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Appendix 1: Lesson Plan (template)

LESSON PLAN Subject: Math

Trainee: Esra Topic or Theme: Adding 3 digit numbers with regrouping

Class: Grade 2 Date & Duration: 45 minutes

Trainee Personal Goals

This lesson, I’m working on learning how to manage my time among between the activities, the
introduction and closing

Lesson Focus

• The focus of the lesson is for the students to be able to work on addition and regrouping

Lesson Outcomes

• Students will be able to add 3 digits’ numbers with regrouping

Links to Prior Learning

• In term 1 grade 2 took adding 3 numbers with no regrouping

21st Century Skills

• Collaboration and communication: students will work in pairs and socialize together to solve the

• Critical Thinking: students will think carefully while adding and regrouping on every question

Key vocabulary

• Hundreds
• Tens
• Ones
• Vertical
• Add
• Sum up
Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

• Learners might find the activities a • To solve this problem, I have to model the
little hard activities in a way they could understand me

Resources/equipment needed

• white board
• number line
• worksheet
• numbers 1-100
• activities
• glues
• pencils
• white boards
• markers

& Time
10 minutes Students will: Teacher will:
• After the teacher call the • Teacher will first start the lesson by
white board students to the front of the telling the students to come to the
class, students will sit down floor, then she will tell them to
number line and start counting with the start counting by 10s. She will
teacher by 10s. after that they count with the students then she
worksheet will listen to the teacher will let them count alone. After that
introducing the lesson. then teacher, will introduce the lesson
numbers 1-100
students will participate in by reading what the students will
solving the examples with the be learning today with them out
teacher. loud. Then teacher with put a
worksheet on the board and solve
two examples with the students
Main activities
& Time
15 minutes Students will: Teacher will:
• Students will watch the • Teacher will model the activities for
activities teacher modeling the activities the students depends on the level
carefully. After the teacher of the groups.
glue finish modeling the activities • The first group which is the master
students will go to their tables group they will work individually.
pencils and start working on their Students will get a worksheet
activities. Students must raise which they must find the sum of
number line their hands if they need help the addition after that they must
or they have any questions to solve the puzzle below and match
ask. the letters to the blank lines below
• The developing group which is
group number 2. This group will
work in pair. They must find and
solve the sum up of the addition
and find the answer then stick it on
the blank paper
• The emerging Students in pair will
get spinner and a paper with
hundred, tens and ones’ columns.
Students will spin the spinner and
see the number and the other
student write it in the blanks
starting from the hundreds. Then
they must solve it together

Differentiation activities (Support)

• I will support the students with a number line on their tables and 1-block, 10-block and 100
block for them if they need to count with adding

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

& Time Plenary/Conclusion

Students will Teacher will

• After the teacher clap three • Teacher will clap three times to
10 minutes times the students will stop get the students attention. She will
mini white working and listen to her. After tell them to put everything on the
boards that they will leave the center of the table and come to
activities put everything on the the floor with their mini white
markers center of the table. Teacher will boards and markers. The teacher
call them to the floor, so the will recap the lesson with them
students will take their mini and ask them what did they learn
boards and sit on the front of today. After that, the teacher will
the class to finish today’s write a problem on the board and
lesson. teacher will ask them tell the students to solve it on their
what did they learn today boards. After the students finish
students will answer after that the teacher will say show me to
teacher will write a problem on
the board and tell the students check the students if they
to solve it. students will solve understood the lesson.
the problem and wait for the
teacher to say show me so they
can put up their boards and
show her their answers.


Assessment After I finish the assessment I will tell the students to write their names on the mini
Strategies: board and put it on their desk. Then when they leave I will check it and see if they get
the answers right this means that I did well explaining the lesson but If they didn’t get
any of the answers right, that means I should do the lesson in another way with new
☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment

☐ Quiz ☐ Student presentation ☐ Written work and ☐ Verbal feedback



This is my first observation at my new school Shamma Bint Mohammed with grade 2. I started the
lesson by telling the students that we will start by listening to a counting from 1 to 100, and that was
the first mistake I made. I should’ve used higher counting numbers like counting hundreds by tens or
counting backward. Another mistake I did is when I started to teach the lesson is that I forgot to
introduce the vocabulary to the students which is not a good start to the lesson. I want to change so
many things in the way I teach, like being comfortable more while teaching. Another thing I want to do
if I had the chance to do this lesson again is to change the way I teach the lesson for the students
because I felt like I was just giving the students some examples then I modeled the activities and told
them start working, I should watch some videos on YouTube of how different teachers teach the
lessons also, I must learn from my MST and ask her questions about the lesson before teaching it. In
addition, for my next observation I want to ask for questions to the students and provide more hands
one activities for them to help them learn more

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