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Chapter 3

States of Pluripotency: Naïve and Primed Pluripotent

Stem Cells

Daman Kumari

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

Pluripotent stem cells are classified into naïve and primed based on their growth
characteristics in vitro and their potential to give rise to all somatic lineages and the
germ line in chimeras. In this chapter, I describe the similarities and differences between
the naïve and primed pluripotent states as exemplified by mouse embryonic stem cells
(mESCs), mouse epiblast stem cells (mEpiSCs), human embryonic stem cells (hESCs),
and human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs). I also review the efforts for
derivation of naïve human pluripotent stem cells by manipulating culture conditions
during reprogramming of somatic cells and attempts to revert primed hESCs to the
naïve state. Understanding the requirements for induction and maintenance of the naïve
pluripotent state will facilitate studies on early human embryonic development and
understanding the mechanisms involved in X inactivation in vitro. In addition, the
development of naïve hiPSCs will improve the efficiency of gene targeting for the
purpose of modeling human diseases as well as for generating gene‐corrected
autologous pluripotent stem cells for regenerative medicine.

Keywords: naïve, primed, pluripotent stem cells, epigenetic, fragile X syndrome

1. Introduction

Two distinct pluripotent states are observed in embryonic stem cells from mice: the ground
or naïve state, exemplified by the mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) [1], and the primed
pluripotent state represented by mouse epiblast stem cells (mEpiSCs) [2,3]. The clearest
difference between the two states is colony morphology, growth factor requirement for
maintenance of the pluripotent state, and X inactivation status in female cells. Human
embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) identify

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and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
32 Pluripotent Stem Cells - From the Bench to the Clinic

more closely with mEpiSCs than mESCs [4]. Understanding the requirements for induction
and maintenance of the naïve pluripotent state for human stem cells will facilitate their
application for studying early embryonic development, disease modeling, drug screening, and
cell‐based therapies.
In this chapter, I mention the similarities and differences between naïve and primed pluripo‐
tent stem cells (PSCs) and describe various strategies that have been utilized for the derivation
of naïve human PSCs and/or reversion of primed state stem cells to the naïve‐like ground state.
I also discuss how the availability of naïve hESCs and hiPSCs will further the mechanistic
studies of various biological phenomena and facilitate genetic manipulations of hPSCs for
disease modeling as well as regenerative medicine.

2. Characteristic features of the naïve and primed pluripotent stem cell


Embryonic stem cells in mice exist in two functionally distinct pluripotent stem cell states.
Specifically, mESCs that are derived from the inner cell mass (ICM) of preimplantation
embryos represent naïve pluripotent stem cells (PSCs). These cells have an unlimited self‐
renewal capacity when grown under appropriate conditions and are able to differentiate into
tissues of all three germ layers in vitro. In addition, when injected back into the early embryos,
naïve stem cells contribute to all somatic lineages including the germline. This ability to
generate chimeras is indicative of their pluripotency in vivo. On the other hand, mEpiSCs that
are derived from the epiblast of the post‐implantation embryo typify the primed state. Also
included in this category are hESCs and hiPSCs that resemble closely the mEpiSCs, even
though they are isolated from preimplantation embryos. Like the naïve PSCs, the primed PSCs
also have unlimited potential to self‐renew and differentiate into three germ layers in vitro,
but are limited in their pluripotency in vivo, as they cannot give rise to germline chimeras [5].
The naïve mESCs typically grow as small, compact, domed colonies, whereas the primed
mEpiSC colonies are large and grow as monolayer similar to hESCs. In addition, naïve cells
survive better than their primed counterparts when passaged as single cells and have a shorter
doubling time [3]. The naïve and primed PSCs also use different modes of respiration for
generating energy. While metabolism in naïve stem cells utilizes both oxidative phosphory‐
lation (mitochondrial respiration) and glycolysis, primed cells preferentially generate energy
through the glycolytic pathway [6].
Another key feature of the naïve state in mESCs is that both X chromosomes are active in
female cells and undergo random X chromosome inactivation (XCI) upon differentiation in
vitro. In contrast, XCI has already been established in primed mEpiSCs and this feature can
thus be used as a reliable marker to distinguish between the two pluripotent states in female
stem cells. The XCI status can also be used to identify the optimal culture conditions for
maintenance of the naïve stem cell state and for monitoring the epigenetic stability of hu‐
man PSCs [4]. Other epigenetic differences between the two murine pluripotent states in‐
clude global DNA hypomethylation [7, 8], reduced prevalence of the repressive histone
mark H3K27me3 at promoters, and fewer bivalent domains in naïve ESCs [9]. The key fea‐
tures of naïve and primed PSCs are summarized in Table 1.
States of Pluripotency: Naïve and Primed Pluripotent Stem Cells 33

Property Naïve state Primed state

Origin ICM of early blastocyst Post‐implantation epiblast (Egg
cylinder) or embryonic disc

Representative examples mESCs, miPSCs mEpiSCs, hESCs, hiPSCs

Expressed genes1 High expression of Oct4, Nanog, Sox2, Oct4, Sox2, Dnmt3b, Fgf5, Pou3f1,
Klf2, Klf4, Klf5, Zpf42, Esrrb, Dppa3, Meis1, Otx2, Sox11, Gdf3
Tfcp2l1, Fgf4, Tbx3, Cdh1

Colony morphology Compact dome shaped Flattened

Differentiation bias None Variable

Tearatomas Yes Yes

Chimeric contribution in Yes No

rodents   2

Clonogenicity High Low

Single‐cell mortality Low High

Growth factor dependence LIF ACTIVIN, FGF2

Respiration Oxidative phosphorylation, Glycolysis


XCI status in female cells XaXa XaXi

Oct4 enhancer usage Distal Proximal

Global DNA methylation Hypomethylated Hypermethylated

Response to LIF/stat3 Self‐renewal None

Response to Fgf/Erk Differentiation Self‐renewal

Response to 2i Self‐renewal Differentiation

Level of HERVH3 expression High Low

Efficiency of gene targeting High Low

H3K27Me3 over developmental Low High


TFE3 localization Nuclear Cytoplasmic/absent

Gene expression changes are based upon murine PSCs.
Chimera assays are not always possible for hPSCs due to ethical concerns.

HERVH expression is seen only in hPSCs.


Table 1. Characteristic features of naïve and primed pluripotent stem cell states.

Much of what we know about the growth factor dependence of naïve and primed PSCs is
based on studies performed with mESCs and mEpiSCs. Mouse ESCs can be maintained long
term in the naïve state when cultured in the presence of serum plus leukemia inhibitory factor
34 Pluripotent Stem Cells - From the Bench to the Clinic

(LIF), which signals through a bipartite receptor to activate Janus‐associated kinases (JAK)
which leads to the activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (Stat3) [10].
However, in the absence of serum, LIF alone is unable to prevent differentiation of mESCs.
This limitation is overcome by the addition of two small molecule kinase inhibitors termed
“2i” with LIF. The 2i components include a specific inhibitor of extracellular signal‐regulated
kinase (ERK1/2)/mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK) signal transduction pathway
(MEKi, PD0325901) and a specific inhibitor of glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK3βi,
CHIR99021) that protect the ESCs from pro‐differentiation stimuli and select against differ‐
entiating cells [11]. The most critical effects of GSK3i are mediated via β‐catenin, which is the
key mediator of Wnt/β‐catenin signaling pathway. While fibroblast growth factor (FGF)‐
mediated activation of MEK signaling drives differentiation of mESCs, primed mEpiSCs
require basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF or FGF2) and are dependent on the activin/nodal
pathway for the maintenance of pluripotency [3]. Similar to the mEpiSCs, human PSCs do not
require LIF but are dependent on bFGF and activin/transforming growth factor β‐1 (TGFβ1)
for their long‐term maintenance in culture [12, 13]. However, as discussed later, it is possible
to revert primed hPSCs to the naïve state using LIF/2i.

Naïve mESCs and primed mEpiSCs also differ in the expression of pluripotency‐associated
transcription factors. While the pluripotency factors Oct4/Pou5f1 and Sox2 are expressed in
both naïve and primed murine PSCs, factors like Nanog, Klf2, Klf4, Prdm14, Sall4, Tfcp2l1,
Esrrb, and Tbx3 are preferentially expressed or upregulated in the naïve mESCs. In addition,
Tfe3, which is localized in the nucleus of naïve PSCs, becomes cytoplasmic upon their
conversion to the primed state and results in reduced expression of Esrrb [14]. The forced
expression of naïvity‐associated transcription factors has been shown to convert the primed
iPSCs into to the naïve state suggesting their importance for the propagation of the ground
state [15]. Although conventional hPSCs functionally resemble the primed pluripotent state
of mEpiSCs, they are not identical and show specific differences in transcription regulation
and the expression of various markers like FGF5, E‐CADHERIN, and NANOG (reviewed in

3. Strategies for the generation of naïve human pluripotent stem cells

The naïve pluripotent state of mESCs is also observed in PSCs derived from rat embryos [17,
18]. However, naïve PSCs were not observed in other species in this study and it was not clear
if this was a feature only of rodent ESCs or if it would be possible to capture it in other species.
In recent years, naïve‐like stem cells have been isolated from porcine fibroblasts [19], rhesus
monkey fibroblasts [20], rabbit embryos, liver and stomach [21], finch embryos [22], and bovine
amnion‐derived cells [23]. In addition, several reports of the successful derivation of human
PSCs resembling naïve mESCs in morphology and gene expression signatures have also been
published [24–32]. This confirms that the naïve‐like pluripotent state is not species specific as
originally assumed to be limited to rodents, but may reflect an early developmental stage
conserved across mammalian and possibly vertebrate evolution. The ability to capture human
States of Pluripotency: Naïve and Primed Pluripotent Stem Cells 35

PSCs in the naïve state opens up a plethora of opportunities for their use in disease modeling
and regenerative medicine.

Reference Method used Growth factors in medium XCI status Chimera

Hanna et al. 2010 [24] Sustained or transient LIF/2i or LIF/2i/FK or LIF/2i Pre‐XCI ND
expression of OCT4, SOX2,
KLF4 or KLF2  

Gafni et al. 2013 [26] Small molecules LIF/2i/bFGF/TGFβ/JNKi/ Pre‐XCI Positive


Chan et al. 2013 [25] Small molecules LIF/2i/BMPi/ ND ND


Takashima et al. 2014 [27]   Sustained or transient LIF/2i/Go¨ 6983 Pre‐XCI ND

expression of NANOG and

Valamehr et al. 2014 [29] Small molecules LIF/2i/bFGF Pre‐XCI ND

Theunissen et al. 2014 [28]  Selection based on OCT4 distal LIF/5i/bFGF/ ActivinA XaXi negative
enhancer activity

Wang et al. 2014 [35] Selection of HERVH LIF/2i/bFGF Pre‐XCI ND

expressing cells

Ware et al. 2014 [30] Small molecules 2i/bFGF ND ND

Duggal et al. 2015 [31] Small molecules LIF/2i/bFGF/FK/AA ND ND

Yang et al. 2016 [34] Small molecules LIF/5i/bFGF/ ND Positive


Carter et al. 2016 [32] Recombinant protein NME7AB Pre‐XCI ND

FK, forskolin; AA, ascorbic acid; Xa, active X; Xi, inactive X; XCI, X chromosome inactivation; ND, not done.

Table 2. Summary of various protocols used for generating naïve human pluripotent stem cells.

Naïve‐like human PSCs have been obtained either by forced expression of pluripotency
transcription factors or by using various combinations of small molecules and/or growth
factors to improve the culture conditions for inducing and maintaining naïve stem cell
characteristics (Table 2). Buecker and colleagues described the derivation of hiPSCs in the
presence of LIF and five ectopic reprogramming factors, OCT4, SOX2, KLF4, cMYC, and
NANOG (called hLR5 iPSCs), that displayed morphological, molecular, and functional
properties of mESCs [33]. In another study, the Jaenisch group showed that the ectopic
induction of OCT4, KLF4, and KLF2 in hESCs grown in 2i/LIF media resulted in naïve stem
cells that resembled mESCs in their gene expression profile and reactivation of both X
chromosomes [24]. One limitation of this approach is that continuous expression of the
pluripotency factors was required for maintenance of the ground state in the resultant PSCs
36 Pluripotent Stem Cells - From the Bench to the Clinic

thereby restricting their potential for downstream applications. To overcome this limitation,
several groups have used small molecules to achieve transgene‐independent derivation of
naïve hPSCs. Using a reporter cell line containing a doxycycline (dox)‐inducible OCT4-Green
Fluorescent Protein (OCT4-GFP) reporter, Gafni et al. [26] identified a combination of factors
that facilitated the derivation of genetically unmodified naïve hESCs from blastocysts, hiPSCs
from somatic cells, as well as the reverse toggling and maintenance of primed hESCs into the
naïve state. This naïve human stem cell medium (NHSM) included essential components [2i/
LIF, TGFβ1, c‐Jun N‐terminal kinase inhibitor (JNKi, SP600125), p38i (SB203580)] and opti‐
mizing components [Rho kinase inhibitor (ROCKi, Y‐27632) and protein kinase C inhibitor
(PKCi, Go6983)] for supporting the growth of naïve hPSCs [26]. These naïve‐like hiPSCs grown
in NHSM showed higher integration into chimeras compared to the primed PSCs. In another
study, Chan et al. [25] screened 11 small molecules for their ability to increase NANOG
expression and identified a combination of three inhibitors [2i plus a bone morphogenetic
protein (BMP) inhibitor, dorsomorphin] in TeSR1 base medium and LIF that maintained hESCs
in the ground state. The authors observed an upregulation of a number of genes that are
expressed in human preimplantation embryos in the hESCs grown in 3i/LIF medium com‐
pared to the conventionally cultured hESCs. Valamehr et al. [29] also reported the derivation
and maintenance of transgene‐free hiPSCs with naïve‐like characteristics using fate mainte‐
nance medium (FMM) that contains 2i/LIF in conventional hESC medium. These cells showed
high survival rates in single‐cell dissociation and displayed the characteristics of a pre‐XCI
state with decreased levels of XIST and H3K27me3. In contrast, Ware et al. [30] were able to
reverse toggle primed hESCs by preculture in the histone deacetylase inhibitors, sodium
butyrate, and suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid, followed by culture in 2i with bFGF in the
absence of LIF. In addition, they reported the derivation of naïve hESCs only in the presence
of 2i and bFGF.

To more systematically identify optimal culture conditions for the induction and maintenance
of naïve human pluripotency, Theunissen et al. [28] screened a kinase inhibitor library using
a specific reporter system based on the activity of the endogenous OCT4 distal enhancer that
is exclusively active in the naïve pluripotent state. They described a serum‐free N2B27 medium
supplemented with five kinase inhibitors (MEKi, GSK3βi, BRAFi, LCK/SRCi, ROCKi), LIF,
bFGF, and activin A (5i/L/FA) that was sufficient to maintain naïve hESCs in culture. Cells
grown under these conditions showed a dramatic upregulation of transcription factors
typically associated with naïve pluripotency and human preimplantation development.
However, abnormal karyotype in several converted and newly derived hESC lines in 5i/L/FA
was observed leading to the authors’ suggestion that naïve hPSCs may be more prone to
acquiring chromosomal abnormalities. In addition, in this study, hESCs grown either in the
5i/L/FA medium or as per the Gafni et al. protocol [26] did not form interspecies chimeras
efficiently. The authors attributed this discrepancy between the two studies to slight variations
in culture conditions or embryo handling. Furthermore, female hESCs grown under 5i/L/FA
conditions showed an upregulation of XIST and XCI upon conversion from the primed state.
These features illustrate the limitation of hPSCs derived in 5i/L/FA medium or, as suggested
by the authors, this may highlight the differences in the naïve pluripotent state between human
and mouse. Using this 5i/L/FA medium, naïve iPSCs could be generated from fibroblasts
States of Pluripotency: Naïve and Primed Pluripotent Stem Cells 37

derived from β‐thalassemia patients in whom the genetic mutation was corrected by CRISPR/
Cas9 gene editing [34]. More recently, Duggal et al. [31] reported the formulation of yet another
culture medium that facilitated the rapid, robust, and efficient induction of naïve pluripotency
in primed hESCs. In addition to the 2i/LIF, the authors included ascorbic acid (known to induce
DNA demethylation and enhance reprogramming), forskolin (an activator of cAMP, shown
to promote naïve pluripotency), and different concentrations of bFGF in the culture medium
to identify optimal conditions for converting primed hESC lines toward a naïve state of

Another method, based on the selection of cells with naïve‐like characteristics from a hetero‐
geneous population of naïve and primed PSCs, has been published. Since LTR7/human
endogenous retrovirus, HERVH, expression was found to be required for maintaining
pluripotency in hPSC, Wang et al. developed an LTR7‐driven GFP reporter construct to tag,
select, and maintain naïve‐like hPSCs [35]. By using this reporter, the authors were able to sort
and enrich for LTR7‐GFP‐expressing cells and thus maintain a homogeneous population of
naïve‐like hPSCs over the long term. The hPSCs selected based on high expression of HERVH
shared many features with naïve mESCs that included 3D rounded colonies, reactivation of
the X chromosome in female cells, and uniform expression of core pluripotency transcription
factors with downregulation of genes expressed in differentiated cells. Moreover, these cells
grew faster and had improved cloning capacity making them suitable for genetic manipula‐
tion. However, the level of HERVH expression was found to be an important determinant of
the ability of the stem cells to differentiate with higher levels of HERVH interfering with the
differentiation potential. The LTR7‐GFP reporter could be useful for further optimization of
culture conditions for the maintenance of naïve pluripotent state for human stem cells.

Although it is possible to generate human PSCs with features that are characteristic of naïve
mESCs by culturing them in the presence of exogenous factors or a cocktail of small molecules,
their tendency to develop karyotypic abnormalities in long‐term culture [28] raises concerns
that these may not be the true, naturally occurring human naïve stem cells. To capture this
natural naïve state of hPSCs without additional growth factors or small molecules, Carter et
al. [32] developed a novel approach using a naturally occurring human growth factor, NME7,
in minimal media without bFGF, LIF, or any other small molecule. NME7 belongs to the NME
family of nucleotide phosphate kinases but lacks the kinase activity. It is proposed to act by
binding to the MUC1* growth factor receptor that is expressed on the surface of stem cells and
results in its dimerization which promotes growth and pluripotency. The hPSCs grown in the
presence of NME7AB, recombinant human NME7 protein, grew faster, showed resistance to
differentiation, demonstrated increased cloning efficiency, had two active X chromosomes in
the female cells, and had a normal karyotype after 30 or more passages. However, NME7AB‐
derived cells did not form colonies and grew preferentially as a monolayer. The various
strategies used for the derivation of naïve‐like hPSCs are summarized in Table 2.

While all of the above‐mentioned approaches claim to have successfully derived the so‐
called ground state naïve‐like hPSC, the resultant cells do not share the same gene expres‐
sion patterns, although there is some overlap [32]. Therefore, a set of core genes/markers
that clearly define naïve hPSCs is not currently available but is highly desirable.
38 Pluripotent Stem Cells - From the Bench to the Clinic

4. Naïve hPSCs for gene targeting and regenerative medicine

The ability to generate homogeneous populations of stable naïve hPSCs that have the potential
to differentiate equally toward all lineages will be critical for their use in disease modeling and
regenerative medicine. The faster doubling time of naïve PSCs and their capacity for clonal
expansion is important for generating large number of cells required for screening applica‐
tions. Marked differences in the propensity of hESCs to differentiate into certain lineages or
cell types have been reported [36]. Additionally, hiPSCs generated using conventional
methods were shown to be limited in their proficiency of lineage‐specific differentiation that
can be influenced by the donor cell type [37]. However, new data show that the differentiation
propensities of hiPSCs are significantly biased by donor‐dependent variability and not by cell
type of origin [38]. It has been suggested that the conversion of hiPSCs to a more naïve‐like
state could improve their in vitro differentiation potential toward specific cell types by
resetting their epigenetic status [39, 40]. However, a systematic study to directly compare the
differentiation efficiency of isogenic naïve and primed hPSCs into different cell types has not
been done and will be necessary to establish that naïve hiPSCs have a better differentiation
ability than their primed counterparts. It has been observed that the efficiency of homologous
recombination is significantly higher in mESCs in comparison to hESCs and hiPSCs [41, 26],
suggesting that the PSCs in the naïve state might be more amenable to gene editing. In addition,
the very low clonal efficiency and slow growth rate of primed hPSCs limit the full potential of
gene targeting mediated by site‐specific nucleases, thereby supporting the generation of naïve
PSCs for efficient gene editing. Hu et al. [42] converted primed state iPSCs from Parkinson's
disease patients to a so‐called “naivetropic” state by dox‐induced expression of transgenes
(OCT4, SOX2, KLF4, c‐MYC, and NANOG) and the use of LIF/2i. Using these cells, they were
able to target GFP to the PITX3 locus by transcription activator‐like effector nuclease (TALEN)
very efficiently. Similarly, Yang et al. [34] showed significant improvement in the mutation
correction efficiency in naïve hiPSCs derived from β‐thalassemia patients using the 5i/L/FA
system [28].

5. Naïve hPSCs for studying the process of X inactivation during early

human embryonic development

In addition to the therapeutic potential of pluripotent stem cells for drug screening and
regenerative medicine, their ability to recapitulate early embryonic differentiation is useful for
study of the pathways involved in cell commitment and embryonic differentiation. One such
process that is developmentally regulated and tightly linked with cell differentiation is the
random inactivation of one of the two X chromosomes in all of the cells in female mammals
that balances the sex difference in dosage of X‐linked genes. This is a highly coordinated and
stepwise process involving many noncoding RNAs that affect epigenetic modifications and
cause transcriptional silencing of the entire X chromosome barring a few genes that escape
silencing (see [43] for a recent review on the subject). Most of what we know about the
mechanism of XCI comes from many elegant studies done with mice and has benefited from
States of Pluripotency: Naïve and Primed Pluripotent Stem Cells 39

the existence of naïve state mESCs with two active X chromosomes that undergo random XCI
upon further differentiation. However, there are distinct differences between the XCI process
in mice and humans (reviewed in [44]). For example, the imprinted inactivation of the paternal
X chromosome seen in the early mouse embryo and maintained in the placenta does not occur
in human embryo [45] which only exhibit random XCI. In addition, some of the genes that
escape XCI in humans are inactivated in mice [46] and substantial diversity in the timing and
regulation of XCI between mammals has been observed [47]. Therefore, having the ability to
model XCI using hESCs or hiPSCs is highly desirable and will definitely benefit from opti‐
mized methods to derive and maintain female hESCs or hiPSCs in the naïve state with two
active X chromosomes.

6. Naïve hPSCs for in vitro modeling of human diseases

Human PSCs can be used to study underlying mechanisms of diseases that cannot be modeled
easily in mice. One such example is the repeat‐mediated aberrant silencing of the fragile X
mental retardation 1 (FMR1) gene in fragile X syndrome (FXS). FXS is the most common cause
of inherited intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder [48]. The most common
mutation in FXS is the expansion of a CGG‐repeat tract in the 5′‐untranslated region of the
FMR1 gene that causes its transcriptional silencing by DNA methylation and heterochromatin
formation [49, 50]. It is believed that the repeat‐mediated FMR1 gene silencing is develop‐
mentally regulated with the gene being active in the early embryo and silenced at a later time
during development (see [51] for a recent review). Mouse models for the expanded CGG
repeats do not result in Fmr1 gene silencing [52, 53] and therefore cannot be used for studying
the underlying mechanism of gene silencing in FXS or its effect on the developing brain. In the
first reported FXS embryonic stem cell line, the FMR1 gene was active in the ESCs and showed
silencing upon differentiation into embryoid bodies [54]. This generated a great interest in
developing stem cells as a model to study the mechanisms involved in gene silencing.
However, in most of the subsequently generated FXS ESCs, the FMR1 gene is already silenced
[55, 56]. Additionally, iPSCs generated from FXS patient fibroblasts do not show reactivation
of the FMR1 gene [57]. Using a strategy that would favor the generation of naïve iPSCs, Gafni
et al. [26] were able to derive naïve state FXS iPSCs that had an active FMR1 gene. These
observations lend support to the idea that the FMR1 gene is active in the very early embryo
but that silencing occurs very soon after that perhaps associated with the transition to the
primed state. A better understanding of this process may allow the modeling of developmental
silencing of the FMR1 gene in vitro. In addition, these studies will also illuminate the general
process by which heterochromatin might be reset during the process of reprogramming cells
to pluripotency.

7. Conclusions

Recent research suggests that it might be possible to achieve naïve pluripotency of hESCs and
hiPSCs by using specific combinations of small molecule inhibitors and growth factors in the
40 Pluripotent Stem Cells - From the Bench to the Clinic

culture medium during their derivation and growth. The ability to generate and maintain naïve
pluripotent stem cells will facilitate studies on early human embryonic development and the
mechanisms involved in XCI in vitro. This will also improve the odds of genetically correcting
mutations that cause human diseases and thus help in dissecting the mechanisms of disease
pathogenesis. In addition, the ability to stably maintain the epigenetic state of the pluripotent
stem cells will be critical for their use in stem cell‐based gene therapies.


I thank Karen Usdin and Yifan Zhou (Laboratory of Cell and Molecular Biology, National
Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health),
Barbara Mallon (NIH Stem Cell Unit, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke),
and James Kehler (Special volunteer at the National Institutes of Health) for critical reading of
the manuscript and helpful discussions.

Author details

Daman Kumari

Address all correspondence to:

Laboratory of Cell and Molecular Biology, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and
Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA


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