for all the functionalities, so it can be re-used
every time with very minor changes.
 Already process in place to create the test data, contact below talents for
more information
o Product – Sandhya
o Partner Management – Neeraja /Lokanath
o Revenue Management – Lavanya/SaiKiran
 We can find the scenarios sheet from below location

QA process document

 Estimate & release planning’s for

minor/revenue/compensation/partner/automation etc.
 Attending all the scrum meetings and gain latest information.
 Highlight risks on timely manner to respective product owners on
every project.
 For anyone, be a single point of contact for QA.
 Participate in daily reviews & tracking
 Weekly team meetings to discuss on below
i. Appreacite team members
ii. Org latest updates
iii. Process gaps or improvement
iv. Understand resource challanges & mitigation plan
 Time sheet tracking ( find below of sample sheet )
 Metrics
i. Send status reports about all the projects to respective product
owners on weekly basis. ( not sending often, should follow in future)
ii. Automation metrics ( Find below for sample metrics)
iii. Weekly status report to Taheri

 Regression suite should get updated on timely basis , example :
19.3 include Partner, Revenue & Compensation. Once 19.3 moves to
prod, for every future release, regression should include Partner,
Revenue & Compensation tc’s also & automation should be planned.
Note: With this all the team members will get knowledge on all the modules.

 Test management tool and Test link is finalized. Find below details.
QA process document

password: admin1030
myphp: root/admin1030
Remote Desktop
IP :
user : opc
 Share different metrics on quarterly basis like below
i. DRE , Automation & Manual Return of Investment
DRE = Defect Removal Efficiency ( Company keeps his own % like
some 85% & 95% etc)

Example : {[Total No of Defects found by QA] /([Total No of

Defects found by QA]+ [Total No of Prod Defects])} *100
ROI/Cost of Quality { This is applicable for automation &
Manual }
Example : { Total cost of Defects/ Total QA resources Cost }

 For any new design, kindly provide solution to the automation team.
 Review the scripts to check functionality (This can be given to QA
team members also)
 Required Activities
Script Enhancements
Change in functionality/Flow
Change in Objects
Test Data Modifications
Modify the scripts as per Organizational changes
Dev ops integration
Website transforming into Angular technology
New script development
Automating current sprint test cases
Automating next sprint Test cases ( Minor { Billing & ATS -
Web & Mobile }, New Features { Partner , Revenue & Compensation
Automating the newly added test cases in regression suite
Script Reviews by Lead
Code review
Test Coverage Review
Execution Condition Review
Results Review
Share daily/Weekly/Organizational desired metrics
QA process document

 Find below for link automation SOP documents
 Find below for automation scripts
 Find below for automation Test data files

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