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Younger Dryas Oscillation, Global Evidence

Chapter · January 2013

DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-53643-3.00016-9


9 112

1 author:

Svante Björck
Lund University


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QUAT 00134

a0005 Evidence for a Global Younger Dryas Oscillation

S Björck, Geobiosphere Science Centre, Lund Younger Dryas, were designated Nordic late-glacial
University, Lund, Sweden chronozones, while the cold period preceding the first
ª 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. late-glacial warming and the Bølling Chronozone
was often referred to as the Oldest Dryas stadial.
Based on a set of Scandinavian 14C records the age
of the Younger Dryas Chronozone was set to

11,000–10,000 14C years before present (BP).
s0005 Introduction However, this Nordic nomenclature was soon to

become of global usage, although the rather detailed
p0005 A thorough review of the global Younger Dryas
climatostratigraphy upon which it was based, was at
oscillation is a difficult task and not possible to com-
that time rarely found outside Europe. The research
pletely cover in this chapter. The approach taken here
history of the late-glacial zones/periods is summar-
is one of many possible approaches to this topic:
ized in Björck, et al. (1998), who also suggested that
namely, a terrestrial geological one. This is, however,

the often inconsistent stratigraphic nomenclature of
adequate since the original identification, naming,
the late-glacial oscillations, including Younger
and documentation of the Younger Dryas event was
carried out by Scandinavian Quaternary terrestrial
geologists and palaeobotanists. In addition, the
Younger Dryas is still probably best manifested by
an often distinct lithologic change in lacustrine
records of western Europe (Figure 1).
p0010 The concept that the late-glacial interval ended
with a distinct cold period originates from palaeobo-
tanical and lithostratigraphic studies of Swedish and
Danish bog and lake sites, such as the Allerød clay pit
in Denmark. The term ‘Dryas’ refers to the occasion-

ally abundant finds of Dryas octopetala (Mountain

Avens) leaves in these often minerogenic-rich lake
sediments. The prefix ‘Younger’ stems from the
insight that the original ‘Dryas’ period was preceded

by a warmer stage (Allerød), which in turn was

underlain by sediments implying at least another
cold period. With the onset of pollen analysis in

1916, the later refining of pollen analytical techni-

ques and a steadily growing number of pollen dia-

grams it was obvious that the Younger Dryas

represented a distinct vegetational setback in large
parts of Europe, and during a time when a general

glacial–interglacial plant succession and immigration

took place. It was generally interpreted as an effect of
a sudden decrease in (annual) temperature, unfavor-
able for the previously rapidly spreading forest vege-

tation. The cooling favored the expansion of cold-

tolerant, light-demanding plants, and led to glacial
advances and a lowering of the equilibrium line alti-
tude (ELA). This is clearly documented in, for exam-
ple, Norway, Sweden, and Finland by the Ra-Middle Figure 1 A section in a peat-bog in Schleswig-Holstein, north- f0005
Swedish endmoraines–Salpausselkä moraine system, ern Germany, dug out by Hartmut Usinger in Kiel. The thick light
by glacier advances in the Alps, and reglaciation in grayish unit is a lacustrine sediment, clay gyttja, formed during the
Younger Dryas oscillation. The dark unit below is an organic-rich
ice-free areas such as the northern British Isles, Faroe
sediment formed during the Blling-Allerd warm period (GS-1), and
Islands, and southern Sweden. the unit above is Holocene gyttja and peat. Note the distinct lower
p0015 When carbon-14 (14C) dating became a general and upper boundaries of Younger Dryas, and for scaling the
dating tool, two of the Dryas periods, the Older and spade in foreground.
QUAT 00134

2 Evidence for a Global Younger Dryas Oscillation

Dryas, should be termed events and be defined by the The Northern Hemisphere Younger Dryas s0010
Greenland Summit ice core stratigraphies. In this new
With the overwhelming evidence of an amphi-North p0030
scheme, the Younger Dryas corresponds to
Atlantic Younger Dryas cooling it became clear that
Greenland Stadial 1 (GS-1), and the original Allerød
it must have had an impact over large regions, per-
warm period is defined as three events: Greenland
haps even a hemispheric or global influence. Its
Interstadial-1c to 1a (GI-1c to GI-1a).
strong impact on North Atlantic trade-wind intensity
p0020 Although the Younger Dryas oscillation had been
and regional precipitation patterns shown in the
a well-known feature among European Quaternary

Cariaco basin of the tropical North Atlantic was a
geologists for almost a century, it was not until it
clear indication of its large influence on Northern
was ‘discovered’ on the North American continent

Hemisphere climate.
that it became a really ‘hot’ research topic. In spite
of reports of complex sediment lithologies in east- Possible Triggering Mechanisms Behind s0015
ern Canada and distinct pollen stratigraphic the Younger Dryas
changes in New England of late-glacial age, pub-
Changes in NADW and thermohaline circulation p0035
lished at least half a century ago, these findings

(THC) were excellent mechanisms for explaining
were not regarded as evidence for climatic oscilla-
the late-glacial climatic oscillations, most clearly dis-
tions. However, in the mid-1980s, researchers
played in north-west European records where the
began to relate these phenomena to a Younger
North Atlantic current has its strongest impact.
Dryas cooling; old sites were reinterpreted in New However, the exceptionally long and severe
England and in eastern Canada, and new sites with Younger Dryas cooling, compared with other late-
a presumed Younger Dryas oscillation were found
(summarized by Wright, 1989). Mainly based on T glacial North Atlantic coolings, led to a special inter-
est in its underlying mechanisms. The idea that a
marine evidence, Ruddiman and McIntyre (1981) sudden fresh-water event triggered the onset of
presented a model for oceanic Polar Front shifts Younger Dryas, such as the diversion of the outlet
during the last deglaciation, in which the Polar of Lake Agassiz from the Gulf of Mexico to an east-
Front is displaced far south (northern Spain) in ern outlet with a more or less catastrophic drainage
the North Atlantic around the same time as when through the St. Lawrence River and a simultaneous

the Younger Dryas cooling in mainland Europe was Baltic Ice Lake drainage into the North Sea, is a
presumed to have occurred. The implication was mechanism that is supported by coupled atmo-
that a large part of the North Atlantic, and thus sphere-ocean modeling. A sudden decrease in salinity
most of the European Atlantic coasts, was shut off in areas where NADW normally occurs would have a

from warm Atlantic waters and that the marine rapid and disturbing effect on the THC. This would
environment north of the front was characterized seriously hamper the northwards meridional heat
by abundant icebergs and sea ice. The lack of advection, and this model of explaining the sudden

Younger Dryas records in North America probably onset and exceptional length of the Younger Dryas
prevented the authors from drawing the position of has been widely acknowledged as the most plausible

the front all the way to the east coast of America. mechanism for the onset of the oscillation. The pro-
The Ruddiman-McIntyre model of Polar Front blem is, however, that it is only based on circumstan-
shifts and Boyle and Keigwin’s (1987) results from tial evidence; unless we can pinpoint the onset of

the Bermuda Rise showing reduced North Atlantic such events to the very same year, the link remains
deep water (NADW) formation during the Younger indirect. Furthermore, the Younger Dryas Lake
Dryas played an important role for increased Agassiz drainage through the Great Lakes has
understanding of the late-glacial climatic shifts, recently been questioned but the last words on this

and perhaps especially of some of the characteris- topic are certainly not written.
tics of and mechanisms behind the Younger Dryas
cooling. Timing of the Younger Dryas s0020

p0025 In the late 1980s the evidence for a circum-North The occurrence of a cold oscillation preceding the p0040
Atlantic Younger Dryas cooling became more widely warm Holocene in all the deep Greenland ice cores,
accepted, and the common late-glacial climatic starting with the Camp Century core, became a
pattern around the North Atlantic was clearly strong support for those who claimed that Younger
manifested by the regional summaries of the Dryas was a significant climatic oscillation. The
North Atlantic Seaboard Programme (NASP) of Greenland Summit ice cores Greenland Ice Sheet
International Geological Correlation Programme Project-2 (GISP-2) and Greenland Icecore Project
(IGCP) project 253 as well as by the NASP synthesis. (GRIP) imply that the Younger Dryas lasted
QUAT 00134

Evidence for a Global Younger Dryas Oscillation 3

1150–1300 years, depending on which ice core is Although the end of the Younger Dryas was prag- p0050
used for the determination and that it started around matically set to 10,000 14C years BP in the Nordic
12,800 ice years BP. Likewise, the age of the end of chronostratigraphy, the majority of age estimates for
the Younger Dryas varies between different the end of the climatic cooling, often based on bulk
Greenland ice cores and their different age models. sediment dates, was usually centered around 10,200
However, the most likely age seems to be 11,600– C years BP. However, with the possibility of AMS
11,650 cal yr BP, and it appears to have been syn- dating of identified macrofossils it gradually became
chronous over large parts of the North Atlantic clear that the Younger Dryas–Preboreal transition

region. around the North Atlantic was characterized by a
p0045 The suggested 14C age of 11,000–10,000 years BP so-called 14C plateau, i.e., a long period when 14C

for the Younger Dryas Chronozone also meant that ages are roughly the same resulting in declining D14C
this 14C age usually was assigned to the climatic values. The new calibration curve, and with the end
oscillation. However, with the advent of 14C accel- of Younger Dryas at 11,650–11,600 cal years BP,
erator mass spectrometry (AMS) dating during the shows that the last 200 years of Younger Dryas are
early 1980s it became possible to 14C date very small characterized by a gradual decline in 14C ages from

quantities (a few milligrams) of well-defined terres- 10,200 to 10,050 14C years BP (Figure 2). At the
trial organic material (e.g., leaves and seeds) formed transition a 200–250 year long 14C plateau starts
in direct contact with atmospheric carbon dioxide. with 14C ages varying between 10,050 and 10,000
Previously the normal type of dated material con- 14
C years BP; thus a 14C age of 10,000–10,050 for
sisted of bulk sediment material, prone to different the end of Younger Dryas is presently the best esti-
dating problems such as hard-water errors and
reworked organic material. With the increasing num-
ber of geologically ‘more reliable’ AMS 14C measure-
T mate. The boundary now seems to coincide approxi-
mately with the onset of a 14C plateau, implying an
increased global ocean ventilation rate; that is if car-
ments it became clear that atmospheric 14C
bon cycle changes and not 14C production are
variations were considerable during the millennia
responsible for this decrease in D14C.
preceding the Holocene. In combination with the
idea that the late-glacial oscillations were triggered

by a varying strength of the North Atlantic THC, and

thus by changes in ocean ventilation, these 14C varia-
tions were often interpreted as responses within the
carbon cycle of atmosphere–ocean exchange pro-
cesses. For example, during the early 1990s an

increasing number of high-resolution 14C dates

Radiocarbon years BP

around the Allerød–Younger Dryas boundary began


to indicate that this often distinct palaeoclimatic 10000

change was difficult to 14C date in detail; depending
on which side of the boundary the 14C samples origi-

nated from, ages could vary between 11,000 and

10,600 14C years BP. Studies also showed that a 9600
C age of 11,000 years BP clearly pre-dates the

boundary, and that the first (oldest) Younger Dryas

C samples often obtain ages of 10,700–10,600 14C
years BP. In fact, this very rapid age shift, which we
12400 12000 11600 11200
today know is a robust feature, could be used to

Calender years BP
answer different questions and hypotheses about
Younger Dryas. Was this distinct rise in atmospheric Figure 2 Part of the radiocarbon calibration data set IntCal04, f0010
14 based on radiocarbon-dated tree-rings from German pines,
C content (D14C values) an effect of a severe dis-
between 10,500 and 9500 14C years BP. Each thin vertical line
turbance in the North Atlantic THC resulting in on the curve shows a 14C age of a dated tree-ring, and the length
decreased (25–50%) ventilation between the ocean of the line is the 14C dating error (1). The calibration curve is
and the atmosphere? If this was the case it could, for compared to a set of 20 14C dates on terrestrial macrofossils from
example, imply that the onset of Younger Dryas was sediments in three south Swedish lakes. The blue dates come
from sediments formed just or slightly before the Younger Dryas–
characterized by a rapid spread of sea ice. In addi-
Holocene boundary, and the red dates are from sediments of very
tion, the large 14C changes at this boundary are an early Holocene age. The vertical lines display the radiocarbon
excellent time marker for evaluating if the event is error (1) and the horizontal lines show the calibration error
hemispherically and/or globally synchronous. (1). The dashed lines mark the 10,050–10,000 14C year plateau.
QUAT 00134

4 Evidence for a Global Younger Dryas Oscillation

p0055 We can conclude that the Younger Dryas cool Greenland Summit ice cores. Uranium–Thorium (U–
event is bordered by distinct changes in the atmo- Th) ages from Tangshan Cave in east China constrain
spheric 14C content. By comparisons with the beryl- the Younger Dryas fairly well (12,500–11,540 years
lium-10 (10Be) record from ice cores, it shows that BP), but indicate that the onset and end of the
the main part of these changes cannot be ascribed to Younger Dryas dry event in East Asia may have
production changes, but must be related to variations been delayed in relation to the North Atlantic.
within the carbon cycle. Because of the large and There are, however, other less well-dated records in
sudden changes, it is very likely that the largest car- the desert-loess boundary area of northern China

bon reservoir—the ocean—was a key player for these implying more oscillating Younger Dryas conditions
variations. This is an additional indication that the with tropical–polar interconnections. At Lake

Younger Dryas cooling was triggered by THC Suigetsu in Japan, the Last Termination in East Asia
changes and a varying strength of NADW. has probably been studied in the most detail. Its
annually laminated sediments have been 14C dated
s0025 Younger Dryas Records Outside the and pollen analyzed, and its pollen record has been
Amphi-North Atlantic Region quantified in terms of mean annual temperature. The

reconstruction shows a temperature decline of 2–4 C
p0060 In considering evidence for a Northern Hemisphere between 12,300 and 11,250 years BP, based on the
Younger Dryas oscillation it is necessary to focus on varve chronology, which implies a substantial delay
the huge North Pacific region. Several studies in this at the onset and end of the Younger Dryas in relation
region have shown that climate variability during the to the North Atlantic.
last ice age cycle seems to have been very similar to The atmospheric 14C signal is a global signal, with p0065
that reconstructed from terrestrial, ice core, and mar-
ine records in the circum-North Atlantic region.
T a few decades of lag for the Southern Hemisphere. It
is therefore of interest to compare the set of 14C dates
These studies constitute marine and lacustrine sedi- at the onset and end of the Younger Dryas in Lake
ments, speleothems, and loess profiles, ranging from Suigetsu with corresponding 14C dates in the North
the west coast of North America/Central America to Atlantic region. As noted above, the very onset of the
Japan and up onto the Chinese loess plateau. Younger Dryas is dated to 10,700–10,600 14C years
Although the chronologies for some of these records

BP on terrestrial macrofossils and tree rings in

have often been too poor for direct correlations to the Europe, after a shift from c. 11,000 14C years BP in
often better dated North Atlantic records, the cli- less than 50 cal years. The same shift is seen in the
matic pattern seems very similar. It has, therefore, Lake Suigetsu 14C record, but it predates Lake
often been stated that a direct link exists between Suigetsu’s Younger Dryas by a few hundred years.

North Atlantic and North Pacific climates on millen- The Chinese and Japanese data, therefore, confirm
nial time scales. In fact, a Younger Dryas-like event each other: the Younger Dryas dry and cold event in
seems to be the last of these glacial suborbital climate

East Asia lags the North Atlantic Younger Dryas

oscillations in the North Pacific region, but the exact cooling with at least 200–300 years. It is probable
timing has usually not been possible to determine. that the reason behind this may lie in the often sug-

Although not very well dated, one of the first indica- gested ‘winter dominance’ of the Younger Dryas cli-
tions of a Younger Dryas event in the north-eastern mate, creatively evaluated and reviewed by Denton,
Pacific region came from a lacustrine study in south- et al. (2005). Studies show that late-lasting Eurasian

eastern Alaska, showing a pine parkland being snow cover will hamper the following summer mon-
replaced by tundra. However, the climatic ‘signature’ soon by cooling down the land mass, decreasing the
of this event is often very different on both sides of monsoon driving temperature gradient between the
the North Pacific. While the Santa Barbara basin sea and the continent. The several hundred year-long

sediments became bioturbated as an effect of locally transition into Younger Dryas, in Chinese and
increased ventilation, the Japan Sea records show a Japanese records, could imply that the Younger
change to laminated sediments, possibly caused by Dryas cold winter conditions in the North Atlantic
increased sea ice cover/anoxic conditions. The region spread eastwards on the Eurasian continent
Chinese speleothems and loess profiles suggest an resulting in gradually longer and cooler winters,
oscillating strength of the East Asian monsoon sys- increasing the intensity of the winter monsoon and
tem during the Last Termination, with a weakening gradually weakening the summer monsoon.
of the Younger Dryas summer monsoon, explaining Similarly, if we compare the 14C ages at the end of p0070
the more arid conditions during this time, and a the Younger Dryas in Lake Suigetsu with the 14C ages
strengthening of the winter monsoon with increased of the Younger Dryas–Preboreal transition around
dust load from central Asia. The latter is seen in the the North Atlantic and around 11,600 cal years BP
QUAT 00134

Evidence for a Global Younger Dryas Oscillation 5

in the calibration data set, we can try to evaluate lags of the Younger Dryas on the Northern Hemisphere
between the records. In European detailed 14C climate ought to have been propagated, in one way or
records, for example (Björck, et al., 1996), Late another, into some of the driving mechanisms for the
Younger Dryas 14C ages are greater than 10,000 Southern Hemisphere climate system.
years BP and rather around 10,100 cal years BP, South America is probably the continent where p0090
while the early Preboreal 14C ages are usually not discussions about the presence or absence of a
older than 10,100 years BP (including 1), but rather Younger Dryas cold event have been most lively.
around 10,000 years BP (Figure 2), a pattern which Most of these conflicting glacial, palynological, and

can be seen in the calibration data set before and after palaeoentomological records are from Chile and
11,600 cal year BP. Because of the fairly large spread Argentina, but several records also exist from more

of the Lake Suigetsu 14C dates at this time period a northerly areas such as the central Andes and in the
similar distinct pattern is hard to detect. However, it Amazon Basin. Palaeoclimatic interpretations of
is impossible to shift the 14C dates of the transition in these data sets and the chronology of the records
Lake Suigetsu to more than 100–200 varve years seem to have been the two main obstacles for finding
older ages, and therefore the notion of a delay of a common Younger Dryas signal. The hitherto best

the Holocene warming in Japan, and perhaps also dated series of South American cooling events come
in other parts of East Asia, seems very likely. The from two sites at 41 S in Chile and Argentina dated
scenario may be the same as for the delayed onset of to c. 11,500–10,200 14C years BP (c. 13,400–12,000
the Younger Dryas; the Eurasian continent was gra- cal years BP). This implies that any South American
dually warmed from the west and the propagation of equivalent to the Younger Dryas overlapped half of
the European Allerød warm period and half of the
the marine warming from the North Atlantic into the
Pacific Ocean took a few centuries.
The presence of a Younger Dryas-like oscillation in
T Younger Dryas cooling. It should, however, also be
remembered that the data sets analyzed and dis-
the circum-North Atlantic and circum-North Pacific cussed, were formed during a climatically very
regions would imply that it also occurs in the region dynamic time period. Large differences should, there-
in between: North Africa and the Arabian Sea/north- fore, be expected between the Amazon Basin at the
ern Indian Ocean. Independent data sets show that Equator and Tierra del Fuego in the south, the

northern-equatorial Africa was dominated by arid Atlantic coast in the east, and the high Andes in the
conditions during the time of the Younger Dryas: west. The debate was also fueled by reports of well-
lake levels fell in the west and east, and mountain dated so-called Younger Dryas glacial advances in
forests were reduced. These mostly arid conditions New Zealand with mean 14C ages of 11,000 14C
may have been related to decreased intensity of the years BP. In light of the already then existing knowl-

summer monsoon, which is supported by evidence of edge that such ages pre-date the North Atlantic
decreased summer upwelling along the Oman and Younger Dryas cooling, it would have been more

Pakistan coasts during the Younger Dryas; summer appropriate to regard these dates as evidence for
upwelling strength is closely linked to the regional ‘Allerød glacial advances in the Southern
Hemisphere’. Time is also needed to build up glacier

summer monsoon.
p0080 It is clear that the partial reorganization of the ice and form the moraines. The concept of pre-
climate system during the Younger Dryas had a fairly Younger Dryas glacial advances in New Zealand is
now generally accepted, and detailed dating of a

substantial impact on the Northern Hemisphere cli-

mate, especially the winter conditions; both the climate reversal in Kaipo bog, with an age of
atmospheric and marine circulation pattern changed, 13,600–12,600 cal years BP, shows that this cooling
North Atlantic sea ice extended considerably, the most likely triggered any glacial advances.
albedo increased, monsoon intensity decreased, and Since the 1980s there have been indications that p0095

atmospheric aerosols became more abundant, possi- Antarctic ice cores show a cold spell, the Antarctic
bly most so in winter. cold reversal (ACR), before the onset of the
Holocene. However, the exact timing of this event
has been uncertain due to difficulties with obtaining
s0030 Is there Evidence for a Younger Dryas sufficiently detailed chronologies for Antarctic ice
cores. It was regarded by many as a strong indication
Oscillation in the Southern Hemisphere?
for an Antarctic Younger Dryas, and as such also a
p0085 Although the Younger Dryas was most likely trig- Southern Hemisphere one. However, when very
gered by changes in the North Atlantic, it would be detailed methane (CH4) measurements of GRIP and
surprising if this event was not felt by the climate the Antarctic Vostok and Byrd ice cores were pro-
system of the Southern Hemisphere; the large impact duced, it became obvious that Antarctic and
QUAT 00134

6 Evidence for a Global Younger Dryas Oscillation

Greenland climatic changes are asynchronous, espe- time differences may partly be explained by problems
cially during glacial times. With respect to the com- in the various ice chronologies. It is also possible that
parison between the ACR and the Younger Dryas, different regions of Antarctica responded in different
the CH4 correlations have shown that the ACR began ways to the deglacial warming of the Last
around 13,800 ice years BP and ended at c. 12,200 Termination. Most of the currently available data
ice years BP in the Vostok ice core. Furthermore, the do, however, imply that the ACR began more than
postACR rise in temperature occurred over c. 600 1000 years before the onset of the Younger Dryas in
years. This implies that the ACR started c. 1000 the north, but not in direct ‘antiphase’ with the

years before the Younger Dryas started in the Bølling-Allerød (GI-1) warming in the north. They
Northern Hemisphere, i.e., at the beginning of the also imply that the start of the Holocene warming in

Allerød warming (GI-1c), and ended in the middle of most Antarctic ice cores leads the warming in the
the Younger Dryas (Figure 3). In fact, this type of north with by least 500 years.
climatic development seems consistent with many The findings that warmings during glacial time in p0100
other observations in the Southern Hemisphere, Antarctic ice cores roughly coincide with cold peri-
such as the New Zealand climatic reversal/glacial ods over the Greenland Summit, and vice versa,

advances, marine cores in the South Atlantic and resulted in the hypothesis of a bipolar seesaw climate
Indian Ocean, and records south of the equator on pattern. To what degree the Younger Dryas and the
the Atlantic side of Africa. However, the Antarctic ACR are part of this is difficult to judge, at least as
ice cores do not give us a completely consistent pic- long as the chronologies are incomplete. Even before
ture; the isotope stratigraphy of the Last Termination this hypothesis was formulated, climate models had
from the Taylor Dome ice core is more similar to the
Greenland ice cores than are the other Antarctic
T shown that a breakdown of the THC in the North
Atlantic would result in a warming of the Southern
cores. A warming peak is reached at c. 14,000 ice Ocean. Later models differed on how much such a
years BP, which seems to be a normal feature in warming would spread in the Southern Hemisphere:
Antarctic ice cores, followed by a gradual cooling to the entire hemisphere or only to the South Atlantic
with minimum values at 12,900–12,300 ice years and southern Indian Ocean? Based on today’s knowl-
BP, which chronologically corresponds to the first edge it is, however, tempting to conclude that (par-

part of the Younger Dryas. At c. 11,500 ice years tial) breakdown of THC and NADW in the North
BP a sudden Holocene warming occurred, which is in Atlantic, as a result of sudden fresh-water discharges,
contrast to the long transition seen in the Vostok ice resulted in a more or less extensive warming during
core. It should, however, be pointed out that these Younger Dryas time in the Southern Hemisphere. In

10000 10000

11000 11000

12000 Younger 12000

13000 ACR 13000
SE Ice years BP

14000 14000

15000 15000

16000 16000

17000 17000

18000 18000

19000 19000

20000 20000
–40 –36 –32 –8 –4 0
GRIP oxygen isotope ratios Vostok relative temperature

f0015 Figure 3 The GRIP oxygen isotope data displaying temperature shifts over the Greenland Summit compared with the relative
temperature record from the Vostok station in Antarctica, between 20,000 and 10,000 ice years BP. Ice years are approximately the
same as calendar years. The positions of the Younger Dryas and the ACR are indicated. Note that the timescale of the GRIP data around
Younger Dryas time is about 100 years too young when compared with the latest, but still unpublished chronology from the NorthGRIP core.
QUAT 00134

Evidence for a Global Younger Dryas Oscillation 7

fact, it is also likely that large parts of the Southern Abbreviations

Hemisphere experienced a cold period (ACR) before
ACR Antarctic cold reversal
its entry into the Holocene warming, but clearly
AMS accelerator mass spectrometry
before the Northern Hemisphere Younger Dryas.
BP before present
ELA equilibrium line altitude
s0035 Conclusions GISP Greenland Ice Sheet Project-2
GRIP Greenland Icecore Project
p0105 We can conclude that the present interglacial, the

GS-1 Greenland Stadial 1
Holocene, was preceded by a distinct cool/dry event
IGCP International Geological Correlation
in the Northern Hemisphere, generally designated

the Younger Dryas cooling or the GS-1 event in the Programme
Mwp-1A melt-water peak-1A
Greenland ice cores and dated to c. 12,800–11,600
NADW North Atlantic deep water
cal years BP, and manifested by a winter dominated
NASP North Atlantic Seaboard Programme
climatic signature. In East Asia, there is good evi-
THC thermohaline circulation
dence that the onset and end of the event was slightly

delayed in relation to its North Atlantic counterpart.
It is likely that the event was triggered by rapid melt-
water outbursts into the North Atlantic from the
Laurentide and Fennoscandian ice sheets. References
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clear evidence of a pre-Holocene cooling event. The from central Greenland. Quaternary Science Reviews 19,
timing and character of this event are, however, less
clear. Most data indicate that it began 500–1000
T 213–226.
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group. Journal of Quaternary Science 13, 283–292.
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8 Evidence for a Global Younger Dryas Oscillation

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QUAT 00134

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Author’s Contact Information

S Björck
Geobiosphere Science Centre

Lund University


Abstract: The research history of the Younger Dryas oscillation is briefly described. Different
Younger Dryas archives are presented, and the methods by which the event is dated are discussed.

Possible mechanisms behind the oscillation, its presence in northern and southern Hemisphere
records, and its possible role within a bipolar seesaw climatic pattern are discussed.

Keywords: Bipolar seesaw, glacial melt-water, ice cores, lacustrine sediments, Late-Glacial, marine
sediments, moraines, North Atlantic, Palaeoclimate, radiocarbon dating, speloethems, loess,
thermohaline circulation, Younger Dryas

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