Lease Agreement Between Rahul Mishra and

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This Agreement is made and entered at RAIPUR (CG) on this ____ day of MAY 2019
between ___________________residing at 29/826 Shankar Nagar, Near Blue Spot
Nursery, RAIPUR (CG) (hereinafter called the “LESSOR”) of the One part and
_____________________________________, a company registered and represented by
_______________________ S/o Shri ______________________ (hereinafter referred as
“LESSEE”) of the OTHER part.
Whereas the Lessor is seized & possessed of as owner & even otherwise well & sufficiently
entitled to all that premises 2815 sqft plot area situated at ________________(CG) approx
(which premises is hereinafter referred to as the said premises).

Whereas the LICENSEE has approached the Licensor with a request to grant the right to
use the said premises and has agreed to take GROUND FLOOR & FIRST FLOOR as their
office for carrying on their business and whereas the LICENSOR has agreed for the right to
use of leased premises on lease for the period of ___________ months by way of
permissive user of the same upon the terms and conditions hereinafter appearing –

1) In consideration of the said agreement & rent hereby reserved and of the covenants,
agreements & conditions herein contained & on the part of the LESSEE to be paid
observed & performed, The LESSOR hereby grant & demise premise up to the LESSEE
all that premises built at GROUND FLOOR & FIRST FLOOR of L-1, Anupam Nagar,
Raipur (C.G.) comprising of One Hall, Four Rooms, Two Toilet, Two Store and One
Kitchen at Ground Floor & One Hall, One Room, One Pantry and One Toilet with Open
Terrace & Covered Balcony at First Floor, together with all the rights & easements
appurtenant thereto (here in after collectively referred to as “the demised premises”) TO
HAVE & TO HOLD the demised premises for the term/period of ___________________
commencing from __ May 2019 to _____________ on the terms & conditions as are
hereinafter contained yielding and paying.

1. The LESSEE hereby COVENANT with the LESSOR as follows:

i) The monthly rent of Rs /- Rupees .
inclusive of house tax but exclusive of monthly electricity bill. The Rent is
PAYABLE in advance on or before 10 th of each calendar month for the month for
which it is due. The amount to be paid to ________
ii) To pay a sum of Rs. (Rupees ) as Security
Deposit (03 months rent) which shall be paid back immediately at the time when
the said demised premises is vacated by the LESSEE with the condition that there
is no damage to the house and property. The deposit will not carry any interest.
The Lease Agreement will have initial lock in period of 06 months.

iii) The Lease Agreement shall be renewed for a further period of

_________________ on same terms and condition.
iv) The rent shall be increased by 05% over the last rent paid every year.
v) The Lease Agreement will be for a period of _________________ (________
vi) To pay for all charges for electricity consumed / clear the bills raised by the
electricity department in the demised premises by the LESSEE as shall be
registered in the meter provided.
vii) Not to make any structural alterations or additions to the demised premises
without the previous consent in writing of the LESSOR first being obtained.
viii) To use the demised premises for Office purpose. LESSEE shall not carry out any
illegal/unlawful activity from the demised premises or will also not keep any
objectionable/ hazardous items therein. However, in case of such event it will be
sole responsibility of the LESSEE.
ix) Not to assign sublet or otherwise part with possession of the demised premises or
any part thereof or the LESSORS fittings provided therein.
x) Subject to the LESSORS covenants herein contained to keep & maintain properly
the interior (fixtures & furnishings) of the demised premises & the LESSORS
fittings provided therein, fair wear & tear always accepted.
xi) To permit the LESSOR his agents & workmen duly authorized by the LESSOR
during reasonable hours of the day to enter into & upon the demised premises for
viewing the state & condition thereof & for the purposes of carrying out any repair
work arising.
xii) To carry out at their own cost day to day minor repairs & maintenance of the
electrical, water & sanitary fittings provided in the demised premises & also any
major repair of the above fittings caused due to negligence of the occupants.
xiii) Upon the expiration or sooner determination of the lease hereby created to
peaceably & quietly yield up the demised premises to the LESSOR together with
the LESSORS fittings provided therein fair wear & tear damage by fire or act of
God or other irresistible force always accepted.
xiv) That the lease hereby created, shall be determinable & can be terminated at the
option of the LESSOR or LESSEE by giving Three (03) months notice in writing
in advance from either side.
2. The LESSOR hereby covenant with the LESSEE as follows:-
i) The LESSOR has a good right title & power to grant this lease of the demised
premises to the LESSEE.
ii) The LESSEE paying the rent hereby reserved & observing & performing several
covenants, conditions & agreement herein contained shall & may peaceably &
quietly enjoy the demised premises & the lessors fittings provided therein during
the term thereby created without any interruption or disturbance from or by the
iii) To comply at his own cost all requirements & regulations of the municipal & other
lawful authority concerning the demised premises.
3. Provided always that it is hereby mutually agreed & declared by & between the parties
as follows:-
That the LESSEE at the expiration of the term of the lease will hand over the vacant
possession of the leased premises to the LESSOR without any hesitation after
paying the required dues i.e. ground rent & electricity charges. In case the LESSEE
fails to hand over the possession of the leased premises on the terms of the lease,
the LESSOR will be at liberty to take over the possession of the leased premises at
the cost of LESSEE in the court of law.
4. That this Lease Agreement is subject to the jurisdiction of the competent Civil Court at
Raipur (C.G.).
The schedule above referred to all that premises at GROUND FLOOR & FIRST
FLOOR of _________________with Total Construction area of 2323 sqft with all the
rights & easements appurtenant thereto.

In witness whereof the parties have executed these presents on the day, month &
year first above written

Signed on behalf of the LESSOR, ______

Signed on behalf of the LESSEE,


In presence of the witnesses –



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