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Dear Students

This is just to make everyone aware that in case the VISA gets REFUSED it is due to
the reasons mentioned below. So we request you to avoid the consequences and
read everything properly.So we guide by each and every single step.

The application procedure to get to the point where you get a response from the
embassy takes months. The first step is for you to decide that you want to study
in Germany and identify universities which match your interests and where you
think you have a higher probability of getting admitted.
Being admitted into a university is only the first half of the process. The most
difficult part comes after, when you have to apply for the visa. There are many
agencies and consultants who for a fee will prepare your visa application
documents and guide you through the procedure, or you can prepare everything
on your own. Either way, you have to make sure that you have all the necessary
documents and fulfill all requirements.
So here are few reasons student visa application could get rejected in Germany.

1.Your academics
Germany’s education is regarded as one of the most difficult. They refuse to
accept any student who does not have a good academic background and shows
little potential for succeeding. You might have submitted your academic
documents and you thought that they were fine, but if the Embassy does not
believe that you can withstand the tough academic programs that Germany has,
or if your academic records are not up to German standards, they will ultimately
reject you.
Tip: If you don’t have excellent grades or academic background, you have the
chance to prove your potential during the interview. Try to come up with reasons
about why you would be a great candidate and how you will improve your
academics. Visa interviewers will appreciate that you are making an effort to
improve your academic potential.
Students whose acadmeics are weak should state why obtained less percentage
and how they can improve.
2. Poor Financial Status
This is the number one reason most students have their visas refused. Despite the
fact that most institutions in Germany do not charge tuition fees, you still need to
be financially sound to survive in Germany. The German Embassy wants students
to concentrate on their studies and does not want them to get distracted as a
result of financial difficulties. Lack of sufficient funds can force students into
crime. They may also neglect their studies altogether and take up jobs.
The German Embassy therefore places a huge emphasis on the financial capability
of students. Students require around 720 Euros per month to cover the cost of
living in Germany. It may be higher or lower depending on the city. Students are
expected to show a minimum of 8640 Euros every year in order to renew their
visa. As such, if the German Embassy has any reason to believe that you might
have trouble financing your studies, it can easily lead to your visa being rejected.
The German Embassy is becoming stricter and stricter every year and is
requesting stronger financial proof to ensure students are not stranded in
Germany. Some students from Pakistan are now being asked to show blocked
account for two years. This means they need to block 17280 euros in order to be
granted a visa.
Some embassies are also requesting sponsor’s bank statements and financial
documents in addition to the blocked account. The reason for this is that they
want to make sure your sponsor is in the financial position to send you 8640
euros every year for the duration of your studies. Remember that the German
embassy assumes you will not be depending on part-time jobs to finance your
studies once you arrive in Germany.
This is where you should be very careful. Please avoid borrowing large sums of
money and dumping it into the account of your sponsor some few months before
your interview as they can easily detect this. It is advisable to choose a person
who has had substantial assets and savings in his account for a number of years.
Also, he or she should earn not less than 1500 euros per month and shouldn't
have many dependents. If your sponsor earns less than that, they might doubt his
or her capability to provide you with the required amount of money every year.
It is also important to note that your sponsor should not be necessarily related to
you. What matters is that he or she should have a good motive for sponsoring
you. It is better to choose a non-family member with a strong financial
background than a family member with a not so good financial background.
3.Lack of Preparation for Your Interview
Some students go into the interview totally unprepared which makes the visa
officer doubt their seriousness to study in Germany. The visa officer expects you
to know some basic facts about Germany. He or she expects you to know some
facts about the state and city where your school is located. More importantly, you
are required to know some facts about your school and your study programme. If
you go into the interview lacking knowledge in any of these facts, the visa officer
concludes that you are not really serious about studying in Germany and this can
lead to your visa being refused.
To be able to sail smoothly through the German student visa interview, you
should be able to understand the motive behind the questions asked by the visa
officer. The questions asked during a German visa interview can be grouped into
four categories. These are:
1. Questions about Germany
2. Questions about your seriousness as a student
3. Questions that test your intentions
4. Questions that asses your financial situation

4. Insufficient Language Level (Either German or English)

It is very common for students to apply to study a programme in Germany that
requires let's say C1 German language level when they only have an A2
qualification. This makes the visa officer doubt whether they can be able to
comprehend lectures and pass examinations successfully.
As a student, your ability to succeed academically is of high importance to the
embassy and hence anything that would hinder your academic progress can be a
reason for rejection. The same applies for English-taught programmes in
Germany. If you have a very low score in your IELTS, the visa officer would doubt
if you can be able to understand and pass lectures in English and this can
contribute to your visa being rejected.
Before going for a German taught program, make sure you have mastered
German to a certain level (at least B2) and can be able to speak it to a certain
degree. The visa officer will likely conduct your interview in German if you study
program is in German. So it’s not enough to be able to read and understand
German, you should be able to speak it as well. If the VO realises you can't give
some basic answers to his or her questions in German, it can easily lead to
The main problem with IELTS is that some students feel they can trick the
embassy by presenting fake results. Please refrain from this. If you are caught, it’s
a serious offence and you won’t be getting a visa to Germany anytime soon. The
IELTS isn't difficult and anyone who puts at most 3 months of hard work into it
can be sure of scoring at least an overall band of 6.5 (which is the minimum
requirement in most German universities).

5.Your profile
Every developed country has a certain profile of people that they want to allow
entrance in their country. Most of them want young and skilled people who can
fill the vacant job positions that natives of the country cannot. They are always
looking for people who have potential to improve the economic landscape of the
Germany too is looking for young and skilled people. If you do not fit the age
group or if your field of study is not required in the country or the particular state
your university is in, the Embassy will have enough reason to reject you.
Tip: Research the requirements of the country for skilled labor before you decide
on your field of study. Try to match your experience and background with a
subject that is also being required in the country or in the state you want to go to.

6.Inconsistency With Your Choice of Study Programme

This usually comes in two forms. The first form is when students apply for
master's programmes in Germany that are totally unrelated to what they did in
their bachelor's degrees.
The second form is when a student applies for a second bachelor's degree or a
second master's degree programme in Germany. The bachelor's degree is not that
well regarded in Germany and having 2 bachelor's degrees is like starting 2
educational paths and finishing neither of them. Also, if you already have a
master's degree, the visa officer might wonder why you aren't applying for a PhD.
This can make you appear desperate and the visa officer would doubt if your true
intention is to study.
It is advisable to show solid proof of why you want to study in a new field which
can be in the form of work experience in the new field. You should make your
reason for choosing to study in a new field known to the visa officer and in your
motivation letter as well. Below is a good example of a reason given by a student
for going for a master’s program that was totally unrelated to his bachelors.

How to Write Your Motivation Letter for a German Student Visa

Most students do not think much of their motivation letter. However, it is one of
the most important—if not the most important—components of your visa
application. Your motivation letter is assessed by the Immigration Office in your
university town in Germany, where they decide based on the information you
have provided whether studying abroad will help you be of benefit both to
Germany and your home country. If they feel your long-term goals will not
provide any substantial benefit to your home country and more importantly to
Germany, it can easily lead to the refusal of your visa.

This is why a lot of research and effort should be put into writing your motivation
letter. Your goals and aspirations should align with what Germany and your home
country expect from students who will be studying in the field you applied to.
For your motivation letter to be successful, it should address certain key issues
and be in the right format.
The format of your motivation letter should have these three features:
1. Introduction
2. Body
3. Conclusion
1. Introduction
The introduction should address:
 What makes Germany stand apart from other countries
 Why you would like to study in Germany
What Makes Germany Stand Apart From Other Countries?
What is it about Germany that sets it apart from other equally developed nations?
This is the first question that your motivation letter should address.
You should use this section to outline some of Germany's remarkable
achievements and to explain what is so special about the country that you are
prepared to leave your family and stay there for a minimum of eighteen months.
Let the person reading your motivation letter feel proud that he or she is German.
Some things that set Germany apart from other countries are:
 It is one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world.
 It has the world's fourth-largest economy by nominal GDP, as well as the fifth
largest by purchasing power parity.
 It is the world's third-largest exporter and importer of goods.
 It has been listed as the most energy-efficient major economy by the
American Council for an Energy-Efficient economy.
Why Would You Like to Study in Germany?
This is the most important part of your introduction. It can be successfully written
by following these four instructions:
1. Start by explaining what it is about the German educational system that sets it
apart from the rest. For example:
 Their dual teaching system, which combines theoretical learning and practical
training, produces graduates who are well prepared for the work
 Their educational system is of high quality. As such, it is no surprise that it has
been able to generate world-class scholars like Albert Einstein and Max
2. Elaborate on the importance of education to the German government and how
the low cost of their education influenced your choice to study there. For
 The German government heavily invests in education and research, which
accounts for DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) being the world's
largest funding organization for international exchange in higher education.
 Tuition-free education is extended not only to their citizens but to
international students as well, making the cost of tuition there cheaper as
compared to other countries.
3. Safety is of major concern to every international student. As such, it is wise to
point how safe Germany is as compared to other popular study destinations. For
 Germany has been listed as the fourth safest country in the world for
international students according to a survey conducted by the student room
4. Last but not least, don't forget to bring up the advantage of learning a second
language. For example:
 With more than 100 million native speakers, German is the most widely-
spoken first language in Europe, and hence the German language is becoming
increasingly important in the global market.
2. Body
The body of your motivation letter should address:
 Why you chose to study at your university
 Reasons for the choice of your study program
Why Did You Choose to Study at Your University?
The first part of your body should follow these three instructions:
1. Begin by giving some solid points on what makes your university attractive to
international students. For example:
 It has a strong international focus and has most of its students have spent at
least one semester of study or internship abroad.
 It provides an excellent learning and working environment that creates the
necessary framework for a short period of study and a high level of success.
2. Is the level and quality of programs taught at your university different from
other universities? If so, hit on the points that make them of higher quality. Also,
if the level of infrastructure, teaching, research and the competence of the
professors at your university are miles ahead of other universities, proudly point
that out. For example:
 The professors and lecturers are accomplished and approachable researchers
who enjoy working closely with students to help them reach their full
 It possesses modern infrastructure and laboratories equipped with the latest
3. Internships are crucial to helping students find jobs after completing their
studies, so if your university offers help in this regard, it will be advantageous to
state it. For example:
 My university maintains numerous collaborative contacts with industries such
that its students have little difficulty in finding eager partners for their
projects, internships, or bachelor’s theses.
Why Did You Choose Your Study Program?
This part of your body is crucial and can be successfully written with the help of
the five instructions below:
1. It is wise to begin by giving a brief history of how you developed an interest in
the program. For example:
 My interest in Microsystems developed after working on a project on sensors
and transducers during my final year.
2. Give a detailed explanation of what sets the program apart from other similar
programs at other universities. For example:
 The computer science program at TU Dresden ranks very high as compared to
other computer science programs at other universities.
3. Comment on the structure of your study program and how the modules are
designed to be helpful to students. For example:
 The degree has a modular structure allowing students the freedom to choose
from a range of modules according to their academic progress and focus area.
4. What sort of students does your program target and what sort of skills and
expertise does your program provide? These are very important questions which
need to be tackled here. For example:
 The program is designed for students who intend to work for international
companies in functions or projects which require an engineering background
as well as a thorough understanding of management practices.
 The program is designed to be highly interdisciplinary and provides profound
technical expertise as well as finely-tuned soft skills.
5. At the end of this section, it is very good to outline some career opportunities
that are available to students after completing their studies. For example:
 Graduates of this program have excellent opportunities for starting their
careers and will continue to have good prospects in the future.

3. Conclusion
The conclusion may be used to:
 Address your future plans
 Clarify any inconsistencies in your application
Address Your Future Plans
It is vital to state your long-term goals and aspirations after completing your
studies. You should address how you would be of benefit to Germany and your
home country after completing your studies. It is advisable to make it clear that
you intend to return home after completing your studies.
A good example is to write something like this:
"My main goal after completion of my degree program is to come back home and
use the knowledge and skills that I have acquired to impact positively on my
country. I plan on venturing into the private sector and establishing my own
company that emphasizes on renewable energy production. Various German
Companies like EnD-I AG, Energiebau, and MP-Tech who are into solar and wind
energy have expressed their preparation to partner with the private sector in

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