Net Attendance Rate Final For Website

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Education: Primary net attendance rate - Percentage

Prepared by the Data and Analytics Section; Division of Data, Research and Policy, UNICEF

Last update: December 2017

Cod Countries Total Male Female Urban Rural
AFG Afghanistan 64 73 53 80 59
ALB Albania 92 x 92 x 93 x 93 x 92 x
DZA Algeria 98 98 97 98 97
AND Andorra
AGO Angola 76 76 76 84 61
AIA Anguilla
ATG Antigua and Barbuda
ARG Argentina 99 98 99
ARM Armenia 100 100 99 100 99
AUS Australia
AUT Austria
AZE Azerbaijan 68 y 69 y 67 y 68 y 67 y
BHS Bahamas
BHR Bahrain 86 x 86 x 87 x
BGD Bangladesh 91 90 93 91 92
BRB Barbados 99 100 99 100 99
BLR Belarus 92 93 90 91 93
BEL Belgium
BLZ Belize 96 96 96 99 94
BEN Benin 75 77 72 83 69
BTN Bhutan 95 96 95 98 94
BOL Bolivia (Plurinational State 97 x 97 x 97 x 98 x 96 x
BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina 96 97 95 95 97
BWA Botswana 90 y
BRA Brazil 97 97 97
VGB British Virgin Islands
BRN Brunei Darussalam
BGR Bulgaria
BFA Burkina Faso 52 54 50 83 45
BDI Burundi 85 85 84 91 84
CPV Cabo Verde
KHM Cambodia 93 92 94 97 92
CMR Cameroon 85 87 84 94 79
CAN Canada
CAF Central African Republic 73 78 68 86 66
TCD Chad 50 53 47 72 45
CHL Chile 92 91 92
CHN China 97 y 97 y 97 y 97 y 96 y
COL Colombia 94 94 95 94 94
COM Comoros 84 84 84 90 82
COG Congo 97 96 97
COK Cook Islands
CRI Costa Rica 96 96 96 97 95
CIV Côte d'Ivoire 77 79 74 85 71
HRV Croatia
CUB Cuba
CYP Cyprus
CZE Czech Republic
PRK Democratic People's Repub 99 x 99 x 99 x 100 x 99 x
COD Democratic Republic of t 87 88 85 93 84
DNK Denmark
DJI Djibouti 70 y 71 y 68 y
DMA Dominica
DOM Dominican Republic 95 94 96 95 96
ECU Ecuador 97 y 97 y 97 y 97 y 97 y
EGY Egypt 97 97 97 97 97
SLV El Salvador 96 95 96 97 95
GNQ Equatorial Guinea 61 x 61 x 60 x
ERI Eritrea 57 y 57 y 56 y 79 y 47 y
EST Estonia
ETH Ethiopia 65 y 64 y 67 y 80 y 63 y
FJI Fiji
FIN Finland
FRA France
GAB Gabon 98 97 98 98 98
GMB Gambia 65 y 65 y 66 y 73 y 60 y
GEO Georgia 97 98 97 98 97
DEU Germany
GHA Ghana 70 70 70 75 66
GRC Greece
GRD Grenada
GTM Guatemala 94 94 93 96 92
GIN Guinea 60 63 58 82 49
GNB Guinea-Bissau 62 62 62 74 53
GUY Guyana 97 97 97 96 97
HTI Haiti 84 83 84 90 81
VAT Holy See
HND Honduras 92 y 95 y 96 y 97 y 94 y
HUN Hungary
ISL Iceland
IND India 83 x 85 x 82 x 88 x 82 x
IDN Indonesia 99 99 99 100 99
IRN Iran (Islamic Republic of) 97 96 97 97 95
IRQ Iraq 90 93 87 94 84
IRL Ireland
ISR Israel
ITA Italy
JAM Jamaica 98 97 99 98 98
JPN Japan
JOR Jordan 98 98 98 98 98
KAZ Kazakhstan 100 100 100 99 100
KEN Kenya 85 84 87 89 84
KIR Kiribati 85 83 87
KWT Kuwait
KGZ Kyrgyzstan 99 99 99 99 100
LAO Lao People's Democratic R 85 85 85 95 83
LVA Latvia
LBN Lebanon 98 98 98
LSO Lesotho 92 90 94 94 91
LBR Liberia 43 42 43 52 31
LBY Libya
LIE Liechtenstein
LTU Lithuania
LUX Luxembourg
MDG Madagascar 69 y 68 y 71 y 86 y 66 y
MWI Malawi 94 93 95 97 93
MYS Malaysia
MDV Maldives
MLI Mali 52 54 50 83 47
MLT Malta
MHL Marshall Islands
MRT Mauritania 60 58 62
MUS Mauritius
MEX Mexico 98 98 98 98 98
FSM Micronesia (Federated States of)
MCO Monaco
MNG Mongolia 98 98 99 99 98
MNE Montenegro 98 98 98 97 99
MSR Montserrat
MAR Morocco 89 x 91 x 88 x 96 x 83 x
MOZ Mozambique 76 76 76 86 72
MMR Myanmar 93 93 92 96 92
NAM Namibia 92 92 93 95 91
NRU Nauru 97 y 97 y 98 y
NPL Nepal 76 76 76 80 76
NLD Netherlands
NZL New Zealand
NIC Nicaragua 70 y 71 y 70 y 76 y 64 y
NER Niger 50 55 46 83 45
NGA Nigeria 68 70 66 87 57
NIU Niue 100 100 100 100 100
NOR Norway
OMN Oman 98 97 98 98 97
PAK Pakistan 64 67 60 75 59
PLW Palau
PAN Panama 97 97 97 97 97
PNG Papua New Guinea
PRY Paraguay 91 90 91 92 90
PER Peru 92 92 91 92 92
PHL Philippines 88 x 88 x 89 x 90 x 87 x
POL Poland
PRT Portugal
QAT Qatar 97 96 97
KOR Republic of Korea
MDA Republic of Moldova 99 99 98 98 99
ROU Romania 92 92 91
RUS Russian Federation
RWA Rwanda 94 93 96 96 94
KNA Saint Kitts and Nevis
LCA Saint Lucia 100 100 99 99 100
VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
WSM Samoa 89 y 88 y 89 y 89 y 88 y
SMR San Marino
STP Sao Tome and Principe 94 94 94 94 94
SAU Saudi Arabia
SEN Senegal 54 53 55 72 43
SRB Serbia 99 99 99 100 98
SYC Seychelles
SLE Sierra Leone 76 74 78 88 71
SGP Singapore
SVK Slovakia
SVN Slovenia
SLB Solomon Islands 66 65 68
SOM Somalia 21 x 24 x 19 x 39 x 11 x
ZAF South Africa 97 97 97
SSD South Sudan 23 26 21 40 19
ESP Spain
LKA Sri Lanka
PSE State of Palestine 99 99 99 99 99
SDN Sudan 68 69 67 86 61
SUR Suriname 96 95 96 97 94
SWZ Swaziland 98 97 98 98 98
SWE Sweden
CHE Switzerland
SYR Syrian Arab Republic 97 x 97 x 96 x 98 x 96 x
TJK Tajikistan 97 98 97 98 97
THA Thailand 95 95 95 95 95
MKD The former Yugoslav Repu 98 98 98 98 98
TLS Timor-Leste 72 71 73 80 70
TGO Togo 89 90 87 96 85
TKL Tokelau
TON Tonga 93 y 93 y 93 y 92 y 93 y
TTO Trinidad and Tobago 98 x 98 x 98 x
TUN Tunisia 98 98 98 99 97
TUR Turkey 95 94 97 95 96
TKM Turkmenistan 98 98 98 98 98
TCA Turks and Caicos Islands
TUV Tuvalu 98 x,y 97 x,y 99 x,y 98 x,y 99 x,y
UGA Uganda 87 86 87 91 86
UKR Ukraine 100 100 100 100 100
ARE United Arab Emirates
GBR United Kingdom
TZA United Republic of Tanzan 81 78 83 91 77
USA United States
URY Uruguay 97 97 98 97 97
UZB Uzbekistan 95 x 95 x 95 x 96 x 94 x
VUT Vanuatu 77 y 76 y 78 y 77 y 77 y
VEN Venezuela (Bolivarian Repu 92 x 91 x 93 x
VNM Viet Nam 98 98 98 98 97
YEM Yemen 76 80 72 85 73
ZMB Zambia 87 86 88 92 84
ZWE Zimbabwe 95 94 96 98 94

Regional aggregates (2011-2016)

East Asia & Pacific 97 97 97 98 96
Europe & Central Asia – – – – –
Eastern Europe & Central Asi 95 94 95 95 94
Western Europe – – – – –
Latin America & Caribbean 96 96 96 96 94
Middle East & North Africa 93 94 93 96 91
North America – – – – –
South Asia 81 83 79 86 79
Sub-Saharan Africa 74 75 74 86 69
Eastern & Southern Africa 78 78 79 87 73
West & Central Africa 70 72 68 86 62
Least developed countries 76 76 75 87 73
World 86 87 85 92 81

Definition: Number of children attending primary or secondary school who are of primary school age, expresse
*The of primary-school-aged
regional averages are basedchildren attending
on countries secondarydata
with available school, thisperiod
on the indicator
2010can also be
- 2016 refe
. These
Notes: represent data from countries covering at least 50% of regional number of these children.
** Excludes China.
– Data not available.
x Data refer to years or periods prior to 2010.
y Data differ from the standard definition or refer to only part of a country. If they fall within the not
Italic for figures calculated from earlier source
Source: UNICEF Global databases 2017 based on MICS, DHS and other national household surveys.
Poorest Poorer Middle Fourth Richest Source

59 54 56 68 83 AFG_DHS_2015
91 x 94 x 91 x 93 x 94 x ALB_DHS_2008-2009
96 97 98 98 98 DZA_MICS_2012-13

56 64 78 87 95 AGO_DHS_2015-16

98 99 98 98 99 ARG_MICS_2011-2012
99 99 100 100 100 ARM_DHS_2010

67 y 64 y 67 y 71 y 70 y AZE_DHS-style_2011

88 93 94 91 93 BGD_DHS_2014
99 100 100 98 100 BRB_MICS_2012
93 94 89 90 93 BLR_MICS_2012

93 94 98 98 99 BLZ_MICS_2015-16
54 67 79 88 92 BEN_DHS_2011-12
BTN_Living Standard Survey_2012
95 x 97 x 97 x 98 x 99 x BOL_DHS_2008
93 98 97 98 94 BIH_MICS_2012
BWA_Core Welfare Indicators Survey
Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios 201

31 42 51 60 85 BFA_DHS_2010
76 82 86 87 92 BDI_DHS_2010

86 91 95 97 98 DHS 2014
65 84 91 95 99 CMR_MICS_2014

57 64 73 82 90 CAF_MICS_2010
44 47 43 45 76 TCD_DHS_2014-15
y CHN_Population Census_2010
93 94 95 94 96 COL_DHS_2015
72 81 89 94 95 COM_DHS_2012
MICS 2014-15 KFR
94 97 96 97 98 CRI_MICS_2011
62 70 77 87 94 CIV_MICS_2016

x MICS 2009
79 84 88 90 94 COD_DHS_2013


91 95 96 96 98 DOM_MICS_2014
97 y 97 y 98 y 96 y 98 y ECU_Sistema integrado de conocimiento y estad
95 96 98 98 98 EGY_DHS_2014
92 96 97 97 99 SLV MICS 2014 KFR
31 y 41 y 61 y 84 y 84 y ERI_Eritrean Population and Health Survey_2010

49 y 57 y 68 y 74 y 82 y ETH_EMDHS_2014

96 98 98 99 98 GAB_DHS_2012
61 y 61 y 62 y 71 y 78 y GMB_DHS_2013
GEO_Welfare Monitoring Survey_2015

63 60 71 78 84 GHA_DHS_2014

89 92 94 98 98 GTM_DHS_2014-15
38 50 57 75 87 GIN_MICS_2016
56 51 58 70 76
96 98 98 97 97 GUY_MICS_2014
73 79 87 91 96 HTI_DHS_2012

91 y 95 y 97 y 99 y 99 y HND_DHS_2011-12

70 x 81 x 88 x 92 x 96 x National Family Health Survey 2005-06

99 99 100 100 100 SUSENAS 2015
79 90 94 96 98 IRQ_MICS_2011

98 98 97 99 99 JAM_MICS_2011

97 99 97 99 99 JOR_DHS_2012
100 100 99 100 99 KAZ_MICS_2015
69 87 91 93 94 KEN_DHS_2014
KIR_Census of Population and Housing_2010

99 100 99 100 100 KGZ_MICS_2014

71 82 92 95 97 LAO_Lao Social Indicator Survey_2011-2012
MICS Style 2009
88 91 94 94 95 LSO_DHS_2014
25 32 39 52 65 LBR_DHS_2013

54 y 68 y 73 y 80 y 82 y MDG_ENSOMD_2012-2013
89 93 94 96 98 MWI_DHS_2015-16

35 41 47 66 86 MLI_MICS_2015


96 97 99 99 99 MEX_MICS_2015

96 98 99 99 99 MNG_MICS_2013
95 99 98 98 100 MNE_MICS_2013

77 x 87 x 95 x 97 x 97 x MICS 2006-07
64 67 75 83 95 MOZ_DHS_2011
84 94 97 97 97 MMR_DHS_2015-16
88 90 93 96 97 NAM_DHS_2013
NRU_Population and Housing Census_2011
81 73 71 75 82 NPL_MICS_2014

y Living Standards Measurement Survey 2009

35 40 45 57 81 NER_EDSN_MICS_2012
28 60 81 91 95 NGA_DHS_2013
100 100 100 100 100 NIU_Census of Population and Housing_2011

OMN_MICS_2014, Interim
39 59 71 77 87 PAK_DHS_2012-13

96 98 98 99 97 PAN_MICS_2013

92 92 92 92 92 ENAHO 2014
79 x 88 x 92 x 94 x 92 x DHS 2003

MICS 2012

98 99 98 99 99 MDA_MICS_2012
ROU_Institute of Educational Sciences

88 94 96 97 97 RWA_DHS_2014-15

98 100 100 100 100 LCA_MICS_2012

85 y 88 y 91 y 88 y 91 y DHS 2009
92 94 95 94 96 STP_MICS_2014

43 46 53 57 78 SEN_DHS_2015
97 97 100 99 100 SRB_MICS_2014

62 70 74 83 92 SLE_DHS_2013

4 x 6 x 18 x 31 x 50 x MICS 2006
GHS 2014
10 13 19 31 50 SSD_MICS_2010

99 99 99 99 99 PSE_MICS_2014
48 54 68 87 94 SDN_MICS_2014
92 96 99 99 97 SUR_MICS_2010
97 98 98 98 98 SWZ_MICS_2014

92 x 97 x 98 x 98 x 99 x MICS 2006
95 96 98 98 99 DHS 2012
92 94 95 95 97 THA_MICS_2015-16
96 98 99 99 99 MKD_MICS_2011
60 69 72 78 84 TLS_DHS_2009-10
80 85 91 96 97 TGO_DHS_2013-14

94 y 91 y 93 y 92 y 94 y DHS 2012
95 x 98 x 99 x 99 x 98 x TTO_MICS_2006
96 98 99 99 99 TUN_MICS_2011-2012
92 97 97 95 96 TUR_DHS_2013
98 99 98 98 98 TKM_MICS_2015-16

99 x,y 98 x,y 99 x,y 95 x,y 100 x,y DHS 2007

79 86 88 90 92 UGA_DHS_2011
100 99 100 100 100 UKR_MICS_2012

63 75 85 92 95 TZA_DHS_2015-16

97 97 98 96 98 URY_MICS_2012-13
93 x 95 x 95 x 95 x 96 x MICS 2006
75 y 72 y 79 y 80 y 80 y VUT_DHS(Prelim)_2013
86 x 93 x 96 x 98 x 99 x MICS 2000
94 99 99 99 98 VNM_MICS_2014
56 76 82 83 90 YEM_DHS_2013
75 85 89 91 97 ZMB_DHS_2013-14
91 94 96 96 100 ZWE_DHS_2015

95 ** 97 ** 98 ** 98 ** 99 **
– – – – –
94 96 96 95 96
– – – – –
94 95 97 97 97
86 92 95 95 97
– – – – –
67 79 85 89 94
54 67 77 84 91
63 71 79 85 90
46 64 76 83 91
64 71 77 82 89
70 ** 79 ** 85 ** 90 ** 94 **

o are of primary school age, expressed as a percentage of the total number of children of primary school age. Because of the
ata thisperiod
on the indicator
2010can also be
- 2016 referred
. These to as are
averages a primary adjusted
calculated usingnet attendance
national ratio. Calculation
populations of primary follows International
school age as weights and
l number of these children.

of a country. If they fall within the noted reference period, such data are included in the calculation of regional and global

national household surveys.

d Survey_2012

Indicators Survey
por Amostra de Domicílios 2013

rado de conocimiento y estadistica social_2015-2016

tion and Health Survey_2010

oring Survey_2015

alth Survey 2005-06

ulation and Housing_2010

cator Survey_2011-2012
d Housing Census_2011

Measurement Survey 2009

ulation and Housing_2011

ucational Sciences
Education: Lower secondary net attendance rate - Percentage

Prepared by the Data and Analytics Section; Division of Data, Research and Policy, UNICEF

Last update: December 2017

Countries Total Male Female Urban Rural
AFG Afghanistan 38 48 28 54 33
ALB Albania 91 x 90 x 92 x 90 x 92 x
DZA Algeria 83 82 85 86 78
AND Andorra
AGO Angola 31 32 31 42 9
AIA Anguilla
ATG Antigua and Barbuda
ARG Argentina 76 75 77
ARM Armenia 98 97 98 98 98
AUS Australia
AUT Austria
AZE Azerbaijan
BHS Bahamas
BHR Bahrain
BGD Bangladesh 55 51 60 58 55
BRB Barbados 89 89 89 87 91
BLR Belarus 96 94 97 95 97
BEL Belgium
BLZ Belize 29 27 30 35 24
BEN Benin 37 40 34 49 30
BTN Bhutan 53 52 54 74 44
BOL Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina 95 94 96 95 95
BWA Botswana
BRA Brazil
VGB British Virgin Islands
BRN Brunei Darussalam
BGR Bulgaria
BFA Burkina Faso 18 19 17 43 10
BDI Burundi 11 12 11 30 9
CPV Cabo Verde
KHM Cambodia 50 47 54 66 48
CMR Cameroon 50 51 49 69 33
CAN Canada
CAF Central African Republic 15 17 13 27 5
TCD Chad 13 16 11 30 8
CHL Chile
CHN China
COL Colombia 77 74 81 83 63
COM Comoros 49 45 52 60 43
COG Congo 63 65 61 73 42
COK Cook Islands
CRI Costa Rica 72 71 73 78 65
CIV Côte d'Ivoire 23 26 20 40 7
HRV Croatia
CUB Cuba
CYP Cyprus
CZE Czech Republic
PRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea
COD Democratic Republic of the C 35 39 31 51 26
DNK Denmark
DJI Djibouti
DMA Dominica
DOM Dominican Republic 65 58 72 67 60
ECU Ecuador
EGY Egypt 85 84 86 87 83
SLV El Salvador 71 69 73 77 64
GNQ Equatorial Guinea
ERI Eritrea 59 y 63 y 55 y 89 y 43 y
EST Estonia
ETH Ethiopia 24 21 26 57 16
FJI Fiji
FIN Finland
FRA France
GAB Gabon 55 51 59 60 20
GMB Gambia 32 32 32 43 21
GEO Georgia 99 y 99 y 99 y 100 y 98 y
DEU Germany
GHA Ghana 34 33 35 45 23
GRC Greece
GRD Grenada
GTM Guatemala 52 54 50 69 41
GIN Guinea 29 32 26 48 16
GNB Guinea-Bissau 10 10 9 18 2
GUY Guyana 93 92 95 96 92
HTI Haiti 22 19 26 36 13
VAT Holy See
HND Honduras 52 48 57 71 37
HUN Hungary
ISL Iceland
IND India
IDN Indonesia 87 y 85 y 89 y 91 y 83 y
IRN Iran (Islamic Republic of)
IRQ Iraq 49 51 47 57 33
IRL Ireland
ISR Israel
ITA Italy
JAM Jamaica 92 92 92 91 90
JPN Japan
JOR Jordan 93 92 94 92 94
KAZ Kazakhstan 99 99 100 99 100
KEN Kenya 42 38 46 55 37
KIR Kiribati
KWT Kuwait
KGZ Kyrgyzstan 98 98 98 99 98
LAO Lao People's Democratic Repub 42 40 44 71 36
LVA Latvia
LBN Lebanon
LSO Lesotho 28 20 37 48 22
LBR Liberia 14 14 15 20 4
LBY Libya
LIE Liechtenstein
LTU Lithuania
LUX Luxembourg
MDG Madagascar 24 x 22 x 25 x 54 x 19 x
MWI Malawi 28 25 31 52 25
MYS Malaysia
MDV Maldives 71 x 64 x 78 x 78 x 68 x
MLI Mali 30 34 26 53 23
MLT Malta
MHL Marshall Islands
MRT Mauritania 20 21 20 34 11
MUS Mauritius
MEX Mexico 88 86 89 89 85
FSM Micronesia (Federated States of)
MCO Monaco
MNG Mongolia 93 91 95 94 91
MNE Montenegro 95 93 96 94 95
MSR Montserrat
MAR Morocco
MOZ Mozambique 16 15 17 35 6
MMR Myanmar 69 67 71 83 65
NAM Namibia 60 54 67 73 53
NRU Nauru
NPL Nepal 44 42 46 55 42
NLD Netherlands
NZL New Zealand
NIC Nicaragua
NER Niger 19 21 17 46 12
NGA Nigeria 49 50 49 68 36
NIU Niue
NOR Norway
OMN Oman
PAK Pakistan 35 36 34 47 30
PLW Palau
PAN Panama 82 78 86 91 69
PNG Papua New Guinea
PRY Paraguay
PER Peru 86 85 87 90 77
PHL Philippines
POL Poland
PRT Portugal
QAT Qatar
KOR Republic of Korea
MDA Republic of Moldova 96 96 97 94 97
ROU Romania 90 y 90 y 90 y
RUS Russian Federation
RWA Rwanda 30 25 34 45 27
KNA Saint Kitts and Nevis
LCA Saint Lucia 93 95 90 93 93
VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
WSM Samoa
SMR San Marino
STP Sao Tome and Principe 52 46 57 53 49
SAU Saudi Arabia
SEN Senegal 28 27 30 44 18
SRB Serbia 96 97 96 98 94
SYC Seychelles
SLE Sierra Leone 36 36 36 54 27
SGP Singapore
SVK Slovakia
SVN Slovenia
SLB Solomon Islands
SOM Somalia
ZAF South Africa
SSD South Sudan 5 6 3 9 3
ESP Spain
LKA Sri Lanka
PSE State of Palestine 94 92 97 95 94
SDN Sudan 31 31 32 47 25
SUR Suriname 53 46 61 60 51
SWZ Swaziland 41 33 48 59 37
SWE Sweden
CHE Switzerland
SYR Syrian Arab Republic
TJK Tajikistan 85 86 84 87 84
THA Thailand 84 83 86 84 84
MKD The former Yugoslav Republic 86 86 85 84 88
TLS Timor-Leste 32 30 34 46 28
TGO Togo 43 45 40 62 33
TKL Tokelau
TON Tonga
TTO Trinidad and Tobago
TUN Tunisia 81 76 85 88 68
TUR Turkey
TKM Turkmenistan 98 98 98 99 98
TCA Turks and Caicos Islands
TUV Tuvalu
UGA Uganda 17 15 20 40 14
UKR Ukraine 98 98 98 98 98
ARE United Arab Emirates
GBR United Kingdom
TZA United Republic of Tanzania 28 25 31 44 20
USA United States
URY Uruguay 76 75 77 77 69
UZB Uzbekistan
VUT Vanuatu
VEN Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
VNM Viet Nam 90 89 92 95 89
YEM Yemen 39 43 34 56 32
ZMB Zambia 49 46 51 70 32
ZWE Zimbabwe 55 48 63 77 48

East Asia & Pacific 82 81 84 89 78

Europe & Central Asia – – – – –
Eastern Europe & Central Asia – – – – –
Western Europe – – – – –
Latin America & Caribbean 77 75 79 – 65
Middle East & North Africa 72 72 72 77 65
North America – – – – –
South Asia 44 43 44 52 40
Sub-Saharan Africa 32 32 32 54 22
Eastern & Southern Africa 27 24 29 49 19
West & Central Africa 37 39 36 56 25
Least developed countries 34 33 35 52 27
World 53 53 54 70 41

Definition: Number of children attending secondary school or higher who are of lower secondary school a
school age. Because of the inclusion of lower secondray-school-aged children attending upper s
Notes: *The regional averages are based on countries with available data on the period 2010 - 2016. T
weights and represent data from countries covering at least 50% of regional number of these c
** Excludes China.
– Data not available.
x Data refer to years or periods prior to 2010.
y Data differ from the standard definition or refer to only part of a country. If they fall within th
global averages.
Italic for figures calculated from earlier source
Source: UNICEF Global databases 2017 based on MICS, DHS and other national household surveys.
Poorer Middle Fourth Richest Source

29 32 30 43 57 DHS 2015
91 x 92 x 89 x 94 x 91 x DHS 2008-09
71 82 82 89 92 MICS 2012-13

6 9 21 43 62 DHS 2015-16

66 73 79 83 83 MICS 2011-12
98 98 99 97 96 DHS 2010

36 49 62 65 70 DHS 2014
80 85 92 93 95 MICS 2012
96 96 96 96 94 MICS 2012

12 19 28 38 51 MICS 2011
16 27 35 47 66 DHS 2011-12
27 37 48 66 81 MICS 2010

95 96 96 96 94 MICS 2011-12

4 8 12 19 45 DHS 2010
5 7 9 10 26 DHS 2010

23 41 56 62 74 DHS 2014
13 31 57 68 85 MICS 2014
2 4 6 17 35 MICS 2010
6 8 9 10 34 DHS 2014-15

59 76 80 89 92 DHS 2015
23 42 49 57 71 DHS 2012
30 49 63 77 88 DHS 2011-12

55 67 82 76 87 MICS 2011
4 8 18 28 50 DHS 2011-12

20 22 28 40 62 DHS 2013-14

40 56 68 77 86 MICS 2014

79 82 86 86 94 DHS 2014
50 66 80 82 89 MICS 2014

16 y 37 y 71 y 92 y 96 y EPHS_2010

11 13 17 21 55 DHS 2011

21 45 54 68 79 DHS 2012
23 22 25 37 54 DHS 2013
y Welfare Monitoring Sruvey 2015

15 21 32 49 59 DHS 2014

22 36 51 71 89 DHS 2015
8 11 20 35 56 DHS 2012
2 1 3 12 27 MICS 2014
86 94 93 98 96 MICS 2014
4 11 19 29 50 DHS 2012

18 37 54 74 89 DHS 2011-12
78 y 84 y 88 y 92 y 95 y National Socio-Economic Survey 2015

25 39 49 58 77 MICS 2011

90 93 91 92 95 MICS 2011

87 90 95 96 97 DHS 2012
99 100 100 99 99 MICS 2015
21 36 44 55 67 DHS 2014

96 98 99 98 99 MICS 2014
10 24 43 63 84 MICS 2011

7 20 26 38 57 DHS 2014
2 5 8 16 31 DHS 2013

5 x 7 x 15 x 29 x 60 x DHS 2008-09
11 17 24 33 54 DHS 2015-16

60 x 67 x 74 x 79 x 78 x DHS 2009
15 16 22 35 57 DHS 2012-13

4 8 16 28 48 MICS 2011

76 83 91 93 97 MICS 2015

85 91 95 96 98 MICS 2013
92 94 98 96 93 MICS 2013

1 3 5 16 46 DHS 2011
45 64 74 83 89 DHS 2015-16
41 47 61 68 90 DHS 2013
37 39 42 47 62 MICS 2014

5 10 11 16 44 DHS 2012
12 29 52 70 82 DHS 2013

9 24 36 47 65 DHS 2012-13

59 85 85 97 97 MICS 2013

69 86 89 93 96 DHS 2012

91 98 97 98 97 MICS 2012
Institute of Educational Sciences and UNICEF_2015-20

16 21 26 33 47 DHS 2014-15

92 94 93 94 94 MICS 2012

34 38 48 61 77 MICS 2014

15 18 26 36 53 Continuous DHS 2015

92 98 98 99 93 MICS 2014

20 25 29 39 61 DHS 2013

1 3 2 6 11 MICS 2010
92 94 93 96 97 MICS 2014
15 16 24 41 72 MICS 2014
21 50 59 65 79 MICS 2010
23 33 43 46 72 MICS 2014

82 84 86 86 88 DHS 2012
82 83 80 85 93 MICS 2012
83 89 86 83 90 MICS 2011
17 22 26 42 55 DHS 2009-10
24 30 40 58 69 DHS 2013-14

61 75 83 92 97 MICS 2011-12

97 98 98 98 99 MICS 2015-16

4 10 11 23 36 DHS 2011
98 97 100 100 97 MICS 2012

7 13 20 39 49 DHS 2015-16

65 69 84 77 91 MICS 2012-13

75 93 94 96 98 MICS 2014
17 28 39 47 65 DHS 2013
16 28 39 57 83 DHS 2013-14
36 44 53 68 82 DHS 2015

70 ** 80 * 84 * 89 * 93 *
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
61 73 80 86 91
60 67 73 77 87
– – – – –
23 35 46 53 66
11 18 28 40 60
10 15 20 31 54
12 22 35 49 66
17 23 30 40 58
36 ** 44 * 52 * 61 * 74 *

who are of lower secondary school age, expressed as a percentage of the total number of children of lower secondary
hool-aged children attending upper secondary school or higher, this indicator can also be referred to as a lower secondary
ble data on the period 2010 - 2016. These averages are calculated using national populations of primary school age as
st 50% of regional number of these children.

art of a country. If they fall within the noted reference period, such data are included in the calculation of regional and

her national household surveys.

s and UNICEF_2015-2016
Education: Upper secondary net attendance rate - Percentage

Prepared by the Data and Analytics Section; Division of Data, Research and Policy, UNICEF

Last update: December 2017

Countries Total Male Female Urban Rural

AFG Afghanistan 28 37 19 40 24
ALB Albania
DZA Algeria 42 34 51 48 33
AND Andorra
AGO Angola 30 32 28 39 7
AIA Anguilla
ATG Antigua and Barbuda
ARG Argentina 76 73 79
ARM Armenia 83 79 89 91 85
AUS Australia
AUT Austria
AZE Azerbaijan
BHS Bahamas
BHR Bahrain
BGD Bangladesh 39 42 37 42 38
BRB Barbados 82 84 80 81 84
BLR Belarus 88 85 92 88 88
BEL Belgium
BLZ Belize 4 5 2 5 3
BEN Benin 17 19 15 26 9
BTN Bhutan 24 22 26 45 15
BOL Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina 92 90 93 91 92
BWA Botswana
BRA Brazil
VGB British Virgin Islands
BRN Brunei Darussalam
BGR Bulgaria
BFA Burkina Faso 5 6 3 13 1
BDI Burundi 4 5 3 17 2
CPV Cabo Verde
KHM Cambodia 26 26 27 51 21
CMR Cameroon 30 29 31 44 13
CAN Canada
CAF Central African Republic 5 5 4 10 0
TCD Chad 8 10 6 22 2
CHL Chile
CHN China
COL Colombia 48 43 53 54 31
COM Comoros 27 25 29 39 21
COG Congo 29 30 28 38 8
COK Cook Islands
CRI Costa Rica 49 39 58 62 34
CIV Côte d'Ivoire 11 13 9 18 2
HRV Croatia
CUB Cuba
CYP Cyprus
CZE Czech Republic
PRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea
COD Democratic Republic of the Congo 35 40 28 52 22
DNK Denmark
DJI Djibouti
DMA Dominica
DOM Dominican Republic 61 53 70 65 51
ECU Ecuador
EGY Egypt 70 71 68 76 66
SLV El Salvador 44 43 56 54 29
GNQ Equatorial Guinea
ERI Eritrea
EST Estonia
ETH Ethiopia 6 5 6 19 1
FJI Fiji
FIN Finland
FRA France
GAB Gabon 16 13 19 17 6
GMB Gambia 22 22 23 31 12
GEO Georgia 84 y 85 y 84 y 91 y 78 y
DEU Germany
GHA Ghana 9 9 8 13 5
GRC Greece
GRD Grenada
GTM Guatemala 31 34 29 45 21
GIN Guinea 12 16 9 24 4
GNB Guinea-Bissau 8 9 6 14 1
GUY Guyana 68 59 76 78 64
HTI Haiti 17 14 20 28 9
VAT Holy See
HND Honduras 35 31 39 49 23
HUN Hungary
ISL Iceland
IND India
IDN Indonesia 57 y 56 y 59 y 65 y 50 y
IRN Iran (Islamic Republic of)
IRQ Iraq 27 27 28 31 19
IRL Ireland
ISR Israel
ITA Italy
JAM Jamaica 76 74 78 79 71
JPN Japan
JOR Jordan 76 72 80 75 81
KAZ Kazakhstan 96 95 96 97 95
KEN Kenya 36 34 37 46 32
KIR Kiribati
KWT Kuwait
KGZ Kyrgyzstan 82 79 86 83 82
LAO Lao People's Democratic Republic 27 26 28 52 19
LVA Latvia
LBN Lebanon
LSO Lesotho 13 6 20 28 7
LBR Liberia 12 12 11 16 2
LBY Libya
LIE Liechtenstein
LTU Lithuania
LUX Luxembourg
MDG Madagascar 7 x 6 x 8 x 25 x 4 x
MWI Malawi 17 17 18 30 15
MYS Malaysia
MDV Maldives
MLI Mali 13 15 11 29 6
MLT Malta
MHL Marshall Islands
MRT Mauritania 12 15 10 21 5
MUS Mauritius
MEX Mexico 59 57 61 61 54
FSM Micronesia (Federated States of)
MCO Monaco
MNG Mongolia 85 80 90 89 77
MNE Montenegro 93 93 93 93 93
MSR Montserrat
MAR Morocco
MOZ Mozambique 3 3 3 8 1
MMR Myanmar 36 30 41 60 26
NAM Namibia 24 20 28 42 10
NRU Nauru
NPL Nepal 41 41 40 58 38
NLD Netherlands
NZL New Zealand
NIC Nicaragua
NER Niger 4 6 3 14 1
NGA Nigeria 39 43 35 55 27
NIU Niue
NOR Norway
OMN Oman
PAK Pakistan 29 31 27 42 23
PLW Palau
PAN Panama 62 55 70 72 45
PNG Papua New Guinea
PRY Paraguay
PER Peru 66 65 67 72 52
PHL Philippines
POL Poland
PRT Portugal
QAT Qatar
KOR Republic of Korea
MDA Republic of Moldova 68 62 73 84 59
ROU Romania
RUS Russian Federation
RWA Rwanda 15 13 17 23 13
KNA Saint Kitts and Nevis
LCA Saint Lucia 84 79 90 81 85
VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
WSM Samoa
SMR San Marino
STP Sao Tome and Principe 20 14 24 22 15
SAU Saudi Arabia
SEN Senegal 9 9 9 15 4
SRB Serbia 92 91 94 92 93
SYC Seychelles
SLE Sierra Leone 22 26 19 39 10
SGP Singapore
SVK Slovakia
SVN Slovenia
SLB Solomon Islands
SOM Somalia
ZAF South Africa
SSD South Sudan 5 6 3 8 3
ESP Spain
LKA Sri Lanka
PSE State of Palestine 72 63 80 72 71
SDN Sudan 29 28 30 43 23
SUR Suriname 27 19 34 32 19
SWZ Swaziland 24 22 25 43 18
SWE Sweden
CHE Switzerland
SYR Syrian Arab Republic
TJK Tajikistan 54 62 47 61 52
THA Thailand 64 56 73 68 61
MKD The former Yugoslav Republic of 86 87 84 94 79
TLS Timor-Leste 20 18 22 32 16
TGO Togo 19 22 15 35 8
TKL Tokelau
TON Tonga
TTO Trinidad and Tobago
TUN Tunisia 53 47 61 62 39
TUR Turkey
TKM Turkmenistan 95 95 96 97 95
TCA Turks and Caicos Islands
TUV Tuvalu
UGA Uganda 6 7 6 20 3
UKR Ukraine 65 60 70 67 59
ARE United Arab Emirates
GBR United Kingdom
TZA United Republic of Tanzania 3 3 3 7 1
USA United States
URY Uruguay 42 33 54 42 43
UZB Uzbekistan
VUT Vanuatu
VEN Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
VNM Viet Nam 71 67 74 79 67
YEM Yemen 29 34 25 47 22
ZMB Zambia 24 25 23 41 10
ZWE Zimbabwe 24 29 20 35 18

East Asia & Pacific 57 54 59 66 50

Europe & Central Asia – – – – –
Eastern Europe & Central Asia – – – – –
Western Europe – – – – –
Latin America & Caribbean 56 53 59 – 40
Middle East & North Africa 50 50 51 – 46
North America – – – – –
South Asia 34 36 32 42 30
Sub-Saharan Africa 23 25 21 38 14
Eastern & Southern Africa 17 17 17 30 11
West & Central Africa 27 30 24 41 16
Least developed countries 24 26 23 37 18
World 38 38 37 50 28

Definition: Number of children attending upper secondary school or higher who are of upper second
secondary school age. Because of the inclusion of upper secondary-school-aged children
Notes: *The regional averages are based on countries with available data on the period 2010 - 2
weights and represent data from countries covering at least 50% of regional number of th
** Excludes China.
– Data not available.
x Data refer to years or periods prior to 2010.
y Data differ from the standard definition or refer to only part of a country. If they fall wit
global averages.
Italic for figures calculated from earlier source
Source: UNICEF Global databases 2017 based on MICS, DHS and other national household survey
Poorest Poorer Middle Fourth Richest Source

17 21 22 33 45 DHS 2015

23 33 42 50 65 MICS 2012-13

3 6 20 38 61 DHS_2015-16

59 69 80 85 92 MICS 2011-12
77 88 83 99 97 DHS 2010

17 33 42 46 55 DHS 2014
83 84 73 83 85 MICS 2012
91 89 93 85 83 MICS 2012

0 1 1 6 10 MICS 2011
4 6 9 18 41 DHS 2011-12
4 7 14 29 58 MICS 2010

84 90 91 96 95 MICS 2011-12

0 0 2 2 14 DHS 2010
1 1 2 3 12 DHS 2010

9 11 18 33 54 DHS 2014
4 10 24 37 62 MICS 2014
0 0 0 5 14 MICS 2010
2 2 3 3 23 DHS 2014-15

28 39 49 61 71 DHS 2015
8 21 21 32 48 DHS 2012
3 9 23 39 59 DHS 2011-12

11 32 56 63 79 MICS 2011
0 2 7 11 26 DHS 2011-12

17 18 27 37 61 DHS 2013-14

32 51 64 75 86 MICS 2014

60 63 72 69 89 DHS 2014
20 32 47 55 72 MICS 2014

1 1 2 19 DHS 2011

3 11 9 11 36 DHS 2012
11 16 10 28 43 DHS 2013
y Welfare Monitoring Sruvey 2015

3 3 10 16 16 DHS 2014

6 14 26 43 66 DHS 2014-15
1 3 3 13 30 DHS 2012
1 1 3 10 18 MICS 2014
47 55 77 79 86 MICS 2014
3 6 13 22 40 DHS 2012

9 20 33 45 72 DHS 2011-12
43 y 50 y 56 y 64 y 74 y National Socio-Economic Survey 2013

12 16 23 31 51 MICS 2011

63 72 77 83 92 MICS 2011

59 74 77 83 91 DHS 2012
96 95 96 97 95 MICS 2015
15 28 36 47 62 DHS 2014

85 80 78 77 92 MICS 2014
2 7 18 38 64 MICS 2011

3 3 7 13 36 DHS 2014
0 2 5 9 27 DHS 2013

0 x 0 x 1 x 3 x 27 x DHS 2008-09
6 7 13 24 30 DHS 2015-16

2 2 4 12 32 DHS 2012-13

1 3 9 15 30 MICS 2011

48 48 57 70 83 MICS 2015

69 81 86 93 97 MICS 2013
82 92 93 97 98 MICS 2013

0 2 11 DHS 2011
10 23 34 45 71 DHS 2015-16
7 10 15 28 60 DHS 2013
26 31 39 47 67 MICS 2014

0 0 1 13 DHS 2012
6 20 38 55 69 DHS 2013

6 16 28 38 58 DHS 2012-13

31 52 65 80 91 MICS 2013

42 59 67 76 87 DHS 2012

23 49 71 84 90 MICS 2012

6 7 13 17 25 DHS 2013-14

81 74 97 81 89 MICS 2012

9 13 10 17 40 MICS 2014

2 6 8 6 23 Continuous DHS 2015

78 95 91 94 98 MICS 2014

6 7 11 23 44 DHS 2013

2 1 3 4 11 MICS 2010
62 74 63 75 82 MICS 2014
9 16 16 39 69 MICS 2014
4 18 28 34 49 MICS 2010
10 12 21 29 54 MICS 2014

46 55 52 55 64 DHS 2012
50 63 55 69 83 MICS 2012
65 79 95 97 100 MICS 2011
8 12 15 24 38 DHS 2009-10
5 6 11 26 41 DHS 2013-14

28 43 54 66 82 MICS 2011-12

95 95 95 95 96 MICS 2015-16

1 1 0 5 20 DHS 2011
61 63 51 66 78 MICS 2012

1 3 9 DHS 2015-16

23 38 34 58 71 MICS 2012-13

40 67 74 85 93 MICS 2014
9 19 27 34 55 DHS 2013
4 7 10 29 52 DHS 2013-14
9 16 20 23 43 DHS 2015

38 ** 50 ** 55 ** 64 ** 77 **
– – – – –
– – – – –
– – – – –
39 46 56 66 80
35 42 50 53 72
– – – – –
13 24 34 42 56
6 13 19 28 44
6 13 12 20 37
7 13 24 33 50
10 18 21 28 44
21 ** 30 ** 36 ** 44 ** 60 **

r higher who are of upper secondary school age, expressed as a percentage of the total number of children of upper
secondary-school-aged children attending higher education this indicator can also be referred to as a upper secondary
able data on the period 2010 - 2016 . These averages are calculated using national populations of primary school age as
east 50% of regional number of these children.

y part of a country. If they fall within the noted reference period, such data are included in the calculation of regional and

other national household surveys.

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