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Journal of Analytical Toxicology, Vol.

19, July/August 1995

Toxicologyof 2,4-DichlorophenoxyaceticAcid (2,4-D)

and Its Determination in Serum and Brain TissueUsing
Gas Chromatography-Electron-CaptureDetection
G.H. Oliveira 1 and J. Palermo-Neto 2
1Departmentof Natural Active Principles, School of PharmaceuticalSciencesUNESP,Araraquara, SP,and 2Applied Pharma-
cology and ToxicologyLaboratory,Schoolof VeterinaryMedicine, University of S~o Paulo, Av. Corifeu de AzevedoMarques,
2720, CEP05340-901, S~o Paulo, SP, Brazil

[ Abstract ] and symptoms of 2,4-D intoxication are related to behavioral or

motor dysfunctions or both (7,8,9), the presence of the herbi-
A gas-liquid chromatographic method with an electron-capture cide within the central nervous system (CNS)was also studied.
detector was applied for 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)
determination in the serum and brain tissue of rats acutely
intoxicated with the dimethylamine salt of 2,4-D. After extraction
with ethyl ether, 2,4-D derivatization was performed using 2- Materials and Methods
chloroethanol and BCI3. The average recovery values found for
serum and brain tissue were 98.5 • 4.8 and 93.3 • 7.5, Chemicals
respectively. The sensitivity limit of the method was 250 ng/mL for Standards for 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T (99.9% purity) were supplied
serum and 300 ng/g for brain tissue. The toxic effects of 2,4-D in by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
rats were observed within one-half hour after its oral The commercial herbicide U 46 D Fluid, 2,4-D dimethylamine
administration. Results suggest that the toxic mechanism of 2,4-D
(dimethylamine2,4-D salt) was purchased from BASFdo Brazil
is related to an action on the central nervous system.
S/A. A 1M boron trichloride solution in hexane (Sigma) and
ethyl ether (Merck) were also employed, as well as other sol-
vents and chemicals of analytical or chromatographic grade.
Introduction Apparatus
We used a model 370 GC gas chromatograph equipped with
The widespreaduse of pesticides in agriculture in an attempt an electron-capture 3H detector and a coiled borosilicate glass
to increase crop production has been generating a series of column (6 ft x 1/8-in.o.d.) packed with 1.5% OV-17and 1.95%
toxicological and environmental problems. The use of herbi- QF-1 on 80-100 mesh, acid-washed chromosorb WHP. Quan-
cides has increased in the last few years (1), replacing both titations were performed using a Hewlett-Packard model 3396
mechanical weeding in agriculture and weed control along series I! integrator interfaced with the gas chromatograph.
railroad borders (2,3). Chlorinated phenoxy acid derivatives The injector, column, and detector temperatures were 220,
(esters and amines) are among the most common and most 210, and 255~ respectively.Nitrogen (high purity) was used
widely used herbicides for these purposes. 2,4-Dichloro- as the carrier gas at a flow rate of 56.8 mL/min.
phenoxyaceticacid (2,4-D) is one of them and has been used to
defoliatejungle areas in South Vietnam as a component of the Solutions
"Orange Agent" (2,4). In Brazil, a lethal accident with this Standard stocks of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T solutions (1000 pg/mL)
herbicide involving both animals and people in Tucurui, were prepared in acetone and kept frozen at -20~ A 2%
Amazon, was reported (5). potassium bicarbonate solution was prepared in twice-distilled
Despite these occurrences, only a limited number of studies water and was washed with hexane before use.
have been specificallydesigned to measure 2,4-D absorption
and distribution inside humans and other animals after non- Derivatization
lethal poisoning. Some of these studies used radioactive-labeled The standard solutions prepared in acetone and containing
carbon (6), which makes analytical studies difficult for many 2,4-D (50, 100, 250, 500, and 1000 ng/mL) were made by serial
laboratories. The objective of the present study is to describe a dilutions of the 2,4-D stock solution. 2,4,5-T (250 ng) was
method to quantitate 2,4-D in the serum of rats acutely intox- added as internal standard (IS) to each milliliter of these stan-
icated with nonlethal oral doses of 2,4-D. Because some signs dard solutions. One milliliter was transferred from each stan-

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Journal of Analytical Toxicology, Vol. 19, July/August 1995

dard solution to a stoppered reaction tube (15 mL) and evapo- Brazil; these guidelines were based on those reported and used
rated to dryness on a water bath (40-42~ under a gentle by the National Research Council (United States).
nitrogen flow. Next, 50 IJL 2-chloroethanol and 100 ]JL BCI3 To study the absorbance rate of 2,4-D and the rate at which
reagent were added to the stoppered tube, the contents were it crossed over into the brain, we randomly divided the rats into
thoroughly mixed, and the mixture was allowed to react four groups of five animals each that received a single oral dose
overnight at 60~ Ethyl ether (3 mL) was then added to the of dimethylamine 2,4-D (200 mg/kg). Within each group, the
mixture, and the extract was washed twice, first with a animals were killed 1, 2, 3, or 4 h later, respectively, for blood
KHCOg-water solution (3 mL) and then with water (3 mL). The and brain collection.
aqueous layer was discarded using a disposable pipette, and the To analyze the effects of different 2,4-D doses, we randomly
remaining ethyl ether extract was dried over anhydrous Na2SO4 and equally divided the rats into four groups of five animals
in a bath (32-33~ under a mild nitrogen flow. The residue each that received a single oral treatment with dimethylamine
was dissolved in 1 mL hexane, and 11JL of the solution was in- 2,4-D (10, 60, 100, and 200 mg/kg, respectively). Three hours
jected into the chromatograph. after treatment, all animals were killed, and their brains and
serums were collected for chemical analyses. Some other rats
Blood and brain samples were treated with distilled water only (2 mL/kg), and their
Rats were killed by decapitation, and blood was collected in a brains and serums were used as controls.
glass centrifuge tube at room temperature. Just after collection,
blood was allowed to clot in a refrigerator (5~ and then was
centrifuged (1000 x g); the serum was then removed and stored
for further use. Simultaneously, the brains of the animals were Results
removed, washed in a cold 0.9% NaCl-water solution, dried on
filter paper, frozen with solid CO2, and stored at -20~ Figure I shows the calibration curve of 2,4-D 2-chloroethyl
ester, using 2,4,5-T as IS. Linearity was obtained in the
Recovery 50-1000 pg/l~L range; the equation calculated for the curve was
Brain tissue was homogenized for 8-10 s in 5N HCI (4 mL) y = 0.512385x - 0.046134.
with the help of a model TE 099 Tecnal homogenizer. The The electron-capture detection (ECD) chromatograms
serum was acidified to a pH of less than 2.0 using 0.5N HCI. obtained for controls of serum and brain tissue and for 2,4-D
Each stoppered tube containing homogenized brain (1 g) (0.5 IJg/mL) are illustrated in Figure 2. As mentioned earlier,
was enriched with 0.5, 1.0, 5.0, or 10.0 IJg 2,4-D plus 1.0 IJg 2,4,5-T was used as IS at concentrations of 5.01Jg/mL and 1.0
2,4,5-T as IS. The serum (1.0 mL) was also enriched with 0.5, lJg/g for serum and brain tissue, respectively. The recoveries
2.5, 5.0, 10.0, or 50.0 ~g 2,4-D plus 5.0 IJg 2,4,5-T as IS. After observed were as expected, with respective retention times of
the addition of ethyl ether (5 mL), each tube was shaken vig- 3.30 and 5.38 rain for 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T.
orously for 1 rain and then centrifuged (1000 xg) for 3 rain; Absolute values of 2,4-D recoveries are presented in Table I
after centrifugation, the supernatant was transferred and the for serum and brain tissue. The mean absolute recovery values
extraction procedure was repeated. Combinations of both 5-mL for enriched samples of serum and brain tissue were 67.1 _+3.3
extracts were concentrated to 3-4 mL, and IN NaOH (3-5 and 55.7 _+3.6, respectively; the coefficients of variation (CVs)
drops) was added to each tube until a pH of greater than 10 was observed were 4.9% for serum and 6.3% for brain tissue. Rel-
reached. Then, a 20% NaCl-water solution (5 mL) was added ative recovery values are presented in Table II for serum and
to the tubes, which were shaken vigorously for 30 s and cen- brain tissue. Thus, the mean relative recoveries obtained for
trifuged for 3 rain (1000 x g). After discarding the ethyl ether enriched samples of serum and brain tissue were 98.5% + 4.8
layer, 1N HC1 (4-6 drops) was added in order to achieve a pH of
less than 2; ethyl ether (5 mL) was then added, and the tubes 500-
were again vigorously shaken for 1 rain and centrifuged for 3
rain (1000 xg). Finally, using a disposable pipette, the aqueous 400.
phase was discarded, and the organic layer was dried over
anhydrous Na2SO4. The ethyl ether extract was evaporated to
residue in a water bath (32-33~ with the help of a mild
nitrogen flow. The residue was then ready for derivatization.

Experimental intoxication
Adult male Wistar rats (195-280 g) of the same strain were IOO-
used. Water and food were provided ad libitum to the animals,
which were housed in a temperature-controlled room O 9 - , 9
50 100 250 500 1000
(21-23~ Food was withdrawn 12 h before experimental
2,4- D-ester (pgl
2,4-D oral intoxication. The animals used in this investigation
were maintained in accordance with the guidelines of the Com- Figure 1.2,4-D calibration curve drawn using 2,4,5-T as internal standard.
mittee on Care and Use of Laboratory Animal Resources, Each point represents the mean of five determinations. AS, sample area;
School of Veterinary Medicine of the University of S~o Paulo, AIS, internal standard area.

Journal o f Analytical Toxicology, Vol. 19, July/August 1995

and 93.3% • 7.5, respectively. The CV values were 4.8% for it is known that 2-chloroethanol increases ECD sensitivity to
serum and 8.0% for brain tissue. esters. The linear equation obtained for the standard curve
Table III shows 2,4-D absorption and its crossing into the validates this method.
CNS after a single oral dose (200 mg/kg). A direct relationship Using 2,4-D concentrations ranging from 1.0 to 100.0 pg/L,
could be seen between 2,4-D levelsof serum and brain tissue 1, Mierwa and Witek (14) obtained 92.1% recovery and Lee et al.
2, 3, and 4 h after administration. Table IV displays the ab- (15) obtained 73.4-94.9% recoveries.These values were higher
sorption of 2,4-D and its crossing into the CNS calculated 3 h than those reported here. However, those results were ob-
after oral administration of different doses. 2,4-D was detected tained from water samples. Working with biological materials,
both in serum and brain tissue after treatment with these such as serum, and after a very difficult extraction, Earne (11)
single doses.Thus, 2,4-D serum and brain levels each depended obtained recoveries of 79% • 4.2 with a CV of 5.3% and a
on dose and time elapsed after treatment. detection limit of 0.3 parts per million (ppm) or 1 pg/3 g of
sample. In this way, 2,4-D detection limits of 0.02 ppm,
] IJg/mL, and 0.05 rng/L in enriched samples of plant tissue,
serum, and urine, respectively, have already been reported
Discussion (16-18). In the present study, 2,4-D absolute recoveries from
serum and brain tissue were 67.1% • 3.3 and 55.7% • 3.6,
Despite the fact that some analytical methods use chloro- respectively; the sensitivity limit found was 250 ng/mL for
form (10) or benzene (11) for 2,4-D extraction, ethyl ether serum and 300 ng/g for brain. Thus, the recoveries detected
proved to be the most effective solvent (12). In the present ex-
periment, ethyl ether was used not only for that reason but also
for its fast evaporation and minimal toxicity for people in the Table I. Absolute 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid
laboratory.We also used a 50-pL quantity of 2-chloroethanol in (2,4-D) Recovery Values in Enriched Samples of Serum
and Brain Tissue
this study, which permitted us to completely derivatize at least
1000 IJg 2,4-D; however,2-chloroethanol should not be used in 2,4-D
excess or impurities may occur. According to Agemian and addition
Chau (13), the BCI3 method is the most sensitive one for to enrich 2,4-D pV Area
samples' injedion observed %Recovery
2,4-D determination and is the best choice for environmental
studies of water contamination. Figure 1 shows that the BC13 (pg) (pg) expected serum brain serum brain
reaction provides good results for biological materials too, at 0.5 100 2224 1536 1089 69.1 59.8
least up to a detection limit of 50 ng. Furthermore, BCI3 in 1.0 100 2224 - 1031 57.6
hexane solution was also preferred because it allows the use of 2.5 100 2224 1512 - 68.0
2-chloroethanol instead of methanol. This is relevant because 5.0 100 2224 1499 918 67.4 52.9
10.0 500 8945 6244 4694 69.8 52.5
50.0 1000 17,347 10,651 - 61.4
E F. E
* 2,4,5-T (I.0 and 5.0 pg) was used as internal standard in each brain or serum
tube, respectively.

Table II. Relative 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid
I.,. (2,4-D) Recovery Values for Serum and Brain Tissue*
ql. 2,4-D Mean 2,4-D recoveryt
I- (pg/g or serum brain
pg/mL) SD* CVS SD CV
o ?,,,-
0.5 101.5 _+8.42 8.02 93.8 _+3.11 3.32
.=. 9
1.0 - - 88.2 + 11.10 12.58
2.5 91.6 _+3.47 3.79
Z i'
5.0 100.2 _ 1.51 1.51 87.4 + 5.02 5.74
10.0 99.0 + 2.95 2.98 103.8 + 4.45 4.29
50.0 100.0+4.12 4.12

A B 1: 0 Mean 98.5 + 4.82 4.86 93.3 _+7.55 8.09

Figure 2. Typical electron-capture detection gas chromatogram of 2,4-D
* Relative to 1.0 or 5.0 pg 2,4,5-T used as internal standard for brain or serum,
and 2,4,5-T2-chloroethanol esters.(A) Control serum, (B) 2,4-D recovery
from serum(0.5 pg/mLserum plus 5.0 pg internal standard), (C) control i. Data are the mean of three determinations.
brain, and (D) 2,4-D recovery from brain (0.5 pg/g brain plus 1.0 pg in- SD = Standard deviation.
w CV = Coefficient of variation.
ternal standard).

Journal of Analytical Toxicology, Vol. 19, July/August 1995

here were not as high as those reported in the literature. How- the herbicide.Afteradministration of these nonlethal doses, the
ever, we emphasize that the extraction method employed was herbicide reached the CNS, and concentrations found in brain
precise, as clearly demonstrated by the CVvalues of 4.9 and 6.3 tissue increased in accordance with the doses used to intoxicate
for serum and brain, respectively. Furthermore, the relative the rats. The percentage of 2,4-D that reached the CNS in
recoveries of 2,4-D were 99.16% _+4.82 and 93.3% _+7.55 for relation to that detected in the serum varied from 1.6% for the
serum and brain. Because no peaks were detected in the con- lower herbicide dose (10 mg/kg) to 5.6% for the highest one
trol samples (Figure 2), the relative recovery values were used (200 mg/kg). Serum 2,4-D concentrations detected 1 h after
to correct the real 2,4-D values for the remaining samples. oral administration (200 mg/kg)were 478.8 1Jg/mL;this value
The LD50of oral 2,4-D in rats is 945 mg/kg (9). Within one- was very close to those reported by Osterloh et al. (18) and Park
half hour of acute administration of dimethylamine 2,4-D, the et al. (22) in patients severely intoxicated with lethal over-
animals started to show signs and symptoms of CNS depres- doses of 2,4-D (540.9 and 400 IJg/mL, respectively). In the
sion, and 1 h after intoxication they exhibited tachypnea and latter report, as well as in many others, 2,4,5-T was used as IS.
ataxia, as well as a motor function impairment more noticeable As illustrated in Figure 2, this choice seems appropriate; in-
in the hind limbs. deed, under the present experimental conditions, 2,4-D and
The peak effect of 2,4-D oral intoxication in rats occurred 2,4,5-T peaks were not only separate but also quite distinct.
between 2 and 4 h after administration. According to However, although 2,4,5-T is a reasonable choice for IS,
Papenheimer et al. (19) and Kim et al. (8), 2,4-D reaches the caution should be taken with its use, as coexposure to this
CNS through an organic anion transportation system. substance is also possible in environmental field experiments.
Accordingto Desi and Sos (20) and Elo and Ylitalo (7), signs of The herbicide was observed in blood and brain 1 h after its
depressive CNS states in animals severely poisoned with 2,4-D oral administration, and 2,4-D concentrations in those com-
were a consequence of a partial break of the blood-brain barrier partments increased within 1-4 h after intoxication. These
and subsequent herbicide accumulation within the brain. results suggest, first, that the crossing of 2,4-D from serum to
Mattesson et al. (21) stated that only higher 2,4-D doses the brain is slow and, second, that 2,4-D can reach the CNS at
(greater than 150 mg/kg) could injure the blood-brain barrier. doses not as high as those reported by Mattesson et al. (21). The
In the present experiment, the 2,4-D doses used to intoxicate exact mechanism by which 2,4-D reaches the brain cannot be
the animals were at least 4 times lower than the LD50found for explained by the present data. We have previouslyreported (9)
that 2,4-D at doses similar to those used in the present exper-
iment modifiednot only the open-fieldbehavior of rats but also
Table III. 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid (2,4-D) the functional activity of 5-HT within the CNS.
Concentrations from Rat Serum and Brain Tissue Taken Taken together, the present data suggest that the method
at Different Times* used in this experiment to determine 2,4-D in biological
samples from rats orally and acutely intoxicated with this
Time after 2,4-D concentrationt
herbicide is efficient. In fact, the smaller dose (10 mg/kg),
administration serum brain which is almost the LDsJ100 and which did not induce any
(h) (pg/mL) (pg/g) noteworthy toxic effect, resulted in 2,4-D concentrations of
1 478.8 +_31 .l 22.5 _+3.6 approximately 143 1Jg/mL and 2.3 IJg/g in serum and brain
2 499.0 _+34.1 25.6 _+3.9 tissue, respectively.
3 514~6 +_53.9 28.7 + 2.3
4 596.9 _+55.6 36.9 + 1.0

* 200 mg/kg oral dose administered. References

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